01/09/1984 Grand Terrace Planning Commission
P_1inutes of Reoular Meeting
.January 9, 1984
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to
order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road,
C'rand Terrace, California, on January 9, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman
Sanford L. Collins.
PRESENT: Sanford L. Collins, Chairman
John McDowell, Vice Chairman
Gerald Cole, Commissioner
Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner
William DeBenedet, Commissioner
Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff
ABSENT : Vern Andress, Commissioner (Excused)
Winifred Bartel, Commissioner (Excused)
Norm Caouette, Commissioner (Excused)
Ray Munson, Commissioner (Excused)
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE : Led by Vice-Chairman f..1cDowell
Item No. 1 t:4inutes of December 5, 1983
PCn9 84- 4 Motion by Commissioner Hawkinson, seconded
by Vice-Chairman McDowell and passed by
5-0 vote to approve the minutes of December 5,
1983, as submitted.
Item No. 2 Site and Architectural Review 83-9
11982 Canal Street
F1r. Tim D. Serlet, Planning staff, presented the staff report. Mr. Harry D.
Schweir, applicant and owner, had requested site and architectural approval
for the construction of two single-family residences at 11982 Canal Street.
Commissioner DeBenedet questioned the staff in regards to the drainage of the
proposed project. Mr. Serlet responded that prior to issuance of a building
permit, a grading plan detailing the proposed method of drainage control must
be approved by the City Engineer.
Chairman Collins invited the applicant to address the Planning Commission.
f1r. Schweir presented colored renderings of the landscape plan, floor plan,
and elevation plan.
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Commissioner DeBenedet questioned the applicant on the size of facia board
and the amount of overhand. Mr. Schweir responded that the facia board
would be 2" x 8" and that the amount of overhanra would be 24".
The Planninq Commission discussed the project briefly among themselves.
Vice-Chairman McDowell requested clarification of the bedroom size. Mr.
Schweir responded that one bedroom would be 12' x 14' and the other
bedroom would be 12' x 121.
PCP1 84-5 Motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded
by Chairman Collins, and passed by a
5-0 vote to approve site and architectural
development plan 83-9, including the
findings as written in the staff report
and the conditions recommended by staff.
Item No. 3 Site and Architectural Review 83-8,
manufactured housing at 21816 Vivienda
P.1r. Tim D. Serlet, Plannina staff, presented the staff report.
Chairman Collins requested the applicant or her representative to address the
Commission. Mrs. Arlene Sprik, representing Mrs. Ruth Hines, volunteered
to answer any questions.
Vice-Chairman R1cDowell questioned whether the proposed unit would be a
manufactured unit or a mobile unit. Mrs. Sprik responded that the unit would
not have any wheels and would be on a permanent foundation.
Commissioner Cole questioned where the drainage courses were located. Mrs.
Sprik located the drainage courses on the plot plan.
The Planning Commission questioned the access to the parcel. Mrs. Sprik
responded that they would use the existing dirt road.
PCM 84-6 Motion by Commissioner Hawkinson,
seconded by Commissioner DeBenedet,
and passed by a 5- 0 vote to approve
site and architectural development plan
83-8, including the findings as written
in the staff report and the conditions
recommended by staff.
Item No. 4 Proposed Planned Unit Development
at the East end of Westwood Street
P,1r. Cliff Hood and Mr. Nat Hardy, representatives of Coast Construction Company,
briefly presented their proposal to construct 160 units on approximately 130 acres
at the east end of Westwood Street. Their informal presentation was done in
accordance with Section 15. 040 of City Ordinance No. 57.
Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes
January 9, 1984
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The Planning, Commission discussed sending a Commissioner to the Planning
Commissioners Institute in San Diego on February 29 - March 2. None of
the Commissioners could attend the meeting. The Commission then stated
that a member of the Planning staff should attend the Institute as their
Chairman Collins adjourned the meeting at 7: 45 p.m.
Respectfylly submitted:
Joseph Kicak, Planning Director
Sanf d L. Collins, Chairman
JK /Ibk
Grand Terrace Planning_ Commission kiinutes
January 9, 1984
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