WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Zoning Ordinance on August 23, 1990;
WHEREAS, the Barton Road Specific Plan was approved in 1990; and
WHEREAS, the proposed Zoning Amendment Z-93-03, Item II, is set out in full in
Attachment 1 including amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Barton Road Specific
Chapter 18.76 Non-Conforming Uses and Buildings - Zoning Ordinance
Section 18.76.030 Amending Non-Conforming Use of Buildings
Section 18.76.031 Adding Termination-Discontinuance of Use
Section 18.76.032 Adding Termination-Violation of Laws
Section 18.76.033 Adding Termination-Operation of Use
Section 18.76.034 Adding Termination-Abatement as a Public Nuisance
Section 18.76.040 Amending Non-Conforming Buildings
Chapter 18.73 General Regulations and Exceptions - Zoning Ordinance
Section 18.73.211 Adding Temporary Uses Regulations
Chapter 18.63 Amending Site and Architectural Review - Zoning Ordinance
Section 18.63.020 (b & c) Amending Application Process
Chapter 18.33 Amending C2 General Business District - Zoning Ordinance
t R
�' Section 18.33.020 Amending Permitted Uses
Chapter 18.36 Amending CM Commercial Manufacturing District - Zoning Ordinance
Section 18.36.020 Amending Permitted Uses
Chapter- 18.39 Amending MR Restricted Manufacturing District - Zoning Ordinance
Section 18.39.020 Amending Permitted Uses
Chapter 18.40 Amending M2 Industrial District - Zoning Ordinance
Section 18.40.020 Amending Permitted Uses
Barton Road Specific Plan:
Development Regulations Amending Pages III-3/4 Non-Conforming
Development Regulations and Implementation/Pages III-6 & III-10 (including
eliminating CUP requirement for outdoor displays)and temporary uses in accordance
with Site and Architectural Review requirements.
Table 1, Land Use Matrix, Notes #3, Pages III-10, allow office uses on first floor in
r h: Village Commercial Subarea.
WHEREAS, the proposed amendments are consistent with the goals, objectives and
policies of the Zoning Code, Barton Road Specific Plan and the City of Grand Terrace
General Plan; and
WHEREAS, the overall proposed amendments are 1) clearer text, and 2) update to
implement State regulations.
WHEREAS, the proposed amendments will not pose a detriment to the aesthetic
value of our commercial area, residential or industrial areas and to the general welfare of
the citizens of Grand Terrace; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental
Quality act, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project and has been
approved by the Planning Commission and considered by the City Council. This Negative
Declaration is available for review at the City Planning Department: and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a properly notice public hearing on
January 6, 1994; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, at its meeting on January 6, 1994,
recommended to the City Council the proposed Zoning Amendment set out in full in the
attachment amending aforementioned Chapters and Sections of Zoning Ordinance and
Barton Road Specific Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on January 27,
1994, for the approval of Z-93-03 and E-93-13.
Section 1: Proposed Zoning Amendment No. Z-93-02, Item 2, set out in full in
Attachment C, is approved and adopted by the City Council.
Section 2: The Negative Declaration on file in the Planning Department of the
City of Grand Terrace, E-93-13 is hereby approved.
Section 3: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect at
12:01 a.m. on the 31st day of its adoption.
Section 4: Posting: The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in
three (3) public places within fifteen (15) days of its adoption, as
designated for such purpose by the City Council.
Section 5: First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on
the 27th day of January, 1994 and finally adopted and ordered posted
at a regular meeting of said City Council on the loth of February,
City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace MaW of the City of Grao Terrace
�� and of the,,City Council thereof a f the City Council thereof
I, BRENDA STANFILL, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, California, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular
meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the loth day of February,
1994, by the following vote:
S f' I OR�Ll
r ,
City Clerk
Brenda Stanfill
Approved as to form:
City Attorney
John Harper
fiD TER R c Department
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, a Negative Declaration is hereby
filed on the below referenced project, on the basis that said project will not have a
significant effect on the environment.
Item 2, Z-93-03, BRSPA 93-02, E-93-13, Zoning Amendment and Environmental Review
regarding Non-Conforming Uses in Zoning Code and Barton Road Specific Plan, General
Regulations in Zoning Code and Site and Architectural Review and proposed
Administrative Temporary Use Permits for other than residential-related type uses.
City of Grand Terrace
Based upon the attached Initial Study, there is no.substantial evidence that the project will
have a significant effect on the environment.
Patrizia Materassi Date
Community Development Director
City of Grand Terrace
22795 Barton Road• Grand Terrace,California 92324-5295•(909)824-6621
L Background
1. Name of Proponent: City of Grand Terrace
2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: City of Grand Terrace
22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92324-5295
Attention: Patrizia Materassi Planning Director, 714-824-6621
3. Date of Environmental Assessment:
4. Agency Requiring Assessment: Cijy of Grand Terrace
2-q3-a 3/.8r,�PA-73 13
5. Name of Proposal, if applicable: 1,&cndme_ec& eanL.D M ,0_
��Or=�l�'kE•.�J Z �� astcE�au�.Lc�se f a
6.. Location of Proposal: r&V/6-CS& Q ��
uc11' d t-Cc n t M. (Us, �'Dv,61-,
DispLRys a. � f�i-d��ec�u:-�c.e
II. Environmental Impacts
(Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are provided on attached sheets.)
