H.7_Amended & Restated Agreement with LSL for Financial Auditing Services-2City of Grand Terrace
Amended & Restated
Professional Services Agreement
with Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP for
Financial Auditing Services
February 9, 2021
2030 Vision
Goal #1:
Ensure Our Fiscal Viability through
the continuous monitoring of
receipts and disbursements against
approved budget appropriations.
Gov’t Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
•The Government Accounting Standards Board
(GASB) establishes financial & accounting
standards for US State & local governments that
follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
•The GASB standards are recognized as
authoritative by state and local governments, state
Boards of Accountancy, and the American Institute
of CPAs (AICPA).
Gov’t Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
•The Board develops and issues accounting
standards through a transparent and inclusive
process intended to promote financial reporting
that provides useful information to taxpayers,
public officials, investors, and others who use
financial reports.
Gov’t Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
•Since the award of the Financial Auditing Services
agreement to Lance, Soll & Lunghard (LSL), the
Board has instituted additional accounting and
reporting requirements that have been added to
the agreement.
Current Agreement
•The City awarded a five -year financial auditing
services agreement to Lance, Soll & Lunghard
(LSL) in 2014;
•In 2018, said agreement was extended for
another 2 years, until 2020;
Current Agreement
•Since contract award in 2014, additional reporting
requirements have been added:
1.Housing Successor
Annual Financial Reports;
2.GASB Standard 68 –requiring different
accounting and financial reporting of pensions,
3.GASB Standard 75 –requiring different
accounting & financial reporting of other post -
employment benefits other than pensions.7
Category FY2013-14 FY2014-15 FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18
Audit Services $19,090 $19,660 $20,250 $20,860 $21,490
Annual Financial Report Preparation $3,430 $3,530 $3,640 $3,750 $3,860
State Controller’s Report $2,930 $3,020 $3,110 $3,200 $3,300
Annual Street Report $900 $930 $960 $990 $1,020
SUB-TOTAL $26,350 $27,140 $27,960 $28,800 $29,670
Additional Required Reports
Housing Successor $0 $0 $5,500 $5,500 $5,500
Gov. Acctg. Standards Board
(GASB) Statement 68 Report $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
ADJUSTED TOTAL $26,350 $27,140 $33,460 $34,300 $35,170
Single Audit (if required)$3,180 $3,280 $3,380 $3,480 $3,580
GRAND TOTAL $29,530 $30,420 $31,340 $32,280 $33,250
Category FY2018-19 FY2019-20
Audit Services $21,490 $21,920
Annual Financial Report Preparation $3,860 $3,937
State Controller’s Report $3,300 $3,366
Annual Street Report $1,020 $1,040
SUB-TOTAL $29,670 $30,263
Additional Required Reports
Housing Successor $5,500 $5,610
Gov Acctg Standards Board (GASB)
Statement 68 Report $2,000 $2,040
ADJUSTED TOTAL $37,170 $37,913
Single Audit (if required)$3,580 $3,652
GRAND TOTAL $40,750 $41,565
Effect of the COVID -19 Pandemic
•Interaction between agencies, has been restricted to
e-mail, zoom meetings, regular mail and faxes;
•Requests for information, documents, files, prior
reports has required extensive scanning, access to
file transfer protocol (FTP) sites to upload huge data
•LSL’s institutional knowledge of the City’s financial
system will continue a smooth and efficient annual
Effect of the COVID -19 Pandemic
•LSL is cognizant of the effect the pandemic has
had on local agencies and therefore, has
proposed fees for FY2020-21 the same as their
FY2017-18 and FY2018 -19 fees.
•In addition, the original agreement showed
costs increasing by 3% for the first couple of
years, lowering to 2.5% upon the addition of
GASB required reporting;
Category FY2020-21 FY2021-22 FY2022-23 FY2023-24
Audit Services $21,490 $21,920 $22,358 $22,805
Annual Financial Report $3,860 $3,937 $4,016 $4,097
State Controller’s Report $3,300 $3,366 $3,433 $3,502
Annual Street Report $1,020 $1,040 $1,061 $1,082
SUB-TOTAL $29,670 $30,263 $30,868 $31,486
Additional Required Reports
Housing Successor $5,500 $5,610 $5,722 $5,837
Gov. Acct. Standards Board
(GASB) Statement 68 Report $2,000 $2,040 $2,081 $2,122
ADJUSTED TOTAL $37,170 $37,913 $38,671 $39,445
Single Audit (if required)$3,580 $3,652 $3,725 $3,799
GRAND TOTAL $40,750 $41,565 $42,396 $43,244
•Staff recommends that City Council approve an
Amended & Restated Professional Agreement
with LSL for financial auditing services for
FY2020-21 and FY2021 -22,;
•Authorize the City Manager to execute two
additional extensions; and
•Authorize the Mayor to execute the Amended &
Restated Agreement.