G.7 Teamsters MOUTentative
Agreement and
Memorandum of
Between the City
of Grand Terrace
and Teamsters
Local 1932
July 1, 2021 –June 30, 2024
•On December 5, 2019, Teamsters Local 1932 filed a request for recognition with
Public Employment Relations Review Board PERB seeking to represent a
proposed “Miscellaneous Bargaining Unit” of City employees.
•On February 27, 2020, the City filed with PERB a response to the Teamsters
petition asserting that the proposed Miscellaneous Bargaining Unit was not an
appropriate unit as initially proposed by Teamsters.
•On May 4, 2020, the parties participated in a PERB settlement conference and
reached a settlement, agreeing that Teamsters would be the sole and exclusive
recognized employee organization for the proposed Miscellaneous Bargaining
•Comprised of all permanent and full-time employees
•all management, confidential, and supervisory employees;
•all part-time, temporary, and at-will probationary employees;
•all retired annuitants; and
•the classifications of Assistant Planner, Principal Accountant, and
Management Analyst
•Under the Meyers-Milias Brown Act (“MMBA”), once an exclusive
representative is recognized, the City is required to negotiate with the
representative on all matters within the scope of representation:
•“all matters relating to employment conditions and employer -employee
relations, including, but not limited to, wages, hours, and other terms and
conditions of employment.” (Gov. Code §3504).
•In June of 2020, the City and Teamsters commenced negotiations for a
comprehensive agreement that would govern the relationship between
the City, Teamsters, and the represented employees.
•The Parties negotiated on wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of
employment for the Miscellaneous Bargaining Unit and have reached a
Tentative Agreement for a Memorandum of Understanding.
•The Tentative Agreement is for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024.
•On July 8, 2021, Teamsters ratified the Tentative Agreement by a vote of its
•Government Code section 3505.1:
•“If a tentative agreement is reached by the authorized representatives of the public agency and
a recognized employee organization or recognized employee organizations, the governing body
shall vote to accept or reject the tentative agreement within 30 days of the date it is first
considered at a duly noticed public meeting. . . . If the governing body adopts the tentative
agreement, the parties shall jointly prepare a written memorandum of understanding[;]”
•The Memorandum of Understanding governs the period of July 1, 2021 through
June 30, 2024.
•It was concurrently prepared and signed by the representatives of the City and
the Teamsters, subject to City Council approval.
•Once approved by the City Council, the MOU becomes a binding agreement
between Teamsters and the City.
•The MOU will govern the represented employees and the agreed upon subject
matters, however the City may still be required to bargain over the foreseeable
effects of certain decisions on matters within the scope of representation.
Article No.Subject Summary
I Term of Agreement Except as otherwise specified, the term of the agreement is from
July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024.
III Non-Discrimination The provisions of the MOU will be applied equally to all
employees without unlawful harassment, discrimination,
retaliation, disrespectful or other unprofessional conduct.
IV–VI New Employee Orientation
Shop Stewards
Dues Deduction
All new employees will be provided a copy of the MOU and given
an employee orientation to explain the employee’s rights and
benefits under the MOU. A maximum of two employees may be
designated as shop stewards to represent employees in the unit.
Sets forth membership dues deduction requirements.
VII Management Rights City retains all of its inherent managerial rights, functions and
Provides the subjects outside of bargaining that the City has the
right to unilaterally make decisions on, subject to any statutory
obligation to engage in impact bargaining over the foreseeable
effects of the decision on matters within the scope of
VIII Salary 2021-3% salary increase based upon the employee’s regular
base pay determined as of June 30, 2021.
2022 and 2023-2 % salary increase based upon the employee’s
regular base pay determined as of June 30 each respective year.
Article No.Subject Summary
IX Health Insurance The City’s contribution will match the CalPERS Kaiser Region 3
premium rate.
X Holidays All full-time unit members shall receive 13 paid holidays as
designated per calendar year and 2 paid floating holidays per
calendar year in addition to any other vacation leave that
employee has accrued.
XI Overtime Provides for an eight-hour rest period for an employee who
works 16 consecutive hours. Provides for statutory overtime
under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The City will endeavor to
provide 7 days’ notice of the need to work overtime to employees
for non-emergency recurring events.
XII No Strike/No Lockout Prevents Teamsters and employee members from causing,
participating in, or condoning any strike, walkout, slowdown,
sick-out, or any other concerted job action by withholding or
refusing to perform services. City agrees not to lockout its
XIII-XIV Discipline and Grievance
Provides the causes for discipline, types of discipline, and the
procedures for discipline which shall not apply to the City’s at-
will employees. Provides the procedure for an employee to
initiate a grievance for an alleged violation of a specific provision
of the MOU, or the City’s Personnel rules, and provides a right of
representation to the grievant.
•It is recommended that the City Council accept, adopt,
approve and implement:
•The Tentative Agreement for a Memorandum of
Understanding between the City of Grand Terrace and
Teamsters Local 1932 for the period of July 1, 2021 through
June 30, 2024
•The Memorandum of Understanding between the City of
Grand Terrace and Teamsters Local 1932 for the period of July
1, 2021 through June 30, 2024