08/16/1982 GRAND TERRACE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 16 , 1982 The Grand Terrace Planning Commission adjourned regular meeting of August 16 , 1982 was called to order at 7 :07 P . M. in the Planning Department Conference Room by Chairman Douglas E . Erway . ROLL CALL : Commissioners Present : Andress , Cole , Collins , Erway , McDowell and Munson Lillian Smith arrived at 7 : 18 P . M. and left at 8 : 10 P . M . Commissioners Absent : Bartel and DeBenedet Others Present : Virginia Farmer , Director Planning Department NEW BUSINESS : ITEM #1 E_LECTION OF OFFICERS Nominations for Chairman were opened by Interim Chairman Erway . Commissioner McDowell nominated Commissioner Erway for Chairman . PCM 82-55 MOTION by Commissioner McDowell , seconded by Commissioner Andress and passed by a 6-0 VOTE TO CLOSE NOMINATIONS AND INSTRUCT THE SECRETARY TO CAST A UNANIMOUS BALLOT FOR COMMISSIONER ERWAY FOR PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN . Commissioner Erway abstained from voting . Commissioner Erway was elected Chairman . Nominations were opened for Vice Chairman . Commissioner McDowell nominated Commissioner Collins for Vice Chairman . PCM 82-56 MOTION by Commissioner Munson , seconded by Commissioner Andress and passed by a 7-0 VOTE TO CLOSE NOMINATIONS AND INSTRUCT THE SECRETARY TO CAST A UNANIMOUS BALLOT FOR COMMISSIONER COLLINS FOR VICE CHAIRMAN . Commissioner Collins was reelected Vice Chairman . -- ---- ---- --------------- -- --------------------- ------ -- -------- -- -- -- -- ITEM #2 MOTION TO ADJOURN TO STUDY SESSION PCM 82-57 MOTION by Commissioner McDowell , seconded by Commissioner Cole and passed by a 7-0 VOTE TO ADJOURN THE MEETING TO A STUDY SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE 'OF DISCUSSING THE STUDY AND PREPARATION OF A MASTER BEAUTIFICATION PLAN FOR THE CITY . Grand Terrace Planning Commission Page 1 of 3 August 16 , 1982 STUDY SESSION ITEM #A TRIANGLE - PALM AND BARTON ROAD Lengthy discussion followed with respect to the triangle between Palm and Barton Road . Each Commissioner voiced his opinion re- garding themes and materials suitable for the triangle . Public imput was received from Randall L . Anstine , Community Services Director . Mr . Anstine presented the Commissioners with a plan which he had prepared . Jay Short , member of the Parks and Recreation Committee also spoke . Chairman Erway appointed Commissioner Cole to prepare some schematics of the triangle reflecting the Commission discussion by September 13 , 1982 . ITEM #B CITY BEAUTIFICATION MASTER PLAN Again lengthy discussion followed with respect to beautification of City streets , parkways , possible medians , entrance ways , common public areas , and open space . Each Commissioner expressed his views and philosophy regarding City Beautification . After summarizing the Commissioners ' discussion , Chairman Erway instructed the Planning Director to set an informal Public Hearing for citizen imput on City streets and highways at the September 13 , 1982 meeting . He then asked each Commissioner to divide the City in quarters using Barton Road and Mount Vernon as the dividing streets and to consider City Beautification within that framework while working on the City as a whole . The following topics for study were designated : 1 . Streets and roads ; 2 . Open space such as parkways , commercial parking lots , and other common areas ; 3 . Public land such as City entrance design ; 4 . Standards to be set , enforcement procedures , and public encouragement to beautify private property ; 5 . Citizen imput and participation in the study especially on streets and roads ; 6 . Bikeways , sidewalks , parkways , and park and ride areas ; 7 . Preserving open space of geological value such as Blue Mountain . --------------------------- -- -- -- --------- ---------- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- Chairman Erway declared the meeting reconvened at 8 : 15 P . M . The Planning Director was instructed to set a public hearing on September 13 , 1982 pursuant to Commission discussion . PCM 82-58 MOTION by Commissioner Collins , seconded by Commissioner Cole and passed by a 6-0 VOTE TO ADJOURN TO SEPTEMBER 13 , 1982 AT 6 : 30 P . M . FOR A STUDY SESSION AND 7 :00 P . M . FOR MEETING AT TERRACE VIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MULTI - PURPOSE ROOM. Grand Terrace Planning Commission Page 2 of 3 August 16 , 1982 There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8 : 25 P . M. Respectfully submitted by , Vir nia Farmer , Planning Director APPROVED : DOUGLAS RWAY , CHAIRMAN Grand Terrace Planning Commission Page 3 of 3 August 16 , 1982