A joint adjourned regular meeting of the Planning Commission, the City Council ,
and the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace was called to
order at the Terrace View Elementary School , 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand
Terrace, California, on January 5, 1984, at 6:04 p.m.
PRESENT: Planning Commission
Sanford Collins, CFairman (Arrived at 9:10 p.m. )
John McDowell , Vice-Chairman (Left at 9:27 p.m.
Vern Andress (Left at 7:54 p.m. )
William DeBenedet
Ray Munson
Norman Caouette
Gerald Cole (Arrived at 8:35 p.m. )
Jerry Hawkinson (Arrived at 8:20 p.m. )
City Council/Community Redevelopment Agency
Hug J. Grant, Mayor
Jim Rigley, Mayor Pro Tempore
Tony Petta, Councilman
Roy W. Nix, Councilman
Barbara Pfennighausen
Joe Kicak, Planning Director
Ed Clark/CRA Treasurer
Eugene Nazarek, City Attorney
Myrna Erway, Secretary
ABSENT: Winifred Bartel , Commissioner
Seth Armstead, City Manager
Architect Larry Wolff advised that recent occurrences of efflorescence
at the Fire Station have created a concern relative to using the same
masonry on the Civic Center as was used for the Fire Station, as
recommended in the Staff Report submitted for this meeting; indicated
he would still recommend using the Davidson product in the same colors
as the Fire Station, preferring those colors aesthetically and due to
the substantial price difference. Recommended using "Sunset, " with
"Baja Brown" as the accent color masonry if the Atlas product is
Stated that efflorescence is caused by a chemical reaction between
salts, lime and water in clay, mortar and grout; this sometimes occurs
in all masonry products, including slumpstone and blocks, which can
easily be removed; the contractor for the Fire Station will be
notified in writing to take the necessary steps to clean the masonry,
under the one-year warranty.
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Indicated that neither of the companies would guarantee no
efflorescence; felt that, should this problem occur with the Civic
Center, the problem would be eliminated after several years and no
more than two cleaning applications. Requested a decision at this
time to ensure no delays in the construction of the Civic Center,
indicating the Contractor has already delayed ordering the masonry
material .
Mayor Grant announced that he attended a Regional Meeting of the
American Institute of Architects at which time the firm of Barmakian,
Wolff, Lang, Christopher Architects received two awards for
architectural excellence - one award for the Fire Station as a
completed project, and the other award for the Civic Center as a
future project. The City, as the client, also received an award for
each of the projects. Mayor Grant commended Architect Larry Wolff.
Mayor Grant noted that a summary of an adjourned joint Council/CRA/
Planning Commission Public Workshop Session held December 8, 1983 was
distributed to all members.
Councilman Rigley felt the efflorescence is not a minor issue, felt
the problem was due to the materials used in the masonry, and
questioned using the same material on the Civic Center. Mr. Wolff
indicated there is the possibility this problem would not occur in
another manufacturer's product, since different chemicals are used.
Councilwoman Pfennighausen questioned and received confirmation that
this problem would have no effect on the structural integrity of the
structure. Councilman Nix noted his office building, which is red
brick, had efflorescence, which has not recurred since it was cleaned.
Mr. Wolff stated he felt the reason the Atlas material costs more is
that it probably is a higher quality material ; more labor is involved
to install the material ; felt that, under the circumstances,
considering everyone's opinion, the Atlas product would probably be a
wise decision. Indicated every precaution was taken to minimize the
occurrence of efflorescence on the Fire Station, including specifying
low-sulphate content and a coating of waterproofing.
Councilman Petta questioned and received confirmation that the lighter
colored Atlas product was included in the Civic Center contract as an
alternative bid item for $118,000, and that it perhaps is a better
quality. In that case, recommended considering this product, feeling
the best quality material available should be used for a $2 1/2
Million Dollar facility to ensure long duration.
Councilman Rigley supported usage of the Atlas product, though more
expensive, due to the problems at the Fire Station and feeling if the
problem occurred, would not be as noticeable on a lighter color; likes
the red brick for the Fire Station, but feels a lighter color for the
Civic Center would be more attractive, and the Atlas product is a
better quality.
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Councilwoman Pfennighausen supported the Davidson product, feeling
the efflorescence would not look any better on either material , dark
red becomes more attractive with age, rain and smog will discolor
light-colored brick, and is more expensive.
