03-06-2017 HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE M I N UTES FOR MARCH 6,2017 The meeting was callet to order at 6:17 p.m. by Chairperson Pauline Grant. -Those also present were Ann Petta, Frances Carter, Masako Gifford,Shelly Rosenkild,Susan.Robles, Martha Monteon,and Planning and Development Director,Sandra Molina. Martina Boentaran was absent. SECRETARY'S REPORT: The minutes for February 9, 2017,were read and approved on a motion by Frances and seconded by Ann,all in favor. TREASURER'S REPORT: The budget shows a total balance of$815.31 and a petty cash of$588.57. HISTORICAL REPORT: The Terrace View Elementary School has been updating the display glass case in the lobby of City Hall but they still have to include the Magnet School Information. Ann returned the photos to the Senior Citizens,including the photos found by Barbara Khacherian. Ann will start calling people for the Art Show. OLD BUSINESS: 33th Annual-ART SHOW Sunday, May 7,2017 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Shelly will revise the application and flyers and will e-mail the information to Sandra Molina so that she can order the posters for the Kiosks and the banners. Sandra will make announcements on the local tv cable,channel 3.and on the internet for the coming Art Show event. Shelly will update the poster and send it to Susan for the newspaper advertisement. Frances will bring punch,ice and water. The members of the committee will provide snacks and finger food;the City will provide the coffee. The meeting was adjourned at 6:39 p.m. Next meeting: Monday,April 3;2017 Respectfully submitted, Q.� l/LO Martha Monteon, Secretary