G.9_Park Shade StructuresFitness Park Shade Structures
January 12, 2020
The City receives several requests about adding amenities
and improvements to City Parks.One of the requests has
been to add shade structures at Fitness Park since there is
a lack of natural shade.
The City Council,at its Priorities Workshop Meeting on
June 12,2020,added shade structure for playground areas
at the Grand Terrace Fitness Park because of the lack of
natural shade to shield park visitors and playground
Background Continued
To accomplish the installation of shade structures,the
following is proposed.
1.Staff proposes to purchase the park shade structure
materials for the project directly from Superior Recreational
Products through a governmental purchasing cooperative
named the BuyBoard National Purchasing Cooperative,in
order to do so,the City must join the BuyBoard National
Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard)by adopting a
resolution electing to join and entering into an Interlocal
Participation Agreement.
Background Continued
2.Utilize informal bidding procedures to hire a
contractor for the installation of the structural
poles and shade structures.
To fund the cost of materials and the installation
of the shade structures,it is proposed to allocate
$100,000 from bond proceeds from the 2011A
Bonds Proceeds.
Staff received the attached proposal for the purchase
of shade structure materials at Grand Terrace Fitness Park.
The proposal included schematic design locations of six (6)
columns and three (3)shade sails.
Superior Recreational Products is providing the materials at the
BuyBoard’s government pricing,minus a 10%discount.The total
cost of materials,shipping and tax is $48,778.86.
Once the materials are purchased,the City would then informally
bid the installation of the materials.The cost of installation is
estimated to be $50,000.Total cost of material purchase and
installation is approximately $100,000.
Fitness Park
Shade Colors
1.December 17, 2020. Purchase order for $1,200. Strucural
design for structural design or poles and stamped plans.
2.January 12, 2021. City approves proposed resolution and
issues a purchase order to Superior Recreational Products
(SRP) in the amount of $48,778.87.
3.SRP orders materials. There is an 8-10 week lag time for
ordering columns and approximately 3-4-week lag time for
custom sails.
4.January 18, 2021. City out to bid for the “Grand Terrace
Fitness Park Shade Project.”
5.February 23, 2020. Award contract. Poles installed March
2020. Precise measurements are provided to SRP and for
fabrication of park sail shade material. April/May Sails
fabricated and installed.
6.June 2021, Project complete.
Fiscal Impact
Staff is recommending that City Council approve the
appropriation of $100,000 from the General Fund
2011 Bond Proceeds.
City of Grand Terrace
Use of Approved 2011A Bond Proceeds (20%)
BALANCE: As of 01-07-2021
Account Description Amount
Bond Proceeds as approved by the Department of Finance (20%)
5% of proceeds $289,015
15% of proceeds $2,026,585
Total Authorized $2,315,600
Fiscal Impact
Completed / Partially Completed / Approved Projects:
Account Description Amount
Revised Balance $1,042,210
Other City Council-Approved Priority Projects
Reduction of
Mount Vernon Slope ($580k -$20k for Canopy
Sidewalk & Storm Drains on Michigan $300,000
Reduction of
Barton Road Business Sign Program ($100k -$20k
for Canopy Project)$80,000
NET $102,210
January 12, 2020 Proposed Project Approval
10-955-800-109 Canopy Shade for Fitness Park $100,000
BALANCE, 01-12-2020 $2,210
Staff recommends that the City Council consider waiving the City’s
competitive bidding procedures;and,if such competitive bidding
procedures are waived,then
(1)Adopt the attached resolution electing to join BuyBoard and approving
the Interlocal Participation Agreement;
(2)Approve the purchase of park shade structure materials by purchase
order as described herein;
(3)Authorize Staff to advertise the Grand Terrace Fitness Park Shade
(4)Adopt the attached resolution finding this project is consistent with the
requirements of the 2011 Tax Allocation Bonds and authorizing expenditure
of $100,000 of such proceeds for use on this project;and
(5)Appropriate $100,000 from the General Fund 2011 Bond Proceeds
Balance to Account No.10-955-800-109 for the purchase and installation
of park shade structures at the Grand Terrace Fitness Park.