APPROVING SP-94-01, SA-94-03, LL-94-02 AND E-94-06, ASSOCIATED
WHEREAS, the applicant (Southeastern California Association of Seventh Day
Adventists Azure Hills Church) has applied for approval of a 6,976 sq. ft. educational
center; and
WHEREAS, the applicant is requesting approval of SP-94-01 (Barton Road Specific
Plan Amendment) to change the zoning of Lot 2 from Village Commercial Subarea to
Administrative Professional -Subarea to blend with the zoning of the existing site
(Attachment F); and
WHEREAS, the applicant is in the escrow process with the owner of the adjacent
property to the southwest, Zampese/De Benedet Partnership (Attachment F); and
- WHEREAS, Resolution No. 94-02 recommends approval of SP-94-01 and
Negative Declaration (E-94-06) and approves associated cases (Site and Architectural.SA-
94-03 and Lot Line.Adjustment LL-94-02).
WHEREAS,the applicant has submitted a Lot Line Adjustment for the merger of the
two lots into one; and
WHEREAS,the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on May
57 1994; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at its meeting on May 5, 1994 recommended
to the City Council that SP-94-01,SA-94-03,E-94-06 and LL-94-02 be approved and adopted
by the City Council; and
WHEREAS,the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on May 26, 1994
for SP-94-01, SA-94-03, E-94-06 and LL-94-02.
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of Grand Terrace, California, that SP-94-01 is hereby approved subject to the following
1. The proposed project shall be constructed in accordance with the Site and
Architectural Review Board on May 5, 1994. Minor changes and/or clarification may
be made by the Planning Department. The design, materials and color shall match
the existing main church building and associated school buildings with prior approval
from the Planning Department.
2. The applicant shall pull appropriate building permits, Oversized/Heavy Load permits
for removing portable classrooms and demolition permits. The portable classrooms
will be removed at time of issuance of occupancy permits for the new school building
or prior to the deadline for the Administrative Site and Architectural Review on the
portable classrooms whichever comes first.
3. Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant shall apply for a minor deviation of
up to 2 feet .for 20 foot lighting standards in the Barton Road Specific Plan,
Administrative Professional Subarea if the lighting standards exceed 18 feet.
4. In accordance with the Barton Road Specific Plan, the use of textures, colors and
materials on the building shall be consistent with that of the other existing buildings
to avoid dissimilar massing and proportions.
5. The applicant shall submit a detailed fencing plan indicating existing and proposed
fencing. Submit a block wall profile to indicate a slumpstone wall as approved by
the Site and Architectural Review Board. Placement of fencing to be along the west
and south portions of the overall site. A slumpstone block wall shall be continued
from the west property line to the building. Slumpstone block wall shall be 6' on the
west and south sides of Parcel 2, with the exception of the section adjacent to the
school yard play area on the south side, which shall be 8' high. The exact location
shall be approved by the Community Development Director. Prior to building
permit, applicant shall submit a response plan to show mitigation measures to be
implemented in case of noise-related complaints. Examples of measures are double-
glazing and relocation of playground/lunch area associated with educational building.
6. Prior to issuance of building permits, detailed lighting plans shall indicated location,
size and quantity of lighting standards.
7. Detailed landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted showing conformance
with Barton Road Landscape Plan and site landscaping improvements indicating
types, quantities, gallons and colors especially in buffered landscaped areas adjacent
to residential properties. Advise landscaper not to work on the weekends and
maintain compliance with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code.
8. Prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall pay appropriate
traffic impact fees to the City. Bus service is suggested to help alleviate traffic on
Barton Road in the future.
9. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be located at a distance from the edge of the
�� building so as not to be visible from the pedestrian level or from adjacent roadways.
10. Any new signage for the site shall be submitted to the Planning Department or
Planning Commission for review and approval.
11. All recommendations listed in the City Engineer's memorandum to the City
(Attachment G).
12. All recommendations listed in the Fire Warden's Office memorandum to the City
(Attachment H).
13. All recommendations verbally communicated by Riverside Highland Water
Department to the City. These verbal communications reiterated the Fire Warden's
memorandum to the City.
14. The Seventh Day Adventist Schools and Church shall strictly comply with the Grand
Terrace Municipal Noise Ordinance especially with respect to the removal of existing
facilities and construction of the new school building.
15. All aspects of the proposed project including building maintenance shall be
maintained in a clean and functional manner to the satisfaction of the Planning
Department in accordance with this approval and the overall goals and objectives of
the City of Grand Terrace.
16. School to submit solid waste plans related to any near future recycling efforts to the
Planning Department at time of building permit for information purposes and for the
17. In case the hours of operation and activities vary significantly from what is stated in
the summary report, the applicant shall come back to staff for further analysis
regarding traffic, parking and noise.
18. During construction phase, chain link fencing shall be constructed around the job site
to prevent exposure of hazards to students and public.
19. Lot Line Adjustment application shall be submitted to the City Planning Department
by May 26, 1994, 1st reading of the project ordinance by City Council.
20. The finalization of the Lot Line Adjustment shall be completed prior to the issuance
of building permits.
21. Submittal of Fire approved sprinkler plans to the City Planning Department for
building permits.
22. Address for the educational center will be on Center City Court, for fire protection.
23. Recommendation that the church and school facilities respond to property owners
previous complaints and agreed solutions:
a. Installation of shields on the tennis court or parking lighting or similar
b. Maintain open channel of communication with surrounding property owners
and acknowledgment of installation of block wall during building permit
24. Submittal of parking plans to indicate location of handicap parking spaces, bicycle
racks, quantity, design or parking layout, in accordance with Off-Street Parking'Code
of the Barton Road Specific Plan and to coordinate and facilitate appropriate
mitigations to effectively reduce already overcrowded parking conditions.
25. Any expansion of use, intensity increase or change of use will need further review by
Planning/Building and Engineering Departments or public hearing before the
Planning Commission.
Section 1: The proposed BRSP Amendment - SP-94-01, SA-94-03 and LL-94-02,
as conditioned by the Planning Commission, will be approved and
adopted by the City Council subject to submission of proof of escrow
Section 2: Negative Declaration on file in the Community Development-
Department of the City of Grand Terrace,E-94-06,is hereby approved.
Section 3: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect at
12:01 a.m. on the 31st day of its adoption.
Section 4: Posting: The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in
three (3) public places within fifteen (15) days of its adoption, as
designated for such purpose by the City Council.
Section 5: First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on
the 26th day of May, 1994, and finally adopted and ordered posted at
a regular meeting of said City Council on the 9th day of June, 1994.
City Clerk of-the_City of 4Jrand Terrace Meir of the ity o Gr nd Terrace
and of theCity Council thereof the City Council t ereof
I, BRENDA STANFILL, City Clerk of the City of Grand Terrace, California, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular
meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace held on the 9th day of June, 1994
by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Hilkey and Buchanan; Mayor Pro Tem Carlstrom;
NOES: None
ABSTAIN: Councilmember Singley
Brenda Stanfill
City Clerk %
Approved as to form:
John Harper
City Attorney
�tr y
o Planning
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, a Negative Declaration is hereby
filed on the below referenced project, on the basis that said project will nod have a
significant effect on the environment due to mitigation measures included in the project and
described in the Initial Study.project.