Commissioner Munson questioned and received confirmation that the
price quoted for the Atlas product is not negotiable; questioned why
the Atlas product is better than Davidson; Mr. Wolff stated the Atlas
product appears to be more dense, with more material per square inch
used than in the Davidson product, decreasing water absorption; the
Davidson product also chips.
Commissioner DeBenedet supported the Atlas product, feeling it is a
better quality and that the lighter color would look better.
Commissioner McDowell questioned and received confirmation that the
products being considered are the best available; felt the $118,000,
which represents 5% of the total building cost, is not excessive;
indicated there is also efflorescence in the interior of the building;
questioned the possibility that excessive lime was used in the mortar;
Mr. Wolff stated this could not be verified unless core samples were
taken and lab tests conducted. Commissioner Andress questioned the
cost and time to conduct such tests; Mr. Wolff indicated it would cost
several thousand dollars and would take 4-6 weeks.
Councilwoman Pfennighausen questioned if using more mortar would
affect the strength of the building; Mr. Wolff indicated the grout and
steel reinforcement determine the strength of the walls; felt using
more mortar would not affect the strength. Mayor Grant indicated
support for conducting a chemical analysis to determine whether
excessive lime was used in the materials for the Fire Station.
PCM-84-01 Motion by Commissioner DeBenedet, Second by Commissioner Munson, to
use the Atlas Brick Company product, using the colors of "Sunset, "
with "Baja Brown" as the accent color for the Civic Center carried
4-1 , with Commissioner Munson voting NOE.
CC-84-01 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Petta to use the
Atlas Brick Company product, using the colors of "Sunset, " with "Baja
Brown" as the accent color for the Civic Center. Councilman Nix
stated the maintenance cost to remedy the problem of efflorescence,
should it occur on the proposed Civic Center facility, is unknown, and
there is no assurance the problem won 't occur; the statement has been
made that the Atlas Brick Company product is probably better quality,
but questioned whether it is worth the additional $118,000; felt 5% of
the total cost is significant; felt he could not support the change
with the limited data presented. Councilman Rigley felt although
there is no assurance there will be no efflorescence if the Atlas
Brick Company product is used, feels it is very likely it will occur
with the Davidson Brick Company product, since it has already
occurred, so would prefer not to use the same product. Councilman
Petta stated although there is no assurance the same problem won't
occur with the Atlas Brick Company product, it is known that
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maintenance will be required with a darker color product, and it is
likely it would not be as noticeable on a lighter colored brick ; felt
the savings realized in additional maintenance costs will take care of
the additional costs expended at this time.
Motion No. CC-84-01 carried 3-2, with Councilman Nix and Councilwoman
Pfennighausen voting NOE.
Paul Secord, Vice-President, Beland/Associates, reviewed the General
Plan Update Program prepared by his firm. Indicated a request has
been made and concurs with changing the designation of the flood plain
portion of the land use map to light industrial ; a question was raised
whether specific areas for Gage Canal access should be indicated;
feels this matter should be addressed when specific development plans
for that area are submitted; stated information provided in a
memorandum relative to the Parks & Recreation Element will be
incorporated into the General Plan and the EIR as reflected in the
memorandum. The final recommendation on the freeway access study is
to be included as part of the master EIR; that section can be changed
without going through the formal General Plan Amendment procedure;
when a specific plan is adopted relative to the Freeway Access Study,
it can be added to the General Plan by amendment in two ways - could
either be included in the MAE or it can be added as a separate section
as the Circulation Element in the General Plan.
Stated questions were raised concerning the population estimates
included in the General Plan, which were based on the 1980 census.
Indicated the reason the population estimates listed are lower than
previous estimates given is that the estimating factor for household
size has decreased from 3 persons to 2.59 per household, according to
the most recent demographic information.
Stated a four-page letter was received from the State HCD addressing
questions relative to the Housing Element; based on conversations held
with the HCD Representative who prepared the letter, feels there will
be no problem adding and getting subsequent approval on the requested
information. Council questioned, with Mr. Secord confirming that the
Housing Element would not be approved until that element, as amended,
has been presented for Council review. The Planning Director
questioned whether formal State approval would be required prior to
adoption of the Housing Element; Pair. Secord felt it would be
unnecessary to wait for a formal response from the State, since he
feels preliminary approval can be received; indicated it would take a
long time to receive formal response from the State.
