09-09-2015 1• .r . .. ... .... ... .... _. ...i CITY OF GRAND TERRACE.: . . ... :::.:SPECIAL :;: .:.: HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL.ACTIVITIES COM1V1ITTEE Council-Chambers:Meeting-Room : .:. :-22795 Barton Road :; .:. September.9 5 201 -:. .:....... . .. . 6:00 p.m. AGENDA C all ... . .•meeting to.order:, ......... . ...... . .... _.. .. .... 1. .Public Comments .2.- Secretary's Report: . .... . mutes,. . . .. .... . . . . 3 Treasurer's Report:- :. a:ance. ............ ... .... . 4. Historical Report: . .. . ......... flyers, posters,signs, cab .. .... .... .. . ry le announcements, supplies; 5. New Business: Count` Fair:.: ... .... .. judges for food:contest.: .. :... Next meetirig:er 5-, 2.015 6:00 P1VI:.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SAN BERNADINO}SS AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF GRAND TERRACE} . ......... . 1, Pat Jacquez Nares, being duly.sworn,'depose and say that'1 am the duly appointed City Clerk of the City:of Grand Terrace and.that:on September:2,:2615'before the hour.of 5:30 p.m.,.I.cause-d-to:be posted,as required the above... Agenda.for the Historical a—d.Cultural Activities Committee Meeting scheduled to be held on September 9, 2015 at 6;. _ plm. in the City Council;chambers in the City of Grand Terrace, California. Pat Jacqu - ar s,C City:Clerk