SP-94-01; SA-94-03, E-94-06 and LIr94-02, an application for a 6,976 sq. ft. educational
center within an existing church and school site. This project is located in the Barton Road
Specific Plan Administrative Professional Subarea. The project includes acquiring one
adjacent parcel to the west, APN 277-161-31, in the Barton Road Specific Plan Village
Commercial Subarea and changing it to be incorporated in the Barton Road Specific Plan
Administrative Professional Subarea. The merger of the one vacant lot with the existing
church facility site into one parcel-is-reviewed through the-Lot:Line,Adjustment process.
Azure Hill Seventh Day Adventist Church
Project Representatives - Jack Booker and Jerry Cole
22633 Barton.Road, Grand Terrace, CA
Copies of the Negative Declaration and Initial Study for this project areavailable for review
at the City of Grand Terrace Planning Department,22795 Barton Road,Grand Terrace,CA
(909-824-6621). Anyone wishing to comment on this project may do so prior to May 15,
1994. All comments should be directed to the Planning Department of the City of Grand
Joann Lombardo Date
Interim Community Development Director
City of Grand Terrace
22795 Barton Road•Grand Terrace,Califomia 92324-5295•(9)9)824-6621 B
o � o Planning
TERR c Department
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, a Negative Declaration is hereby
filed on the below referenced project, on the basis that said project will not have a
significant effect on the environment.
SP-94-01, SA-94-03, E-94-06 and LL-94-02, an application for a 6,976 sq. ft. educational
center within an existing church and school site. This project is located in the Barton Road
Specific Plan Administrative Professional Subarea. The project includes acquiring one
adjacent parcel to the west, APN 277-161-31, in the Barton Road Specific Plan Village
Commercial Subarea and changing it to be incorporated in the Barton Road Specific Plan
Administrative Professional-Subarea. The merger of the one vacant lot with the existing
church facility site into one parcel is reviewed through the Lot Line Adjustment process.
Azure Hill Seventh Day Adventist Church
Project Representatives.- Jack Booker and Jerry Cole
22633 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA
Based upon the-attached Initial Study, there is no substantial evidence that the project will
have a significant effect on the environment.
Joann Lombardo Date
Interim Community Development Director
City of Grand Terrace
22795 Barton Road•Grand Terrace,California 92324-5295•(909)824-6621
L Background t
1. Name of Proponent: City of Grand Terrace
2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: City of Grand Terrace
22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92324-5295
Attention: Patrizia Materassi, Planning Director. '714-824-6621
3. Date of Environmental Assessment:
4. Agency Requiring Assessment: Ci of Grand Terrace^
5. ' Name of Proposal, if a livable: L Z�Jr.c:4 P '. _ �e �,!� ,�«._
E:Haat_ 13c(1C.1��,�l6 ,4DvlT/o -
6. Location of Proposal:, , 9114-1-0AJ knnn
G/2i-1 kj C-g
II Environmental Impacts.
(Explanations of all 'des" and "maybe" answers are provided on attached sheets.)
Yes Maybe No
1. Earth. Will proposal result in:
a. Unstable earth conditions or
in changes in geologic
b. Disruptions, displacements,
compaction or overcovering
of this soil?
C. Substantial change in topography
or ground surface relief features?
Yes Maw No
d. The destruction, covering or
modification of any unique
geologic or physical features? x
e. Any substantial increase in wind r
or water erosion of soils,
either on or off site?
f. Changes in deposition or erosion
of beach sands, or changes in
situation, deposition or erosion
which may modify the channel of a
river or stream or the bed of the
ocean or any bay; inlet or lake?
g. Exposure of people or property
to geologic hazards such as
earthquakes, landslides, _
mudslides, ground failure,-or
similar hazards?
2. Air. Will the proposal result in:
a. Substantial air emissions or
deterioration of ambient
air quality?
b. The creation of objectionable-
C. Alteration of air movement,
moisture or temperature, or any
change in climate, whether
locally or regionally?
I Water. Will the proposal result in:
a. Substantial changes in currents,
or the course or direction of
water movements, in either marine
or fresh waters?
Yes Maybe No
b. Substantial changes in absorption
rates, drainage patterns, or the
rate and amount of surface
C. Alterations to the course or r
flow of flood waters?
d. Change in the amount of surface
water in any water body? _N
e. Discharge into surface waters, or
in any alteration of surface water
quality, including, but not limited
to, temperature, dissolved oxygen
or turbidity?
f. Alteration of the direction or-- --.
rate of flow of ground waters"?
g. Change in the quantity ofground
waters, either through direct
additions or withdrawals, or
through interception of an aquifer
cuts or excavations?
h. Substantial reduction in the
amount of water otherwise
available for public water
i. Exposure of people or property to
water related hazards such as
flooding or tidal waves?
4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in:
a. Change in the diversity of species,
or number of any native species of
plants (including trees, shrubs,
grass, crops and aquatic plants)?
Yes Maybe No
b. Reduction of the numbers-of any
unique, rare or endangered
species of plants?
C. Introduction of new species of r
plants into an area of native
vegetation, or in a barrier to the
normal replenishment of existing
d. Substantial reduction in acreage
of any agricultural crop?
5. Animal Life. Will the proposal result in:
a. Change in the diversity of
species, or numbers of any species
of animals (birds, land animals-------- - -
including reptiles, fish and
shellfish, benthic organisms or
b. Reduction of the numbers of any
- unique, rare or endangered
species of animals? -
C. Deterioration to existing fish
or wildlife-habitat?
6. Noise. Will the proposal result in:
a. Increases in existing noise
b. Exposure of people to severe ,x
noise levels?
7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal
produce substantial new light or glare? N
8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a
substantial alteration of the present or
planned land use of an area?
Yes Matibe No
9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal
result in:
a. Substantial increase in the rate
of use of any natural resources?
b. Substantial depletion of any
nonrenewable natural resource?
10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve:
a. A risk of an explosion or the
release of hazardous substances
(including, but not limited to, oil
pesticides, chemicals or radiation)
in the event of an accident or
upset conditions?
b. Possible interference with an
emergency response plan or an _
emergency evacuation planT-
11. Population. Will the proposal alter
the location, distribution, density or
growth rate of the human population X of an area?
12..- Housing. Will the proposal affect
existing housing or create a demand for
additional housing?
13. Transportation/Circulation. Will the
proposal result in:
a. Generation of substantial
additional vehicular movement?
b. Effects on existing parking
facilities, or demand for new
C. Substantial impact upon existing
transportation systems?
