09/12/1983 Grand Terrace Planning Commission
P.linutes of Regular Meeting
September 12, 1983
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called
to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace
Road, Grand Terrace, California, on September 12, 1983 at 7: 00 p.m. by
Vice Chairman John McDowell .
PRESENT : John McDowell, Vice Chairman
William De Benedet, Commissioner
Norm Caouette, Commissioner
Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner
Ray Munson, Commissioner
Tim Serlet, Planning Staff
ABSENT : Sanford L. Collins, Chairman (Excused)
Winifred Bartel, Commissioner
Gerald Cole, Commissioner (Excused)
Vern Andress, Commissioner
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE : Led by Norm Caouette
MINUTES : The minutes of the regular meeting
of August 1, 1983, were approved as
PCM 83-52 Motion by Commissioner De Benedet,
seconded by Commissioner Munson, and
passed by a 5-0 vote to approve the
minutes of August 1, 1983 as submitted.
ITEM No. 2 Review of Chapter 23 of Ordinance 57, Signs
P.1r. Tom Coyle, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager, presented
the staff report. Mr. Coyle stated that the City Council had requested
that the Planning Commission review Chapter 23, Signs, of the Zoning
Ordinance, to insure that it was functioning as intended. This item
had been continued from the July and August Plannina Commission meetinas
at the request of the Chamber of Commerce, to enable them to conduct their
own study.
Mr. John McDowell, Vice Chairman of the Planninq Commission, stated that
he had been told by the Chamber of Commerce that they would have no
recommendations concerning Chapter 23.
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Mr. David TerBest, 22365 Barton Road, stated that he was on the Chamber
of Commerce's committee evaluating Chapter 23 of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr.
TerBest felt that each request for a sign permit needed to be evaluated
individually and then, if necessary, each applicant could request a variance
from the Planning Commission.
Mr. Barney Karqer, 11668 Bernardo Way, and Mr. Frank Crowe, owner of
Active Footwear, expressed concern that Chapter 23 was too restrictive.
After the comments from the public, there was a general discussion among
the Commission regarding the merits of Chapter 23.
PCM 83-53 Motion by Commissioner De Benedet,
Seconded by Commissioner Munson, and
passed by a 3-2 vote to recommend to the
City Council that City staff enforce Chapter
23 of Ordinance 57 as it is written, and that
City Council consider lowering the fee for
a variance.
Commissioners Caouette and Hawkinson
voted against this motion.
Item No. 3 Public Hearing on Draft General Plan
Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, presented the staff report and introduced
Paul Secord. Mr. Secord of Beland and Associates Gave an overview of the
Draft General Plan. Mr. Secord stated the intent of the public hearing was
to adopt a formal resolution of the Planning Commission recommending that
the City Council adopt the Draft General Plan.
Beland and Associates recommended adopting the plan as written with the
following exceptions:
1) The General Plan designation of the property located south of Van
Buren and west of Michigan, presently owned by Wilden Pump Co. and
James Harber respectively, be changed from General-Commercial to
2) A fire safety policy specifically for hillside areas be incorporated into
the plan.
Vice Chairman McDowell opened the hearing for public comment.
Lillian Smith, 11914 Mt. Vernon; Dave TerBest, 22365 Barton Rd. ; Barney
Karger; and Jim Harber, 21999 VanBuren Street, spoke in favor of the
No one spoke against the revision.
Vice Chairman McDowell closed the public hearing and the Commission discussed
the revision.
Planning Commission
September 12, 1983
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PCM 83-54 ,lotion by Commissioner Munson,
seconded by Commissioner Caouette,
and passed by a 5-0 vote to designate
the property south of Van Buren and
west of Michigan, presently owned by
Wilden Pump and Mr. James Harber as
liaht-industrial on the Draft General
Plan Land Use Map.
Vice Chairman McDowell reopened the public hearing.
Mr. Bob Keeney, 12139 Mt. Vernon, questioned the General Plan designation
on several pieces of property he owns. He specifically questioned the following:
1) The appropriateness of light-industrial designation placed on his property
at 21900 Barton Road.
2) The effect of designating lots 3, 5,6, 7 of Tract 10586 located north of 22400
Barton Road as office-commercial on his proposed multi-family development
in this area.
Mr. Secord responded that there are enough guidelines in the General Plan
to insure that the area at 21900 Barton Road could be developed appropriately
as an aesthetically pleasing entry way to the City under a light-industrial
Mr. Keeney stated that he has applied for a conditional-use permit on lots
3, 5, 6 & 7 of Tract 10586 in preparation for development of a condominium project.
