C.6 Award Installation Park Shade Structures & HC SwingAward Installation
Fitness Park Shade Structures
Rollins Park Handicap Swing
February 23, 2021
The City receives several requests about adding amenities
and improvements to City Parks.One of the requests has
been to add shade structures at Fitness Park since there is
a lack of natural shade.
The City Council,at its Priorities Workshop Meeting on
June 12,2020,added shade structure for playground areas
at the Grand Terrace Fitness Park because of the lack of
natural shade to shield park visitors and playground
1.January 12,2021.City approved a resolution to join BuyBoard
and utilize BuyBoard’s pricing and issues a purchase order to
Superior Recreational Products in the amount of $48,778.87.
Superior Recreational Projects then orders materials following
receipt of structural design and stamped plans.There is an 8-10-
week lag time for ordering columns and approximately 3-4-week
lag time for custom sails.
2.January 4,2021.City received structural pole design and
signed site plans.Staff then utilized the city's informal bidding
procedures to select a contractor for construction and installation
of the Grand Terrace Fitness Park Shade Project and also
included the Rollins Park Handicap Swing Project.
3.February 23,2020.Recommend award of contract for project
Fitness Park
Colors Selected for Poles and Shade
The colors selected by the Parks Committee was blue for the
columns and yellow for the shade material.
Shade Colors
Twenty-one (21)contractors were contacted utilizing the city’s
informal bidding procedures and three contractors submitted
proposals.The proposals were as follows.
Fitness Rollins
Park Park
Construction $16,950 $5,600
Sager Construction $26,000 $16,000
Micon Construction $47,465 $9,685
Jonescape Construction has worked in the
Inland Empire for 32 years and have
landscaping,concrete and masonry
contractor licenses.
City Council has previously approved the
appropriation of $100,000 for the purchase of
materials and installation of the Fitness Park
Shade Structures.
Staff recommends the approval of the revenue
and expense appropriations of $19,000 for the
approved Local Assistance Specified Grant for
Handicap Swing Playground Equipment
Staff recommends that the City Council award the
contract for installation of Grand Terrace Fitness
Park Shade Structure and Rollings Park Handicap
Swing to Jonescape Construction in the amount of
$22,550,plus a 10%contingency of $2,255,for a
total of $24,805 and authorize the City Manager to
execute the contract,subject to the City Attorney’s
approval as to form.