G.7 - Interim City Manager AgreementInterim City
Adrian R. Guerra, Esq.
Aleshire & Wynder, LLP
June 27, 2021
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This Interim City Manager agreement is for Mr. G. Michael Milhiser.
•On June 22, 2021, City Manager G. Harold Duffey announced his
resignation. His resignation became effective July 20, 2021.
•On July 13, 2021, this Council selected an executive search firm,
Ralph Anderson & Associates, to conduct an open recruitment to
permanently fill the City Manager position.
•Until the permanent City Manager position is filled, the City will
require the services of an Interim City Manager.
June 27, 2021
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G. Michael Milhiser:
Mr. Milhiser brings a breadth of professional experience to the City of Grand Terrace
through his service in the public and private sectors.
•M.A. in Government, Claremont Graduate University.
•B.A. in Political Science, Chapman University.
•Professional Experience:
•He brings nearly thirty (30) years of experience serving as the City
Administrator/City Manager for the cities of Montclair, Upland and Ontario
during the period of 1978 through 2005.
•He recently served as Interim City Manager for two local cities -Adelanto
and Fontana.
•In the private sector, Mr. Milhiser served ten (10) years as Chief
Administrative Officer (CAO) for the Morongo Band of Mission Indians, and
as Interim Executive Director for the Tri-City Mental Health Agency in
•Community Service:
•Mr. Milhiser also brings extensive community service experience as a current
Board Member for the Monte Vista Water District, and as a former Board
Member for the White Foundation, and the YMCA Metro. Additionally, he
has served as past president of the Montclair Kiwanis Club, and West End
United Way.
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Interim City Manager Agreement Terms
•Term of Employment:If approved,the agreement becomes effective on,
July 28,2021 with an automatic termination date of June 30,2022.
•The agreement will be terminated earlier upon this Council’s
appointment of a permanent replacement for the City Manager
•Compensation:If approved,the compensation shall be $17,916.67 per
•This is the same salary as the prior City Manager.
•The Interim City Manager will not be eligible to receive any benefits
other than the monthly salary outlined within the agreement.
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