The property is presently located in an A-P zone which allows R-3 development
with a conditional-use permit. However, a conditional-use permit requires a
determination of consistency with the General Plan. The question then becomes,
"Is an R-3 use consistent with a General Plan designation of office-commercial?"
Mr. Secord responded that a consistency ruling should be obtained from the
City Attorney.
Mr. Secord also stated that from a land-use basis, it would be appropriate to
change the General Plan designation of this area from office--commercial to
medium-density residential.
The Planning Commission questioned Mr. Keeney regarding his proposed
development and access to it.
Vice Chairman McDowell closed the hearing with no one else speaking for or
against the revisions.
PClll 83-55 Motion by Commissioner Hawkinson,
seconded by Commissioner De Benedet,
and passed by a 5-0 vote to designate
lots 3, 5,6 & 7 of Tract 10586 as medium--
density residential on the Draft General
Plan Land-Use Map.
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September 12, 1983
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PCM 83-56 Motion by Commissioner Munson,
seconded by Commissioner Hawkinson
and passed by a 5-0 vote to retain the
General Plan designation of light-indus-
trial as shown on the Draft General Plan
land-use map for the property at 21900
Barton Road.
Vice Chairman McDowell reopened the public hearing.
P,Irs. Douglas of 22380 De Berry questioned the medium-density residential
designation placed on her property.
Mw. Secord responded that the area in question, west of the Gage Canal,
east of Reed Street, and southerly of the extension of La Paix Street had
been changed to medium-density residential from low-density residential at
the request of Yolanta Land and Trade Corporation, the owner of Garden
Home Apartments.
P.1rs. Douglas was concerned that two-story buildings would be allowed. She
also stated that she had no problem with her property being zoned R-2.
Mr. Secord responded that the proposed General Plan designation of medium-
density residential would be consistent with R-2 zoning.
Vice Chairman McDowell closed the public hearing with no one else speaking
for or against the project. ✓
PCM 83-57 Motion by Commissioner De Benedet,
seconded by Commissioner Caouette,
and passed by a 5-0 vote to retain
the proposed General Plan designation,
but recommend that the zoning be
changed to R-2 after the adoption of
the General Plan.
Vice Chairman McDowell reopened the public hearing.
Mr. George Ramsdell, 22555 La Paix Street, requested that the property
south of City Center Court and east of Mt. Vernon be designated office-
commercial instead of general-commercial. Mr. Ramsdell felt that this
would act as a buffer zone for the residential area to the south.
Vice Chairman McDowell responded that this property is owned by Commissioner
De Benedet and once he was excused himself to protect against potential
conflict of interest, the Commission will no longer have a quorum.
glary Lou Williams, 22270 Barton Road, wanted to know why the property
owners on the south side of Barton Road received letters from Beland and
Associates and those owners on the north did not.
Planning Commission
September 12, 1983
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Mr. Secord responded that only those property owners whose property was
being changed from one designation to another were notified.
Mr. Barney Karger questioned the amount of property zoned A-P.
Vice Chairman McDowell closed the public hearing.
The Planning Commission discussed the possibility of changing the land-use
designation of the north half of Barton Road to general-commercial from office-
PCM 85-58 Motion by Commissioner De Benedet,
seconded by Commissioner Caouette,
and passed by a 5-0 vote to leave the
Draft General Plan desianation on the
north side of Barton Road as it appears
on the draft land-use map.
The Planning Commission discussed the draft general plan update among themselves.
PC&I 83-59 Motion by Commissioner Caouette,
seconded by Commissioner De Benedet ,
and passed by a 5-0 vote to include a
fire safety policy specifically for hillside
areas in the General Plan.
PCM 83-60 r1otion by Commissioer Hawkinson,
seconded by Commissioner Caouette, and
passed by a 5-0 vote to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution No. 83-01 recom-
mending the City Council adoption of the
Draft General Plan Update as amended on
September 12, 1983.
Vice Chairman McDowell read the resolution and opened the meeting to public comment.
Barbara Pfennighausen questioned the circulation element of the General Plan.
Mr. Secord and ^Ir. Starner of C G Engineering responded briefly on the circula-
tion element and the expanded circulation element.
Vice Chairman McDowell adjourned the meeting at 9: 10 p.m.
Respectfully,. submitted by : n
Approved : /
Joseph Kicak, Planning Director d1h n McDowell, Vice Chairman
Grand Terrace Planning Commission
September 12, 1983
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