Yes Maw No
1. Earth. Will proposal result in:
a. Unstable earth conditions or
in changes in geologic
b. Disruptions, displacements,
compaction or overcovering V
of this soil? K
C. Substantial change in topography t \
or ground surface relief features?
Yes —MU be No
� d. The destruction, covering or
modification of any unique
geologic or physical features?
e. Any substantial increase in wind
or water erosion of soils, k
either on or off site?
f. Changes in deposition or erosion
of beach sands, or changes in
situation, deposition or erosion
which may modify the channel of a
river or stream or the bed of the �(
ocean or any bay, inlet or lake?
g. Exposure of people or property
to geologic hazards such as
earthquakes, landslides,
mudslides, ground failure, or x
similar hazards?
2. Air. Will the proposal result in:
a. Substantial air emissions or
deterioration of ambient
air quality? �(
b. The creation of objectionable
C. Alteration of air movement,
moisture or temperature, or any
change in climate, whether
locally or regionally? �C
3. Water. Will the proposal result in:
a. Substantial changes in currents,
or the course or direction of
water movements, in either marine
or fresh waters?
. �a
Yes Maybe aybe No
b. Substantial changes in absorption
rates, drainage patterns, or the
rate and amount of surface
runoff? �(
C. Alterations to the course or
flow of flood waters? X
d. Change in the amount of surface
water in any water body?
e. Discharge into surface waters, or
in any alteration of surface water
quality, including, but not limited
to, temperature, dissolved oxygen
or turbidity?
f. Alteration of the direction or \/
rate of flow of ground waters? I�
g. Change in the quantity of ground
waters, either through direct
— additions or withdrawals, or
through interception of an aquifer
cuts or excavations? 1�
h. Substantial.reduction in the
amount of water otherwise
available for public water x
i. Exposure of people or property to
water related hazards such as
flooding or tidal waves? k
4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in:
a. Change in the diversity of species,
or number of any native species of
plants (including trees, shrubs,
grass, crops and aquatic plants)? k
� Yes Ma be No
b. Reduction of the numbers of any
unique, rare or endangered
species of plants?
C. Introduction of new species of
plants into an area of native
vegetation, or in a barrier to the
normal replenishment of existing
d. Substantial reduction in acreage
of any agricultural crop?
5. Animal Life. Will the proposal result in:
a. Change in the diversity of
species, or numbers of any species
of animals (birds, land animals
including reptiles, fish and
shellfish, benthic organisms or
b. Reduction of the numbers of any
unique, rare or endangered
species of animals?
C. Deterioration to existing fish
or wildlife'habitat?
6. Noise. Will the proposal result in:
a. - Increases in existing noise X
b. Exposure of people to severe
noise levels?
7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal
produce substantial new light or glare?
8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a
substantial alteration of the present or
planned land use of an area?
Yes -Ma•be No
9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal
result in:
a. Substantial increase in the rate
of use of any natural resources?
b. Substantial depletion of any
nonrenewable natural resource?
10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve:
a. A risk of an explosion or the
release of hazardous substances
(including, but not limited to, oil
pesticides, chemicals or radiation)
in the event of an accident or
upset conditions?
b. Possible interference with an
emergency response plan or an
emergency evacuation plan?
11. Population. Will the proposal alter
the location, distribution,density or
growth rate of the human population
of an area?
12. Housing. Will the proposal affect
existing housing or create a demand for X
additional housing?
13. Transportation/Circulation. Will the
proposal result in:
a. Generation of substantial
additional vehicular movement? �(
b. Effects on existing parking
facilities, or demand for new
parking? X
C. Substantial impact upon existing
transportation systems?
Yes —Maybe No
d. Alterations to present patterns
of circulation or movement of
people and/or goods?
e. Alterations to waterborne, rail
or air traffic?
f. Increase in traffic hazards to
motor vehicles, bicyclists or
pedestrians? X
14. Public Services. Will the proposal
have substantial effect upon, or result
in a need for new or altered governmental
services in any of the following areas:
a. Fire protection? x
b. Police protection? X
C. Schools? -L
d. Parks or other recreational
facilities? X
e. Maintenance of public facilities,
including roads? .
£ Other governmental services? X
15. Energy. Will the proposal result in:
a. Use of substantial amounts _
of fuel or energy? x
b. Substantial increase in demand
upon existing sources of energy,
or require the development of new `
sources of energy? X
16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in
a need for new systems, or substantial
alterations to the following utilities:
Yes. Maybe No
a. Power or natural gas?
b. Communications systems? x
C. Water?
d. Sewer or septic tanks?
e. Storm water drainage?
f. Solid waste and disposal?
17. Human Health. Will the proposal result
a. Creation of any health hazard
or potential health hazard
(excluding.mental health)?
b. Exposure of people to potential
18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result
in the obstruction of any scenic vista
or view.open to the public, or will the
proposal result in the creation of an
aesthetically offensive site open to
public view? x
19. Recreation. Will the proposal result
in an impact upon the quality or quantity \i
of existing recreational oppor-inities? 1�
20. Cultural Resources.
a. Will the proposal result in the
alteration of or the destruction
of a prehistoric or historic \
archaeological site? X
Yes M- a►�be No
b. Will the proposal result in
adverse physical or aesthetic
effects to a prehistoric or
historic building, structure
or object?