Commissioner McDowell questioned, and Mr. Secord responded he sees no
problem meeting the State allocation for affordable housing. It was
also questioned and confirmed that a senior citizen complex or
apartment building would satisfy this requirement; rehabilitation
programs and loans can also accomplish this; failure to satisfy State
requirements can result in the State freezing the City 's development
approval authority, making it impossible to issue tract maps, permits,
etc. , as well as losing HCD funding.
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Councilman Rigley questioned if all elements were circulated to the
State for review. Mr. Secord advised the General Plan document went
through the A-95 review process, was distributed to all State, and in
some cases, Federal , County and other adjoining local jurisdictions
for review, with no comments received other than the Housing Element.
No comments were received from any other State agencies; indicated
there are a series of letters from various agencies indicating they
have reviewed and concur with the findings in the report, which will
be included in the final report.
Mayor Grant opened Public Hearing on the General Plan Update, which
also includes the Draft EIR.
Steve Ferris, 6576 Carnegie Avenue, Anaheim, requested that the area
presently designated as a flood plain on the Land Use Map be changed
from A-1 to M-R.
There being no further testimony, Mayor Grant closed Public Hearing.
Recess was called at 7:54 p.m. and reconvened at 8:15 p.m. , with all
Council/CRA members present and Planning Commissioners McDowell ,
Caouette, Munson, and DeBenedet present; Planning Commissioner Andress
left the meeting at 7:54 p.m. Recess was again called at 8:16 p.m.
and reconvened at 8:20 p.m. , with aTT Council/CRA members present and
Planning Commissioners McDowell , Caouette, Munson, DeBenedet and
Hawkinson present. Commissioner Hawkinson arrived at 8:20 p.m.
CC-84-02 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Mayor Grant, ALL AYES, to refer a
proposed change in the Land Use Policy Map of the General Plan to the
Planning Commission to consider changing the designation of the flood
plain area in the northwest corner of the map to light industrial .
Attorney Nazarek advised the Planning Commission is to now consider a
proposed change in the General Plan, as previously approved, to modify
the Land Use Policy Map by changing the designation of the flood plain
area in the northwest corner of the map to light industrial ; stated
the Housing Element will not be considered until a later date.
PCM-84-02 Motion by Commissioner Caouette, Second by Commissioner Hawkinson, to
change the area in the northwesterly portion of the Land Use Policy
Map, currently designated as "flood plain" to "light industrial . "
Following clarification that the zoning in that area will be M-R,
Motion No. PCM-84-02 carried, ALL AYES, by all present.
Councilwoman Pfennighausen questioned if the expanded circulation
element is to become part of the circulation element within the
General Plan. John Starner, Vice-President, CG Engineering,
recommended not including in the General Plan a specific secondary
freeway access at this time; stated it is included in the Master
Environmental Assessment; recommended proceeding with approval of the
General Plan with no indication of the freeway access, then proceed
with adoption of the Feasibility Study; indicated specific
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recommendations for this matter have been made by Mr. Secord, since
information has been included in the MEA; stated he understands
information will be added to the General Plan in the future when the
feasibility study has been accepted and a specific alternative has
been selected. Confirmed that voting to approve the General Plan
Update at this time is not a vote to proceed with any items in the
expanded circulation element.
Commissioner Cole arrived at 8:35 p.m.
CC-84-03 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Mayor Grant, to certify the EIR
of the General Plan Update, as modified, and approving the General
Plan Update Program, as modified, to change the area on the Land Use
Policy Map designated "open space" to "light industrial , " with the
exclusion of the Housing Element, with the understanding that an
appropriate resolution reflecting this action will be on the Consent
Calendar at the next meeting.
Councilwoman Pfennighausen questioned the advantage of approving the
General Plan at this time prior to approval of the Housing Element,
and the method used to advertise the Public Hearing. Mr. Secord
indicated this will prevent any further delay of decisions relative to
the Land Use Policy Map and the other elements; the Public Hearing was
posted in the three locations, as legally required, and was also
advertised in The Sun; Councilman Nix noted that developers, due to
the costs involved, have previously requested an early decision
relative to the Land Use Policy Map to prevent further delays on
proposed developments; this action will accomplish that.
Dennis Evans, 22064 DeBerry, stated Item c. on page 26 of the
Redevelopment Implementation Strategy Report indicates a specific plan
is to be prepared for Area B ; questioned if this has been prepared so
the land use can be addressed. Mr. Secord stated the plan provides
for a specific plan for any commercial development of ten acres or
more; felt any major development would meet that acreage requirement;
thus feels the General Plan provides for a specific plan for any major
development which would occur in Area B or anywhere in the City.
