06-03-2019 HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Minutes for June 3,2019 The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Chairperson, Pauline Grant. Those present were Ann Petta, Frances Carter, Shelly Rosenkild,Shirley Hogue,Martina Boentaran,Martha Monteon and City Clerk, Debra Thomas. SECRETARY'S REPORT: The minutes for May 6,2019, were read and approved,on a motion by Frances and seconded by Ann;all in favor/MP. TREASURER'S REPORT: The City account shows a balance of$500.00 and a Committee petty cash balance of$1,186.04. HISTORICAL REPORT: The Boy Scouts,Troop 40 have been updating the display glass case in the City Hall lobby. Ann presented to the Committee an informative written report which she read, explaining her view and strong considerations as to why we should continue with the Art Show as we have in the past. After discussion,and consideration of alternatives,a decision was reached tonight. A unanimous motion was passed in favor of continuing presenting the Art Show as originally intended. Motion by Ann,seconded by Frances,with all in favor/MP. The City,can continue providing the Grand Terrace High School students with their Art Show display at City Hall, if they wish. OLD BUSINESS: 35th Annual Art Show Sunday, May 5,2019 Shirley's expense for supplies was$186.02 and she will request a check from the City's account. Unanimous motion was carried to approve funds to Martina for printing two sets of the Art Show photos/MP. NEW BUSINESS: 38th.Annual Country Fair - Saturday, November 2,2019 Shelly suggested that maybe it is a good idea to post on the internet a list of accepted participants;and adding information on the back of the application as to deadline. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. No meeting for the month of July,2019. Respectfully submitted,, The next meeting: Monday,August 5,2019 Martha Monteon,Secretary