11/07/1983 Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting November 7, 1983 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California on November 7, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Sanford L. Collins. PRESENT : Sanford L. Collins, Chairman John McDowell, Vice Chairman Norm Caouette, Commissioner Gerald Cole, Commissioner Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner Ray Munson, Commissioner William De Benedet, Commissioner Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff ABSENT : Winifred Bartel, Commissioner (Excused) Vern Andress, Commissioner (Excused) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE : Led by Jerry Hawkinson MINUTES: Motion by Commissioner De Benedet, seconded by PCM 83-63 Commissioner Munson, passed by 6-0 vote to approve the minutes of October 3, 1983, as submitted. Commis- sioner McDowell abstained from voting. PCM 83-64 Motion by Vice Chairman McDowell, seconded by Commissioner De Benedet, and passed by a 7-0 vote to approve the minutes of the joint meeting with the City Council on September 8, 1983, as submitted. NEW BUSINESS Item No. 2 SA 83-4, 15 Lots of Record, Tract 9482 Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning staff, presented the staff report. The Planning Commission had no questions for the staff and Chairman Collins requested the applicant to address the Commission. Mr. Carl Keller, project manager for Griffin Homes, explained the project and invited questions from the Commission. Chairman Collins asked who the 100 foot easement was in favor of. Mr. Keller responded that the easement was in favor of the State of California Department of Water Resources. Page 1 of 3 Commissioner De Benedet inquired about the maintenance of the easement and the amount of overhang on the houses. Mr. Keller responded that the individual property owners would be responsible for maintaining that portion of the easement on their property. He also stated that the overhang on the proposed houses was larger than on the houses they presently have under construction in the City of Grand Terrace. Commissioner McDowell questioned the roofing material. Mr. Keller stated that it would be barrel tile. Chairman Collins opened and closed the public hearing with no one speaking for or against the project. PCM 83-65 Motion by Commissioner Caouette, seconded by Commissioner Hawkinson, and passed by a 7-0 vote to approve the site and architectural develop- ment plan 83-4, including the findings as written in the staff report and subject to the conditions recommended by staff. Item No. 3 Site and Architectural Review 83-5, Honey Hills Reservoir Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning staff, presented the staff report. The Planning Commission questioned the staff in regards to the existing slopes. The staff responded that with the exception of the pad area, the surrounding slopes were very steep. Commissioners De Benedet and Munson questioned Mr. Dale Griffin, the applicant, as to why they were replacing the old tank and how the water system would work in the interim. Mr. Griffin responded that the new tank will help serve the new homes in Tracts 9772 and 9773. Mr. Griffin also responded that his contractor will provide an interim pressure vessel to insure adequate pressure during construction. The Planning Commission then requested the staff to address the access to the site and the height of the tank. Staff responded that the new tank is 8 feet higher than the old one and that the developer will need to provide permanent access. Commissioner De Benedet requested the developer to give consideration to Italian Cypress trees as part of the landscaping plan. Commissioner Munson asked the developer how long the construction would take. Mr. Keller, Mr. Griffin's representative, expected a construction time of 90 days. Chairman Collins opened and closed the public hearing with no one speaking for or against the project. Page 2 of 3 Minutes of Planning Commission November 7, 1983 Grand Terrace PCM 83-66 Motion by Commissioner Munson, seconded by Commissioner McDowell, and passed by a 7-0 vote to adopt the negative declaration and approve site and architectural development plan SA 83-5, including the findings as written in the staff report and the conditions recommended by staff, subject to ratification of the negative declaration by the City Council. Item No. 4 Variance for Sign Permit at 22365 Barton Road Mr. Serlet, Planning staff, presented the staff report at the request of Chairman Collins. Chairman Collins requested the staff recommendation. Staff recommended denial of the variance. Chairman Collins requested the applicant to address the Commission. Mr. Bim Beckman, the building manager leasing agent, addressed the Commission. Mr. Beckman felt the sign was necessary to provide all his tenants with adequate signage. Mr. Robert Keeney gave a brief history of the problems he encountered with signing when he owned the building in question. Mr. David Ter Best, tenant at 22365 Barton Road, spoke in favor of granting the variance. The Planning Commission discussed the variance request and sign ordinance among themselves. PCM 83-67 Motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Caouette, and passed by a 4-3 vote to reject the vari- ance from Chapter 23 of Ordinance 57 for a sign at 22365 Barton Road. Chairman Collins, Vice-Chairman McDowell and Commissioner Hawkinson voted against the motion. Adjournment Chairman Collins adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m. f_RespectfOy submitted by: .loseph `<icak, Planning Director �-' Approved Page 3 of 3 Sanfo kl L. Collins, Chairman Minutes of Planning Commission November 7, 1983 Grand Terrace