Following discussion, and confirmation by Attorney Nazarek that
Councilman Petta would have no conflict of interest in voting on this
matter, Motion No. CC-84-03 carried, ALL AYES.
Mayor Grant felt further discussion is needed relative to the green
belt issue; feels these are needed in a variety of locations in the
community to separate the commercial areas from the non-commercial
The Finance/Administrative Services Officer reviewed the Staff Report
on this matter; recommended that Council take action to attract
development which will increase sales and use tax revenue, as
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recommended in the Redevelopment Implementation Strategy Report;
indicated the five-year capital improvement budget, soon to be
presented to Council , will include a recommendation to set aside
$500,000 to assist in pursuing economic development activities;
recommended action be taken while the three consulting firms are still
available to integrate the General Plan Update Program, the
Feasibility Study Improved Freeway Access, and the Redevelopment
Implementation Strategy.
Gary Werner, Vice-President, MSI, stated the Redevelopment
Implementation Strategy Report reviewed the existing opportunities in
the City and assessed the City 's financial resource capabilities to
determine if resources are available to pursue economic development
activities; the analysis indicates that one of the most significant
resources available to the City and the Agency is in Area B, which
consists of approximately 115 acres, and located in the vicinity of
the freeway and Barton Road, designated for general commercial usage
in the Land Use Policy Map; the Report recommends encouraging and
facilitating development of that area consistent with the General
Plan; feels this area is the best opportunity for the City to optimize
sales tax revenues; stated development of this area will take time,
will require advance planning, and will require proactive measures by
the City, as outlined on pages 25-28 in the Report.
Councilwoman Pfennighausen questioned if there is a deadline for the
termination of the consulting services; was not aware of a deadline.
Gary Werner indicated he felt his firm's contractual obligation
terminated when the Redevelopment Implementation Strategy Report was
approved and accepted by the City/Agency; Paul Secord,
Beland/Associates, Inc. , indicated his firm's contractual obligation
will be concluded when the final General Plan Update Program, as
amended, is presented and approved, and the necessary copies are
printed. John Starner, CG Engineering, indicated his firm's
contractual obligation will be concluded when and if action is taken
on the recommendations submitted for consideration at this meeting
relative to the Feasibility Study Improved Freeway Access. Ray Bragg,
President, MSI , stated although MSI 's contractual obligation was
completed two meetings ago when the Redevelopment Implementation
Strategy Report was accepted, hopes his firm's relationship with the
City will extend for a considerable length of time; would like to see
the City pursue the strategies presented in the Report; due to concern
for the City, his firm will continue to be available as long as needed
by the C i ty.
Councilwoman Pfennighausen stated she has never been opposed to
commercial development; has previously been opposed to the approach;
recommended following MSI ' s recommendations of multiple usage in Area
B, short-term development on Barton Road to provide revenue to develop
Area B, and involving the Chamber of Commerce, since they have
indicated a desire to assist the City with commercial development;
felt funds are not presently available to assemble property.
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Councilman Nix questioned only recommending action to implement
Objective I-1 , feeling implementation of Objectives I-1 and I-2 is
needed; recommended having the Chamber work with the City in an active
role to develop a plan for implementing I-1 and I-2, which would allow
consideration of alternatives, the amount of land needed for possible
development, and a green-belt buffering area; felt action was
previously taken to form a joint City/Chamber committee for this
purpose; concurs with the need to become aggressive in marketing the
Councilman Rigley stated if funds are to be set aside for economic
development, as recommended by Staff, funds will not be available for
air conditioning the schools and storm drains; felt professional
assistance is needed to attract commercial development.
Councilman Nix noted that although City funds are restricted at this
time, there are alternative financial opportunities available;
requested that Mr. Werner address this matter. Mr. Werner stated he
understands there are financial mechanisms available such as a bond
whereby the Agency, upon consummation of a development agreement on a
particular piece of property, can pledge projected tax increment to a
financial instrument; an industrial development bond is an instrument
whereby an investor pledges the repayment of the bond as being issued
for that development; indicated that when the City 's bond issue was
instituted three years ago, the Agencies were required to pledge a
more substantial deposit towards the payback than may now be required;
stated the section of the Health & Safety Code which requires setting
aside 20% of the tax increment for low and moderate income housing
also provides that when the need for this housing is less than the
amount of funds accruing, the Agency can be relieved from a portion of
that requirement; stated the Strategy Report also refers to additional
funds available to the Agency.