_ Yes Maybe No
d. Alterations to present patterns
of circulation or movement of
people and/or goods?
e. Alterations to waterborne, rail
or air traffic? t
L Increase in traffic hazards to
motor vehicles, bicyclists or
14. Public Services. Will the proposal
have substantial effect upon, or result
in a need for new or altered governmental
services in any of the following areas:
a. Fire protection? _N
b. Police protection?
C. Schools?
d. Parks or other,recreational x
e. Maintenance'of public facilities,
including roads? N
f. Other governmental services?
15. Energy. Will the proposal result in:
a. Use of substantial amounts
of fuel or energy?
b. Substantial increase in demand
upon existing sources.of energy,
or require the development of new
sources of energy?
16. Utilities. Will the proposal result-in
a need for new systems, or substantial
alterations to the following utilities:
Yes Maybe No
a. Power or natural gas?
b. Communications systems?
C. Water?
d. Sewer or septic tanks?
e. Storm water drainage?
f. Solid waste and disposal?
17. Human Health. Will the proposal result
a. Creation of any health hazard
or potential health hazard
(excluding-mental health)?--
b. ' :Exposure-of people-to potential
18. Aesthetics. Will.the proposal result
in the obstruction of any scenic vista
or view open to the public, or will the
proposal result in the creation of an
aesthetically offensive site open to
public view?
19. . Recreation. Will the proposal result
in an impact upon the quality or quantity
of existing recreational opportunities?
20. Cultural Resources.
a. Will the proposal result in the
alteration of or the destruction
of a prehistoric or historic
archaeological site?
7 - -
Yes Maybe No
- b. Will the proposal result in
adverse physical or aesthetic
effects to a prehistoric or
historic building, structure
or object?
r C. Does the proposal have the
potential to cause a physical
change which would affect unique
ethnic cultural values?
d. Will the proposal restrict
existing religious or sacred uses.
within the potential impact area?
21. Mandatory Findings of Significance.
a. Does the project have the
potential to degrade quality
P grae t of the environment, substantially_
reduce the habitat of a fish or
wildlife species, cause a fish or
wildlife population to drop below
_ self-sustaining levels, threaten
to eliminate a plant or animal or
eliminate important examples of
the major periods of California
history or prehistory?
b. Does the project have the
potential to achieve short-term,
to the disadvantage of long-term,
environmental goals? (A short-
term impact on the environment is
one which occurs in a relatively
brief definitive period of time
while long-term impacts will
endure well into the future.)
C. Does the project have impacts
which are individually limited,
but cumulatively considerable?
(A project's impact on two or
Yes Maybe No
more separate resources may be
relatively small, but where the
effect of the total of those
impacts on the environment is
significant.) r
d. Does the project have
environmental effects which will
cause substantial adverse effects
on human beings, either directly
or indirectly?
Environmental Determination
On the basis of this initial evaluation:
I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the
environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.
I find that, although the proposed project could have a significant effect on
_- the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the
mitigation measures described on attached sheets have been added to the project.
I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment,
Planning Director
Date Signature
For City of Grand Terrace
PROJECT NAME: Azure Hills Elementary School
PROJECT APPLICANT: AIA/Southeastern Conference Association of 7th Day
Adventist (Azure Hills Church)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SP=94-01, SA-94-03, E-94-06 and LL-94-02, an
application for a 6,976 sq. ft. educational center within
an existing church and school site. This project is
located in the Barton Road Specific Plan Administrative
Professional Subarea. The project includes acquiring
one adjacent parcel to the west, APN 277-161-31, in the
Barton Road Specific Plan Village Commercial Subarea
and changing it-to be incorporated in the Barton Road
Specific Plan Administrative Professional Subarea. The
merger of the one vacant .lot with the existing church
facility:site.into one parcel is-reviewed;through.the_Lot
Line Adjustment process.
PROJECT LOCATION: 22633 Barton Road
_ Grand Terrace
1. a, b
Earth. Will proposal result in:
Unstable earth conditions, disruptions, displacements, compactions of soil,
change in topography. or destruction to physical features?
Yes, the construction and placement of the elementary school, parking lot,
picnic areas and playgrounds will result in changes to the soil and physical
features,.. However,this is mitigated through the Planning and Building review
process by the City Engineer's requirement for a formal grading plan,
preliminary soils report for the proposed construction area, and proof of
adequate drainage facilities as part of the conditions of approval for the
project prior to occupancy.
1. c, d, e, f and g
Earth. Will proposal result in:
Increase in wind or water erosion of soils, changes to river or stream, or
expose people or property to geological hazards?
No, there will be no substantial change to topography or ground surface relief
features or increase in wind or water erosion of soils, or exposure of people
or property to geological hazards as the City Engineer will coridition to
control proper drainage and adequate grading.
2. a, b, c
Air. Will the proposal result in:
Substantial air emissions or deterioration of air quality, creation of
objectionable odors or alteration of air movement.or change in climate?
No, the proposed project will not result in substantial air emissions or
deterioration of ambient air quality as the school is a closed facility and any
equipment as air conditioning/heating units, cooking equipment will be
regulated by standard UBC code and San Bernardino County Public Health,
Services to prevent any deterioration of air quality. Compliance with these
regulations are.part of the.conditions-of--approval for this project. - -
3. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i
Water. Will the proposal result in:
Substantial changes in currents, or the course of water movements, change
in absorption,or drainage patterns, change in surface water, discharge into
surface waters,alteration of rate of flow of ground waters,reduction in public
water supplies or exposure of water related hazards to the public?
No, the proposed project will not significantly alter any water movements nor
expose the public to water related hazards or reduce water supplies. The City
Engineer is requiring adequate drainage facilities as part of the conditions for
4. a Plant Life. Will the proposal result in:
Change in the diversity or reduction of species, or introduce new species of
Yes, the existing site is already developed with landscaping and irrigation.The proposed project will require additional plant life, landscaping and
irrigation. The project is conditioned to submit formal landscaping.and
irrigation plans for building permit processing.
4. b, c, d
-- No, the proposal will not result in reduction of the number of any unique,
rare or endangered species of plants or introduction of new species of plants
into an area of native vegetation or barrier to the normal replenishment of
existing species. r
5. a, b, c
Animal Life. Will the proposal result in:
Change in the diversity of animal species or reduction of numbers or
rare/endangered species or deterioration to wildlife habitat?
No, the site does not contain any animal species.
6. a, b
Noise. Will the proposal result in: -
Increases in existing noise levels or expose people to severe noise levels? -
Maybe, the proposed project will add some increase in noise levels or expose
people to moderate noise levels while the children are playing outside during
recesses or during lunch breaks. Staff has determined that the dba levels that
may exist from the current proposal to the completion of maximum student
enrollment will not have a significant effect as the noise exposure can be
mitigated by barriers conditioned for this project such as a 6-8 foot high wall
near the open areas next to the property lines of the residential areas.
equipment to be in conformance with the General Plan. The project has been
conditioned that the applicant must meet the maximum 55 dba noise level
adjacent to residential properties.