C. Does the proposal have the
potential to cause a physical
change which would affect unique
ethnic cultural values?
d. Will the proposal restrict
existing religious or sacred uses
within the potential impact area? J�
21. Mandatory Findings of Significance.
a. Does the project have the
potential to degrade the.quality
of the environment, substaittially
reduce the habitat of a fish or
wildlife species, cause a fish or
wildlife population to drop below
self-sustaining levels, threaten
to eliminate a plant or animal or
eliminate important examples of
the major.periods of.California
history or prehistory?
b. Does the project have the
potential to achieve short-term,
to the disadvantage of long-term,
environmental goals? (A short-
term impact on the environment is
one which occurs in a relatively
brief, definitive period of time
while long-term impacts will
endure well into the future.)
C. Does the project have impacts
which are individually limited,
but cumulatively considerable?
(A project's impact on two or
Yes Maw e No
more separate resources may be
relatively small, but where the
effect of the total of those
impacts on the environment is \
significant.) 7�
d. Does the project have
environmental effects which will
cause substantial adverse effects
on human beings, either directly
or indirectly?
Environmental Determination
On the basis of this initial evaluation:
I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the
environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.
- I find that, although the proposed project could have a significant effect on
(r the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the
mitigation measures described on attached sheets have been added to the project.
I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment,
Patrizia Materassi
Planning Director
o-a.f - � o
Date Signature
For City of Grand Terrace
Items 1-21
No. The project is only for Zoning Amendments into the Zoning Ordinance to bring code
up to date with State Law and provide clarity and faster implementation of processing in
conformity with General Plan.
r ,
L, -
18.76.010 Purpose
18.76.020 Nonconforming Use of Land
18.76.030 Nonconforming Use of Buildings
. 18.76.040 Nonconforming Buildings
18.76.050 Buildings Under Construction
Section 18.76.010 Purpose:
The purpose of this chapter is to establish the permitted use, expansion and maintenance
of nonconforming uses and buildings located within the City.
Section 18.76.020 Nonconforming Use of Land:_ _..
The lawful use of land existing at the time of the adoption of the ordinance codified in this
title, although such use does not conform to the regulations, specified in this title for the
(� district in which such land is located, may be continued; provided, that no such use shall be
enlarged or increased, nor be extended to occupy a greater area than that occupied by such
use at the time of the adoption of the ordinance codified in this title, and when any such use
ceases the subsequent use of such land shall be in conformity to the regulations specified
by this title for the district in which such land is located.
Section 18.76.030 Nonconforming Use of Buildings:
A. The lawful use of a building existing at the time of the adoption of the ordinance
codified in this title may be continued, although such use does not conform to the
regulations specified for the district in which the building is located.
B. The nonconforming use of a portion of a building may be extended throughout the
building; provided, that in each case a use permit shall first be obtained.
C. The nonconforming use of a building may be changed to a use of the same or more
restricted nature; provided, that in each case a use permit shall first be obtained.
D. If the nonconforming.use of a building and/or operations within a building ceases for
a continuous period of six months,it shall be considered terminated and the building
shall thereafter be used only in accordance with the regulations for the district in
which it is located.
Section 18.76.031 Termination - Discontinuance of Use
A. Such discontinuance of the active and continuous operation of such non conforming use
or part or portion thereof, for such periods, is construed and considered to be an
abandonment of such nonconforming uses, regardless of am reservation of an intent not
to abandon same or of an intent to resume active operations.
If actual abandonment in fact is evidenced by the removal of buildings structures
machineryequipment and other evidences of such nonconforming use of the land and
premises, the abandonment shall be construed and considered to be completed within
a period of six months and all rights to reestablish or continue such nonconforming use
shall thereupon terminate.
Section 18.76.032 Termination - Violation of Laws
A. And f the following violations of the municipal code shall immediately terminate the
right to operate a nonconforming use except as otherwise provided
I. ChaWng a nonconforming use to a use not permitted in the zone,•
2. Increasing or enlarging the area, space or volume occupied by or devoted to such
nonconforming use.
3. Addition to a nonconforming use of another use not permitted in the zone
Section 18.76.033 Termination - Operation of Use
A. The following non conforming uses and structures shall be discontinued and structures
removed from their sites within the time-periods specified in this section, commencing
with January 27. 1994, except when extended or revoked as otherwise provided
1. Where the property is unimproved. one Year.
2. Where the property is unimproved except for structures of a type for which the city
building code does not require a building permit three years
3. Where the property is unimproved except for structures which contain less than
one hundred square foot of gross floor area, three years.
4. Signs three years.
S. A nonconforming use conducted in a structure designed to serve a use permitted
in the zone, five years.
