G.8 - Committee Consideration Naming T-Ball field at Veteran's Freedom ParkCommittee for
Consideration of
Naming T-Ball Field
at Veteran’s
Freedom Park
July 27, 2021
This staff report supports Goal #4 to develop and implement
successful partnerships; work collaboratively with community
groups, private and public sector agencies; to facilitate the
delivery of services benefitting youth, seniors, and our
community; work with local, regional, and state agencies to
secure funding for programs and projects.
On July 28, 2015, City Council approved Resolution No. 2015-30
establishing policies and procedures for the naming of City-owned
land, buildings and facilities.
The procedure calls for the Mayor to send any request for the
naming or renaming of City-owned land, buildings and facilities to
the appropriate City Council subcommittee or establish a special
Council subcommittee called Facility Naming Committee.
•City staff received a request on June 22, 2021, from
resident Cheri Freund to officially name Veteran’s
freedom Park’s T-Ball field after local resident,
Kyle Robert Garcia Bacon who grew up in the
community but sadly lost his battle with cancer
several years ago.
•Because this is a renaming request, staff conducted due diligence
reviewing City records to ensure that the renaming would not
jeopardize previous funding restrictions of which none were
•Additionally, staff would normally review renaming request to
review original name’s historical or emotional significance to the
community before the request is forwarded to the Mayor along
with the request for the name change.
•Lastly, staff was unable to locate any City records officially
naming the t-ball field.
•It is staff’s recommendation to forward the request to
the appropriate Council Committee or appointment of a
Council Subcommittee to be called Facility Naming
Committee and officially name the t-ball field, located at
Veteran’s Freedom Park, “Kyle’s Field”.