01-08-2018 n
Minutes for January 8,2018
The meeting was called to order at 6:13 p.m.by Chairperson Pauline Grant. Those also present were
Ann Petta,Masako Gifford,Frances Carter,Shelly Rosenkild,Martina Boentaran,Martha Monteon,and
City Clerk,Debra L Thomas.
SECRETARY'S REPORT: the minutes for December 4,2017 were read and approved as corrected,on a
motion by Ann and seconded by Frances;and one correction to be made, all in favor.
TREASURER'S REPORT: The budget shows a balance of$168.71 and a petty cash of$840.07.
HISTORICAL REPORT: The Terrace Hills Middle School has bee updating the display glass case in the
lobby of City Hall.
CORRECTION: Country Fair expense for displayed posters was$123.39,from 220 account writh no
charge for the flyers. The City paid$225.00 for advertisement.
OLD BUSINESS: 39th City's Birthday Potluck-dinner-Wednesday,December 6,2017
The program presentation made by Terrace Hills Middle school was very informative and educational.
The variety of food and cake made this a very special celebration. We had a full house.
Reimbursement from Masakor to Frances$26.53 for punch,water and ice expense.
Cash advance: Shelly '$100.00 -decorations expense was$76.40 -returned to Masako$23.60.
Ann 40.00 -ham and butter was$28.57 -returned$11.43.
Pauline 40.00 -turkey breast was$12.00 -returned$28.00.
Motion to approve payment of expenses for the pot-luck dinner was made by Frances and seconded by
Ann-motion carried.
NEW BUSINESS: Calendar far 2018
Art Show -Saturday, May 5th
Country Fair - Saturday,November 3rd.
40th City's Birthday potluck-dinner - still pending.
City Clerk,Debra L Thomas told us that City Manager,Mr.G.Harold Duffey,wants to make the City's
40th Birthday,a special year. He has contacted a number of Universities and invited them to
participate. The event will be held at the Senior Center and Senior Park and the artists will be able to
exhibit and sell their art.
Ann felt that we were getting away from our Art Show mission,which is to showcase the artistic talents
of residents and those who work here. The Show should continue in City Hall's community room,where
it has always been. We have several local teachers who live here and enter their work and those of their
Frances agreed and commented that we have never been involved with artists sellig their work and she
asked whose responsibility this would be;besides who would be collecting the money.
Furthermore,the Senior Center is located in the path of a wind tunnel and at best,May weather is
unpredictable. Last year it rained during the Art Show.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m. NEXT MEETING:Monday,February 5,2018.
Respectfully Submitted,
Martha Monteon,Secretary