6. In other cases twenty years from January 27 1994, or amendment thereto
establishing nonconforming status, and for such longer time so that the total life
of the structure from the date of construction based on the type of construction
as defined by the building code will be as follows:
i �
a Type Nand Type V buildings (light incombustible frame and wood frame) used
1. One family dwellings, two family dwellings, three family dwellings
apartment houses and other buildings used for residential occupancy
twe years
2. Stores and factories twenty five years.
3. Any other building not herein enumerated twenty-five yeam
b. Tape III buildings (heavy timber construction and ordinary masonry) used as
1. One family dwellings, two family dwellings, three family dwellings,
a_partment houses offices and hotels, th&iy_years.
2. Structures with stores below and residences offices or a hotel above, thirty
3. Warehouses, stores and garages thirty years.
4 Factories and industrial buildings, thirty_years.
C. Type I and Tvpe II buildings (fire resistive uses as:
1. One family dwellings two family dwellings, three family dwellings,
apartment houses offices and hotels, thft years
2. Theaters, warehouses stores and garages, thirty nears•
3. Factories and industrial buildings thirty Kars.
Section 18.76 034 Termination -Abatement as a Public Nuisance
A. Whenever nonconforming use or structure becomes obsolete, dilapidated substandard
unsafe or exists in a state of*g neral disrepair, the Planning Commission may hold a
public hearing to evaluate and make declaration of nuisance.
Section 18.76.040 Nonconforming Buildings:
A. No use permit is required for the following:
1. Ordinary maintenance and repairs may be made to any nonconforming
building; provided, that no structural alterations and/or additions are made;
provided further,that such maintenance and repairs do not exceed twenty-five
percent (259o) of the assessed value of the building in any one-year period;
2. Any repairs necessary to bring a nonconforming building into compliance with
- city codes regardless of whether such repairs exceed twenty-five percent(25%)
of the assessed value of the building in any one-year period;provided,that the
L total floor area in the building shall not be increased.
B. A conditional use permit is required for the following:
1. Ordinary maintenance and repairs to any nonconforming building which
exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the assessed value of the building in any
one-year period;
2. 'Any structural alterations and/or additions; provided, that the total floor area
of the building shall not be increased by more than twenty percent (20%) or
one hundred twenty (120) square feet, whichever is greater;
C. As a condition to any conditional use permit granted pursuant to subsection B of this
section, the building shall be brought into conformity with those city codes deemed
necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the present and/or future
inhabitants thereof.
18.76.050 Buildings Under Construction:
Nothing contained in this title shall be deemed to require any change in plans, construction
or designated use of any building for which a building permit has properly been issued, in
accordance with the provisions of ordinances then effective and upon which actual
construction has been started prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this
title; provided, that in all such cases actual construction shall be diligently carried on until
completion of the building.
18.63.010 Purpose
1963020 Application
18.63.030 Scope
18.63.040 Submittal Process
18.63.050 Public Hearing Process
18.63.060 Approval Process
18.63.070 Appeal Process
18.63.080 Building Permit Process
18.63.090 Revisions
18.63.100 Expiration/Extensions
Section 18.63.010 Purpose:..-
The purpose of this chapter is to empower the Planning Commission to sit as the City's.Site
and Architectural Review Board and the Community Development Director with the
responsibility for comprehensive site plan and architectural review in order to achieve the
A. To ensure that new development and the alteration or enlargement of existing
development occurs in a manner that is consistent with the intent of this title
and the General Plan;
B. To ensure that the location and configuration of structures are visually
harmonious with their sites and surrounding sites and structures, that they do
not interfere with neighbors' privacy that they do not unnecessarily block
scenic views from other structures and/or public areas, and be in scale with
the townscape and natural landscape of the area;
C. To ensure that the architectural design of structures and their materials and
colors are visually harmonious with surrounding development, natural
landforms, is functional for the proposed project and is consistent with this
D. To ensure that plans for landscaping and open spaces provide a functional
and visually pleasing setting for the structures on the site and is harmonious
with the natural landscape of the area and nearby developments;
E. To ensure the preservation of the natural beauty of the city and its setting, to
B. The following items may be approved by the Planning Director without going
to the Site and Architectural Review Board:
4. Sunrooms provided they strictly meet the Planning Commission setback
policies, UBC and other construction code regulations.
5. Satellite dish antennae provided they can be screened from the street
in accordance with code and design standards. Notice including
location map or site plan shall be mailed to adjacent property owners
requesting comments at least two weeks in advance of the Planning
Director's decision.
6. Overhead decks provided they strictly meet the Planning Commission
design guidelines.
5. Accessory structures located in a R1-7.2 District under 10' in height
and over 20' in height in the R1-10/20 District with less than 500
square feet.
7. Ground floor additions to existing residential structures located in an
R1 District where the addition is less than 500-sq. fL gross floor-area-
and the exterior design and materials of the addition matches the
exterior design and materials of the existing structure.
8. Fences or walls which do not meet Section 18.73.070.
9. All construction of elevated decks.
10. Construction of playhouses according to Subsection 18.63.110 of this
11. Temporary uses with insignificant adverse, long-term impact on the
environment, La. narking lot sales rummage sales. Christmas tree sales,
seasonal sales and others in the commercial and industrial areas other
than residential areas
Any item which could not be satisfactorily reviewed at staff level may be subject to
Site and Architectural Review at the discretion of the Community Development
Director. The Community Development Director decisions shall be final unless
appealed to the Planning Commission within 10 calendar days. Appeals shall be filed
with the Planning Department and follow similar rules as the appeals to the City
Council (Section 18.63.070).
prevent the indiscriminate clearing of property, the destruction of trees and
natural vegetation and the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides, and to
preserve the natural landforms;
F. To ensure that the design and location of signs are consistent with the scale
and character of the building to which they are attached or otherwise
associated with and are consistent with this title.