Planning Commission Chairman Collins arrived at 9:10. Commissioner
McDowell left the meeting at 9:27 p.m.
Mr. Werner stated the Strategy Report indicates plans and activities
should be undertaken immediately to consummate future development when
presently-pledged tax increment becomes available for new bond issues;
indicated there may be some Chamber residents who have a close
association with influential corporations; recommended taking
advantage of all options and resources available to attract
development to the community.
Mayor Grant stated he felt a shopping mall would have been good for
the community, but concurs with considering more immediate projects to
bring in needed revenue; is not enthusiastic about warehouses and
storage facilities for that area; indicated Council has made a promise
relative to school air conditioning which must be kept.
Commissioner Hawkinson stated he feels the major issue to be
considered for development of Area B is freeway accessibility;
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concurred with the MSI Report that development is needed; indicated
business license revenue could be a significant source of income;
indicated concern has been expressed within the community relative to
expending funds for a Civic Center when flooding problems exist; feels
revenue must be generated to finance projects such as this which are
needed in the community.
Councilman Nix concurred that professional assistance is necessary for
innovative financial planning and acquisition to pursue economic
development; also wants assistance and input from the Chamber.
Commissioner Collins indicated an adjustment of attitudes is necessary
to attract commercial development to the community; noted the Planning
Commission previously approved a subdivision which would bring a new
hardware store to the community which has never been built; there is
no longer a hardware store in the community.
Councilman Rigley recommended directing Staff to prepare an RFP for a
consultant to implement Objectives I-1 and I-2 as outlined on pages
25-28 of the Redevelopment Implementation Strategy Report; Mayor Grant
voiced concurrence, but does not want this to interfere with the
previous commitments of air conditioning and storm drains. Councilman
Nix concurred with the commitments; recommended developing a plan and
considering the resources and options available.
Dennis Evans, 22064 DeBerry, felt a specific plan showing land usage
and impact should be prepared and made available to the residents in
the southwesterly portion of the City so they can address Council on
this matter. Mayor Grant indicated the action proposed is to prepare
a specific plan which would investigate financing and land use
alternatives which, when prepared, would be made available to the
public for comments.
Councilwoman Pfennighausen stated that at the last Council meeting
Staff was directed to make a graphic layout in response to the Mayor's
suggestion that a green-belt buffer area be established buffering the
residential areas from the commercial and industrial areas; has not
seen this layout; felt more information is needed on how much land
will be available for development which cannot be ascertained until
other matters have been addressed, such as the green belt, developing
Commerce Way, circulation, and determining additional area which will
be required to complete storm drain development and street widening.
Mayor Grant indicated he did not feel approval of this matter would
require specific land allocation; questioned and received response
that the Planning Commission would take no action on this matter.
CC-84-04 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Nix, to direct Staff
to prepare an RFP to acquire the services of a professional firm to
assist the City in economic development. Councilman Petta questioned,
with Attorney Nazarek confirming, that there would be no conflict of
interest in voting on this matter. Councilman Nix stated the purpose
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of the motion is to seek assistance in developing alternative
concepts; felt it would be meaningless to draw out a green belt to
protect an area which hasn't been defined; felt this matter, as a
philosophy, as well as information relative to flood control and
traffic flow would have to be provided to the consultant, which would
then be considered in proper time and sequence.
Dennis Evans, 22064 DeBerry, questioned if the residents will be
consulted on the proposed plan to be developed by a consultant.
Attorney Nazarek stated a public hearing would be held on a specific
plan. Motion No. CC-84-04 carried, ALL AYES.
Recess was called at 10:05 p.m. and reconvened at 10:15 p.m. , with all
Council/CP.A Members present, and Planning Commissioners Collins,
DeBenedet, Caouette, Cole, Hawkinson and Munson present.
John Starner, Vice-President, CG Engineering, stated preparation of
this study involved the freeway area between Main Street on the south
and Newport Road on the north and concludes with recommended
alternatives. Alternate I - Iowa Avenue Remodel - is feasible, but
involves complications such as crossing two railroads, and dealing
with So. California Edison and other utility companies to extend
Commerce Drive. Alternate II - DeBerry Street-Barton Road Split
Diamond Interchange - involves the improvement of additional access at
DeBerry Street and Barton Road; investigated the possibility of
establishing an interchange at DeBerry Street, leaving Barton Road
intact, which is physically impossible and would not fit the approval
process required by Caltrans; then considered a split diamond
interchange to redistribute traffic and have it work to provide access
to the study area as described in the report; the report was prepared
in a format which can be used by the City as a document for future
use; noted that discussion at this meeting indicates development of
Area B will take several years - recommended using this report in
conjunction with obtaining the process called the State Transportation
Improvement Program process.
