H.9_ Barton WarehousesPlanning Commission
Barton Warehouses Draft Environmental
Impact Report Notice of Availability
February 9, 2021
2030 Vision
Goal #5 –Engage in Proactive
Notice of Availability
Overall Proposed Site Plan
Public Scoping Session
•The Project and associated Draft EIR was discussed at a
public scoping meeting January 26, 2021 via Zoom at a
City of Colton Planning Commission Workshop. City of
Grand Terrace Planning and Development Staff made a
public comment expressing serious concern regarding
unmitigable traffic, aesthetic impacts to Grand Terrace
•Since most of the vehicles might use Grand Terrace
streets, any form of an EIR override is unacceptable
meaning the project is unable to mitigate identifiable
impacts to a level of insignificance.
•This DEIR is available for review during the 45-day public
review period until February 13, 2021
Land Use
Grand Terrace is concerned the subject project will greatly
impact our City’s ability to build out our community per the
General Plan.
The project design forces all of the traffic onto Grand
Terrace’s streets because the Barton Bridge onto La
Cadena, in its current condition and design, is unable to
accommodate this project.
The buildings, as proposed, are “High-Cube” intended for
refrigeration meaning they would be taller than a
conventional warehouse by as much as 15 feet. If built,
they will be the largest buildings in the area.
The impact of the proposed project’s heavy trucks
is not adequately addressed in the Traffic Analysis.
The primary access road to the I -215 for the
proposed Barton Road Logistics Center is Barton
Road within the City of Grand Terrace
Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA)
STAA trucks, are longer than California legal trucks.
The project trip generation analysis indicates that 136 of the
daily truck trips will be those with 4+ axles. It is anticipated
that at least some of those 4+ axle trucks will be STAA
trucks with a single trailer. This assumption is supported by
the report’s use of a truck types, which show a truck’s wheel
paths at project driveways and at the roundabout on Barton
Road at the I-215 southbound ramps. Of particular concern
are the wheel paths where trucks maneuver around the
•The primary access road to the I -215 for the
proposed Barton Road Logistics Center is Barton
Road within the City of Grand Terrace
•The primary access road
to the I-215 for the
proposed Barton Road
Logistics Center is Barton
Road within the City of
Grand Terrace
•136 daily truck trips, 4+
axles, STAA trucks with
single trailer
Local Streets
Although the analysis assumes that project traffic
will primarily access the I-215 freeway from Barton
Road, the freeway is often congested under current
conditions and when this occurs, motorists use
surface streets to avoid using the freeway.
Trip Distribution
Project Driveways 1 and 4, at the north end of the
project, will be for passenger cars only, no trucks.
They also indicate that the passenger car trips will
only use Walnut Avenue. and S. Terrace Avenue to
access Barton Road. However, the employees
could also use “back roads” like Vivienda Avenue to
proceed east and south through City of Grand
Terrace residential areas to access Barton Road
and I-215.
Grand Terrace Input
•It is important that Grand Terrace
shares our input with The City of
Letter of Opposition
Staff is performing extensive review of the DEIR
and will furnish technical comments to the Lead
Agency within the legal timeline. It is important that
Grand Terrace shares our concerns regarding the
environmental impacts with the City of Colton. Staff
recommends the City Council authorize staff submit
a letter of opposition on their behalf and oppose, as
this proposal will jeopardize Grand Terrace’s
outstanding quality of life.
•Staff recommends the City Council
Authorize Staff To Submit Letter Of
Opposition to the City of Colton Concerning
Barton Warehouses Draft Environmental
Impact Report Wherein Staff Will Submit
Comments, Concerns and Questions
Regarding the Analysis of Environmental
Impacts Generated from the Proposed
Planning Commission
Barton Warehouses Draft Environmental
Impact Report Notice of Availability
February 9, 2021
Notice of Availability
Notice of Availability
Notice of Availability