101 ORDINANCE NO. 101 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING ALL DOCUMENTS IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE AND ESTABLISHING A COMPREHENSIVE SCHEDULE FOR FEES, TAXES, AND FINES FOR PERMITS, LICENSES, SERVICES, FACILITIES, AND ACTIVITIES PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Rescission - That all documents in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby rescinded as to those portions so in conflict. Section 2. Fees, Taxes, and Fines - The fees, taxes, and fines, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", are hereby established for permits, licenses, services, facilities, and activities for the City of Grand Terrace. Section 3. Conflicts and Ambiguities - In the event of any conflicts or ambiguities between t e provisions of this Ordinance and other provisions of the Grand Terrace Municipal Code, the provisions of this Ordinance shall prevail . Each separate violation shall be a separate offense. Section 4. Violations - Violation of this Ordinance shall be an infraction and punishment shall not exceed those provided in Grand Terrace Municipal Code Chapter 1.16. Section 5. Severability - If any provision or clause of this Ordinance or the app ication t ereof to any person or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional or to be otherwise invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect other Ordinance provisions or clauses or applications thereof which can be implemented without the invalid provisions or clause or application, and of this end the provisions and clauses of the Ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 6. Effective Date - This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect at 12.01 a.m. on the st day after its adoption. Section 7. Postin - The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in three (3) _pu_571c places within fifteen (15) days of its adoption, as designated for such purpose by the City Council . Section 8. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on the 13th day of March , 1986, and finally adopted and ordered posted at a regular meeting of said City Council on the loth day of April , 1986. - 1 - ATTEST: �r City e of t ,ty of ayor of e ,ty f ra Grand Terrace a d of the Terrace a o the City City Council thereof. Council oft eof. I, Ilene Dughman, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the loth day of April , 1986, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Matteson, Petta; Mayor Grant NOES: Councilmembers Pfennighausen, Evans ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ty C e r A proved as t fo m, City AttorWqy - 2 - TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM 1 - TRAFFIC SIGNS & MARKINGS - VIOLATIONS.. .. .... ... . .....1 ITEM 2 - PARKING CITATIONS - FINES.. .. ... . .... ........ .... ... . .1-2 ITEM 3 - FINE FOR ADVERTISING, DISPLAYING AND SELLING NARCOTIC PARAPHERNALIA TO MINORS. ... . .. . . . . . . ... .... . .2 ITEM 4 - FINE FOR INFRACTIONS TO THE LITTER CONTROL AND PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. .. . ... ..... . ... . ... . .... .... ... . .2-4 ITEM5 - GARAGE SALES. .... .. . . .. ...... .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .4 ITEM 6 - BUSINESS LICENSE TAX. ... . ... . ... . .. . ... . ... . .... . .... .4-6 A - Duplicate License Fees. . . ... . .. . . .. . . . . .. ... . ... . .. . ..5 B - Amended License. ... . ... ..... . . .. . . .. . . . . .... ..... ... . .5 C - Penalty.. .... .. .. . . . . .. . . .... .. . . .. . . .. .. .... ... . .. ...5 D - Exempt. .. ... . ... ... . ... . ... . . ... . ... ..... .... . .. . ... . .5 E - Renewal of License... . . . . ... . .... .. .... .. ... . .... .... .5 F - Gross Receipts Tax Schedule. . .. . . .. . . .. . .... . ... . ... . .5 G - Rentals., ... . . . . . . . .. .... .... . . .. .. . . . . . . ... . ... . .... .5 H - Flat Rate Tax Schedule. . . .. . . .... ...... . ... . . .... ... ..6 ITEM7 - LICENSE AND PERMITS. . .. .. ... . .. . . . . . . .. .. .... .... .. . ..6-7 A - Bingo License. .. . .. . ... . ..... . . . . ... . ... . .... ... . ... ..6 B - Entertainment License Application—.......... .... ... . .7 C - Peddlings, Soliciting and Hawking License Application (Municipal Code 5.64.030).... ... . ... . ... . .7 D - Fortune Telling License. ... ITEM 8 - STREET EXCAVATIONS - PERMIT & INSPECTION FEES.. . . .. . ..7-8 A - Permit Required. . .. . . .. ..... . ... .... . .. . . .. . . ... . ... . .7 B - Cash Deposits.... ... . . ... .. .. .... . ... .. .. . ... .... ... . .7 C - Permit and Inspection Fees. . . .. . . .... .... ... . ... . . .. ..7-8 ITEM 9 - STREET AND PARKWAY TREE PERMITS. . .. . . .. .. . .. . ... . . .. ..9 ITEM 10 - CITY PARKING LOTS.. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . ... . .... . ... . .. . . .9 ITEM 11 - SEWER CONNECTIONS.. . . .. .. ... . .. . . . .. . . . .. . ... .... . ... .9-12 A - Requirement. ...--. 00 ... . . oo— ... .—0000000 .. . .000 -9 B - Acquisition Charge..— .. .. . . . . o — .. .. - -000 .. . oo.o-9-10 C - Units of Service. . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .... ... . .... ..___ 10-11 D - Building Alteration or Rehabilitation - Inspection. . ..11 E - Disconnection for Nonpayment. . .. . . .. F - Cesspools and Similar Facilities - Use... .... .... .. .. .11 G - Cesspools and Similar Facilities - Discontinuing. ... . .11 H - Permit - Required - Fee. . ... . .. . —oo .0000000 ...oo. . . .11 I - Separate Connection for each Building. .. . .... . .. . ... ..11 J - Old Sewers and maintenance of Laterals. .. .... . .. . .....11-12 TC-1 K - Violation - Penalty.. .. . . . . . . .. . . ... . ... . ... . .. . . ... . .12 ITEM 12 - SEWER USER CHARGES. . . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . ... . . ... .12-13 A - Sewer User Rates. ... .. . . ... .. ... . ... . .... .... ... . .. . . .12 B - Billing - Delinquency.. .. .. . . .. .. .. .... .. .. . . ... . ... . .12 C - Lien Status of Delinquent Charges - Interest. . .. . ... . .13 D - Waiver by Council.... . . . . .... .. . . .. .. .... ... . . ... ... . .13 E - Disconnection Authorized. . . . . ... . .. . ... . .... . .... ... ..13 ITEM 13 - ENGINEERING, PLANNING, BUILDING AND SAFETY, AND SIGN FEES.... ... . .. . . . . . . ... . ... . ... . . .. . ... . ... . . .. . .13-33 A - Engineering Fees. . . . . .. . . . . . . .... .. .. .... ... . ... . .... .13-15 B - Planning Fees... . . . . ... .. ... . . .. .. .. . . . . . ... . ... . ... ..15-19 C - Building and Safety Fees. .. . . .... .. ...... .... .... .....20-33 1 - Building Permits. .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . ... ... . . ... ..20 2 - Electrical Permit Fees. . . .. .. .... .... .. .. .... .... .....21-24 Signs. . . . . . . .... . . o.o . ... ..... . ... . ... . .22-23 3 - Plumbing Permit Fees. . . .. .... . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. ...23-24 4 - Mechanical Permit Fees.. . . . . . .. . . .. . .... . ... . . .. . ... . .24-26 5 - Grading Permit Fees. . . . .. . ... .... .. . . .. .. ... . ... . .. . . .26-28 6 - Miscellaneous Permit & Inspection Fees.. .. . . ..... ... . .28-29 7 - Permit Fees for Residential Buildings.. .. .. . . .... ... . .29-31 8 - Permit Fee for Swimming Pools. . . . ... . ... .. . . .. . ... . .31-32 9 - Permit Fee for Residential Aluminum Patio Covers. .. . . .32 10 - Fee Refunds. . ... . . . . .. . . . ... . ... . .. . . .... ... . .. . . .. . . .32 11 - Exemptions. . . . .... . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .... .... .... ... . .32 12 - Solar Energy Permit Fees,.. . . .o. . . .. . . o . . . .. . o.. . .o-32-33 ITEM 14 - FACILITY USE FEES. . . . ... . ... — . . .. .o . . . . oo . . . . . oo... .33-35 ITEM 15 - RESERVED,. . . . .. . . ..o ... . o . . . . .. . o... ... ..... ..... .o-35 ITEM 16 - RESERVED. .......o .o . . . . .. .oo. o. . . .o .. . . .. ..—.. . . .. —35 ITEM 17 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE FEES. ... ..... ... . .35 A - Street Capital Improvement and Maintenance Fund.. .. ...35 B - Park Capital Improvement and Maintenance Fund. ... . .. .35 C - Storm Drain Capital Improvement Fund. .. . . ... . ... . .. . . .35 D - School Impaction Fee. . . . . . . ---.. . o.. . o. . . . .—. . ..35 ITEM 18 - RELOCATION BUILDING PERMIT FEES. . .. . . .. ...... ... . ... . .35-36 A - Application. ... . . ... .. .. o... o . .. . . .. o . . . . .. . . o.. 00.. . .36 B - Fees and Deposits.. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .... .... .... .... . .. ..36 C - Inspection Fee.. . o. . . o.. . .oo --- . .. . . o. . . .. . . .. . . .36 D - Inspection and Report. . . . .. .. .... .. . . .. .. .. . . ... . ... ..36 E - Inspection Report Term - Additions to Report. . .. . . .. . .36 ITEM 19 - ANIMAL CONTROL. .. . . . . .... .... . . . . .. .. .. .. . ... .. . . .. . . .36 A - Authority to Release. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .... . ... . .36 B - Impoundment of Dogs Running at Large. .. . . .. . . .... .. ...36-37 C - Wild, Exotic Animals. ... . . .. . . .. . .. . ... . . . . .. ... . ... ..37 TC-2 D - Pet Shops. . .. ... . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . ... . ... ..37 E - Dog Licencse Fees. . . . .. . . .. . . ... . .. . . . ... ... . ... . .. . . .37 F - Dog License - Penalty Fee.. . . .. . . .. .. .... .... .... ... ..37 G - Dog License - Transfer of Ownership. . ....... . ... . . .. ..37 ITEM 20 - ALARM DEVICES AND SYSTEMS... . .. . . . . . . .... .... .... .. . ..37 ITEM 21 - AMBULANCES.. . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . .. . . . . . . .. . ... . .. . . .37 ITEM 22 - COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER OPERATIONS. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. ...37-38 ITEM 23 - LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL. . . . . . . . .. . . ... . .. .... . . ... . . .. . .38 ITEM 24 - ABANDONED ORCHARDS. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .... . . . . .38-39 ITEM 25 - REFUSE COLLECTION PERMITS... . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . ... . ... . .39-40 ITEM 26 - SEWAGE HOLDING TANKS. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . ... .40 ITEM 27 - WATER WELLS - PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS. . ... . . .... ... . . .. ..40-41 ITEM 28 - PUBLIC DOCUMENT FEES. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . . .. . .41 ITEM 29 - RETURNED CHECKS. . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ... . .... . .. . . . . . ... . .41 e TC-3 March 14, 1986 ORDINANCE NO. ITEM 1 - TRAFFIC SIGNS & MARKING - VIOLATIONS Pursuant to the Grand Terrace Municipal Code Section 10.04.630, any person violating or disobeying any signs or markings is guilty of an infraction. Every person guilty of an infraction for a violation shall be punished upon a first conviction by a fine not exceeding (50.00) fifty dollars; for a second conviction within a period of one year by a fine not exceeding (100.00) one hundred dollars; and for a third or any subsequent conviction within that period of one year, by a fine not exceeding (250.00) two hundred and fifty dollars. ITEM 2 - PARKING CITATIONS FINES The following fines have been established pursuant to Sections 10.12.030, 10.16.050, and 10.20.090 of the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code. The time period in which bail must be posted or request to appear in court must be made 10 days to 30 days from the date of issuance of said citation. P.A. CODE DESCRIPTION OF CITATION BAIL DEL.BAL. ON HOLD AMT CO 111-1 OVERTIME PARKING $ 8.00 15.00 26.00 CO 113-1 PARKING ZONES - RED, YELLOW WHITE, GREEN 14.00 26.00 48.00 2800 FAILURE TO OBEY TRAFFIC OFFICER 14.00 26.00 48.00 2801 FAILURE TO OBEY FIREMAN 14.00 26.00 48.00 21458-A PARKING - RED ZONE 14.00 26.00 48.00 21458-B PARKING - YELLOW ZONE 14.00 26.00 48.00 21458-C PARKING - WHITE ZONE 14.00 26.00 48.00 21458-D PARKING - GREEN ZONE 14.00 26.00 48.00 22500 ANY OVERTIME PARKING 8.00 16.00 26.00 22500-A STOPPING WITHIN INTERSECTION 14.00 26.00 48.00 22500-B STOPPING ON CROSSWALK 24.00 48.00 76.00 22500-C PARKING IN RED ZONE TOO LONG 24.00 48.00 76.00 22500-D PARKING AT FIRE STATION ENTRANCE 24.00 48.00 76.00 22500-E STOPPING IN PUBLIC DRIVE 24.00 48.00 76.00 22500-F STOPPING ON SIDEWALK 24.00 48.00 76.00 22500-G DOUBLE PARKING 24.00 48.00 76.00 1 22500-H STOPPING IN BUS ZONE 24.00 48.00 76.00 22500-I STOPPING ON BRIDGE 24.00 48.00 76.00 22502-A PARALLEL. PARKING 14.00 26.00 48.00 22507.8A PARKING IN HANDICAP ZONE 58.00 86.00 100.00 22507.8B PARKING IN HANDICAP ZONE - PRIVATE 58.00 86.00 100.00 22514 PARKING - FIRE HYDRANT 14.00 26.00 48.00 22515 PARKING - STOP MOTOR 14.00 26.00 48.00 22516 PARKING - PERSON LOCKED IN 30.00 60.00 86.00 22521 PARKING ON RAILROAD 14.00 26.00 48.00 22522 BLOCKING ACCESS RAMP 14.00 26.00 48.00 STORAGE OF VEHICLE ON RESIDENTIAL STREET (FIRST OR SECOND VIOLATION) 24.00 48.00 76.00 STORAGE OF VEHICLE ON RESIDENTIAL STREET (THIRD OR MORE VIOLATION) 58.00 -86.00 100.00 PROHIBITING PARKING FOR PURPOSE STREET SWEEPING 8.00 16.00 26.00 ITEM 3 - FINE FOR ADVERTISING, DISPLAYING AND SELLING NARCOTIC PARAPHERNALIA TO MINORS Pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Title 9 Chapter 9.20, infractions of the regulations pertaining to the advertising, displaying and selling narcotic paraphernalia will be punishable by a fine of not more than $500.00 or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ITEM 4 - FINE FOR INFRACTIONS TO THE LITTER CONTROL AND PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Each and every day during which a stationary violation (s) continues, except in cases which a given time has been allowed for corrective action to be taken, shall be a separate and distinct offense. Any and all persons guilty of an infraction shall pay the fine within 30 days or be declared delinquent and the fine doubled. Failure to pay within 90 days shall result in a tripling of the fine and filing of said amount as a 2 tax lien against the property with the County of San Bernardino Assessor's Office. The following fines have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Section 8.68.060B. DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION FINE a. Litter by pedestrians & motorists................*.***...eo$30*00 b. Dumpouts....................................................75.00 c. Littering with handbills, leaflets, etc.....................30.00 d. Failure to provide litter receptacles.......................30.00 e. Transporting loose materials without adequate covering......75.00 f. Lack of containers..........................................75.00 g. Failure to clean loading/unloading areas....................75.00 h. Accumulations of litter at construction/demolition sites....75.00 i. Lack of containers at construction/demolition sites.........45.00 j. Inability to show proof of proper dispositon of construction/demolition debris..............................45.00 k. Improper household solid waste containerization.............30.00 1. Improper disposal of household bulk.......... ......75*00 m. Uncovered household containers............ .... .......... ....30.00 n. Failure to replace defective household containers...........75.00 o. Depositing household solid waste in sidewalk or other pedestrian litter receptacles.. ........ . ............... . ... .75.00 p. Improper commercial solid waste containerization.... ........30.00 q. Uncovered commercial containers.... .... ... . ................ .30.00 r. Failure to replace defective commercial containers.. .... ... .30.00 s. Depositing commercial solid waste in sidewalk or other pedestrian receptacles. . .... ..... ..... . . .. .. ............ ... .75.00 3 t. Litter on sidewalks and parkways............................30.00 U. Litter on private premises..................................30.00 v. Sweeping into streets or right-of-way. .............o***o.*.o30*OO w. Abandoned buildings.........................................75.00 x. Unpainted buildings.........................................75.00 y. Broken windows...... z. Overgrown vegetation........................................30.00 aa. Dead vegetation.............................................30.00 bb. Attractive nuisance.... cc. Discarded furniture................................. ........30.00 dd. Clothesline........ ee. Garbage cans................... ff. Packing boxes...o.... ....eose....o.o.30.00 gg• Neglect of premises................. wo*e..00&*..75*00 hh. Maintenance of premises.....................................75.00 ii. Building exteriors......... .. ....*..00****.o***30.00 jj. Detriment to neighboring properties,...o.o.00..o...o..o.....30.00 ITEM 5 - GARAGE SALES Pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Title 5 Chapter 5.40, the following permit fees have been established: DESCRIPTION OF FEE FEE This fee will be charged by the City Hall Finance Dept. for a permit to conduct a garage sale.. ..... .. .. ..---.......$ 2.00 ITEM 6 - BUSINESS LICENSE TAX The following Business License Taxes have been established pursuant to the 4 City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Title 5 Chapter 5.04. Any person, firm, or corporation conducting or carrying on business within said City shall be charged a business license tax based upon the following schedule in accordance with the applicable Consumer Price Index as approved by the City Council: A. DUPLICATE LICENSE FEES - Each person seeking a duplicate of a previously issued license shall pay a duplicate license fee of ($6.00) six dollars; B. AMENDED LICENSE - Each person seeking to have their business license amended to conduct business at a new location shall pay a fee of ($6.00) six dollars; C. PENALTY - Failure to pay a license tax when due shall result in a penalty of ten percent of the license tax on the last day of each month after the due date. The amount of the penalty shall not exceed fifty percent of the amount of license tax due. (Municipal Code Section 5.04.310) D. EXEMPT - Each business which has annual gross receipts of less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) shall not be required to pay a business license tax; E. RENEWAL OF LICENSE - An applicant for license renewal shall submit a sworn statement to the City to enable the collector to ascertain the amount of license tax to be paid. (Municipal Code Section 5.04.100) 4 F. GROSS RECEIPTS TAX SCHEDULE - Each person conducting or carrying on a fixed business located in the City of Grand Terrace shall pay a business license tax based upon their annual gross reciepts as follows: BUSINESS LICENSE TAX GROSS RECEIPTS $ 28.00 FLAT RATE UNDER $100,000 55.00 " " $100,001 up to $ 300,000 82.00 " " 300,001 up to 500,000 110.00 " " 500,001 up to 750,000 220.00 " " 750,001 up to 1,000,000 220.00 plus $0.20 per $1,000 of gross receipts over $1,000,000 to a maximum of $800.00 G. RENTALS - Each person who owns multiple residential units (two or more) or property or improvements within the City of Grand Terrace who receives any rental income therefrom, however such income is designated or collected, shall, for the purpose of paying a business license tax, have all such income taxed under the gross receipts provisions as if such person were conducting or carrying on business at a fixed location within the City of Grand Terrace. Rental income shall include the value of the compensation or return for the use of real property or improvements thereon. ti 5 H. FLAT RATE TAX SCHEDULE - Each person carrying on or conducting any business within the City of Grand Terrace and not having been specifically taxed under any other section of this Ordinance shall pay a business license tax levied at the flat rate set forth as follows: TYPE OF BUSINESS FEE AUCTIONEER.......................................$ 16.00 per day; BAILBONDSMAN....... ........ ............ .......... ..55.00 annually; OUTDOORFESTIVAL...................................110.00 per day; CARNIVAL.... ........................................55.00 per day plus $6.00 for each side show; CIRCUS (1,000-4,000 seats)..........................55.00 per day; (over 4,000 seats)..........................110.00 per day; ITINERANT FOOD CONCESSIONS (fairs circuses, special events & traveling shows) per concession, per location..................11.00 per event; CONTRACTOR (State Licensed General and Engineering Contractor).................... ........110.00 annually; All other State Lic'd.....................55.00 annually; DANCING (Public without charge).,...oo.so...e*.*...ol6oOO per quarter; DANCING (Public for profit)......o...... .o...00000...6oOO per day or 22.00 per quarter; DELIVERYBY VEHICLE.....................o*o*oo..o.*.65.00 annually; HANDBILLDISTRIBUTOR................................11.00 per day PEDDLER/SOLICITER... .................... ............27.00 per quarter; PROFESSIONAL, OUTSIDE (e.g. Engineer, Physician, Surveyor)......................55.00 annually; REALESTATE BROKER...... ..0000—o.00....00000000.-33.00 annually; SECURITYSERVICE,.....000.o.000..o.00.o.o..o.o.o..o.65.00 annually SERVICE COMPANY (e.g. laboratory)....o....—... ....33.00 annually; SHOESTAND.................... .......................6.00 annually; SWAPMEET... ...e000—oo...eoo.00....oo...00000000..55.00 annually; TRANSPORTATION, PASSENGER.............. .... .........11000 annually; BUSINESSOFFICE. ............ ....000—o—o....000 —.33oOO annually; ANYOTHER....... o. 0000—... ....oo...o. 00.o —..... o.33oOO annually; ITEM 7 - LICENSE AND PERMITS - The following fees must accompany the applications; an additional fee may be required whenever a background investigation requires access to certain records. A. Bingo License (Municipal Code Section 5,08,030) - $30,00, initial applications $10,00, renewal fee 6 B. Entertainment License (Municipal Code Section 5.28.030 _ $30.00 C. Peddling, Solicting and Hawking License (Municipal Code Section 5.64.030) - $30.00 D. Fortune Telling License (Municipal Code Chapter 5.36) - $20.00 ITEM 8 - STREET EXCAVATIONS - PERMIT & INSPECTION FEES The following Street Excavation Fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code, Chapter 12.08. A. Permit Required No person shall dig up, break, excavate, tunnel, undermine any street or public place without first obtaining an excavation permit from the City Engineer. All excavations shall be subject to inspection by the City Engineer. Actual costs of such inspection will be paid by the permittee. Before a permit is issued for excavations, the permittee shall deposit with the City an amount computed based on the rates stated in Schedule A. Public Service Companies shall be billed for the costs of permit and inspection fees at the end of each month for the permits issued to such companies during the previous month. B. Cash Deposits Before an excavation permit is issued, PP the applicant shall dep osit with the City Finance Department a cash deposit in the amount to be determined by the City Engineer to secure proper repairs of the street cut. Each permittee, prior to receiving a permit, shall deposit a minimum of five hundred dollars with the City Finance Department. This amount is to secure emergency street repairs required as a result of the permittee's street cuts. Such deposit shall be refunded to the permittee upon request twenty four months after completion and acceptance of the project. C. Permit and Inspection fees The Fee Schedule for permit and inspection fees shall be in accordance with Schedule A. SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION PERMIT FEE INSPECTION FEE Curb & Gutter $22.00 + $0.10/L.F. 7 Cross Gutter $26.00 + $0.05/S.F. Drive Approach, Comm/Res $26.00 + $0.05/S.F. Sidewalk $22.00 + $0.05/S.F. Curb Drains $27.00 ea. + $0.00 Under Sidewalk Drains $27.00 ea. + $0.00 Catch Basins $27.00 ea. + $0.00 Drainage Channel $22.00 + $0.25 S.F. Retaining Walls $22.00 + $0.25 S.F. Subgrade $22.00 + $0.0025/S.F. Base Material $22.00 + $0.0025/S.F. A.C. Pavement $22.00 + $0.0025/S.F. A.C. Berm $22.00 + $0.08/L.F. Overhead Installations $22.00/Pole $0.00 Sewer Mains $22.00 + $0.20/L.F. Sewer Laterals $22.00 + $0.20/L.F. Storm Drains $22.00 + $0.25/L.F. Water Line $22.00 + $0.20/L.F. Irrigation Line $22.00 + $0.20/L.F. Electric Lines $22.00 + $0.20/L.F. Gas Lines $22.00 + $0.20/L.F. Telephone Lines $22.00 + $0.20/L.F. TV Cable Lines $22.00 + $0.20/L.F. Manholes $22.00 ea. $0.00 Street Lights $22.00 ea. $0.00 Signals 4% est. cost 0.00 8 ITEM 9 - STREET AND PARKWAY TREE PERMITS The following street and parkway tree permit fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Chapter 12.28. A. Permitted species Only trees that have been approved by the City may be planted either by developers, contractors or individual homeowners. B. Permit fee - $5.00 C. Violation - Fine The City shall levy the actual cost of correction against any person violating any part of this chapter of the Municipal Code. ITEM 10 - CITY PARKING LOTS The following City parking lots section has been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Section 12.36. A. Applicability The provisions of this section shall apply to all parking lots owned or operated by the City and shall apply to all vehicles, public and private. B. Violation - Fine Violation of any provisions of this section is an infraction punishable by a fine not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00). ITEM 11 - SEWER CONNECTIONS The following sewer connections fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Chapter 13.04. A. , Requirement All buildings or other structures which contain any plumbing fixtures and which are located within the City limits must be connected to a public sewer. B. Acquisition Charge All property of every kind within the City limits shall be charged in addition to other charges as established, a sewer acquisition charge. This charge shall be determined by multiplying the basic service unit charge times the number of service units established for the applicable classification of 9 type of property and use. All Class I users proposing to connect to or contribute to the POTW shall obtain a wastewater discharge permit before connecting to or contributing to the POTW. All existing Class I users connected to or contributing to the POTW shall obtain a permit within one hundred eight (108) days after the effective date of the Ordinance. Users required to obtain a permit shall complete and file with the City Engineer an application in a form presecribed by him and submit the required filing fee. The base service for acquisition of sewerr services shall be the sum of $1,500.00 and the charge for each additional drainage fixture unit in excess of 18 shall be $60.00. Existing Class I users shall apply for a permit within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the Ordinance. New Class I users shall apply at least ninety (90) days prior to connecting to or contributing to the POTW. The acquisition charge shall be due and payable prior to the issuance of a building permit. No sewer facilities shall be furnished or connection made unless such charge is paid. C. Units of Service The following units of service are fixed and established for the following clarification of types of property and use: TYPE OF CONNECTION UNITS OF SERVICE L4 Residential: Single - family dwellings............. Apartment House - one additional service unit for each apartment over two......... ....................2.0 Courts - One additional service unit for each court over two duplexes........... o...oo*eo2.0 Duplexes.. .. ... ......o*2.0 Motels - one additonal service unit for up to each three motel units after the first three............1.O Trailer Parks - three additional service units for up to each four stalls after the first four.........3.0 Rooming houses and convent - One additional unit for up to each three persons after the first five. . . . .. .. .. . ... ... . . . ... .... . ... ...... .. .... .........100 10 r Commercial - All other uses that are not residential. ...................0...0....................1.0 D. Building Alteration or Rehabilitation - Inspection If alteration will increase the sewage discharge beyond the basic units of service (commercial or residential) then those increased units shall be charged accordingly. E. Disconnection for Nonpayment The connection of any sewer facilities without payments gives the City the right to go upon private or public property and disconnect the sewer facilities. F. Cesspools and Similar Facilities - Use No person shall make any connection with any cesspool or other facility for depositing sewage, except with and into the City sewage disposal lines. G. Cesspools and Similar Facilities - Discontinuing Use On any lot where there is an existing cesspool or other place where sewage is being deposited, such building may continue to be served from such cesspool or other facility. However, no person shall continue to use any cesspool or place where sewage has been or is being deposited which the County Health Officer finds unsuitable, after the expiration of thirty days from service of notice upon the property owner and/or occupant to this effect. H. Permit - Required - Fee No person shall make or attempt to make any connection with the main sewer lines without a permit or payment of the connection fee. I. Separate Connection for each Building Every building or other structure situated within the City shall be separately and independently connected with a connecting sewer, except where more than one building or other structure may, by special permit authorized by the Chief Building Official, be joined in the use of one house and connecting sewer. Such buildings and structures must be owned by the same person. J. Old Sewers and Maintenance of Laterals No buildings or other structures shall be connected to an old sewer, nor shall any old sewer line be used until a connection permit has been granted and certificate of inspection obtained from the Chief Building Official. It shall be the responsibility of each property owner to maintain their sewer 11 lateral. K. Violation - Penalty Any user who is found to have violated, or who willfully or negligently failed to comply with a wastewater discharge permit issued under this chapter, may be fined up to five hundred dollars. Each day on which a violation occurs or continues, shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. In addition to the penalties provided in this section, the City may recover reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, court reports, fees, and other expenses of litigation by appropriate suit against the guilty person. ITEM 12 - SEWER USER CHARGES The following sewer user charges have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Chapter 13.08. A. Sewer User Rates 1. Residential users shall be charged the rate of seven dollars ($7.00) per month. Each single family dwelling, each dwelling unit in a multiple residential complex (including duplexes, apartments, condominiums, etc. ), and each dwelling unit in a mobile home park shall be charged at a rate of $7.00 per month. 2. Commercial and/or industrial users shall be charged 67% of the rate of $0.32 per one hundred cubic feet of water per month or any portion thereof; however, the minimum monthly charge for such users shall be $7.00 per month. 3. Each church user shall be charged the rate of $7.00 per month; however, each church-owned property shall be charged at the appropriate use rate as provided herein. 