G.10 - 2020 Housing Element and Surplus Lands ActPlanning Commission
2020 Housing Element and Surplus Lands Act
Annual Report
March 23, 2021
Goal #1 & Goal #3
Ensuring Fiscal Viability
and, Promote Economic
Development by having
an internally consistent
General Plan.
Government Code Section 65400 requires each city and/or county to
prepare and file an Annual Progress Report (APR)describing housing
production and the status of Housing Element program implementation.
Housing Construction
The APR contains the total number of units constructed and the
progress in implementation of the City’s Housing Programs.As set forth
in the APR,a total of 17 new residential homes were completed in 2020.
All 17 Certificates of Occupancy were issued for the Crestwood
The report still identifies housing units completed by affordability levels,
but also reports on housing projects submitted and deemed complete to
the Planning Division,the number of units entitled (meaning approved
by the City),and the number of units that were issued building permits.
Each reporting category requires that the affordability of the unit is also
Surplus Lands
Assembly Bill 1486 adopted October 9,2019 declares that a shortage of
sites available for housing for persons and families of low and moderate
income is a barrier to addressing urgent statewide housing needs and
that surplus government land,prior to disposition,should be made
available for that purpose.The reporting requirements for the APR
changed effective January 1,2021 and now the City must also identify
locally owned lands included in the Housing Element Sites Inventory
that have been sold,leased,or otherwise disposed of,pursuant to
Government Code section 65400.1.
Surplus Lands
Assembly Bill 1255 adopted in October 9,2019,requires the City to
create an inventory of surplus lands pursuant to Government Code
Section 54221(b)and all lands in excess of foreseeable needs,if any,
pursuant to Government Code Section 50569 that are owned by the
City.For 2020.There is one available surplus land,a 0.33 acre Office-
Professional property located at 22747 Barton Road within the Barton
Road Specific Plan.
The APR,including the Surplus Lands reporting requirements,is
attached for City Council review and consideration.Staff recommends
that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution to receive and
accept the APR for calendar year 2020.As part of the resolution,the
City Council will also direct staff to forward the report to the State Office
of Planning and Research and HCD as required by Government Code
Section 65400(a)(2).
Planning Commission
2020 Housing Element and Surplus Lands Act
Annual Report
March 23, 2021