03-05-2018 i i HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Minutes for March 5, 2018 The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m.by Chairperson Pauline Grant.Those present were Ann Petta, Masako Gifford, Shelly Rosenkild, Martina Boentaran, City Clerk, Debra Thomas. Francis Carter arrived at 6:40 p.m. Martha Monteon was absent. SECRETARY'S REPORT:The minutes for February 5, 2018 were amended by removing two (2) paragraphs from the minutes.Ann Petta moved approval as amended with a second from Shelly Rosenkild;all in favor. TREASURER'S REPORT: Masako Gifford provided the report showing the budget with a balance of$168.71 in Account Nos. 210&220'and petty cash has a balance of$876.57. HISTORICAL REPORT: None. NEW BUSINESS: 34th Art Show Sunday, May 6, 2018—City Hall Community Room—1-4 p.m. City Clerk, Debra Thomas provided the committee with several light pole banner options to advertise the Art Show throughout the City.The committee was asked input on which colors they would like to see the banners printed and the committee agreed on blue. Discussion was held on advertising for the event and Debra was going to speak with Blue Mountain Outlook to see if the application can be placed in its next addition as an insert and the cost for advertising. Shelly Rosenkild is going to add Friends of the Library to the Art Show flyer.She also created a news article that she will propose to several newspapers for print and work on promoting the event through an. I- Phone application. Ann Petta' will contact local artists in the community to see if one would like to offer a live art demonstration during the Art Show event. L Pa2 �scaou� �i,�p AG�So The meeting was adjourned at 6:56 p.m. NEXT MEETING:Monday,April 2, 2018 Respectfully submitted, Debra Thomas, City Clerk On Monday, March 20, ' 2018, City Manager Harold Duffey called me. ..He had talked to Councilman -Ken Henderson and heard from him, that we were having a problem regarding the Art Show and the "minutes" . He asked me, what the problem was. I told him that the February meeting was a short one, with 2 mem- bers absent, including the Secretary, and one member arriving of ter the meeting was over, due to a Doctor' s appointment. At this February meeting we were asked to remove 2 unrelated para- graphs from the "minutes". I commented at this meeting that it was my - understanding, that "minutes" can be amended, but not removed. Mr. Duffey asked that I tell the Committee that his comments to us were suggestions only and that it was not his intent to interfere in any way with our activities. I told him that I was sure that the Committee would appreciate hearing this, and that. I would "pass on" his message at our April 9th, meeting. Over the years, the Historical and Cultural Activities Committee has had a changing "cast of characters" , but this volunteer group has continued its activities without interruption, and with no paid stipend. From my vantage point, I can say that these are especially accom- plished volunteers and the City is fortunate, not only to have them closely involved in our many projects, but also to serve as recorders of our history and activities! Please add these comments, verbatum, to the April minutes. Ann Petta