F.7_Barton Road Streetscape Plan_KTUACity of Grand Terrace
City Council Presentation
January 12, 2021
Jacob Leon, KTUA
Project Manager
•The Barton Road Streetscape Plan (Plan) will help guide the City to
•The Plan as new
projects are discussed and/or implemented such as active transportation,
urban greening, or commercial and mixed-used developments.
•Will include
•Barton Road is being transformed into a corridor that will
and at any of the numerous
destinations found along and adjacent to the corridor.
•Recent transportation efforts were completed as part of a partnership with
Caltrans. These include a roundabout, signage,
landscaping, and sidewalk improvement, all of which support the efforts
presented in this Plan.
Barton Road Vivienda AvenueMt. Vernon AvenueArlissDriveCanal Street
The MIDAS Program clearly outlines the
city’s ambitious goals for Grand
Terrace’s future.
Barton Road serves as a gateway to the
city at large and to other proposed
projects such as:
●Grand Terrace Town Square
●The Gateway (Lewis Project)
●Barton & Vivienda Parcels
●Gage Canal Class 1/Linear Park
●Update to Barton Road Specific Plan.
Barton Road is an arterial street that provides vital connections to
destinations throughout the city. Existing conditions include:
•Bi-directional travel, two lanes each direction with a center turn lane
o Traffic counts: close to 30,000 ADT •Traffic signals at key intersections•Relatively consistent right-of-way of 72-74 feet curb-to-curb•Sidewalks and planted parkways•Street lighting
•Site map for general comments
•Interactive display boards
•Prize wheel for participating
●Enhanced sidewalks (pavers, brick,
or concrete score patterns)
●Street trees and landscaping
●Sidewalk art, where possible
●Wayfinding signage
●Gateway monument
●Pedestrian-scale lighting
What did
we hear?
•Streetscape design concepts based on feedback collected by community/City.
Two major design themes:
o Concept 1 includes the section between Vivienda Avenue and Canal Street.
o Concept 2 includes the section between Canal Street and Arliss Drive.•The designs vary slightly to create a unique environment for those travelling
through the corridor.•They build upon the design precedent set by the recent Caltrans improvements
at the Interstate 215 interchange. •Final design decisions and implementation will be decided when the City sees
the opportunity i.e., new development project.
●Enhanced crossings (stamped-brick patterns)
●Black metal materials (lighting, signage)
●Variety of rock textures and colors
●Mountain silhouette
Road and
Barton Road Vivienda AvenueMt. Vernon AvenueArlissDriveCanal Street
●Encompasses the section of Barton Road between
Vivienda Avenue and Canal Street.
●Provides access to Grand Terrace Town Square Center
and other ongoing projects such as “Canal Square.”
●Recommendations include enhanced sidewalk
pavement, street trees that provide shade while
minimizing business visual obstruction, new parkway
landscaping, pedestrian-scale lighting, and other
outdoor furnishings where appropriate.
Concept 1
Concept 1
2 3
1 2
3 4
Street trees Enhanced landscaping in parkway
Enhanced sidewalk
paving pattern
Pedestrian-scale lighting
with banner option
Concept 1
Concept 1
1-2 Years of Tree Growth
Concept 1
5 Years of Tree Growth
Concept 1
10 Years of Tree Growth
Concept 1
Concept 1
Concept 1
Barton Road Vivienda AvenueMt. Vernon AvenueArlissDriveCanal Street
●Encompasses the section between Canal Street
and Arliss Drive.
●Provides access to multiple shopping centers.
●Recommendations include enhanced sidewalk
pavement, street trees, new parkway landscaping,
pedestrian-scale lighting, and other outdoor
furnishings where appropriate.
●Gateway opportunity in a proposed center media
between Mt. Vernon Avenue and Arliss Drive.
Concept 2
Concept 2
2 3
1 2
3 4
Street trees Enhanced landscaping in parkway
Enhanced sidewalk
paving pattern
Pedestrian-scale lighting
with banner option
Concept 2
Concept 2
1-2 Years of Tree Growth
Concept 2
5 Years of Tree Growth
Concept 2
10 Years of Tree Growth
Concept 2
Concept 2
Concept 2
East End of
Barton Road
East End of
Barton Road
•Barton Road has the potential to be into a
corridor with a The city can
leverage new development projects to help implement this.
•The between Vivienda Avenue and
Arliss Drive is a major win in terms of “implementability.”
•It’s an exciting time for Grand Terrace!
•Team will make necessary edits to graphics and information
presented in the report.
•Funding sources will be included in the final report: i.e.
•can be leveraged to help
implement improvements along Barton Road.
Happy to answer any
questions you may have.
Thank you!
City of Grand Terrace
City Council Presentation
January 12, 2021
Jacob Leon, KTUA
Project Manager