06/06/1983 Grand Terrace Planning Commission
June 6, 1983
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called
to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road,
Grand Terrace, California, June 6, 1983, at 7: 12 p.m. by Chairman Sanford
L. Collins.
PRESENT : Sanford L. Collins, Chairman
William De Benedet, Commissioner
Vern Andress, Commissioner
Norman Caouette,Commissioner
Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner
Tim D. Serlet, Asst. Planning Director
ABSENT : John McDowell, Vice Chairman, (excused)
Winifred Bartel, Commissioner
Gerald Cole, Commissioner
Ray Munson, Commissioner
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Jerry Hawkinson
MINUTES : The minutes of the regular meeting of
May 2, 1983, were approved as submitted.
PCM 83-28 Motion by Chairman Collins, seconded by
Commissioner Hawkinson, and passed by
a 5-0 vote to approve the minutes of
May 2, 1983, as submitted.
Item No. 2 Landscaping of Barton Road/Palm Triangle
Chairman Collins suaaested that Commissioner De Benedet attend the City
Council meeting on June 9, 1983, to explain the Commission's position on
the triancile landscaainca. Commissioner fie Benedet agreed to attend the
Council meeting.
Item No. 3 Barton/At. Vernon/Michigan Beautification
Chairman Collins requested Tim Serlet, Assistant Planning Director, to present
the Staff Report. Followina the presentation, the discussion involved whether
or not the Planning Commission should request the City Council to use the
remaining beautification funds ($17, 672. 00) to prepare a Master Beautification
Plan for the entire City. There was also a discussion involving how the current
General Plan Revision process would affect the City-wide beautification, and
if a beautification plan could be incorporated into the Architectural Barrier
Removal program.
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PCM 83-29 Plotion by Commissioner Caouette, seconded by
Commissioner De Benedet, and passed by a 5-0
vote, to continue this item to the meeting of
July 11, 1983, to allow for further review.
Item No. 4 Bicycle Motocross
Chairman Collins summarized the Staff Report. The Planning Commission
reviewed the grading plan and discussed the drainage problems, fencing,
track layout, proposed structures and access from Van Buren.
Chairman Collins questioned if the track would be on City property and what
the City's liability would be. Staff responded that the track would be on City-
owned land that would be leased to a private party. Staff also responded that
the City Attorney was studying the liability question. Planning staff volunteered
to arrange a field trip to a track in Calimesa.
PCM 83-30 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by Com-
missioner De Benedet, and passed by a 5-0 vote to
continue this item until after a field trip can be
Item No. 5 General Plan Amendment Calendar
Chairman Collins requested the staff to present this item. The ensuing dis-
cussion concerned coordinating the General Plan Amendment Calendar with
the completion of the General Plan Update.
PCM 83-31 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by
Commissioner Hawkinson, and passed by a 5-0
vote to recommend to the City Council establish-
ment of the first meeting of February, June and
October of any year as the designated public
hearing to consider General Plan Amendments.
Item No. 6 Landscape Plans for SA 83-3 on Barton Road
Chairman Collins requested the staff to make a presentation. The ensuing
discussion concerned the 6-foot planting area between the sidewalk and the
block wall. The Public Hearing was opened and closed with no one speaking
for or against the project.
PCt,/I 83-32 P:lotion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by
Commissioner Caouette and passed by a 4-1 vote
to approve the landscaping plan for SA 83-3 as
submitted in the Staff Report.
Commissioner De Benedet voted in opposition to
this motion.
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June 6, 1983
Item No. 7 Architectural Review of Tracts 9772-2 and 9772.
Tim Serlet, Assistant Planning Director, presented the Staff Report. Commis-
sioner De Benedet introduced a motion to require painted shingles instead of
stained shingles. The motion died for lack of a second.
The Public Hearina was opened and closed with no one speaking for or
aaainst the project.
PCP„1 83-33 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by
Commissioner Hawkinson and passed by a 4-1 vote
to approve the Plot Plan and Architectural Plans for
Tentative Tracts 9772-2 and 9772 as submitted.
Commissioner De Benedet voted against this motion.
Item No. 8 Determination of Use; Graphic Arts Studio in A-P Zone
Assistant Planning Director Tim Serlet presented the Staff Report. The request
is to determine if a graphics art studio is an allowable use in an A-P Zone.
Chairman Collins opened the Public Hearing.
P.1r. Larry Halstead, President of Golden nuill Publishers, which owns Accent
Print Design, explained the operation of his studio and answered questions
from the Commission.
Chairman Collins closed the Public Hearing.
PCP.,1 83-34 .lotion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by
Commissioner Caouette, and passed by a 5-0 vote
to allow graphic Arts Studios in an A-P Zone.
Item No. 9 Request from Yolanta Trading and Land Corporation
for a building permit at the Garden Home Apartments.
Tim Serlet presented the Staff Report. Yolanta Tradinq and Land Corpora-
tion desires to enclose the patio area of each individual unit in the Garden
Home Apartments.
Chairman Collins invited the applicant to address the Commission.
A representative of Yolanta Trading and Land Corporation explained the plans
for enclosing the patios and the reason for requesting a building permit.
PCP,,1 83-35 Miotion by Commissioner Caouette, seconded by
Commissioner Hawkinson, and passed by a 5-0
vote to direct the Engineering staff not to issue
a building permit for the proposed work.
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June 61 1983
Item No. 10 Tim Serlet, Assistant Planning Director, informed the
Commissioner that Mr. Chuck Woods was going to
approach the City Council for a temporary occupancy
permit prior to applying for a Conditional-use permit.
Mr. Woods is requesting the occupancy permit because
he would like to open a pet store on July 1 . The
earliest possible consideration of his C.U.P. would
be at the July 11, 1983, Planning Commission meeting.
A pet store is an allowed use in the C-2 Zone with a
Conditional-use permit.
The Plannina Commission indicated mixed feelings concerning Mr. Woods
approaching the City Council.
Chairman Sanford L. Collins adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. to a Public
Workshop involving the General Plan Update.
Respectfully submitted by:
Joseph Kicak, Planning irector
Sanforgh. Collins, Chairman
Grand Terrace Planning Commission
June 6, 1983
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