7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare?
No, the proposal will produce new lighting however it will not be substantial
or significant as the parking lot lighting to consist of energy efficient high
pressure sodium fixtures 20" poles and directed away from residential
properties. Building lighting will utilize soffit lighting at all.entrances and
glazed areas for security. All exterior lighting shall be controlled by time
clocks and photo cells. The landscaping and irrigation will utilize drought
tolerant plants and drip irrigation for shrubs and trees. All exterior lighting
shall be directed gway from residential.properties as conditioned for this _--
8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present
or planned land use of an area?
Yes, the proposed use is an acceptable-use within the Barton Road Specific
Plan AP Subarea, but part of the school building and associated parking is
proposed on an adjacent piece of.property which is in the BRS Village
Commercial Subarea. A Specific Plan Amendment and Lot Line Adjustment
are necessary to join the parcel to the west to the main site of the existing
church and school,making one continuous parcel,and to obtain proper zoning
and landuse of the BRSP-AP Subarea and office professional uses allowing
for a private school. The project applicant has submitted the appropriate land ,
use applications; and a lot line adjustment will be required to be completed
prior to the issuance of building permits.
9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in:
Substantial increase in the use of natural resources or depletion of same?
No,the proposed use will not alter or substantially increase the use of natural
resources or "deplete the resources as this tenant use does not require -
additional usage of natural resources more than what already exists.
10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve:
A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances in the event of
an accident or upset conditions? .
No, the proposed project, a school, will not involve the risk of exposure to
hazardous substances as the project is for a closed facility that does not
handle hazardous substances and is conditioned to be in compliance with
local, County, State and Federal regulations.
11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density or
growth rate of the human population of an area?
No, the proposed project will have no impact on the location, distribution,
density and growth rate of the human population as .it will not affect
population density of the area.
12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for
additional housing?
No, the proposed project will have no impact upon the existing housing and
shall not result in creating a demand for additional housing as it does not
involve growth factors, density and similar issues.
13. a, b, d
TYansportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in
Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? Effects on existing
parldng facilities or demand for new parldng? Alterations to present patterns
of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? t
Maybe, there will be no substantial vehicular traffic generated by the
proposed project as it will only moderately increase business activity to the
site, which is below City threshold for traffic studies. However, project is
subject to pay for a traffic impact fee as it is developed. This will not trigger
a TIA report nor separate traffic study in accordance with the Congestion
Management Plan.adopted by the City. Additionally, parking of the existing
church facility has been noted by the community to spill over into adjacent
on-street and commercial parking facilities during the Saturday service. As
part of this project, the applicant is providing additional parking which will
alleviate Saturday spill over problems.
13. c, e, f
Transportation/Circulation:' Will-the proposal,result in:--= ==-
Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? Alterations to
waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles,
bicyclists or pedestrians?
No, there will be no substantial impact upon existing transportation systems
or alterations to air,,rail or waterborne traffic.
14. Public Services. Will the proposal have a substantial effect upon, or result
in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following
No,since the Fire Department would be the first response team to a potential
hazard at the existing building, it is not anticipated that increase of fire
protection services would result from the proposed project. Emergency fire
access will be provided to the site as part of this project.
Police Protection?
No, the proposed project will have no effect upon or result in the need for
new or altered police protection services as the type of project proposed does
not require it.
No, the proposed project will not have substantial effect upon, or result in a
need in new or altered governmental services the project is for a private
school facility and not School`District governmental services.
Parks or other recreational facilities?
No, the proposed project will not have substantial effect upon or result in a
need for new or altered parks or recreation facilities as the type of project
does not require any expansion of site improvements. These facilities are
provided within the project.
Maintenance of public facilities, including roads?
Maybe, however; the project is conditioned to,have the applicant responsible
for paying Capital Impact Fee to help pay for street improvements as needed.
Other governmental services?
No, there are- no impacts to other governmental agencies anticipated--as-a- - -= - - -
res f'o -the-proposed:prcje&.-
15. Energy. Will the proposal result in:
Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy?
No,-the proposed project will not result in the use of substantial amounts of
fuel or,energy as there will be no major physical improvements to the specific
site area.
Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require
the development of new sources of energy?
No, the proposed project will not result in the substantial increase in demand
upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources
of energy as it shall operate within the building facility's existing levels of
16. Utilities. Will the.proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial
alterations to the following utilities:
Power or natural gas? . Communications.systems? Water? Sewer or septic _
tanks, storm water drainage, solid waste and disposal?
No, there will be no need for new systems or substantial alterations to°the
utilities by the proposed project as there is sufficient water availability for
usage and sewer on the existing site to include the expansion of the school.
17. Human Health. Will the proposal result in:
Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard? Exposure of
people to potential hazards?
No, the project does.not require any collection of significant hazardous waste
or exposure of people to potential hazards as it is a school facility and does
not require any handling of such materials.
18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or
view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an
aesthetically offensive site open to public view?
No, there will be no obstruction of any scenic view open to the public,
however, there may be the creation of view of additional building structure
from the surrounding residential properties however it is conditioned to blend
in design, materials and similar colors to match all buildings so as not to be
aesthetically offensive. The site currently contains building structures which
are seen from some of the surrounding residential properties..
19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality---or.-
quantity of existing recreational opportunities?
No, the proposed project will not create any impact upon the quality or
quantity of existing recreational opportunities as it provides its own.
20. a, b
Cultural Resources. . Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the
destruction of a prehistoric or historical archaeological site? Will the
proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to .a prehistoric or
historic building, structure or object?
No, there will be no significant archaeological, prehistoric or historic
destruction or adverse physical/aesthetic effects as there are not prehistoric
or historic buildings or objects on the site.
21..c, d
Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would
affect unique, ethnic cultural values or restrict existing religious or sacred
uses within the potential impact area?
No, there are no unique ethnic cultural values anticipated to be affected nor
any known religious or sacred uses to be impacted as this proposed use is
within an existing building that has no restriction or impact on the potential
impact area.
21. a, b, c, d
Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment,
substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish.or
wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate
a-plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major period of
California history or pre-history? t
No, the proposed project will not impact the environment or reduce the
habitat of a fish or wildlife species or eliminate major periods of California
history or pre-history as this is not an expansion of physical development and
the internal operations of the business are controlled by State and Federal
regulations to insure a high grade of environmental quality, and there are no
fish or game existing on the site.
b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short term, to the
disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals?
No,the proposed project,with its implementation of individual environmental
programs from local;-State and Federal regulatory agencies-will achieve short-
term as well as long-term goals without significantly impacting the
environment. -
C. Does-the project have impacts which are individually limited but
cumulatively considerable?
Maybe, cumulative impacts associated with the proposed project can be in
relation to the additional traffic flow however, are addressed by traffic
mitigation measures as the traffic impact fee.
d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause
substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or
No, it is not anticipated that the proposed project will create adverse effects
on human beings since the project is regulated under safely controlled
conditions in accordance with County, State and Federal.environmental and
public health guidelines.