Section 18.63.020 Application:
There are three (3) levels of applications for Site and Architectural Review:
A. Land Use Application,
B. Administrative Site and Architectural Review, and
C. Site and Architectural Review (with public hearing).
I. Land Use Application
The purpose of this section is to empower the Community Development Director or
representative with responsibilities for Site and Architectural Review of minor items,
yet which may have potential to adversely affect the environment. Noticing to
adjacent property owners will be at the discretion of the Community Development
Director, with the exception of satellite dishes.
A. Land Use Application, regardless of need for a permit, shall be required in
the event any of the following actions or construction occur:
1. Any new construction exceeding 6' in height.
2. Any remodeling or renovation of a structure which results in:
a) A change in use or intensity of use (includes any proposed use
of a structure which has been vacant for a period of six months
or more); or
b) An increase in building size (including bulk area and floor
area); or
c) Increased capacity; or
d) Additional street access.
3. Plan check or clearance of building plans including, but not limited to:
swimming pools, spas, patio covers, enclosures, all types of accessory
structures, walls, fences and other structures which do not require
administrative or formal Site and Architectural Review.
H. Administrative Site and Architectural Review Application
The purpose of this application is to allow staff level review of projects of medium
scale and impact without the need for a public hearing, related costs and noticing
The following items may be approved by the Community Development Director
without going to the Site and Architectural Review Board. However, the plans must
be routed to all reviewing agencies and notices shall be mailed to adjacent property
owners requesting comments within two weeks.
The Community Development Director decisions shall be final unless
appealed to the Planning Commission within 10 calendar days. Appeals shall
be filed with the Planning Department and follow similar rules as the appeals
to the City Council (Section 18.63.070).
1. All accessory structures except:
a) Structures with 65% or more of the square footage of
the main residence living area. Living area does not
include porches, patios, carports, garages, storage areas,
or auxiliary rooms.
b) Structures 1,200 square feet or more in size.
c) Structures with lot coverage higher than 25%.
2. All room additions except:
a) Room additions with 65% or more of the square footage of the
main residence living area. Living area does not include
porches, patios, carports, garages, storage areas, or auxiliary
3. Large scale temporary uses of insignificant adverse impact on the
environment,i.e.parkin;lot sales which require review by Fire. Health
and other agencies.
III. Site and Architectural Review Application
The purpose of this application is to allow major projects to receive full review from
the Site and Architectural Review Board through a public hearing process. Site.and
Architectural Review by the Site and Architectural Review Board includes, but is not
3 limited to:
18.73.010 Purpose
18.73.020 Application
18.73.030 Animal and Fowl Enclosures
18.73.040 Attached Accessory Structures
18.73.050 Building Sites of Record
18.73.060 Dedication for and Construction of Public Improvements
18.73.070 Fence and Wall Height
18.73.080 Fire Control Regulations
18.73.090 Height Limit Exceptions
18.73.100 Keeping of Animals
18.73.110 Narrow Lots of Record
18.73.120 Occupancy
18.73.130 Property Maintenance
18.73.140 Reapplication after-Denial.
18.73.150 Relocation of Structures
18.73.160 Removal or Dumping of Soil, Sand or Other Material
18.73.170 Swimming Pools, Spas and Other Bodies of Water
18.73.180 Temporary Manufactured Housing Installations
18.73.190 Utility Undergrounding
18.73.200 Visual Screening of Unsightly Uses
18.73.210 Yards
18.73.211 Temporary Uses
Section 18.73.010 Purpose:
The purpose of this chapter is to establish general regulations and specify accepted
exceptions to the provisions of this title.
Section 18.73.020 Application:
The provisions specified in this title are subject to the general regulations and exceptions
listed in this chapter.
Section 18.73.030 Animal and Fowl Enclosures:
No stable,paddock, coop, pen or other enclosure for the maintenance or raising of animals
or fowl shall be established or maintained closer than twenty feet to any residence.
Section 18.73.210 Yards:
All yards as required by this title shall be subject to the following regulations:
A. All front, side and rear yards shall be open and unobstructed from the ground
to the sky unless otherwise provided for in this title.
B. All portions of any front yard (fenced or unfenced) which is adjacent to a
street or unfenced side yard which is adjacent to a street, except for driveways
and walks, shall be landscaped with trees,shrubs, flowers, or other decorative
plant materials and shall be permanently maintained in a neat, attractive and
weed free manner. In no case shall trailers (other than licensed boat trailers
with a boat), commercial vehicles or any miscellaneous materials be stored or
parked in any required front yard (fenced or unfenced) which is adjacent to
a street or unfenced side yard which is adjacent to a street.