4. Individual schools shall be charged a rate of $7.00 per month for each one hundred (100) average daily attendance or portion thereof. These amounts shall be computed on the basis of the previous 12 months. B. Billing - Delinquency Sewer Service charges shall be billed on a bimonthly basis, in advance of service. All such charges will be due and payable on the date of such billing and shall become delinquent thirty days thereafter. All unpaid delinquent bills shall be assessed against the using property in the manner provided for by law. In addition, the City Manager is directed to use any and all other means as provided for by law for the collections of the unpaid delinquent bills. (Municipal Code 13.08.020) A collection fee of $5.00 shall be charged to a delinquent sewer user for each preceeding billing which has not been paid. 12 C. Lien Status of Delinquent Charges - Interest Delinquent charges, plus penalties, shall constitute a lien upon the real property served, except that no such lien shall be created against any publicly owned property, and such lien shall continue until the charge and all penalties thereon are fully paid, or the property sold therefor. A list of all such delinquent charges plus penalties, shall be recorded at least every six months. In the event a lien is filed for unpaid sewer service charges or any action at law is commenced for the collection of unpaid sewer service charges, such unpaid charges shall bear interest at the rate of one-half of one percent per month from the date of delinquency of each charge. (Municipal Code 13.08.130) D. Waiver by Council The City Council may waive any provision provided for in Municipal Code 13.04 as to any particular user and may hear requests for such waiver due to special hardship or special conditions. E. Disconnection Authorized As an alternative method of enforcing the provisions of Municipal Code 13.04 and other ordinances, resolutions, and rules and regulations of the City relating to sewer service, the City may disconnect the user from the sewer mains of the City . After a building sewer has been disconnected from the sewer system it shall not be reconnected until all such delinquent charges plus penalties have all been paid. All costs incurred by the City for disconnection and reconnection of sewer services as a result of non-payment of sewer service charges shall become a charge against the property being served which has been disconnected or reconnected. Said charges shall be billed to the property, along with all delinquent charges, and other delinquent charges shall, from the date of disconnection, bear interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum. ITEM 13 - ENGINEERING, PLANNING, BUILDING AND SAFETY, AND SIGN FEES The following Engineering, Planning, Building and Safety Fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Chapters 15.40, 15.44, 18.48, 18.66, 18.72, 18.75, 18.81. A. Engineering Fees Description Fee Final Maps: Checking Fee. . .... .... ..... . .. . .. ... .. ..... . ... ........ .Actual Cost 13 Deposit Required...see...see....................$200.00 + $15.00/lot (Min. Dep. $1,000.00) Deferred Monumentation - Cash Deposit Required Subdivisions: 20 Lots or less................. ................$150.00/Lot 21 Lots & Over.................................$3,000.00 + $130.00/Lot for each lot over 20 Parcel Maps: Checking Fee...................................$416.00 + 26.00/Parcel Checking Fee for all resubdivisions of an entire lot or parcel created on a final map or parcel map recorded after November 18, 1978..$158.00 Road Improvement Fees: This applies to all road improvements required for Subdivisions, Minor Subdivisions and Building Permits $ 1.00 to $ 25,000.00. ....................... 4% of value of work $ 25,001.00 to $100,000.00.......... ............3.1/2% of value of work $100,001.00 and up......................o.......3% of value of work Request of Waiver of Public Roadway Improvements....................................$61.00/request Final Flood Hazard Report.......................$53.00/report Subdivision Agreement Time Extension Request,...$270.00/request Printing Fees: Maps & Legal Descriptions - Preparation 30 copies of map and 30 copies of legal description. ....................................$100.00 Additional charge after 4 hours..... .... ........$ 26.00/hour Photocopy Prints $0.20/ea. Maps - Reproduction (Minimum Order $1.00) Blueline Brownline 11 in x 17 in. sheets ~' (Assessor Maps, etc.) $0.55 $0.80/per sheet 18 in. x 26 in. sheets (City Maps, etc.) $1.25 $1.70/per sheet Miscellaneous Maps .40 0.55/per sq. ft. Map Certification $6.00/each set 14 Grading plan revision in conjunction w/issuance of Grading Permit $150.00/plan Non-single Family Building Permit Review in Conjunction w/issuance of Bldg. Permit $94.00/permit B. Planning Fees Description Environmental/Review Applic. Filing Total ------------------------------------------------—----------------------- 1. Site approval a. Conditional Use Permit Approval. . . ... . . ... . .... ...$165.00 + $1,141 = $1,306 b. Site & Architectural Review Approval. .......... .. ... . . .$165.00 + $ 702 = $ 867 2. Variance..... ... .... .... .. .. .... ..$165.00 + $ 323 = $ 488 a. Sign Variance. . ... ........ ..... .. . ......... .... ............$ 50 3. Minor Deviation. .... .. ... . .. .... . 120 = 120 Concurrent with another Project. .... . .. . ... . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . ..50% 4. Zone Change or Master Plan Amendment a. 0 to 10 acres.. ... . ... . ... . .... . . .$165.00 + $ 697 = $ 862 b. 10.01 to 25 acres. . . ... ..... . ... ..$165.00 + $ 697 = $862+40/ac. for ea. acre over 10.01 c. 25.01 through 500 acres. . . . . . . .. ..$165.00 + $1,297 = $1462+20/ac. for ea. acre over 25.01 d. 100.01 though 500 acres. . . . . .. .. ..$165.00 + $2,797 = $2962+14/ac. for ea. acre over 100.01 e. 500.01 acres and over. . . . ... . . .. ..$165.00 + 8,397 = $8562+7.00/ac. for ea. acre over 500.01 f. Review concurrent with GPA. . . . . . . .No Charge 5. Residential Planned Unit Development Residential portions: Preliminary Development Plan Review. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .$165.00 + $1,816 = $1981 Development Plan: a. 0-100 Dwelling Units. . . . .. ... . . . . .$165.00 + $1,816 =$1981+13.00/U b. 101-500 Dwelling Units.. .... .. .. ..$165.00 + $3,116 =$3281+10.00/U 15 Description Environmental/Review Applic. Filing Total ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c. 501-1,000 Dwelling Units. . . . . . .. . .$165.00 + $7,116 =$7281+7.00/U d. 1,001 Dwelling Units & Over. .. . . . .$165.00 + $10,616=$10,781+4.00/U 6. Non Residential portions; Preliminary Dev. Plan or Base. . . . .$165.00 + $1,816 = $1981 Development Plan a. 0-25 Acres... . . . . ... . .. . ... . . .. . . . .$165.00 + $1,816=$1,981+40.00/ac. b. 25.01 - 100. ... . . . . . .... ... . . . . . .$165.00 + $2,816 = $2981+20/ac. c. 100.01 - Acres & over.. . . . . . .. . . .$165.00 + $4,316 = $4481+14.00/ac. 7. Tentative Tract/Mulitiple Lot.. . .$165.00 + $2,108 = $2273+24/Lot a. Filed concurrent with or subsequent to Planned Unit Development (PUD). .... .. .. . . ... ..$165.00 + $1,054 = $1219+12/Lot b. Revised Tentative Map (Except when required by Conditions of Approval).... ... . .. . . . .. . ... . . . .. .. . . .. . . ... ..$ 323 = $323 c. Refile within 180 L days of Expiration.... . . ... . .. . . ..$165.00 + $1,195 = $1360+12.00/Lot d. Filing Fee when filed concurrent with Mobilehome, RVP, LSH or PRD..... ... ..... ... .... .. . . .... .... ..$1,195 = $1195+12.00/Lot e. Reversion of Subdivided Land to Acreage. .... ... ..... ... . .... . .. .... . . ... .... ..$ 129 = $ 129 8. Mobile Park Rec. Vehicle Park a. Site approval & Development Plan. .. . ............ . .$165.00 $1,635 = $1800+13.00/sp. b. When filed w/ Tentative Tract.... ........ .... ... ..... #. . . .... . ... * ......$60,5+7,00/sp. c. Engineering & Inspection Fees 5% - $1 - 25,000 4.5% - $25,000 - 100,000 16 Description Environmental/Review Applic. Filing Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4% over $100,000 d. Site Review for filings on Mobilehome Parks/R.V. Parks $264 + 60/space 9. Minor Subdivision Certificate of Compliance a. Minor Subdivision. . . . . . .. . .... ...$109.00 $505 = $614 b. Fee Reduction for Refiling within 180 days of expiration..... . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . .. . . . .. .50% c. Certificate of compliance. ... . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . ... . .$605 = $605 d. Concurrent minor subdivision with CC - No additional fee 10. General Plan Amendments a. Base fee (text only). . ... . . .. . . . .$165.00 + $2,030 = $2,195 b. 0-100 acres. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. ..$165.00 + $2,030 = $2195+13.00/ac. C. Over 100.01 acres through 500 acres. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .$165.00 + $3,330 = $3495+10.00/ac. d. Over 500.01 acres through 1000 acres... . . .. . . .. . . .$165.00 + $7,330 = $7495+7.00/ac. e. 1,000.01 acres & Over. . .. .. .. .. ..$165.00 + $10,830 =$10995+4.00/ac. 11. Specific Plan a. Base Fee. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .... . . . . . . .$165.00 + $1,544 = $1709 b. 0-100 Units. . .. . .. . ... . .. . . . . . . ..$165.00 + $1,544 = $1709+13/D.U. C. 101 through 500 Units. . . . . . .. . . . .$165.00 + $2,844 = $3009+10/D.U. d. 501 through 1000 Units. . . . . . . .. . .$165.00 + $5,844 = 7009+7/D.U. e. 1,001 Units & Over. . ... ... . . .. . . .$165.00 + $10,344 = $10509+4/D.U. 12. Subdivided Line Adjustments: a. Lot Line Adjustment. .. . .. . . .. . . . .$165.00 + $ 30 = $195 b. Lot Mergers (Optional & Required). .No Charge C. Revert Subdivided Land to acrege.$165.00 + $ 195 = $360 17 Description Environmental/Review Applic. Filing Total -^---�, ----------------------------------------------------------- 13. Appeals& Extensions r-- = 133. . . . .. . . . . .... . . . . .. .. ...$ 133 $ 14. Applicant Initiated Revisions to Maps and Conditions. ... . . . . ...$165.00 + $ 365 = 530 15. Alteration to a Non-conforming use. .. . . .. . ... . . ..$165.00 + $ 466 = 631 16. Dept. review of land use and dev. projects (determined by Bldg. & Safety). . .. .. ... ... . ... .... . ... .. .... ... . .. .$ 133 = 133 17. Environmental Impact Report Fees a. Preparation Fee. . . . . . . . .. . . ... . ..$ 35.00/Hr. b. Deposit Required. . . . . .. .... . . .. ..$1,100.00 C. If amendments or addenda to an existing Impact Report are required the following fee will apply in addition to the EIR filing fee. . .. . . .. . ....$ 35.00 d. Information Report/Negative Declaration Fee. . .. . . . ... . .... . . .$1,100.00 If a new Environmental Impact Report is required by the Planning Commission, the fees for preparing EIR's will apply. If a negative declaration is not granted by the Planning Commission, completion of an Environmental Impact Report is required. The fees for preparing EIR's will apply in addition to the initial filing fee and information report fee. Coordination fee for consultant - contracted Environmental Impact Reports and other studies, and for Planning Department Determination. The following fees will apply in addition to the initial filing fee. Coordination fee. . . ... . .. . . .. . .... . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . ... .$ 35.00/hr. Deposit required. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. ..$ 660.00 Environmental Document Reproduction Costs. . .. . . ... . . . . .Actual Cost plus mailing 18. Determination of Use... . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . ... . .. .. ... .$120.00 LEGEND: AC=ACRE, EA=EACH, D.U.=DWELLING UNIT, SP=SPACE, U=UNIT CC=CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 18 19. Copy of General Plan........ .............................s 50 20. Copy of Title 18-Zoning Ordinance........................ 10 21. Copy of General Plan Map.................................� 1 22. Copy of Zoning Map.......................................5 3 23. All other City Publications (Also see Item 28) Actual Cast plus 20% 19 co BUILDING AND SAFETY FEES DESCRIPTION FEES 1. BUILDING PERMITS a. $1.01 to $1,000....................*so..............$26.00 b. Over $1,001 to and including $2,00O.................