L __
t °y,
3 SONtheastem
a Association
Of Seventh-doh Adventists
11330 Pierce Street.P.O.Box 8050
Riverside:CA 92515.R")359-5800
goy r
April 6, 1994
Letter of Intent:
This is to state that the Southeastern California Association of
Seventh-day Adventists is initiating an escrow to purchase land
known as Parcel 5, of Parcel Map -No. 6462, in the City of Grand
Terrace, County of San Bernardino,, State of California, as per plat
recorded in Book 77 of Parcel Maps, pages 55 and 56, records of
said county, being a subdivision of a portion of Lots 9 and 10,
Hermosa Rancho, as per-p-lat recorded in -Bao-k '13- of Maps, page 29,
records of said County.
Roge1_ W. Heinrich - Vice President
FState 7oftiverside
On April 7, 1994 before me, R°}ae C. Powell OFFICER(S) (/.ce
personally appeared Roger W. jIe ch ❑ ATTORNEY-IN-FACT
EL personally known to me-OR- ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence ❑ SUBSCRIBING WITNESS
to be the erso s) whose am (s)Oare
-subscribed to the within instrument and ac- ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR
knowledged tome that(Qshe/they executed ❑ OTHER:the same in G 'her/their authorized
OFFICIAL SEAL a acit les , and that b I her/their
r;E ( ) Y
(I ROXIE C POWELL si nature s)on the instrument th erso s),
RIVERSIDE COUNTY ortheentityuponbehalfofwhichth erso s) SIGNER IS REPRESENTING:
ar,FoaN My Comm.Expires June 24,1994 acted, executed the instrument. (s>OR ENTITY IEs
Witness my hand and official seal.
�.cupXY P.O.BOX 8050
LATrENTnION NOTARY:Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL,it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to unauthorized document.
CERTIFICATE Title or Type of DocumentLetter of Authorization — Azure Hi11T BE ATTACHED Number of Pages One Date of DocumentApril 6, 1994
HE DOCUMENTRIBED AT RIGHT: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above
01991 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION•8236 Remmet Ave.•P.O.Box 7184•Canoga Park,CA 91304-7184
mod:hp„y.4 _
c� '4
rr .a i Califomia
' Crf Seventh-day Adventists
r 11330 Pierce Street.P.O.Box 8050
fterslde,CA 92515,Rio)359-5800
909 t
April 6, 1994
To Whom It May Concern:
As legal owner of certain-real property identified as Parcel 5; of
Parcel Map No. 6462, in the City of Grand Terrace, County of San
Bernardino, State. of California,.-as. per-..plat .recorded --n Book_7-7_of___
Parcel Maps, pages.:, 55----and -56;7 -records of said -:county, -b-din-g a:---.--:
subdivision of a portion of Lots 9 and 10, Hermosa Rancho, as per
plat recorded in Book 13 of Maps, page 29, records of said County,
we hereby authorize the signatures of Jack Booker and/or Bernie
Gibbs to act as our agent in behalf of the signing of documents
pertaining to building permits and development of this property.
(N c .�civ►-L-�fti
Roger . Heinrich - Vice President
ate 7 - 9 4/D
8 -
The two swimming pools have been demolished and removed. The present use of these locations are landscaped
areas for the day care center and church. According to the utility plan (enclosed), the septic system were to be
The new sch of buildin proposed to be located in t vicini of the existing tennis co and t approximately
the same el_
new access lane connecting the two ifferent parking areas shal dra- westerly with a
maximum slope 4% and a minimum slope of 12%a near building. Site drainage around t e building will be a .
minimum of 12% ' the concrete paved areas of the lu rea draining westerly and the re lane on the east
draining northerly o e access drive.The drainage at th rema der of the building-area sh b pproximately l%.
Drainage in the arkin of will be 2.5% sloping westerly then 1% sloping northerly to n w catc basin which will
tie into the existing storm drain near the rear entrance of the fire station.
Parking lot lighting to consist of high pressure sodium fixtures on 20' poles and directed away from residential
property. Building lighting will utilize soffitlighting at all entrances and glazed areas for security.Again, lighting will
be directed away from residential property.
All..exterior equipment is to be located in equipment wells at the upper roof levels. These wells will have an open
beam cover to visually blend them into the rest of the roof.The air handling units are located in attic spaces and the
roof dormers.
Ac6ES51i31LRY - UP+�A-r.Flb GOMMLC47-S F01-L00
Services Saturday 8:15 am., 11:15 a.m.
Sabbath School Saturday 9:30 am.
Bible Study Wednesday 9:15 am.,7:00 p.m.
Pathfinders Tuesday 6:30 p.m.
Elementary School
Classes Monday-Thursday 8:00 am.-230 p.m. Attachment c
Friday 8:00 am.-12:00 noon .
• Before School Care Monday-Friday 6:45 am.-8:00 am.
After School Care Monday-Thursday 2:30 am.-6:00 p.m. "
Friday 12:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. W193 .
REC'®' FEB 091993
1992-1993 school year 84 students
1993-1994 projected 97-104 students
"his school is being designed for a maximum of 200 students due to limited outdoor recreational areas of the site.
'Ibis limit is not anticipated for at least 5 years after the new building is completed.
-The after school program provides supervised play and study time for students that cannot go home after school.
This will take place in the multipurpose room and in the playground areas of the site.All pick up of students shall
be done through the school office area for control and safety of the children.
The Multipurpose room will provide assembly space for the students during inclement weather, inside lunch space,
and special presentations for the school family. The use of the basketball court will be limited to public use based
upon availability,given church and school priorities first
The school does not utilize any type of bus transportation. Presently all students are dropped of by their parents.
Over the past few years only one student used-the-public transportation_system which has a bus stop approximately--
200 feet from this site. It is not anticipated to operate a-private-bus system for the students by the school or
Planning Department Policy to Evaluate Schools
Size: /s the site sizes cient for(aJ presentandfuture bui/dings, (b)p/ayiag orsports fields, (cJ bike racks
and(dJ bus loading?
The school is presently sharing classroom space with the church's sabbath school classes within the
existing building.This creates conflicts on Fridays and Mondays when the school classroom materials have to
be taken down and the sabbath school classroom materials are put up and visa versa on Mondays.A number
of years ago the State of Califomfa published guideffnes for space criteria in new schools.This criteria was
used to determine the maximum size for the proposed school building and playing areas.See attached cafe
sheets for further information.The present school does not utilize any bus services and does not anticipate any
need in the future.
Location: /s the site oftlte schoolclose to homes ofthe students who attendthe schoolandis easi�
access/ble 10 the students who wi//attendnol within case proximity of C/yp
The present school and church are located on a major city street with easy access from the
surrounding community.The majority of students that attend the school are members of the church community,
approximately 12%are non members of the church.
f�//the schoo/have an ao'i/eise effect on thesutrnundingneighbofiood�a/ues?
