G.9 - Award Contract to Michael Baker InternationalPlanning Commission
Award Contract to Michael Baker International
Barton Road Specific Plan (BRSP)
April 13, 2021
Goal #3
Promote Economic
Development by
Updating Zoning and
Development Codes to
Support Business
Attraction and Retention
The BRSP has been in effect since 1990.While the Barton Road
corridor has experienced improved development,implementation of the
plan could be improved through strategic updates to better facilitate the
development needs of the City in 2021 and beyond.
The focus of the updates is to establish a policy environment promoting
infill and comprehensive development of the Barton Road corridor with
locally serving businesses,amenities,and urban living opportunities
while eliminating the continual need for variances to accommodate
modern development standards by maximizing the use of under-utilized
parcels with outdated overabundant parking criteria.
Michael Baker International (MBI)Contract
Pursuant to an on-call planning and environmental services agreement dated
May 14,2019,City staff engaged a consultant team,Michael Baker International
(MBI),to assist with and carry out preliminary work relating to the BRSP update
under staffs’direction.The BRSP update is underway and in draft form with
public hearings commencing 2021.
MBI has reviewed the development plans against the goals and objectives from
the BRSP.Staff has directed them to update the BRSP:
•Create a modern land use design.
•Remove obsolete specific plan standards.
•Update obsolete environmental documentation
MBI Contract
MBI was hired to provide on-call planning and environmental services for the
City and developer-initiated projects.They were retained for environmental and
planning services project management support for the Greens Group Mixed Use
project.By doing this,they have a thorough understanding of what is needed for
this project to become a reality.
The policy direction for the BRSP update is to establish the framework
for feasible development that provides an urban core of services and
amenities while appreciating the change in trends around parking and
land use.
Although the BSRP is an aged document with some antiquated land use
rules (deep setback and extreme height restrictions)that are
inconsistent with modern day land use practices,it also included
development tools to encourage the consolidation of long narrow lots
that adorn the BSRP planning areas.The BRSP also offers bonus
densities for developers that take certain actions and includes and
affordable housing overlay for work force housing.
Circulation and Parking Demand
The recent adoption of the Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT)Ordinance and
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA)Guidelines with local screening tables
needs to also be evaluated and applied to the BRSP.The application of
the VMT will have significant impacts on parking demand and will act as
the broader circulation study for all future development along Barton
Road.The update of the BRSP will also allow MBI to apply the
Council’s Barton Road Landscape Enhancement standards and
undergrounding of the remaining power poles along Barton Road.
The update of the Barton Road Specific Plan will also update the
environmental studies and eliminate or fold the Town Center Master
Plan requirements into the BRSP since they integrate functionally.The
update of the BRSP will modernize the development standards for the
City’s commercial corridor and allow for a uniform and streamlined
process for all future developments along Barton Road.
Competitive Bidding Exception
Staff is recommending the City Council waive the competitive bidding
requirements of Chapter 3.24 of the GTMC pursuant to provisions of this
Chapter may be dispensed when contracts which by their nature do not lend
themselves to award by competitive bidding as the City Council may determine
and document that will result in cost savings greater than those which would
result from the use of customary bidding process.
MBI has extensive knowledge of and is already familiar with the proposed plan
amendments and needs along the Barton Road Specific Plan corridor;has
carried out the preliminary work for the proposed plan amendments;and,
consequently,MBI would not need familiarize with the needs of the City related
thereto and would not need to re-assess and re-analyze work that has already
The recommended updates to the plan would better enable
the City to attract quality development by reducing barriers
to entitlement,allowing the use of land to be used more
efficiently,and promote economic feasibility via mixed-use
Staff therefore recommends that the City Council waive the
competitive bidding requirements of Chapter 3.24 of the
GMTC pursuant to GTMC Section 3.24.180(H);Approve the
Professional Services Agreement with MBI in an amount not
to exceed $120,145;and Authorize the Mayor to execute
the Professional Services Agreement with MBI subject to
City Attorney approval as to form.
Planning Commission
Award Contract to Michael Baker International
Barton Road Specific Plan
April 13, 2021