08-05-2019 HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Minutes for August 5,2019 The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m.by Chairperson, Pauline Grant. Those present were Ann Petta,Frances Carter, Shirley Hogue, Martina Boentaran, Martha Monteon and City Clerk, Debra Thomas. Shelly Rosenkild was absent. SECRETARY'S REPORT: The minutes for June 3,2019, were read and approved,on a motion by Frances and seconded by Ann;all in favor/MP. TREASURER'S REPORT: Debra provided each member with a copy of the new Fiscal Budget report for 7/O1/19 through 6/30/20. The new budget for the fiscal year is$1,000.00 in the City account. The Committee petty cash balance is$1,372.06. Shirley will request a$500.00 advance from the City account. Motion by Frances was made to request advance from the City account in the amount of$500.00,seconded by Ann; with all in favor/MP. Shirley submitted an advance written request to Debra. HISTORICAL REPORT: The Boy Scouts,Troop 40 have been updating the display glass case in the City Hall lobby. Ann will start calling people for the chili and baking contests;as well as other participants, in a couple of weeks. OLD BUSINESS: 35th Annual Art Show Sunday, May 5,2019 Reimbursement from the City's account to Shirley was$186.02 for supplies expense. Reimbursement from Shirley to Martina was$25.88 for Art Show photo printing expense. Shelly will send the thank you notes and a photo of the Artist and their work,to each Art Show participant. NEW BUSINESS: 38th.Annual Country Fair 9 am to 3 pm Saturday, November 2,2019 Martina made and printed a special invitation to the artists and quilters in our community for the November Country Fair. The committee members read it and agreed that it is a good idea. Martina will check the rental price of a hot dog cooker at the local Party Supplies. The meeting was adjourned at 6:39 p.m. Respectfully submitted, The next meeting: Monday,September 9,2019 Martha Monteon,Secretary 1,,Ws Date nd By OvLdLy �un 3 4 k T V 4-% if ­11-TF t7 if W. I u 14 if 117 if L 77 A� I V a�iw —77—"7 m —4 .......... i4l 7T; f 77. 4L 3� .............. mp, :37 I�ln ---------------