C. Architectural features (such as chimneys, cornices, eaves and canopies),
uncovered porches, landing places, heating and air conditioning equipment,
pool equipment or outside stairways may project up to five (5) feet into a
required side or rear yard but shall in no .case extend closer than three (3)
feet to any side or rear lot-line. -
Section 18.73.211 Temporary Uses Allowed:
Temporary uses with insignificant adverse, long-term impact on the environment, i.e.
ap rldng lot sales, rummage sales, Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales and others through
the Land Use Approval or Administrative Site and Architectural approval process in
accordance with Chapter 18.63, Site and Architectural review in the commercial and
industrial uses other than residential.
18.33.010 Purpose
18.33.020 Permitted Uses
18.33.030 Conditionally Permitted Uses
18.33.040 Site Development Standards
18.33.050 Storage and Trash Facilities
18.33.060 Off Street Parking
18.33.070 Signs
18.33.080 Site and Architectural Review
Section 18.33.010 Purpose:
The purpose of the C2 District is to promote and provide for the orderly development of
general commercial uses desirous to the community as a whole as well as freeway generated
(� Section 18.33.020 Permitted Uses:
Permitted uses in the C2 District shall be as follows:
A. Antique shops
B. Apparel stores
C. Appliance stores and repair
D. Art, music, and photographic studios and supply stores
E. Athletic and health clubs and weight reducing clinics
F. Automotive related services(includes motorcycles,boats,recreational vehicles,
trailers and campers)
1. Parts and supplies
G. Bakeries (retail only)
- H. Barber and beauty shops
EE. Office supplies store
FF. Paint, glass and wallpaper stores
GG. Pet shops
HH. Printing, blueprinting and reproduction services.
H. Record, tape, and video stores (sales and rental)
JJ. Restaurants
1. With the incidental serving of beer and wine (without a cocktail
lounge, bar, entertainment or dancing)
2. Fast food (without a drive-thru)
KK. Shoe stores (sales and repair)
LL. Sporting goods stores
MM. Tailor shops
NN. Television, radio, VCR, stereo and CD component stores (sales and repair)
00. Toy stores
PP. Variety department stores
QQ. Watch and clock shops (sales and repair)
RR.. Yardage goods stores
SS. Other use which are determined by the Planning Commission to be similar
in nature to a use listed in this section.
TT. Temporary uses which are determined by the Community Development
Director not to have significant long term impact on the environment. (Uses
such as parking lot sales, Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales,
and others with review through the Land Use Approval or Administrative Site
and Architectural approval process in accordance with Chapter 18.63, Site and
Architectural Review.)
18.36.010 Purpose
18.36.020 Permitted Uses
18-36.030 Conditionally Permitted Uses
18.36.040 Site Development Standards
18.36.050 Storage and Trash Facilities
18.36.060 Off Street Parking
18.36.070 Signs
18.36.080 Site and Architectural Review
Section 18.36.010 Purpose:
The purpose of the CM District is to provide for the development of combined commercial
and light manufacturing uses. The regulations of this district are intended to allow various
light manufacturing uses which:operate free of objectionable::noise,.dust, odor or.other
nuisances to locate in a mixed use development area along with commercial uses.
Section 18.36.020 Permitted Uses:
Permitted uses in the CM District shall be as follows:
A. Business support services
B. Communication services
C. Public storage facilities
D. Research and development facilities
E. Other uses which are permitted in the C2 District without a CUP
F. Other uses which are determined by the Planning Commission to be similar
in nature to a use listed in this section.
G. Temporary uses which are determined by the Community Development
Director not to have significant long term impact on the environment. (Uses
such as parking lot sales. Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales,
and others with review through the Land Use Approval or Administrative Site
and Architectural approval process in accordance with Chapter 18.63.Site and
Architectural Review.)
18.39.010 Purpose
18.39.020 Permitted Uses
18.39.030 Conditionally Permitted Uses
18.39.040 Site Development Standards
18.39.050 Storage and Trash Facilities
18.39.060 Off Street Parking
18.39.070 Signs
18.39.080 Site and Architectural Review
18.39.090 Manufactured Housing
Section 18.39.010 Purpose:
The purpose of the MR District is to provide for the development of light manufacturing
and industrial uses. The. regulations of this district -are intended to allow- various
manufacturing and industrial uses which operate free of objectionable noise, dust, odor or
other nuisances to other (non-industrial uses) in planned architecturally integrated building
Section 18.39.020 Permitted Uses:
Permitted uses in the MR District shall be as follows:
A. Agricultural and nursery supplies and services
B. Automotive related services(includes motorcycles,boats,recreational vehicles,
trailers and campers)
1. Parts and supplies
C. Building maintenance services
D. Building supplies sales
E. Communication services
F. Laundry and cleaning services
G. Manufacturing-light facilities
H. Mail order services
t '
I. Printing, blueprinting and reproduction services
I Public storage facilities
K. Research services
L. Veterinary clinics (completely contained in a building)
M. Wholesale, storage and distribution facilities
N. Other uses which are determined by the Planning Commission to be similar
in nature to a use listed in this section.
O. Temporary uses which are determined by the Community Development
Director not to have significant long term impact on the environment. (Uses
such as parking lot sales, Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage sales,
and others with review through the Land Use Approval or Administrative Site
and Architectural approval process in accordance with Chapter 18.63, Site and
Architectural Review.)