$26.00 plus $2.40 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof over $1,001 c. Over $2,001 to $25,000..............................$53.00 plus $8.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof over $2,001. d. Over $25,001 to $50,000.............................$230.00 plus $7.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof over $25,001. e. Over $50,001 to $100,000........ ....................$395.00 plus $3.60 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof over $50,001 f. 100,001 and over....................................$593.00 plus $2.40 for each additional $100,000 or fraction thereof over $100,001 g. Plan Review Fees When a plan or other data is required to be.........Said Plan Review submitted by Section 302 of the Uniform Fees for building Building Code, a plan review shall be and structures shall paid to the Director of Building and Safety be ninety percent at the time of submitting plans and (90%) of the building specifications for review. permit fees as set forth in the preceding schedule. When plans are incomplete, or changed so as to require additional plan review, an additional plan review fee shall be charges at a rate of $26.00 per hour with a minimum charge of $20.00 20 2. ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Any person filing an application for a permit to do electrical construction shall pay a fee according to the following schedule, at the time of filing: A. Electrical Services 1. Each service switch 600 volts or less and not over 200 amperes............................$13.00 2. Each service switch 600 volts or less and over 200 amperes to 1,000 amperes...............$33.00 3. Each service switch over 600 volts or over 1,000 amperes............... ....................$66.00 B. The following permit fees are based on the actual area of the occupancies listed, determined from exterior dimensions and include all lighting fixtures, switches, receptacles and the circuit wiring thereof and are in addition to the fee for the electrical service. An additional fee shall apply to each motor, transformer or other electrical appliance that exceed fifty (50) units in accordance with the alternate fee schedule. 1. Warehouse, storage garages and aircraft hangars where no repair work is done...........4.005/sq. ft. 2. All occupancies not listed, up to and including 5,000 sq. ft....o*o-e*e000*oe@**oweo*$.025/sq, ft. 3. All occupancies nod listed - that part which is over 5,000 sq. ft............0.........$ .01/sq. ft. 4. Plan Review Fees - Where no plan review fee is charged under Section 2A an electrical plan is required to be submitted, a plan review fee of one-half (1/2) the electrical permit fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. C. Alternate Fee Schedule - Alterations, additions and new construction where no structural work is being done or where it is impractical to use the square footage schedule, convert to units as follows: 1. For each motor or appliance each horsepower.....1 unit 2. For each transformer or appliance, each kilowatt or kilovolt-ampere.... .... .o...o.......1 unit 3. For each 3 outlets, each 3 lighting fixtures 21 or fraction thereof, where current is used or te controlled......................................1 unit 4. For multi-outlet assembly (festoon type, plug mold, etc.) each 20 feet........................1 unit 5. Unit Application: 1.01 - lo.......................................$7.00 10.01 - 50...................................0..$13.00 50.01 - 100.....................................$26.00 101 and over....................................$40.00 D. Temporary Service: 1. Temporary or construction service, including poles or pedestals....................$13.00/ea. 2. Approval for temporary use of permanent service equipment prior to completion of structure or final inspection......................................$8.00/ea. 3. Additional secondary or supporting poles...........................................$4.00/ea. E. Miscellaneous: 1. Area lighting standards........................o$4.00 2. Private residential swimming pools, including supply wiring, lights, motors and bonding.........................................$13.00 3. Commercial swimming pools.......................$26.00 4. Temporary sales stand, including service connection, etc....**oo.... ..***--o-o*.*******e*$20oOO 5. Inspection for reinstallation of idle meter (removed by utility company).................,,.$8.00 6. Any electrical work for which a permit is required, but no fee is herein provided, shall pay the indicated fee... ......**..**..**..$20.00 F. Illuminated Signs: New, relocated, or altered: 0 to 5 sq. ft.............. .........................$9.00 5.01 to 25 sq. ft..... ..............................$11.00 25.01 to 50 sq. ft................. ..... ............$13.00 50.01 to 100 sq. ft....... .. .... .............. ......$18.00 100.01 to 200 sq. ft............ .... ................$21.00 201 to 300 sq. ft............... ....................$24.00 300 sq. ft. and over............ ....... .............$.07/sq. ft. 22 G. 1. Political Signs. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . ... .... . .. . . ....Permit fee $10.00 plus $3.00 Deposit per sign for the first 5 signs & $1.00 for ea. additional sign, refundable upon evidence of removal 2. Political Sign Violation (Municipal Code Section 9.12.140). ... .$22 plus $1.00 for signs 1-8 sq. ft. and $6.00 for signs 9-32 sq. ft. H. Temporary Signs. . . . . .. .. .... .. . . .. .. . ... .. . . .. . . . . ..$5.00 cash deposit I. All other sign Permits. . .. . . ... . .. .. ... . . .. . ... . . . . .$60.00 J. Sign Variance. .. ... ....... .. .. . . . . .. . ... .. . . .. . . ....$50.00 K. Overhead Line Construction: Poles and anchors each. . .. . ... . . .. . . .. . . ... . ... . ... .$50.00 3. PLUMBING PERMIT FEES - Any person filing an application for a permit to do plumbing work shall pay a fee, according to the following schedule, at the time of filing: For each plumbing fixture or trap (including water, drainage piping and backflow protection therefor).. . ... . ... . ... . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . .. . . .. . . ... .$ 6.00 For each building sewer. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. ....$13.00 For each private sewer line with over 5 building sewer connections. . .... . .... . . . . .. .. . ... .. . . .. . . .. ..$33.00 Over 10 building sewer connections each. ... . . . . . ... .$ 3.00 For each private sewage lift station or sump pump, rated up to 1 hp. ... . . ... . . . . . .. .. .. . . ... . ... .$ 7.00 Over 1 hp, add per rated horsepower. . . . . .... .. . . .. ..$ 1.00 For each cesspool. . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. ..$20.00 For each septic tank. . . . .. . . . ... . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . .$20.00 For each complete private sewage disposal system.. . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. . . . . .... . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. ....$40.00 For each water heater and/or vent. . . ... . . .. . .. . . ... .$ 6.00 For each gas piping system 1 to 5 outlets. . . .. . . . . . .$ 7.00 6 or more outlets per outlet. . . . ... . . . . . ... . .. . . .. . .$ 1.00 23 For each industrial waste pretreatment interceptor, including its trap and vent, except kitchen-type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps....$ 9.00 For installation, alteration or repair of water piping and/or water treating equipment, each........$ 6.00 For each water distribution system on private property, with over 5 connections...................$33.00 Over 10 connections each....oeo—e—o.... 3.00 For each swimming pool, including all necessary piping: Public..............................................$46.00 Private.............................................$33.00 For repair or alterations of drainage or vent piping..............................................$ 7.00 For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter, including backflow protection devices therefor............................................$ 8.00 For vacuum breakers or backflow protection devices on tanks, vats, etc., or for installation on unprotected plumbing fixtures, including necessary water piping: 1 to 5..............................................$ 7.00 Over 5, each.,...*.... 1.00 Plan Review Fees - Where no plan review fee is charged under Section 3 and a plumbing plan is required to be submitted, a plan review fee of one-half (1/2) the plumbing permit fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. 4. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES Any person filing an application for a permit to do mechanical construction shall pay a fee, according to the following schedule, at the time of filing: For the installation or relocation of each forced-air or gravity - type furance or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance up to and including 100,000 B.T.U.'s......$ 8.00 For the installation or relocation of each forced-air or gravity-type furnace or burner including ducts and vents attached to such appliance over 100,000 B.T.U. 's... ......0......$ 9.00 For the installation or relocation of each 24 floor furnace,including vent........................$ 8.00 For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater, recessed wall heater, or floor-mounted unit heater.... 8.00 For the installation, relocation or replacement of each appliance vent installed and not included in an appliance permit..............................$ 4.00 For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration unit, cooling unit, absorption unit, or each heating, cooling system including installation of controls regulated by the Uniform Mechanical Code....................... ........................$ 8.00 For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor, to and including 3 hp or each absorption system to and including 100,000 Over 3 hp to and including 15 hp, or each absorption system over 100,000 B.T.U.'s to and including 500,000 B.T.U. 's...................................$13.00 Over 15 hp, to and including, 30 hp or each absorption system over 500,000 B.T.U.'s to and including 1,000,000 B.T.U.'s...................$18.00 Over 30 hp, to and including 50 hp, or for each absorption system over 1,000,000 B.T.U. 's to and including 1,750,000 B.T.U. 's......o...ooeso.....o.$26.00 Over 50 hp, or each absorption system over 1,750,000 B.T.U. 's.................................$44.00 For each air handling unit: To and including 10,000 cubic feet per minute including 10,000 cubic feet per minute including ducts attached thereto.... .... ...*.$ 6.50 Over 10,000 cubic feet per minute........0*.o...0.0$10.00 NOTE: This fee shall not apply to an air handling unit which is a portion of a factory assembled appliance, cooling unit evaporative cooler, or absorption unit for which a permit fee is prescribed elsewhere in this section. For each evaporative cooler other than portable type,...oo. ...o..........o.......o ...... .... o... .. ..