07-19-2021 Historical and Cultural Activities Committee Minutes for month of—July 19,2021 Location—2"d Floor conference Room Members present—Renae Walker, Franke Byma, Michelle Greer, Becky Giroux, Louise Lundstrum and Debra Clark City Clerk Members Absent—Mary Beth Correra Ca Iled to order—6:00 pm Secretary's Report:We were emailed and supplied a copy of the minutes from the last meeting that took place in March 2, 2020. Motion to approve from Frank'e 2"d by Michelle, motion passes with all in favor. Treasurers Report: n/a Historical Report: n/a Old Business: n/a New Business:As we are all new to the committee positions were assigned and accepted and are as follows; Chair—Becky Giroux Vice Chair—Louise Lundstrum Treasurer—Franke Byma Secretary—Renae Walker Debra gave us all a overview of what the Historical Committee does for the city,what our responsibilities are for the positions,what we maintain in City Hall(glass case display),where our supplies are currently kept(in cupboard upstairs) and where she suggests it be moved to(cupboards in Community Room if we can verify they lock),the treasurer's box that we found out has all the Committee's funds in cash as the City only has a general funds account(we asked to keep box at City Hall for this reason) Frank'e will reimburse us for event expenditures as needed up to$50. She also gave us the copy of the last flyer and vendor registration form for the Country Fair,typically held on 1"Saturday of November. It was decided to look into planning that at the August meeting to see what guidelines that might go into effect that may possibly hinder.We were provided the signed Committee Mayoral approval from the formation, but per Debra she has not been able to find by-laws. We are going to holding a reception to honor the past Committee members prior to the City Council meeting Tuesday September 14th at 5pm. Debra supplied us with their contact information. Frank'e offered to make them cards to go with the email invitation.The City will be providing the former members with awards(most likely the Key to the City pin)and we will supply the refreshments in the Community Room. We discussed the past timeline.of dates for the Art Show 15t Sunday in May—Country Fair 15t Saturday in November— City's Birthday 2nd Wednesday of December,so we could start to think of what we need to do coming up.We discussed needing to update or create new by-laws that would reflect some of the new policies the city has as well. Frank'e counted the funds in the box to see they matched what was stated in the box with Michelle and Debra present. Meeting adjourned—7:00 pm