Section 18.39.030 Conditionally Permitted Uses:
Uses permitted in the MR District with a conditional use permit are as follows:
A. Automotive related services(includes motorcycles,boats,recreational vehicles,
trailers and campers)
1. Rentals
2. Repair
3. Sales (new and used vehicles)
4. Service stations
B. Contractor's office and storage yards
C. Funeral homes (without crematory services)
D. Heavy equipment sales and services
E. Lumberyard and mill
F. Recreational facilities
G. Modular units for office purposes only.
H. Other uses which are determined by the Planning Commission to be similar
in nature to a use listed in this section.
18.40.010 Purpose
18.40.020 Permitted Uses
18.40.030 Conditionally Permitted Uses
18.40.040 Site Development Standards
18.40.050 Storage and Trash Facilities
18.40.060 Off Street Parking
18.40.070 Signs
18.40.080 Site and Architectural Review
18.40.090 Manufactured Housing
Section 18.40.010 Purpose:
The purpose of the M2 District is to provide for the development of medium manufacturing
and industrial uses. The regulations of this district are intended to allow various
manufacturing and industrial uses which operate free of overly excessive noise, dust, odor
or other nuisances and yet may be objectionable to other (non-industrial) districts.
Section 18.40.020 -Permitted uses:
Permitted uses in the M2 District are as follows:
A. Agricultural and nursery supplies and services
B. Automotive related services(includes motorcycles,boats,recreational vehicles,
trailers and campers)
1. Parts and supplies (wholesale and retail)
2. Rentals
3. Repair
C. Bakery (wholesale)
D. Building maintenance services
E. Building supplies and sales (wholesale and retail)
F. Communication services
G. Contractor's office and storage yards
H. Heavy equipment sales and services
I. Laundry and dry cleaning facilities
I Lumberyard and mill
K. Mail order services
L. Manufacturing-light and medium facilities
M. Photography and film processing facilities
N. Printing, blueprinting and reproduction services
O. Public storage facilities
P. Veterinary clinics (completely contained in a building)
Q. Wholesale, storage and distribution facilities
R. Other uses which are determined by the-Planning Commission to be similar
in nature to a use listed in this section.
S. Temporary uses which are determined by the Community Development
Director not to have a significant long..term impact..on. the environment.
(Uses such as parking lot sales, Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales, rummage
sales, and others with review through the Land Use Approval or
Administrative Site and Architectural approval process in accordance with
Chapter 18.63. Site.and Architectural Review.
Section 18.40.030 Conditionally Permitted Uses:
Uses permitted in the M2 District with a conditional use permit are as follows:
A. Automotive related services(includes motorcycles,boats,recreational vehicles,
trailers and campers)
1. Sales (new and used vehicles)
2. Service stations
B. Funeral homes (with crematory services)
C. Recreational facilities
D. Modular units for business office or headquarter purposes only.
6. Non-conforming Uses of Land
Where, at the time of passage of this Specific Plan, lawful use of land exists which l
would not be permitted by the regulations imposed by this Specific Plan, such use
may be continued so long as it remains otherwise lawful, provided:
a. No such non-conforming use shall be enlarged or increased, nor extended
to occupy a greater area of square footage than was occupied at the effective
date of adoption or amendment of this Specific Plan; I
b. No such non-conforming use shall be moved in whole or in part to any
portion of the lot or parcel other than that occupied by such use at the effec-
tive date of adoption or amendment of this Specific Plan;
C. If any such non-conforming use of land ceases for any reason for a period
of more than 180 days, any subsequent use of such land shall conform to the
regulations specified by this Specific Plan for the district in which such,land is
d. No additional structure not conforming to the requirements of this Specific
Plan shall be erected in connection with such non-conforming use of land.
7. Non-conforming Structures arid_Signs..
Where a lawful structure or sign exists at the effective date of adoption or amend-
" F ment of this Specific Plan that could not be built or-erected under the terms of these
regulations by reason of restrictions on size, height, setback, its location on the lot,
or other requirements concerning the structure, such structure or sign may be con-
tinued so long as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the following provisions:
a. No such non-conforming structure or sign may be enlarged or altered in a
way which increases its non-conformity, but any structure or portion thereof
may be altered to decrease or not affect its non-conformity;
b. Should such non-conforming structure or sign or non-conforming portion
of structure or sign be destroyed by any means to an extent of more than 50
percent of its assessed value at time of destruction, it shall not be
reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of this Specific Plan;
C. Should such structure or sign be moved for.any reason for any distance
whatever, it shall thereafter conform to the regulations for the district in which
it is located after it is moved.
***Refer-to Zoning Code Section 18.76.030.
General Village Office!
ommercial Commercial Professional
` '(Subarea 1) (Subarea 2) (Subarea 3)
Entertainment and Cultural Uses
CulturaVArtist Exhibits; P P
a)IndooI gallery and art sales C C
b Outdoor art exhibits
Movie Theaters P
Office and Administrative Uses
Banks, Finance Services and P P P
Institutions P(3) P
Business and Office Services p(4)
Interior DecoratingFirms P P
Medical/Dental Offices and P P P
Related-Health Clinics
!• Optician and O tometrical Shops
Realtors and Real Estate Offices P P P
i ; P P P
Travel Agencies -
Public and Quazi Public Uses
Government Offices and Facilities C
Public Schools C
{ P
i -
`1 ' Private Schools Associated with P
a Church and located on same site
l.i I Notes:
(1)Under 5000 square feet gross floor area
y3 * (3)Permitted on the second-floor on,y, except for three buildings as noted. 1"
' (4)Permitted with no showroom facilities
(5)Conditional permit required for off sale of alcoholic beverages within 500 feet of a schoo .
