G.10 Resolution Updating Fees•Fees last formally reviewed 2006
•Staff instructed to review fee structure
•Several goals:
•Streamline the process
•Update Encroachment Permit fees
to capture actual cost of providing
•Include Processing the permit, plan
check and all inspections
•Update Transportation Permit Fees
Fee Background
Pupose of Fees
1. Primary purpose of fees is for inspection
Inspection is necessary for public safety, reduce city liability,
and reduce maintenance costs
2. Manage right of way
City can not manage right of way without permiting
3. The resolution only addesses the fee structure
Fee Categories
Transportation Permits
1.Haul Permit (5)
2.Transportation Permits (10)
Encroachment Permits
1.Encroachment Permit (64)
2. Minor Encroachment Permit (11)
Transportation Permits
1.Haul Permit (5)
•Typically used for mass grading or large
moving operations within City.
•Requires use of Truck Routes
•Requires legal weights
•Specific times of day
2.Transportation Permit Fee (10)
•Moving through the City
•Oversized vehicles and loads
•Requires legal weights
•Late night early morning moves
•CHP assistance
•State mandated fees apply
Encroachment Permits
1.Encroachment Permits (64)
•Primarily short-term utility work in
public right of way
•Street cuts and repairs
•Edison, Riverside Water, Sempra
Energy, Telecom Companies
2.Minor Encroachment Permits (11)
•Special circumstances
•Widening driveway
•Installation of curb drain
Two Permit Processes
1.Streamlined Process (90%)
•Estimates days of work up to 20 days
•Plan check, permit processing and
2.Deposit Based Process (10%)
•All permits over 20 days of work
•All permits with unusual plan check or
inspection requirements.
•Requires tracking of all time
•Requires deposit account
Haul Permit Fee
Fee Comparison Data
Fee per
City of Grand Terrace $ 330.00 Dollars Percentage
City of Redlands (Calculated Min)$ 74.00 256.00 346%
City of San Bernardino $ 400.86 (70.86)-21%
City of Ontario (Min + 6% const
cost)$ 391.68 61.68 -19%
City of Rialto (No separate fee
Transport Fee
Fee Comparison Data
Fee per
City of Grand Terrace $16.00 Dollars Percentage
Note: State mandated fee rates
apply -
Basic EP Fee
Fee Comparison Data
Fee per
City of Grand Terrace $442.00 Dollars Percentage
City of Redlands (Calculated
Min)$ 480.00 38.00 9%
City of San Bernardino $ 391.68 (50.32)-11%
City of Ontario (Min + 6% const
cost)$ 661.00 219.00 50%
City of Rialto $ 363.90 (78.10)-18%
City of Riverside $ 840.00 398.00 90%
Sample Utility Cuts and Repairs
Minor EP Fee
Fee Comparison Data
Fee per
City of Grand Terrace $201.00 Dollars Percentage
City of Redlands (Calculated Min)$ 122.60 (78.40)-39%
City of San Bernardino $ 61.20 (139.80)-70%
City of Ontario (no equivalent
fee)$ --
City of Rialto (No equivalent fee)$ --
City of Riverside $ 108.00 (93.00)-46%
Fee Calculation Results
Before Proposed Add’l /Days
1.Basic Haul Permit $185 $333 $146
2.Transport Permit $16 $16 N/A
3.Encroachment Permit $312 $442 $146
4.Minor Encroachment $185 $201 $73
Encroachment Fee Calculation Example:
6 days = $442 + 5 x $146 = $1,672
Fiscal Impact
Fee Increase $9,221
Add’l Day $11,680
Additional Annual Revenue
1.Additional revenue is required to offset staff
costs for plan check, permitting and
2.Poorly repaired utility trenches increases city’s
liability and road maintenance costs.
Recommendation: Adopt Resolution Updating
City’s Transportation and Encroachment Permits