12-02-2019 f
Minutes for the Month of December 2,2019
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Vice-Chairperson, Ann Petta. Those present
were Frances Carter, Shelly Rosenkild, Shirley Hogue, Martina Boentaran, Martha Monteon and
City Clerk, Debra Thomas.
SECRETARY'S REPORT: The minutes for November 4, 2019, were read and approved with a
correction, on a motion by Shirley and seconded by Martina; all in favor/MP.
Correction: At the November 4, meeting, Shelly received $100.00 cash advance from Shirley to
purchase decorations for the Potluck-Dinner.
TREASURER'S REPORT: The City account has a balance of$268.65 and a Committee petty cash
balace of$1,981.90.
HISTORICAL REPORT: Ann has been calling people for the Potluck-Dinner. Shelly
will contact the Boy Scouts,Troop 40,to remove their articles from the display glass case, in the
City Hall lobby, and will be replaced by the Terrace Hills Girl Scouts; the group to be honored
next year. The Terrace Hills Girl Scouts will present their program at the Potluck-Dinner.
OLD BUSINESS: 38th Country Fair Saturday, November 2,2019 9 am- 3 pm
Location: Grand Terrace Civic Center/Community Meeting Room
Ann, presented a receipt from Ron McKinley in the amount of$40.00 for three hay bales.
Advertisement expense was$231.35,which came out of the City account.
NEW BUSINESS: The 41st City's Birthday Potluck-Dinner Monday, December 9,2019 at 6 P.M
Location : Grand Terrace Civic Center/Community Meeting Room
Set-up: Members of the committee will arrive on Monday at 9 A.M.to noon and
returning at 5 P.M.
The Committee selected Ann Petta as the new Chairperson, on a motion by Frances and
seconded by Shelly;all in favor/MP. Frances Carter was selected as the new Vice-Chairperson by
the Committee,on a motion by Shirley and seconded by Ann;all in favor/MP.
Shirley,gave a $40.00 cash advance to Ann for puchase of ham and condiment, on a motion by
Frances and seconded by Ann;all in favor/MP.
Shelly will decorate the Community meeting room with blue,green and gold colors.
Frances will make the agenda and will bring punch, water, ice and folding table. Martina will
bring the square table.
Debra,sent the invitations to appropiate people,organizations and Council members.
The City will provide a birthday cake and coffee for the special occasion. The maintenance crew
will help us set-up the tables and chairs early Monday morning.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:35'p.m.
Next Meeting: Monday,January 6, 2020.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Monteon,Secretary