Minutes for the Month of March 2,2020
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Chairperson, Ann Petta. Those present were
Frances Carter, Shirley Hogue, Martina Boentaran, Lynn Smith, Martha Monteon and City Clerk,
Debra Thomas. Shelly Rosenkild was absent.
SECRETARY'S REPORT: The minutes for February 3, 2020 were read and approved on a motion
by Shirley and Martina,with all in favor/MP. The thank you notes for:the Country fair are ready
to be mailed.
TREASURER'S REPORT: The City account has a balance of$268.65 and a Committee petty cash
balace of$1,851.16. Balance approved.on a motion by Martha and seconded by Martina with all
in favor/MP.
HISTORICAL REPORT: The Terrace Hills Girl Scouts/Troop 76 has continued updating the display
glass case in the City Hall Lobby.
NEW BUSINESS: 36th Annual Art Show Sunday,May 3,2020 1 P.N1.-4 P.M.
Location: Grand Terrace Civic Center/Community Meeting Room
Ann will be going to the Senior Center to invite them to participate in the Art Show and will be
making phone calls to some of the previous participant artists.
Shelly is already working on the update of the Art Show application and will send it to Debra as
soon as is ready.
Lynn will prepare the article for the newspaper and will obtain all the necessary information
from Debra. Debra will send the article to the newspaper for advertisement as soon as possible.
The cost for the add in the newspaper as press release is approximately$35.00. The add will
include a note: that applications are available. Motion to approve payment for the
advertisement on the newspaper was made by Lynn and seconded,by Frances with all in
Delivery of the.flyers will be done by Shirley and Martha two weeks before the event.
The music will be provided by the City of Grand Terrace.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
Next Meeting: Monday,April 6,2020,was postponed until further notice
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Monteon,Secretary