* Office Professional buildfng 3ocated at Barton Road, commercial
building. Terrace Towne Center located at Barton Road, and Grand
Terrace�. village a ernon venu e.. Other allowances in.remaining
centers in the Village Commercial Subarea based on.:case by case criteria.
as availability o .parking, visibility of suite7f rom street, . economic,
hardship plus higFi .vacancy, to be sur3ject to rlanimng ommission approva .
- - wTIOPl
,.. ,
The Planning Commission shall have the authority tu;approve master development
! plans. Minor changes-from an approved master development plan may be granted
by the Director of Community Development. A master development plan may be
(� amended subject to the approval of the Planning Commission who shall make a find-
__ -ing that such amendment is in conformance with the intent and provisions of this .
-Specific Plan.
A master development plan shall,•as a minimum,contain the following:
a. Location of all buildings and structures.
b. Location of site access points from adjacent streets and properties and a
plan of internal site circulation.
C. Pedestrian access to the site from adjacent streets and properties_
d. Location of parking lots and the approximate number of parking spaces
e. Location of prominent landscape features, such as setbacks, entry ways,
plazas, courtyards, buffer areas, and existing mature trees.
11. Development Agreements
A development agreement or agreements may be executed between the City of
�- Grand Terrace and the project applicant subsequent to the adoption of this Specific
! Plan. Development agreements are legal contracts which ensure the long-term im-
plementation of elements of the Specific Plan and also may define funding .
mechanisms for such items as street improvements, utility extensions, storm drain
facilities, water and sewer facilities and other related items such as traffic signals
and street trees. They set forth the responsibilities of the various parties to the
- agreement and can establish phasing schedules to coordinate development timing.
12. Installation of Street and Landscape Improvements
Project developers are responsible for providing public improvements such as curbs,
gutters, sidewalks;street lighting, parkway landscaping, street trees, and other
similar items in accordance with City standards at the time of development. For the
purpose of this requirement, development shall in the expansion of existing
structures and uses by 25 percent or more.
13. Storage and Refuse Areas
All storage of cartons, containers and trash shall be shielded from view within a
building or within an area enclosed by a wall not less than 6 feet in height. If un-
roofed, no such area shall be located within 40 feet of any district zoned for residen-
tial use. Refuse storage areas shall be located so that they are not visible from any
public street.
14. Outdoor Uses
i _
All uses shall take place within a completely enclosed building except for those out --
` door uses which have been approved with a conditional use permit. The-outdoor dis-
play of merchandise is prohibited throughout the Specific Plan area
15. Temporary Uses — Criteria refer to attached sheet.
Barton Road Specific ,� in
Development Regulations
15. Temporary Uses
Temporary uses with insignificant adverse, long-term impact on the environment,
i.e., parking lot sales, rummage sales, Christmas tree sales, seasonal sales,
and others in the commercial and industrial areas other than residential areas.
The Planning Commission shall have the authority to approve master development plans. Minor
changes from an approved master development plan may be granted by the Director of Community
Development. A master development plan may be amended subject to the approval of the Planning
Commission who shall make a finding that such amendment is in conformance with the intent and
provisions of this Spec Plan.
A master development plan shall, as a minimum, contain the following.
a. Location of all buildings and structures.
b. Location of site access points from adjacent streets and properties and a plan of internal site
C. Pedestrian access to the site from adjacent streets and properties.
d. Location of parking lots and,the approximate number of parking spaces provided.
e. Location of prominent landscape features, such as setbacks, entry ways, plazas, courtyards,
buffer areas, and existing mature trees.
11. Development Agreements
A development agreement or agreements may be executed between the City of Grand Terrace and the
project applicant subsequent to the adoption of this Specific Plan. Development agreements are legal
contracts which ensure the long-term implementation of elements of the Specific Plan and also may
define funding mechanisms for such items as. street improvements, utility extensions,.storm drain
facilities,water and sewer facilities and other related items such as traffic signals and street trees. They
set forth the responsibilities of the various parties.to the agreement and can establish phasing-schedules
to coordinate development timing.
12. Installation of Street and Landscape Improvements
Project developers are responsible for providing public improvements such as curbs,gutters,sidewalks,
street lighting, parkway landscaping, street trees, and other similar items in accordance with City
standards at the time of development. For the purpose of this requirement, development shall include
the expansion of existing structures and uses by 25 percent or more.
13. Storage and Refuse Areas
All storage of cartons, containers and trash shall be shielded from view within a building or within an
area enclosed by a wall not less than 6 feet in height. If unroofed,no such area shall be located within
40 feet of any district zoned for residential use. Refuse storage areas shall be located so that they are
not visible from any public street.
on site which hcnle hgan appraiwd with a Genditional use n -it Under er .,]
�'� , c:�wp51 Jplann&z&c