The present school does not have an adverse effect on the surrounding neighborhood values.
/s theschoo/site within teach ofcityor/ovalgovernment_cbmmunityfaci/itiessuchas(aJ library (bJpar/rs, (cJ
tecreationa/faci/hies; etc.
The proposed facility is within walking distance of the public library, city hall, and city park.
Safety; Sound and Air Quality: Is the site near any high noise auras involving(af freeways, (b) aircraft (cJ
railmads,etc.orisitnearanyhazatdousateassuch ss(aJ dame,(b)h/gh voltage Imes,etc.Pleaseaddress/respoad.
The present site Is located approximately one mile from the nearest freeway and railroad facilities.
There are no hazardous areas in the vicinity of the school.This site is approximately 1/2 mile from a public
school site.
Accessibility: Do you believe that current aarss and dfspetsal toads available provide the best possible solution
for the school7Doyousuffestsaymitiga6on measufff?
By providing the connecting loop between the existing two driveways is the best possible solution for
not only movement of people,vehicles but also emergency vehicles.
Utilities: Are odli!/es,gas, elecofatp, vrater,sewrline, storm drainage lines suflfcfeal to handle carreat needs
aadkftrFe expansions oftheschoolandotherAcilIdes?
All utilities are located on site and of adequate size to handle this expansion. t
Contours: Does the topography pro....e drainage without the need far erosion c,. _ ro/and sulllcient near level
arcasforhuildings, Oorts6e/ds%filaygrounds to aVoiderosion?
Yes,the site is presently used for structures and playgrounds.The new construction will not create any
,new need for erosion control.
Traffic Circulation: Is the&rculadon szrM en4 on and firm the sft to safely handle the chicle,,pedestrians
(ch17dren 4?ccw to schoofand emergency vehkles?(A circulation pattern must he set to handle vehicles on site, op
to the drqp-o fandpick-uparcasoftheschoolandcuthnm thesite.J
The proposed circulation separates the ingress and egress from the school.The proposed circulation
provides improved access to the school but also to the church buildings and day care.
Development:Doff the site masterplan Includes layout forl.?)allphysical education fac(itifsand tb)conceptual
mastersite landscape andirrigation plan?
Size and Shape: Are the size and shape of a//classrooms determined by the number of oc=pants and the
scZ des?Which wasyourmelhodoloff?
The design of the classrooms and school layout were determined from the Seventh Day Adventist
:onference guidelines as wells as the local administration input.
Expendability: Does the design allow for potential iacrmsed enrollmen4 additions and changes in function?
Whatare the longfangep/ansoftheschooP 1, -
This is the culmination of the Church's long-range plans for the school.Should the need arise for
further expansion another school site would be opened up by surrounding churches and conference.
Outside Air: Please describe the venti/ation system for the school. Can the windows he opened orare theyfired
glass?Does the ventilation system address•the issue ofamam/exchange ofairp
The ventilation system proposed will allow for natural ventilation.The high windows in each classroom
will be operable.to allow natural ventilation while the lower windows will be fixed for security reasons.The
systems will meet the current energy requirement of Title 24,The state energy standards for non residential
L _.
Appropriateness: Dm6p7 chsracteris0,., of the school are appropriate to the cam.--roily and Jeg/on whero llie
aJ Ate n.7,0 Ve m,aletia/s usedW7e1 7 feasib/e to lnalch odg/tla/bui/dings?
The existing structures are board and batt sided single story structures built in the early 1950's.The
sanctuary built in 1975, utilizes redwood siding,stone veneer,and concrete tile roofing:The proposed.building
shall incorporate the colors of the wood siding, and tile roofing. Because of costs,the masonry building will be
built with split face blocks in the brown and red tones.
bJ Is The sca/e ofbui7ofngcbmpatib/etosunounoing�sio'eatia/atohite�cture? r
The structure is predominately a single story structure with roof variations to blend in with the
residential neighborhood.The structure floor level is approximately four to five feet below surrounding sites.
c-J Does the prnposed/andscap/ng COmp/ement the ex/st/ng orenhance the sutrouad/ng
Yes,the new landscaping shall enhance the textures and colors of the neighboring properties.
d.J W1170'Ocvsshou/0'be%m/ledoron oppasile e%valioas to MOW&negalive/lnpacls on
sutmunding residentia/propedies
Due to the variation in site levels between the school properties and locations of the windows under the
eaves the impact on the residential properties is minimal.
Natural Attributes: Are grounds adjacent to but7dings landscaped, and the.site development for physical
edttca!/on,recreation andpark/ngcnmplete?
Humanism: Is the site p/an organized to create a rarietyofoutdoorspacer and enrf%ronments which augmenf the
Synthesis: Is it c//ghting directed on site and not extend onto ad.acetrt res/dential properties? When feasrn/4
eaeW-responsive elementsshould be integratedmio the lota/design,i e sol?F drip irrigation,etG Please addim
All parking lot lighting to consist of energy efficient high pressure sodium fixtures on 20'poles and
directed away from residential property. Building lighting will utilize soffit lighting at all entrances and glazed
areas for security.Again, lighting will be directed away from residential property.All exterior lighting shall be
controlled by time clocks and photo cells.The landscaping and irrigation will utilize drought tolerant plants and
drip irrigation for shrubs and trees.
Character_ Is the architectural solaziou orderly,p/easant and appropriate to conte,,.,,1orary education -a physical
environmen1 to satisfyemotionalneeds andst/mu/a!e sp/titualand intellectua/gmwth.
SafetT. Are fumilutr,eatetioregcripmeat andplayspparatus designed to prevwtstructuralfailum orhreakage and
to reduce thepossrbilityofaardenta/mjuryto the user.?
Yes.The existing equipment is designed for school use.
Land for Parking and Access Roads: Parking for sma/1 schools is arranged so these schools use a combined
parkmgama and buss loadmgatea. &this concept, minimum required for this arrangement is about 3 acres,p/us
.W s f foreach auto sta/1.Howdoesyourprojectcompaie with thispolicy7
Because this school us a church school the parking is shared by all.The layout allows for safe drop-off
and pick-up of students during the week and allows safe access to.the church facilities on the weekend.
Cole&Frick Architects,A.I.A. 4195 Chestnut Street . Riverside, California 92501 . 714/684-4011
t The new school building is proposed to be located on property adjacent to the existing fire station and at approximately the
same elevation. The new access lane connecting the two different parking areas shall drain westerly with a maximum slope
of 4% and a minimum slope of 112% near the building..Site drainage around the building will be a minimum of 1/2% in the
concrete paved areas of the lunch area draining westerly and the fire lane on the east draining northerly to the access drive.
The drainage at the remainder of the building area shall be approximately 1%. Drainage in the parking lot will be 2.5%
sloping westerly then 1% sloping northerly to new catch basin which will tie into the existing storm drain near the rear
entrance of the fire station.
A new monument sign on Center City Court is proposed.
