B. Skate Park PresentationGrand Terrace
Skate Park
Brian Phelps, Current Chairman
for Parks and Recreation
Committee, Grand Terrace
.●Out of 30 residents attending the special meeting, 100% were in
favor of building a skate park
●A unanimous vote from the committee in favor of the skate park
Why should we build a skatepark?
●To provide a safe environment for
residents and their children to
skate, bike, roller blade and ride
their scooter
●Can be made wheelchair
Where? How?
●Location will need to be in an easily visible area with a high volume of traffic
●Funding could be provided through donations or grants
○Recently, Redlands received a grant from the Tony Hawk Foundation
Information gathered from https://www.redlandsdailyfacts.com/2017/03/13/the -redlands-skatepark-just -got-a -major -donation-from -this -famous -
●Lower property damage caused
by skateboards
A subcommittee should be formed to explore:
Thank you