05/02/1983 Grand Terrace Planning Commission
May 2, 1983
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called
to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road,
Grand Terrace, California, May 2, 1983, at 7: 00 p.m. by Acting Chairman
Sandy Collins.
PRESENT : Sanford L. Collins, Vice Chairman
John McDowell, Commissioner
Vern Andress, Commissioner
Winifred Bartel,Commissioner
Gerald Cole, Commissioner
William DeBenedet, Commissioner
Norman Caouette, Commissioner
Ray Munson, Commissioner
Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner
Joseph Kicak, Planning Director
Tim D. Serlet, Assistant Planning Director
Mr. Joseph Kicak, Planninq Director, administered the oath of office to Mr.
Jerry Hawkinson, the new Planning Commissioner, appointed to fill the
vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Doug Erway.
MINUTES: The minutes of the adjourned meeting of
April 4, 1983, were approved as submitted.
PCM 83-25 Motion by Commissioner De Benedot,
seconded by Commissioner Bartel and
passed by a 9-0 vote to approve minutes
of April 4, 1983, as submitted.
Item No. 1 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
Nominations for Chairman were opened by Vice Chairman Collins.
Commissioner Munson nominated Commissioner Collins for Chairman. Commis-
sioner DeBenedet seconded the nomination.
PCM 83-26 Motion by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner
Bartel, and passed by a 9-0 vote to close nomination and
elect Vice Chairman Collins Chairman.
Vice Chairman Collins was elected Chairman.
Grand Terrace Planning Commission
May, 2, 1983 Page 1 of 2
Nominations were opened for Vice Chairman. Commissioner DeBenedet nominated
Commissioner McDowell for Vice Chairman. Commissioner Munson seconded the
PCM 83-27 Motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner
Caouette, and passed by a 9 - 0 vote to close nominations
and elect Commissioner McDowell Vice Chairman.
Commissioner McDowell was elected Vice Chairman.
Item No. 2 City-County Planning Commissioners Conference
Mr. Kicak informed the Planning Commission that the City-County Planning
Commission - Spring Conference would be held at the Elks Club in Big Bear
on May 12, 1983, and that the staff would make the reservations for any
commissioner interested in attending. Mr. Kicak also informed the Commission
that there was approximately $200. 00 remaining in the Planning Commission
Budget that could be used for meal or travel expenses.
Item No. 3 Future California Newsletter
Mr. Kicak stated that the newsletter was provided as an informational item only.
There was no discussion on this item.
Mr. Kicak informed the Commission that the Planning staff, along with the City
Manager will meet with a representative of Beland and Associates on May 5,
1983, to discuss the progress on the General Plan Update.
The Chairman adjourned to a Public Workshop Session on May 16, 1983 at
6: 30 p.m. in the City Hall Building No. 4, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectful y submitted by,
Jdseph Kicak, Planning Director
Approv '
Sanford L. Collins, Chairman
Grand Terrace Planning Commission
May 2, 1983 Page 2 of 2