$6.50 25 For each ventilation fan connected to a single duct........................................$ 4.00 For each ventilation system which is not a portion of any heating or air conditioning system authorized by a permit......................$ 6.50 For the installation of each hood other than a type 1 grease hood, served by mechanical exhaust, including the ducts from such hood........$ 7.00 For each type 1 grease hood, including the exhaust system.............. .......................$20.00 For the installation or relocation of each domestic-type incinerator..........................$ 9.00 For the installation or relocation of each commercial or industrial-type incinerator..........$33.00 For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by the Uniform Mechanical Code, but not classed in other appliance categories, or for which no other fee is listed in this section............................................$ 7.00 Plan Review Fees - Where no plan review fee is charged under Section 4 a mechanical plan is required to be submitted, a plan review fee of one-half (1/2) the mechanical permit fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review 5. GRADING PERMIT FEES Any person filing an application for a permit to do grading work shall pay a fee according to the following schedule, at the time of filing. The fee for a grading permit authorizing additional work to that under a valid permit shall be the difference between fee paid for the original permit and the fee shown for the entire project. 0-100 cubic yards... *. ........ *. ....*..$20.W 101-1000 cubic yards................... ............$20.00+12900 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof over 100 cubic yards 1,001-10,000 cubic yards.,.... *. *&*..*..$129 +$12.00 for each additional 26 1000 cubic yards or fraction thereof over 1001 cubic yards 10,001-100,000 cubic yards.........................$238.00+$40.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof over 10,001 cubic yards 100,001 cubic yards....**.**e.*....................$594.00+$20.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof over 100,001 cubic yards Plan Review Fee - For excavation and fill on the same site, the fee shall be based on the volume of the excavation or fill, whichever is greater. Before accepting a set of plans and specifications for review, the Director of Building and Safety shall collect a plan review fee. Separate permits and fees shall apply to retaining walls or major drainage structures as indicated elsewhere in this section. There shall be no separate charge for standard terrace drains and similar facilities. The amount of the plan review fee for grading plans shall be set forth in the following schedule. The Plan Review Fee for a grading permit authorizing additional work to that under a valid permit shall be the difference between such fee paid for the original permit and fee shown for the same project. DESCRIPTION FEE 0-100 cubic yards........... .......................$13.00 101-1,000 cubic yards..... .......... ... ............$26.00 1,001-100,000 cubic yards... .. .. .... ...............$26.00+$17.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof over 10,001 cubic yards 100,001-200,000 cubic yards. ... ... . . . .. . .......... .$175.00+$12.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof over 100,001 cubic yards 27 200,001 cubic yards & over.........................$296.00+$6.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof over 200.001 cubic yards 6. MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT & INSPECTION FEES Permit Issuance Fee: In addition to the fees prescribed in the Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing and Solar Energy schedules for each such permit on a single application form...........................$ 13.00 Minimum total fee for any permit..................$ 33.00 Field investigation and report....................$ 53.00 Short term installation: Temporary - Construction - material processing....$110.00 Approved temporary tents....... 66.00 Special Inspection approvals......................$ 26.00 Standard Plans: Fee to establish standard plan Regular Plan review.................9.....................$ 40.00 Comparison plan review fee........................$ 13.00 Annual renewal....................................$ 40.00 Service charge for cash deposits and other sureties..........aeoeo... 33.00 Relocation inspection fee when a building is to be moved: On the same property..............................$ 66.00 From one property to another within the City......$132.00 From outside the City........... ..................$198.00 Set down Permit Fees: Group R-3 occupancies up to 2,000 square feet in area including all fees...... .............. .. ..$198.00 Group R-3 occupancies 2,001 square feet and over in area including all fees...................$330.00 Group M-1 occupancies including all fees.. ..... ...$ 66.00 IOWW All other occupancies - fee based on the valuation of the work per section 7 plus all required electrical, mechanical, plumbing and solar energy fees. 28 Annual Permits: 1 to 10 employees..... ............. ... ......... . ..$132.00 11 to 75 employees........ ...... ........ .... .... ..$264.00 76 to 150 employees....... ........................$396.00 151 to 300 employees........ .. ........o—... ..o. ..$666.00 Rehabilitation and Demolition Processing Fees: Preparation of job specifications.................$198.00 City Council approval. .............................$61.00 Contract performance inspection................o..,$61.00 Billing.................... ............ ............$33.00 Record special assignment. .. ........ .... ........ ...$99.00 Wire and/or wood fences... ...**.e***..$20.00Jlot Residential driveway approach,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$33.00 7. PERMIT FEES FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS: The building permit fee and the plan review fee for one, - two, - and three-story buildings, housing only groups R and M occupancies shall be computed from "Table A" and "Table B" in this subsection. The permit fee from "Table B" includes all inspection fees for all phases of the construction including issuance fees, sewer connection or disposal permit fees, residential driveway approach permit fees, temporary construction power pole permit fee, and permit fee for temporary construction shed that is removed prior to final inspection. This subsection 8 shall not apply to roof covering repairs or to residential aluminum patio covers constructed in addition to existing buildings. The adjusted floor area used in "Table A" is accomplished by multiplying the actual area of each use determined from exterior dimension, by the appropriate factor. "TABLE All USE FACTOR Living areas, including basements and cellars....... ....1.O0 Garages and storage buildings. .. ...... . ............. ....0.50 Porch, patio, carport. ..................... .............0.20 Raised floor decking, ,,,,, ,, ,, ,,,,,, , ....o,,,0.20 Slab only (when requested for record),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* ..0.10 Masonry fireplace (for each firebox).... ............ . . ..add 60 sq. ft. Retaining walls and masonry fences.................. . ...0.20 Air supported and film covered - agriculture buildings.. . .. ....... .. ........ . .. .. ..... ........... ... .0.10 Other agricultural buildings.... .. . ..... ... . ... .... . . ...0.20 NOTE: When converting from one use to another use the factor shall be the difference between the factor for the new use and the factor for the existing use (i.e. , when converting a garage to living area the factor will be 1.00 less .50 = .50). For remodeling, repair, alteration and rehabilitation in existing buildings, the factor is to be determined by dividing the valuation of the new work by the valuation of the existing building. The valuations to be determined by the prealterations inspection. 29 TABLE "Bn ITEM NO. ADJUSTED AREA INSPECTION FEE PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL SQ. FEET DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS 1. 0- 50 22 8 30 2. 51-100 34 12 46 3. 101-150 46 14 60 4. 151-200 58 19 77 5. 201-250 69 24 93 6. 251-300 80 28 108 7. 301-350 91 32 123 8. 351-400 101 35 136 9. 401-450 112 40 152 10. 451-500 122 44 166 11. 501-550 139 47 186 12. 551-600 157 53 210 13. 601-650 178 59 237 14. 651-700 201 67 268 15. 701-750 227 75 302 16. 751-800 251 83 334 17. 801-850 275 92 367 18. 851-900 300 100 400 19. 901-950 326 109 435 20. 951-1000 352 118 470 21, 1001-1100 372 125 497 22. 1101-1200 394 131 525 23. 1201-1300 415 139 554 24. 1301-1400 435 145 580 25. 1401-1500 458 153 611 26. 1501-1600 474 158 632 27. 1601-1700 494 165 659 28. 1701-1800 513 171 684 29. 1801-1900 532 178 710 30. 1901-2000 549 185 734 31. 2001-2100 569 189 758 32. 2101-2100 587 196 783 33. 2201-2300 607 201 808 34. 2301-2400 625 208 833 35. 2401-2500 644 213 857 36. 2501-2600 659 220 879 37. 2601-2700 675 226 901 38. 2701-2800 692 232 924 39. 2801-3000 707 235 942 40. 2901-3000 722 241 963 41. 3001-3100 735 245 980 42. 3101-3200 754 252 1006 43. 3201-3300 766 255 1021 44. 3301-3400 778 260 1038 45. 3401-3500 793 265 1058 46. 3501-3600 805 268 1073 47. 3601-3700 817 273 1090 48. 3701-3800 828 277 1105 49. 3801-3900 840 281 1121 30 50. 3901-4000 850 284 1134 51. 4001-4100 861 287 1148 52. 4101-4200 870 292 1162 53. 4201-4300 880 293, 1173 54. 4301-4400 888 297 1185 55. 4401-4500 .898 299 1197 56. 4501-4600 905 303 1208 57. 4601-4700 912 305 1217 58. 4701-4800 920 307 1227 59. 4801-4900 925 308 1233 60. 4901-5000 935 312 1247 OVER 5,000 ADD $8.00 PER ADD $2.00 PER 100 SQ. FT. OR SQ. FT. OR PORTION THEREOF PORTION THEREOF For State of California approved factory-built housing, the plan review and permit fees shall be 50% of the fees prescribed by the above Table, rounded up to the nearest dollar. Fee for any area exceeding the stated square feet shall be at the next higher figure. 8. PERMIT FEE FOR SWD24ING POOLS The building permit fee for new swimming pools shall be as prescribed in this subsection. The permit fee includes plan review fees as shown below and all inspection fees for all phases of the construction including permit issuance fees, electrical permit fees, mechanical permit fees, plumbing permit fees and solar energy permit fees. DESCRIPTION FEES A. Swimming pools accessory to single-family dwelling: With a standard plan. .. 0.. . . . . . .... *0...90.000000—$191000 With other than a standard plan. ... .....:...........$218.00 B. All other swimming pools: With a standard plan.. .... .. . ...................... .$191.00 With other than a standard plan.... ..... ............$218.00 C. Spas and/or hot tubs with gas hook up.. . ....... .....$ 66.00 Self contained spas or hot tubs. . . . . ...... .... .. ....