Minutes for the Month of May 6,2019
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by Chairperson,Pauline Grant. Those present were
Ann Petta, Frances Carter, Shirley Hogue, Martina Boentaran, Martha Monteon and City Clerk,
Debra Thomas. Shelly Rosenkild was absent.
SECRETARY'S REPORT: The minutes for April 1, 2019,were read and approved, on a motion by
Frances and seconded by Ann;all in favor/M P.
TREASURER'S REPORT: The City account budget shows a balance of $500.00 and Committee
petty cash$1,253.46.
HISTORICAL REPORT: The Boy Scouts,Troop 40, has been updating the display glass case, in the
City Hall lobby.
Ann noted, that we had about twenty nine entries for the Art Show, including the Boy Scouts
display case,who exhibited their art work.
We had a good number of visitors who came to enjoy the Art exhibits, delicious appetizers and
refreshments; including the delightful background classical music by duet Sarah Wallin Huff,
violinist and accompaning guitarist, Bryan Bunker.
NEW BUSINESS: 35th Annual Art Show Sunday, May 5,2019 1 p.m.to 4 p.m.
at Grand Terrace Civic Center/Community Meeting Room
Shirley and Martha distributed approximately fifty flyers around the city and businesses,two
weeks before the event.
Shirley made a cash reimbursement of$18.82 to Frances for expense of ice,water,and punch.
Frances,made soda donation for punch.
Mr.Jim Gifford helped our Committee by picking up the key from City Hall to open and close
the building on Saturday and Sunday.
The Grand Terrace High School students had 23 art pieces from 21 artists,which were displayed
at City Hall. Students learned first hand what an Art Show is;and students and parents
interacted with the Art Show.
City Mayor, Darcy McNaboe,City Manager,Harold Duffey and other members of the City Council
honored us with their presence.
Debra,said that Mr. Duffey suggested,that we take over the entire event. Ann,objected saying
that doing so, would be too much for our Committee to handle. During the discussion, it was
suggested that the Library book sale could be moved somewhere else and the High School art
extended into the foyer. More discussion will take place at the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 6.45 p.m.
Next Meeting: Monday,June 3,2019.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Monteon,Secretary