G.11 - JHD Housing Element ContractPlanning Commission
Professional Services Agreement for the
Preparation of the 2021-2029 Housing
March 23, 2021
Goal #1 & Goal #3
•Ensuring Fiscal Viability
•Promote Economic
Development by having
an internally consistent
General Plan
California State law requires that the City update the
Housing Element every eight years.These frequent updates
are required because housing is critical to ensure economic
prosperity and quality of life
State law requires the adoption of the Housing Element by
October 2021 but provides a 120-day grace period to
comply.Non-compliance with State Housing Element law
could result in fines and loss of sources of funding currently
provided by the State
What is RHNA?
RHNA stands for “Regional Housing Needs Assessment.”Every eight years,the State of
California provides the number of housing units that should be accommodated in the
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)five (5)counties region.SCAG
allocates RHNA contributions to the respective counties (San Bernardino,Riverside,
Orange,Ventura,Los Angeles)and incorporated cities
As a part of the Housing Element Update,the City must demonstrate to the State that
there is available capacity for accommodating the County’s RHNA contribution.For the
2021-2029 planning cycle,the City received the allocation below:
City of Grand Terrace 2021-2029 RHNA
Income Level Income Level
Very Low 189
Low 92
Moderate 106
Above Moderate 243
Total Allocation 630
John H. Douglas (JHD) Contract
The cost proposal is $68,950,plus a $6,895 contingency,which will not
be used without prior staff approval.The Housing/Safety Element cost
will be mostly covered through an approved Local Early Action Planning
(LEAP)Grant which the City Council authorized us to pursue.The City
subsequently received a grant approval of $65,000
Within the Council packet,attached is:
•The proposed Housing Element consultant services contract with Mr.
•the acceptance from the California Department of Housing and
Community Development (HCD)for Grand Terrace’s approval of a
LEAP Grant for $65,000
•City Council Resolution 2020-18 authorizing City Staff to pursue the
General Plan Consistency
Staff is also seeking,separate from this contract,a Regional Early
Action Planning (REAP)Grant that will provide additional support from
San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA)for the City to
ensure General Plan Element consistency.The City has also received
an SB2 Planning Grant to satisfactorily incorporate necessary
amendments to the affordable housing implementation measures in the
Housing Element,General Plan,and/or related CEQA environmental
1.Approve a Professional Services Agreement Between the City of
Grand Terrace and J.H.Douglas and Associates for Housing
Element Consultant for the 2021-2029 Housing Element Preparation
in the amount of $68,950 with a 10%contingency of $6,895
2.Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement subject to the
City Attorney's approval as to form
3.Authorize the appropriation of the following funding sources:Local
Early Action Planning (LEAP)Grant of $65,000 and General Fund of
Planning Commission
Professional Services Agreement for the
Preparation of the 2021-2029 Housing
March 23, 2021