$ 33.00 D. Public Swimming Pools. . . .o. . .. . . . . . . so * . *.. ..000. . .$ 28.00/annually Only one permit shall be issued which shall include the public swimming pool. When more than one pool is operated on the same premises, the inspection fee shall be ten dollars per year for each additional pool. E. Public swimming pools (housing unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 55.00/annually Each additional pool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .$ 55.00/annually Public swimming pools (commercial) . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .$ 83.00/annually F. Pools operated by recreation districts, public schools and other public districts Exempt 31 G. Public bath places. ... . . . .. . .. . . . ... .. .. .... .... ....$ 55.00/annually Natural bathing place. . .... ... . . . .. .... ..... ....... .$ 55.00/annually H. Water slides. . .. .. . ... .. . ... ... ... .. .... .... ........ 165.00� /annually 9. PERMIT FEE FOR RESIDENTIAL ALUMINUM PATIO COVERS: Residential aluminum patio covers, includes plan review and permit issuance fees........ ��..,.��.�...$ 40. 0 When the patio cover is to be constructed from a San Bernardino County Standard Plan or an International Conference of Building Official Standard Plan, the set fee will include comparison . plan review and permit issuance fees.... ... $ 33.00 10. FEE REFUNDS The Building Department may authorize the refunding of any fee paid under the following conditions: A fee that was erroneously paid or collected. A refund shall not be more than eighty per cent (80%) of the permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit. A refund shall not be more than eighty percent (80Z) of the plan review fee paid when an application for a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or cancelled before any plan reviewing is done. A refund of not more than eighty percent (80%) of any planning fee when the request for the planning action is withdrawn or cancelled before any work by the Department is done. In no case shall the Building Official retain more than fifty—five ($55.00) of the fees paid, as described above nor shall he refund any amount of said fees less than fourteen ($14.00). The Building Official shall not authorize the refunding of any fee paid except upon written application filed by the original permittee not later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of fee payments. 11. EXEMPTIONS There shall be an exemption from all permit, plan review and inspection fees as set forth in this section, when all of the following conditions exist: The building permit is for rebuilding or rehabilitating a structure because of damage caused by and occurring in the course of a disaster. The City Council has adopted a resolution declaring a State of Emergency due to the disaster, for damage caused by or occurring in the same disaster and the application for the building permit is filed with the Department of Building and Safety within on hundred and eighty (180) days after the resolution has been adopted by the City Council. 12. SOLAR ENERGY PERMIT FEES 32 Any person filing an application for a permit to do solar energy work shall pay a fee according to the following schedule at the time of filing: DESCRIPTION FEES A. Collectors - including related piping and regulating services 0-1,000 sq. ft.................. ....................$ 4.00 1,001-2,000 sq. ft..................................$ 7.00 2,001 sq. ft & over............................. ....$ 7.00 + 2.00 ea. additional 1,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof over 2,001 sq. ft. B. Storage tanks - including related piping and regulating devices 0-750 gallons......... 3.00 751-2,000 gallons...................................$ 4.00 2,001 gallons & over.,... 4.00 + $2.00 for ea. additional 1,000 gallons or fraction thereof over 2,001 gallons C. For rock storage 0-1,500 cu. ft,.... 3.00 1,501 cu. ft. - 3,000 cu. ft.. ...... ................$ 4.00 3,001 cu. ft. & over................................$ 4.00 + 2.00 for ea. additional 1,000 cu. ft. or fraction thereof over 3,001 cu. ft. D. For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by the Uniform Solar Energy Code for which no fee is listed....... .o.*.*.... o—oo—e...... e*** o**.$ 3.00 The above fees do not include permit fees for any parts of the solar system which are subject to the requirements of other applicable codes. E. Plan Review Fee - Where no plan review fee is charged and a plan is required to be submitted for the solar energy system, a plan review fee is required to be submitted for the solar energy system, a plan review fee of 1/2 the solar energy permit shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. ITEM 14 - FACILITY USE FEES 33 Fees and Deposits - Civic Center A. A minimum rental of two (2) hours is required on all facilities. Any exceptions must be approved in writing by the Community Services Director. B. The City may require licensed security officers for additional supervision on any reservation. These officers will be hired by the City of Grand Terrace and all related fees to be paid in addition to the other charges for the use of the facility, by permittee. 1 - 100 Guests - One Security Guard Required C. Group must appear within fifteen (15) minutes of beginning time specified or permit will be cancelled and all fees forfeited. D. In order to reserve a facility all deposits must be paid at the time of application. All fees must be paid prior to five (5) working days before the scheduled event/reservation. Special arrangements for payment of fees must be approved by the Director of Finance and must be paid by cash or cashiers check. E. Deposits are refundable ONLY if facilities are left in a clean and orderly manner and no damage has occurred. A minimum fee of $75.00 will be charged and deducted from deposit, if any part of the facility needs to be cleaned by staff. Charges for damages or stolen equipment will be based on costs of materials, staff time and a 25% administrative fee. F. If group goes beyond any scheduled ending time an overtime penalty fee will be charged at twice the hourly rate and deducted from the deposit. G. If any additional fees are in excess of deposit then permittee will be held liable for additional costs and be billed for the amount exceeding the deposit. Meeting Room. ............. ....... . .. ....... .............$15/hr. - resident (Community Room Subdivided)....... .. .. .. ... ... ...... ... .$20/hr. - non-resident Community Room,.... .oo ... .o. ... .o... o. .. ...... ...o..... .$25/hr, — resident $35/hr. - non-resident Council Chambers.. .... .... .... ... ... .. .. .... .. ...... ....$50/hr. - resident Kitchen. ... ........ ..o ... . .o .... — resident $20/hr. — non—resident Non—profit Groups... .... o. 00 ..00 .00. .... oo .. .0000. .. . ,.$5/hr, (without staff member on duty) 34 Non-profit Groups. .... .. .. a**...... *.. .,.,No Charge (during normal business hours) DEPOSITS - ALL ROOMS.. .......................*es........$150.00 Ballfield Lights.. .. ................ .... .. .......... ....$8.00 per token ITEM 15 - RESERVED ITEM 16 - RESERVED ITEM 17 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE FEES The following Capital Improvement and Maintenance Fees have been estblished pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Title 15 Chapter 15.28. All properties within the City Limits of the City of Grand Terrace shall pay into the, Street Capital, Park Capital, Storm Drain Capital Improvement and Maintenance Fund. A. STREET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE FUND Residential - Each single family unit........e.....o$600.00 Apartment - Each apartment or multiple family unit..$413.00 Mobilehomes - Each unit,.. .. o. .....—.... ...o....o.$413000 Industrial - Commercial - per acre or fractional part thereof.... .... .. .. ........ .... ...... ..........$600oOO B. PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE FUND Residential - Each single family unit... ...... .oo...$414.00 Apartments - Each apartment or multiple family unit.$303.00 Mobilehomes - Each unit. . . .....o$303.00 Industrial - Commercial - per acre or fractional part thereof or dedicate an area of land for park purposes having a fair market value equivalent to the fees which would be payable in accordance with schedule of fees.. .... .. ... o.o . ..o .00.. .o.. ...o$110.00 C. STORM DRAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Residential - Each single family unit.,...oo....o.. .$500oOO Apartments - Each apartment or multiple family unit. ... . ..... . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. ..... . .... ....$450oOO Mobile Homes - Each unit.. .. . . .. o.00 ... . .. . . ..oo.o..$450.00 Industrial - Commercial - per acre or fractional part thereof. . .. . ..ooto .00. 00e.$500.00 D. SCHOOL IMPACTION FEE. .. . .. .. ... . .... .. .. ... ..... ... .$1,678 per Apt. , Condo or Res.Unit ITEM 18 - RELOCATION BUILDING PERMIT FEES The following relocation building permits fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Title 15 Chapter 15.32. 35 A. APPLICATION A person who wishes to move a building or structure must file an application with the City Engineer. If the building or structure to be moved is subject to regulations by the City Building and Safety Department, the applicant shall obtain and file with his application a building and safety department approval for the moving of the building or structure. B. FEES AND DEPOSITS Every applicant for a moving permit shall deposit with the City Engineer a surety bond in the amount of five thousand dollars for the protection of highways from injury and to provide indemnity for any damages resulting from the operation or movement under permit. C. INSPECTION FEE The applicant shall pay an inspection fee based on a value of a new building structure. When the structure is located more than fifty miles outside the boundaries of the City, the Department of Building and Safety may request and reimburse a local agency in that area for an on-site inspection and report. There shall be no inspection or inspection fee on a building or structure to be moved out of the City. D. INSPECTION AND REPORT The Director of Building and Safety shall inspect the building or structure to be moved and prepare a written report which shall be forwarded to the applicant. If approved for moving, the report shall contain the requirements necessary to make the building or structure conform to all building code requirements. E. INSPECTION REPORT TERM - Additions to Report Additional corrections may be added to the report whenever the structure has been vandalized, damaged during transportation or altered in any manner after the on-site inspection. Otherwise, the inspection report shall remain valid for a period of ninety days (90) after the building or structure has been inspected. At the end of that time, if the building or structure