By providing a connecting loop between the existing parking area, the new parking area and through onto Center City Court
is the best possible solution for not only movement of people, vehicles but also emergency vehicles.
Azure Dills Seventh-day Adventist Church
22633 13arton Road Grand Terrace, California 92324
(909) 825-8611
1 e
' t
April 8, 1994
Planning Department
City of Grand Terrace
Grand Terrace, CA 92324
The Azure Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church is at the present time
negotiating to `purchase _propert►_=-near -> e-Grand Terrace--bite._Station--.--.'. --
upon which we plan to build a school, as well as provide- 100 -
additional new parking spaces at the back or rear of our church
property adjacent to the newly .purchased property. This additional
parking= should help alleviate the parking problems that we have
been experiencing for, some time.
In addition to the school, building and additional parking spaces,
there will also be a new access and egress road via City Center Court.
We will endeavor to educate our church members to utilize the. new
parking spaces and the new road to improve the traffic flow on
Saturday morning.
We hope this information will be helpful to you as you look at the
plans for future expansion here at Azure Hills.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Bernie Gibbs
Administrator -
:.-''. f r l i iY •,t r �, I t. r,{I f1}�A: a.
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fir'�"�- •�;h f�'t��`K1 ;,
•i 1' 11. , ► S, j� 1't
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= ZV
Standard Unit(Mast Arm Mount)
• 19 -
High Pressure Sodium LamP(1) Mete(Halide Lamp(l)
TOW 100W 15OW(2) 250W 40OW 17SW 2SOW
Design 20/30 . CS7212 CS7222 S7232 CS7252 CS7262 CS7142 CS7152
Design 22 CS7213 CS7223 CS7233 CS7253 CS7263 CS7143 CS7153
Deslgn40 CS7214 CS7224 CS7234 CS7254 CS7264 CS7144 CS7154
Design 50 CS7215 CS7225 CS7235 CS7255 CS7265 ' CS7145 CS7155
internal Plpe Clamp:Mounting will accommodate 1%'"-2%"O.D.horizontal tenons.
Bmc ket anus not included with standard unit
Direct Arm Mountings
ro Round
40 CA41 3"Dla.Pole
` CA42-3*'"-4"Die.Pole
One bracket arm must be ordered for each standard unft used.
' Pole Top Mounting
SquareRound >
Single Double g0° Double 180. Oued SO' Single•. Double goo Double 180° Quad 90• Trtple 120°'
CA43S CA44S CA45S CA46S CA43R CA44R CA45R CA46R ' CA47R
• CS70o0 Series.Order aWmprtdte sgpfttter whtcll tndudes mounting ana(s)- ;
•Sliptitter ecoommodates 2-%"-3"O.D.pole fop tenons.
18 McGraw-Edison '
AV lu
�{ 2 1' �
41-1-d' F
} T'
} 1
A .
{' - .-
7777.7 ,
t "
22795 Barton Road TO: Joann Lombardo, Interim Community Development Director
Grand Terrace
California 92324-5295 FROM: Joseph Kicak, City Engineer
Civic Center
(909) 824-6621 DATE: April 12, 1994 V
Fax(909) 783-7629
SUBJECT: Azure Hills SDA Church- Specific Plan, etc.
The proposal is to add classroom building on the parcel at the east end of Center City Court
adjacent to and south of the existing Fire Station site, and westerly of the existing SDA
Byron R. Matteson Church site.
)nald M.Christianson Center City Court improvements.were installed as part of the approval process of Parcel Map
Mayor Pro Tempore No. 6462 in the early 1980's. The proposed school building will be located on Parcel 5 of
*Gene Carlstrom subject map. The improvements consist of the following:
Herman Hilkey 1. Paved roadway.
Jim Singley -
Council Members
2. Curb, gutter and sidewalk.
Thomas J. Schwab
City Manager 3. Sanitary sewer lateral 6" diameter.
4. Water system service lateral - size unknown.
Following recommendations should be considered as conditions of approval:
1. Prior to issuance of building permits, lot line adjustment should be finalized.
2. Provide hydrology study, indicating the flows tributary to the site, generated
on-site and the method of disposal.
3. Provide adequate drainage facilities.
4. Construct standard drive approach.
5. Provide grading plan for the site, indicating the proposed improvements on
• this site and new improvements on the adjacent-site to the east.
Joann Lombardo
April 12, 1994
Page 2
6. Pay all capital improvement fund fees. r
7. All improvements to be designed by owner's civil engineer to the specifications of the
Fire Protection Planning Sfttvitee • County Government Center COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO
385 No. Arrowbeed Avenue.Fiat Floor • San Bernardino,CA 92415.0186 OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY
(909) $87.4212, 387.4213 DICK WILLIAMS, Director
(909) 347-302I Serving the commuAllivs vf;
t Angelus Oaks
Baldy Mesa
DATE: Big Kist
Black Moodow Lending
Baton Federal Prlsan
TO: _ (CDF) Oano Hilii
�Ity of Grand Terrace
City of n«dlct
Copper Mountain hicsf.
Doggrrtt Alrpvrt
E1 Miroge
Fa area
Harva d
RE: City of Highland
Halvhos ti Valley
Johir .
sar Valley
- Joshua 7tee
Lvtle Creek
Motongo Valk y
Mt. Balcty
Ook tll,Hilk
Park Moab,
Parker Dom
Red Mountain
Son Antonio
d .. n � Spring 11a1{cy I.ak;
d( ado Sunwi Valle
West Cajon Valley
�'�/71 q (r/ W�EA6�� /► / � r City of Yucaipa
(Cr7Fl Yacca Valley
;tax 03/R4) -
Based of suparvlsnrs
HARRY M. MW(r, 11AAASHA 7UR00I .... .. . , . .Flrst Distvici BARBARA CRAM RIORDAN Thttd District
Counly Artrniniatratiws U'tict•.t JON t7.MIKELS..... . . . . . .Second District LARRY WALKER. .. . . . . . .. .Fcurtlt D161drt
JERAY EAVES . .. . . .. .. . . . . Fifth Diraild
r m u n r i r:r r mu 1 r 1,1 1 u rY r l_li 11 1•I 1 W.I.
Fire Protection Planntnp Services • County Government Center OFFICE OF.PUBLIC SAFETY
385 No.Arrowhead Avenue,First Floor San Bernardino,CA 92415-0186
(714) 387-4212, $87.4213 DICK WILLIAMS, Director
G` `wt
tiervBig the communities of:
t • . AngeluF Oaks
F3aldy Meie
Big Ri.•e1
Black Meadow Landing
Boron Federal Pr;w
Date- �� (CDF) Chino Hills
City 0 Crnnd Tertace
City of Ncedice.