Mr. Starner recommended approving the following four items for the use
of the Feasibility Study as an administrative tool and for
consideration of future processes through Caltrans:
(1 ) Adopt the Feasibility Study as a planning tool for the City 's
future growth;
(2) Promote the use of the Report by the Planning Department and the
Agency for proposals or inquiries for major development within the
study area;
(3) A formal submittal of the Report for informational purposes to
the City of Colton for their review of the proposed alternates; and
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(4) With regard to Caltrans and SANBAG and the processes for approval
and for the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), that the
City proceed with the processes with Caltrans and SANBAG for inclusion
of a proposed project in the STIP.
Mr. Starner advised the City should adopt an alternative they are
willing to support then proceed with the specific processes for the
formal presentation and review by Caltrans. The Caltrans process
would include the review and approval by their Sacramento headquarters
office. The process for the approval through Caltrans is lengthy so
adequate lead time should be considered for this process. Stated Mr.
Wes McDaniel , SANBAG Director, indicated the City has two options; if
a developer should come in with a large development proposal that
could support and finance a freeway interchange, this report would
still need to be filed with Caltrans; if this does not occur, for
purposes of long-term development, the City should consider the
possibility of getting State funding by submitting the program to
Caltrans and SANBAG to obtain a ranking in the overall STIP.
PCM-84-03 Motion by Commissioner Cole, Second by Chairman Collins, ALL AYES, to
recommend Council/CRA approval of the four recommendations as outlined
by John Starner, CG Engineering.
CC-84-05 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, to
approve and adopt the four recommendations as outlined by Mr. Starner,
CG Engineering. Following confirmation by Attorney Nazarek that
Councilman Petta would have no conflict of interest in this matter,
Motion No. CC-84-05 carried, ALL AYES.
Alternate Selection - Freeway Access - Councilwoman Pfennighausen
disagreed with the to recommendation to select Alternate II ,
indicating it would be detrimental to the merchants and potential
developers on Barton Road, would involve an overpass in the area where
a Girl Scout facility has recently been built, and would mean two
off-ramps within a quarter mile of each other; favored Alternate I ,
which would also benefit Highgrove. The Planning Commission indicated
the majority of the Planning Commissioners also favored Alternate I ,
and felt the split diamond to be the least desirable.
Mr. Starner stated the split diamond is favorable from an engineering
standpoint, since the distribution of traffic into the other local
streets would be better served. Was questioned and responded that
both alternatives would cost approximately $5 Million Dollars, not
including right-of-way acquisition. Councilman Nix, with Mayor Grant
concurring, indicated a preference for the Iowa Alternative, noting
they would consider exercising eminent domain with the utility
companies, but not with residents.
CC-84-06 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, to
approve Alternate I-Iowa Avenue Remodel , as the freeway access plan to
be submitted to the State for consideration, carried 4-0, with
Councilman Petta abstaining.
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Councilwoman Pfennighausen advised that shortly after a 3.5 or 3.7
earthquake occurred this past weekend, sixteen breaks occurred in the
water main system in the City; on Vivienda, south of Van Buren, two
water breaks occurred within sixty feet of each other which ran for
almost five days because the water company lacks personnel and
equipment to handle such occurrences; these were patched and broke
again within a few hours; another break occurred on Vivienda near the
others, one on Barton Road, and two on Michigan between Barton Road
and DeBerry. Stated that discussions with water company employees
revealed that no additional help is hired for such emergencies; there
were only three employees working long hours doing the repair work
with poor and improper equipment. Recommended that the City put the
water company on notice to acquire the necessary equipment and to hire
additional employees, when needed, to maintain the water system and to
make repairs in a timely manner; noted the water fees continue to
increase. Chairman Collins noted the water company proxies will be
mailed out in a month.
ADJOURN - The Joint Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council/CRA
and PlanningCommission adjourned at 10:48 p.m. The next regular
Planning Commission Meeting will be held February 6, 1984 and the next
Council/CRA Meetings will be held January 12, 1984.
Respectfully submitted,
City rc /f
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