has not been relocated, a new report and inspection fee will be required. ITEM 19 - ANIMAL CONTROL The following fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Title 6, Chapter 6.04. A. Authority to Release - Any officer having in his custody any unlicensed, impounded dog or cat not suffering from any infectious or communicable disease may release the same to any adult person who will pay the pound fees and charges as established by the San Bernardino County, if a resident of the City, will also pay for rabies vaccination and license fees if it is a dog that such resident of the City has bought. Only male cats will be sold. B. Impoundment of dogs running at large - There shall be a reclaiming fee for 36 all impounded dogs, as established by San Bernardino County. C. Wild, Exotic Animals - The Health Officer may authorize the keeping or maintaining of any wild, exotic, dangerous or nondomestic animal when, in his opinion, any such animal may be kept or maintained without endangering the safety of any person, or other animal or property, nor create a nuisance. The Health Officer may require any such animal to be properly caged, or restrained, and require a license fee as established by San Bernardino County. D. Pet Shops - An application for a license to operate a pet shop, pet grooming parlor, public aquarium, petting zoo, wild animal breeding or boarding facility or animal menagerie, shall be made in writing to the Health Officer. No license shall be issued or renewed unless and until all general regulations relating to animals as set forth by the Health Officer, are complied with and after payment of an animal fee as esta- blished by San Bernardino County. E. Dog License Fees - Each application for a dog license shall be accompanied by a license fee as established by San Bernardino County. F. Dog License - Penalty Fee - Any person who obtains a license not in conformity with any of the above provisions shall pay a penalty fee, as established by San Bernardino County, in addition to the regular license fee. G. Dog License - Transfer of Ownership - If, during the licensing year, a licensed dog is sold or title to the dog is otherwise transferred to a new owner, such new owner may apply to the Health Officer for a transfer of such dog's tag and license and pay a transfer fee as established by San Bernardino County. ITEM 20 - ALARM DEVICES AND SYSTEMS The following fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code, Title 8, Chapter 8.20. A. Service Charge - Imposition- There shall be a service charge based on police or fire staff time, assessed against the alarm user when a police or fire response occurs as a result of a third or subsequent false alarm from an alarm system at the same address or location within any twelve - consecutive - calendar - month period. ITEM 21 - AMBULANCES The following fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Title 8, Chapter 8.24. A. Annual Permit fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be required. All permits shall be issued to expire on December 31st of each year, and the annual fee therefor may be prorated on a quarterly basis for the first year. Permit fees may be waived by the City Council if public need and necessity requires it for nonprofit agencies supported by public subscription. ITEM 22 - COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER OPERATIONS 37 The following fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Title 8, Chapter 8.44. After approval by the Planning Director, and before commencing operation, the applicant shall apply to the Environmental Health Officer for a commercial fertilizer operation permit and shall pay the following fees: A. Application Review..................................$325.00 B. Survey....*.a..... ,.,,,,,$35/hr. C. Annual Permit. ..... .................................$180/yr. D. This application shall be subject to the appropriate Regional Water Qualtiy Control Board; such board shall be notified of each application filed pursuant to these requirements. E. Completed and detailed plans showing contours at two-foot elevations shall be submitted with the application showing all details of the storage and/or processing items as required in this section. F. Permit Term - A permit for which application is made under the provisions of this chapter may be granted at any time during the year. Any permit granted under this Municipal Code chapter 8.44 shall expire one year from the date of issuance. G. Penalty - A fifty percent penalty shall be added for failure to make application for yearly renewal within thirty days from the date of expiration or for failure to apply for a permit. ITEM 23 - LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL The following fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Title 8, Chapter 8.64. A. Each Vehicle.........e.e.e ..09.0........... ,,.,.,,.$132/yr. B. Application Review...... .... .... ..... C. Transfer Fee........................................$16/yr. D. Supplemental Inspection Fee. .. . . ....... ....... ......$54.00 E. Soil Testing Requirements - When required by the Environmental Health Officer, soil percolation testing shall be done in compliance with the current Percolation Test Report Requirements adopted by the Environmental Health Officer. The Environmental Health Officer may establish other means for determining liquid waste application rates and charge such fees as are appropriate and authorized by City Council. ITEM 24 - ABANDONED ORCHARDS The following fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code. Title 8, Chapter 8.72. 38 The Planning Director shall cause any orchard to be brought into compliance with this chapter after the expiration of twenty eight days after the last notice is sent to the applicant, either the notice to remove or the notice of the City Council determination. The compliance shall be achieved as reasonably and economically as possiblein accordance with the discretion of the Planning Director. The City s Finance Director shall pay the cost of such compliance from available funds to the City. The total cost of such compliance shall be computed and an administrative fee of twenty percent of such cost shall be added. A bill for the entire sum of the costs and administrative fee shall be mailed to the record owner of such orchard. The bill shall include an itemized statement covering the work necessary for such removal; such itemized statement shall be due and payable within thirty days after mailing. ITEM 25 - REFUSE COLLECTION PERMITS The following fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Title 8, Chapter 8.80. A. Refuse Collection and Hauling 1. Class A Vehicle: i. Application review............o.................$379.00 ii. Annual permit 1-25 services...................................$69/yr./veh. 26-100...... ........ ............................$40/yr./veh. plus 13/mo./veh. 101-300. ........ ............ ............ ........$106/yr./veh.+22.O0 mo./veh. 301-500 services................ ........ ........$210/yr./veh. plus $22/mo./veh. Over 500 services....................... ........$421/yr./veh. plus $22/mo./veh. A separate permit is required for each collection area served. iii. Transfer of permit from one vehicle to another..$54.00 iv. Transfer of ownership... .......,.* ..... ... .*... .$162.00 v. Appeal to the City Council. ........ ......$216.00 2. Class B Vehicle i. Annual permit. ........*-*.......... ..... *.*... . .$270/yr. ii. Transfer of permit from one vehicle to another..$54.00 3. Class C Vehicle i. Annual permit. . ............ ............... ......$60.00 4. Class D Vehicle i. Application review. .... ..... ...... . ...... . .. ... .$54.00 ii. Annual permit.. .... .. .. .... .... .. .. ... . ... . .. .. .$119/yr. iii. Annual permit - City-operated vehicles. ... . ... . .$100/yr. 39 iv. Transfer of permit from one vehicle to another..$54.00 v. Transfer of ownership......... ......*..o*.*..*e*$54*OO 5. Roll-off refuse bins (20 cubic yards or more) i. Annual permit•...............•.................. ".00 B. Transfer Stations: (County-operated sites exempt) i. Application Review Up to 100 cubic yards daily... . ......$270.00 100 or more cubic yards daily.. .... .. .....$541.00 plus $35.00 for each hour or fraction thereof over 20 hours ii. Annual Permit Up to 100 cubic yards daily......................$180/yr. 100 or more cubic yards daily......oo.00..o......$360/yr. Co It is unlawful for any person firm or corporation to operate a refuse collection service, refuse hauling service or garbage - hauling operation in any portion of the City without possessing the applicable permit to do so issued by the San Bernardino County Department of Environmental Health Services and having paid the required fee. D. Any fees set by this Ordinance may be prorated on a quarterly basis when applied to a new or newly procured vehicle which is acquired as an additional vehicle and for which a permit is requested. ITEM 26 - SEWAGE HOLDING TANKS The following fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code, Title 8, Chapter 8.88. A. Permit Fees Sewage Holding Tank operating permit................$ 61.00/yr. Sewage Holding Tank construction permit (a permit good for the period of time while other construction permits or building permits are in force and effect),,.,... 33.00 Multiple ownership septic systems... .. .. .... .. . .....$110.00/yr. A fifty percent (50%) penalty shall be added to the fees in Item 23 for failure to make application for yearly renewal within thirty (30) days of annual expiration. The fee may be prorated on a quarterly basis with quarters commencing upon January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st of each calendar year. ITEM 27 - WATER WELLS - PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS 40 The following fees have been established pursuant to the City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code Title 8, Chapter 8.100. Water Plans - Plan Checking........ 55.00 Field Inspection........... .... 39.00/hr or fraction thereof ITEM 28 - PUBLIC DOCUMENT FEES The following fees have been established to recover the costs of providing copies of public records which fees do not exceed the cost of providing the service or making the copy. A. Initial fee of $2.00 will be charged for the first page of public documents reproduced on a City copy machine. Where staff time is required, the cost of staff time plus 20% will be charged. B. $.20 will be charged for each additional page reproduced. C. The minimum fee of $4.00 will be charged for a traffic collison report; however each page in excess of 10 pages shall be at the rate of $.20 per additional page. D. A fee will be charged for each set of Specifications, including cost of shipping and handling when required, as established by Notice Inviting Bids. ITEM 29 - RETURNED CHECKS A fee of $10.00 will be charged for each check returned. 41