12-03-2018 s ti r, HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Minutes for December 3,2018 The meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m. by Chairperson, Pauline Grant. Those present were Ann Petta, Frances Carter, Shelly Rosenkild, Shirley Hogue, Martha Monteon and City Clerk, Debra Thomas. Martina Boentaran was absent. SECRETARY'S REPORT: The minutes for November 5, 2018, were read and approved with a correction,on a motion by Ann and seconded by Shirley;all in favor/MP. TREASURER'S REPORT: The budget shows a balance of$500.00 and petty cash$1,518.63. HISTORICAL REPORT: The Terrace Hills Middle School will remove their display in the glass case in the City Hall lobby; to be replaced by the Boy Scouts who are having their stuff ready. Ann has been calling people for the Potluck Dinner. OLD BUSINES: 37th Annual Country Fair Correction: Shirley purchased the doughnuts, it was not her donation. Cash reimbursements from Shirley: Frances - $66.51 for hot dogs, water and ice expense. Martina -$32.34 for balloons and posters, Shelly-$21.51 for blue dots and blue award ribbons and Martha-$25.38 for plates, plastic cups and ice. Shirley's expense for food and supplies was $207.63 which will be reimbursed from petty cash account. Motion to pay the bills to Shirley was made by Frances and seconded by Ann; with all in favor/MP. Shirley made a donation of plastic storage tubs. NEW BUSINESS: 40th City's Birthday Potluck-Dinner -Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2018 at 6 P.M. Comunity Room at City Hall -RSVP requested The Boy Scouts will present their program at the Potluck-Dinner. Debra sent the invitations this morning to all the organizations, people, committees and past council members. Shelly will decorate with khaki,green and red colors. Set up will be done from Monday to Wednesday as follows: Ann and Shirley will meet at the Community Room in City Hall at 10:00 am. Monday. Tuesday at 11:00 am and on Wednesday at 12:30 p.m., Shelly will be there along with other members. Cash advance from Shirley to Ann $30.00 for ham, Pauline$30.00 for food purchase and Shelly $100.00 for decorations and balloons. Frances will bring her receipts for ice, punch and water and will bring ice chest and table. Pauline will bring warming tray and card table on Tuesday and Shelly will bring pie rack. Debra will coordinate the table setting with Ann and the maintenance workers. Zoila Luna and Mr. Allen French will help us. Ann will have an agenda and copies of the Program. Each Committee member will bring'a homemade dish and the City will provide birthday cake and coffee for this special occasion. The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m. Next Meeting: Monday,January 7,2019 Respectfully submitted, Martha Monteon,Secretary s. Sw LIST OF JUDGES AND VOLUNTEERS 37th Country Fair 2018 Debbie Earle Woman's Club, President 2013 Skyview Dr.,Colton CA 92324 Sally McGuire G.T.Chamber of Commerce 22364 Barton Rd.,Ste 101,Grand Terrace CA 92313 Dierdre Taylor G.T. Friends of the Library 22256 Cardinal St.,Grand Terrace CA 92313 Lyndon Jones In C/O Grand Terrace Senior Center 22626 Grand Terrace R.,GrandTerrace CA 92313 Cindy Grande G.T. Foundation, President 22421 Barton Rd.,#365,Grand Terrace CA 92313 VOUNTERS AND ORGANIZATIONS Sandy Anderegg 12175 Rosedale Ave.,Colton CA 92324 Adele Lara 22950 Wren St.,Grand Terrace CA 92313 Don and Alice Hallwachs 12581 Mirado Ave.,Grand Terrace CA 92313 Terry Ellison 22985 Orangewood Ct.,Grand Terrace CA 92313 Bobbie Kay Forbes 22365 Barton Rd.,Ste 204,Grand Terrace CA 92313 Darcy McNaboe,G.T.City Mayor 11846 Preston St.,Grand Terrace CA 92313 - - - 6it(A_e -76 CeearT 7-7'f}L , 7,2 07k, j y �d7� ". yk S f Mali *767 Ile �77 00 ,�L CGS lv -E repared By I + I ! ch 00 i f i +- -FJZZ + ' .f 10 14 17 1 I � t C• f -..._._..y._..__. .__. ............... _. ..,. �- I s.�..L..- J—y'-3.T... � �p t � ��.. I .ti —•—• __ —r I. _-- I I �. 4. --. ..... - _.. ....-_. r., . r r.. -r 72 ' .l I ( 122 2" 28 iI 29 li I I { II I IF i f I I { : [ , r ( I 40