07-18-2018-SP HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING Minutes for July 18, 2018 The meeting was called to order at 6:17 p.m.by Chairperson, Pauline Grant. Those present were Ann Petta, Frances Carter,Shirley Hogue, Martha Monteon and City Clerk, Debra Thomas. Shelly Rosenkild and Martina Boentaran were absent. SECRETARY'S REPORT: The petty cash reconciliation according to Masako Gifford's,Treasurer's Report for the month of May 2018 and from the minutes of May 7,2018 was handed to every one present,for review. TREASURER'S REPORT: Shirley counted the money received and she found some cents at the bottom of the box. Recounting of the money needs to be done to verify the correct amount of petty cash at hand. NEW BUSINESS: Petty cash reconciliation. Frances recounted the money and the amount of petty cash was$807.16,which was in agreement with the presented reconciliation showing$807.05. Frances made a motion to confirm the amount of$807.16 as the petty cash balance for the month of July 2018;seconded by Ann,with all in favor M/P. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Next meeting was moved to Wednesday August 1, 2018 Respectfully submitted, Martha Monteon,Secretary PETTY CASH RECONCILIATION FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2018 Petty cash balance according to Masako Gifford's, Treasurer's Report for the month of May 2018 was$868.57. Petty cash balance according to approved minutes for May 7,2018 was $868.57 Cash reimbursements from Masako which appear on minutes: Frances'expense for punch,water and ice $31.43 Martina's purchase of cards 8.56 Shelly's expense for balloons 21.53 Total reimbursements............... - 61.52 NEW BALANCE: $807.05 31.43 + 8-56 + 21.53 + 61-52 eff 607.05