To; y/� (%J•�'L:r f( t�I��yi/��'
-' copper Mounw!1 Mesa
Daggett As-pan
Fire Department Reference Number. tv\ Y r,Mfniyq
&kN ' IND Fawnskin
'TYF ARD- Ifatt•A1d
Sys- /.:. Iftat,natlt
City of H:yhland
- Location:
Johnson galley
(M)" Lorna (-)nda
. A Site inspection final is required to verify conditions of ap�lr6 bi. Acres
have been met. Morongo valley
Mi. P,aldy
Oak Glen
R F-1. Private road maintenance, including but not limited tonal, Hills
grading and snow removal, shall be provided. Written documentatiobrkMoabi
shall be submitted to the fire department having jurisdiction. Privaterke, Dam
fire access roads shall provide an all weather surface with a minimum Ph•:)an
paving width of twenty (20) feet. 1'Innaenawn
Rcd Mountefn
R San AntonSo
Water systems designed to meet the required fire flow of anA Lt,ke
dev pment shall be approved by the f ire department h Sv Moll1 t� oke.
jurisdiction. The developer shall furnish the fire department wit t�,i� ,
copies of the water system improvement plan for approval. water t3ys r. eon Valley
shall be operational and approved by the fire de artment prior to kftv
ram n - cons ruction occurrin . The requ red f re f low shal " ll-y
determined y the appropriate calculations, using the San Bernardino
County "Guide For the Determination of Fire Flow." water systems shall
have minimum eight 8) inch mains,' six nch_ risers.
Required fire flow is 7.-i'2-S-0 C?If? Tested at 1,.
HARRY t-A.ltt4Ys MARSHA TVAOCf. l litit I?ISUi.t HAkFl,Rl, �.t::1A'.i7t(I);!'rliA i'.!tl ai:•br,t
,rt.; 04
4rr:! JCiN U. 1.4ICUS . .. . .. .Gecar-d C`14.110 1.AN;4V h)K r•••r!. 1't.•.rd
ROWAI l ftart�f,a�tc :
FROM FIRE PROTECTION PLHNNINr 04.09. 1990 20!02 P. 3
APR 2 6 1994
Page Two Fire Dept Ref. N
R F-2A. In areas without water serving utilities, the: fire
protection water system shall be based on NFPA 1231 and be operational
prior to framing. All NFPA 1231 systems shall be a minimum 5000 gallons
with gravity flow or an approved NFPA 13, 13R, or 131), fire sprinkler
system. See attached private water supply requirements.
R M$-IL3 THROUGH IL5. Water systems designed to meet the
requ a fire flow shall be operational and approved by the fire.
department prior to framing construction occurring. The required fire
flow shall be determined by appropriate calculations, using the San
Bernardino County "Guide For the Determination of Required Fire Flow"
In areas without water serving utilities, the fire protection water
system shall be based on NFPA 1231 and be operational prior to framing.
All NFPA 1231 systems shall be a minimum 5000 gallons with gravity flow
or an approved NFPA 13, 13R, or 13D fire--sprinkler system.
BP ( �'32 The San Bernardino County Forestry and Fire Warden
DepartM provides fi,are protection for the City of Grand Terrace. Prior
to any construction occurring on any parcel, the applicant shall contact
the fire department for ; verification of current fire protection
development requirements. All new construction shall comply with the
existing Uniform .Fire Code requirements and all applicable statutes,
codes, ordinances, or standards of the fire department.
BP F4. This development shall comply with Fire Safety Overlay
conditions as adopted by County Development Code. This development is
located in Fire Review Area
BP F Prior to any framing construction occurring, all flammable
vegeta io)n shall be removed from each building site a minimum distance
of thirty (30) feet from any flammable building material, including a
finished structure.
r mjn rlmr rmu Ir 1,11 vii rLH1Y I 1 Ili- Il4.h7. 477t 4!J-p.l r. Y
Page Three Fire Dept. Ref. o. "fl�
BP F6. A minimum fuel modification zone is reguVed to
comply with county standards.
BP F7 Prior to framing construction, approved fire hydrants and
fire by rant pavement markers shall be installed. Fire hydrants shall
be six (6) inch in diameter with a minimum of one four (4) inch and one
two and a half (2 1/2) inch connection as specified by the fire
department. The design of the fire hydrant and fire hydrant' pavement
marker shall be approved by the fire department.
All fire hydrant spacing shall be three hundred (300) feet with the
exception of single family residential which may be increased to six
hundred (600) feet maximum.
In areas where snow removal- occurs or non-paved roads exist the blue
reflective hydrant marker shall--be-posted=on=an approved post three feet--:-
from the hydrant.
BP F8. An approved turnaround shall be provided at the end of each
roadway one hundred and fifty (150) feet or more in length. Cul-de-sac
length shall not exceed six hundred (600) feet, except as identified in
the development code and approved-by the fire chief.
( ) See attached diagram of approved turnarounds.
0 F9. prior to final inspection, commercial or industrial buildings
sha post street address with a minimum of eight (8) inch numbers.
street addresses shall be visible from the street and during the hours
of darkness they shall be automatically illuminated.
where building setbacks exceed- one hundred (100) feet from roadway
additional non-illuminated contrasting six (6) inch numbers shall be
displayed at property access entrance.
APPROV'11` f
APR 2 6 IJJ/
Page .Four Fire Dept. Ref. N . � ,
0 F-10 Every chimney used in conjunction :with any fireplace or any
hea appliance in which solid or liquid fuel is used shill be
maintained with an approved spark arrester. It shall be constructed of
stainless steel, copper or brass, woven galvanized wire mesh, twelve
(12) gauge minimum of three-eighths (3/8) inch minimum to one-half (1/2)
inch, maximum openings, as per County Code 3381. The mesh shall be
visible from the ground. No decorator caps allowed.
O F-11 The development and each phase thereof shall, have
two point$ of vehicular access for fire and other emergency
equipment, and for routes of escape which will safely handle evacuations
as required by the development code.
0 F-12. Private roadways which exceed one hundred and
fifty (150) feet in length shall be approved by the fire department
having jurisdiction, and shall be extended to within one hundred fifty
(150) feet of, and shall give reasonable access to all portions of-the-
exterior walls of the first story of any building.. - An access road shall
be provided within fifty 450), feet of- all'-buildings if- the natural grade-
between the access road .and the building is in excess of thirty (30)
percent. Where the access road cannot be provided, a fire protection
system shall be provided as required and approved by the fire
_ department. '
0 13 An approved fire department lock is required on all gates.
Any omatic electric security gates used, require an approved lock
switch. ' Contact- this office for lock applications.
0 �FlFire extinguishers are required in accordance with Uniform
Firtandard #10-1.
0 Additional requirements may be applied due to the lack of
suffi ent information to review. Please submit building plans and
declaration of use for proper application of codes.
L� , �, C?T
Fire Dept. Ref. f
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Questions and comments may be directed to:
Fire Protection Planning
County Goverment Center, First Floor
385 North Arrowhead Avenue
San Bernardino, 387 4233 California 92415-0186.
Phone [909)
Thank You for your cooperation.
Cou y ire Warden
aY ahwaa;*e' Captain
Fire Protection planning Officer
Date Pd
493) 'd' ---- -
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