12/05/1983 Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting December 5, 1983 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California, on December 5, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Sanford L. Collins. PRESENT: Sanford L. Collins , Chairman John McDowell , Vice Chairman Norm Caouette, Commissioner Jerry Hawkinson , Commissioner Ray Munson, Commissioner William De Benedet, Commissioner Winifred Bartel , Commissioner Vern Andress, Commissioner Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff ABSENT : Gerald Cole, Commissioner PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE : Led by Commissioner Andress A1INUTES: PCM 83-68 Motion by Commissioner De Benedet, seconded by Commissioner McDowell and passed by 8-0 vote to approve the minutes of November 7, 1983, as submitted. NEW BUSINESS Item No. 2 SA 83-7, Warehouse at 22069 Van Buren Street, Wilden Pump and Engineering Company Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning staff, presented the staff report. Staff explained that Wilden Pump is currently classified as a non-conforming use under the present General Plan Land Use Designation and Zoning. Therefore, due to the requirements of Ordinance 57, regarding consistency with the latest adopted General Plan, their project could not be approved. However, under the General Plan Update that was adopted by the Planning Commission on September 12, 1983, the General Plan Land Use Designation of the Wilden Pump property on Van Buren Street was changed to light-industrial. This change would allow Wilden Pump to become a conforming use and meet the consistency requirements of Ordinance 57, once the City Council approved the General Plan. Subsequently, the staff, upon the advice of the City Attorney, was directed to process Wilden's application for site review as if the General Plan had been adopted by the City Council. However, a condition of site approval would be that no building permits be issued until actual adoption of the General Plan by the City Council. The Planning Commission had no questions of staff. Chairman Collins requested the applicant to address the Commission. Page 1 of 4 Mr. Steve Papmeder, representing Wilden Pump 8 Engineering Company, volunteered to answer any questions. Chairman Collins opened the public hearing with no one speaking in favor of the project. Mr. Phil Wagner, 12610 Sanburg Way, presented photographs of the proposed project area and spoke in opposition to the project. Mr. Wagner felt his pro- perty was being impacted by noise and visual pollution from Wilden's facilities and requested that the Planning Commission condition the site approval to allow for the construction of an eight foot wall around the proposed site. P-is. Sarah Field, 12522 Michigan Avenue, spoke in opposition to the project. t1s. Field felt her property was impacted by noise and paint fumes from the existing facility. She felt that a six foot wall should be constructed between her property and Wilden's existing facility. t1rs. Pauline Konior, 12526 Michigan Avenue, requested construction of a block wall to mitigate the impaction of her property. P:1r. Jess Martinez, 12580 Michigan Avenue, questioned the effect of a wall on the drainage situation. His property currently drains onto Wilden's. Pars. Buroet, 12570 Michigan Avenue, also voiced concern about the drainage from her lot and the noise from Wilden's facility. Ms. Field read a letter from Elizabeth Bond, 12556 Michigan, requesting con- struction of a block wall between Wilden's property and hers. Chairman Collins closed the public hearing with no one else speaking for or against the project. Commissioner McDowell requested the City Engineer to address the drainage problem. Mr. Kicak, City Engineer, explained the Master Storm Drain concept as it applies to local drainage. PCM 83-69 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by Commissioner McDowell and passed by 8 - 0 vote to amend the Conditions of Approval to add the condition that a six foot block wall with provi- sions to accept existing drainage be constructed south from Van Buren along Wilden's east property line to its terminus, and the wall be continued west alona Wilden's south property line to its terminus. In addition, Wilden Pump will provide Italian Cypress trees to those property owners adjacent to their east property line who desire them, enough trees to be planted no more than ten feet apart to act as a buffer zone. On the south property line, Wilden Pump shall also plant Italian Cypress trees, no more than ten feet apart, on their own property to act as a buffer. Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes December 5, 1983 Page 2 of 4 PCM 83-70 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by Commissioner McDowell and passed by 7-1 vote to adopt the Neqative Declaration and approve site and architectural development plan 83-7, including the findings as written in the staff report and the conditions recommended by staff; and as amended by the previous motion, subject to ratification of the Neqative Declaration by the City Council. Commissioner Caouette voted against the motion. Commissioner Caouette felt the project was not consistent with the present General Plan and should not be approved until the General Plan Update had been adopted. ITEM NO. 3 Determination of Use; Mini-warehouse in C-2 and C-2 (CPD) Zones. Mr. Tim Serlet, Plannina staff, presented the staff report. Chairman Collins requested the applicant to address the Commission. Mr. Dennis Cardoza, representing the applicant, made a presentation involving property he owned at the southern end of Commerce Way, on which the appli- cant hopes to place miniwarehouses. Mr. Cardoza explained that the mini- warehouses would be a temporary use until the ,urroundings started developing commercially. The Planning Commission discussed the length of time the miniwarehouses would be allowed to occupy the site and the feasibility of controlling this through the conditional use process. Chairman Collins invited anyone in the audience to address the Commission and state their feeling on miniwarehouses. Barbara Pfenniahausen, 12364 Pascal Avenue,stated that the MSI /CRA Imple- mentation Strategy Report recommended a 40 acre sub-regional shopping center with the remainder (of the west side of study area) beinq mixed use. Mrs. Pfenniahausen did not foresee a problem with Mr. Cardoza's proposed land use over the next five years. PCM 83-71 Motion by Commissioner De Benedet, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, and defeated by a 2-6 vote to continue this item until the Plannina Commission meeting of January 9, 1984, to allow for further study. Chairman Collins, Vice Chairman McDowell and Commissioners Andress, Caouette, Hawkinson and Munson voted against the motion. Grand Terrace Planning- Commission Minutes December 5, 1983 Pape 3 of 4 PCM 83-72 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by Commissioner Hawkinson, and passed by a 5-3 vote to permit miniwarehouses in the C-2, C-2 (CPD) , and M-R zones, subject to a conditional use permit; and to allow miniwarehouses as a permitted use in the PO-2 zone. Vice Chairman McDowell, Commissioner DeBenedet and Commissioner Bartel voted against this motion. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Sanford Collins adjourned to a joint public workshop with the City Council on December 8, 1983, at 6:00 p.m. in the multi-purpose room of Terrace View Elementary School at 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California. Re ectfully submitted: /1 4 J�seph Kicak, Planninn Director Approved: Sanfovd L. Collins, Chairman JK/lbk Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes December 5, 1983 Page 4 of 4