02/06/1984 Grand Terrace Plannina Commission
t,linutes of Regular Meetina
February 6, 1984
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to
order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road,
Grand Terrace, California, on February 6, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman
Sanford L. Collins.
PRESENT : Sanford L. Collins, Chairman
Gerald Cole, Commissioner
Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner
William De Benedet, Commissioner
Vern Andress, Commissioner
Winifred Bartel, Commissioner
Norm Caouette, Commissioner
Ray (Munson, Commissioner
Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff
ABSENT : John McDowell, Vice Chairman (Excused)
ALLErIANCE: Led by Commissioner Caouette
Item No. 1 Minutes of January 5, 1984 and January 9, 1984
Commissioner Andress informed the Planning Commission that his absence from
the Planninn Commission of January 9, 1984, was an excused absence and that
he would like the Minutes amended to reflect that.
PCM 84-7 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by
Commissioner Cole, and passed by an 8-0 vote to
approve the minutes of the Joint-Adjourned regular
meeting of January 5, 1984, as submitted.
PCM 84-8 tlotion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by
Commissioner De Benedet and passed by an 8-0
vote to approve the Planning_ Commission minutes
of January 9, 1984, as amended.
Item No. 2 Time Extension, Tentative P.M. 6868
Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning staff, presented the staff report.
Chairman Collins requested the applicant to address the Planning Commission.
k1r. Steven Fox, the applicant, volunteered to answer any questions.
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PCM 84-9 P9otion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by Commis-
sioner Munson and passed by an 8-0 vote to recommend
to the City Council that tentative parcel man 6868 be
granted a one year time extension.
Item No. 3 Conditional Use Permit 84-1 ; Auto Body Paint and
Repair Shop at 11900 La Crosse Avenue.
Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning staff, presented the staff report. Mrs. Rose Marie
Giardina had requested a conditional use permit to operate an auto body paint
and repair shop out of an existing facility at 11900 La Crosse Avenue.
Chairman Collins invited the applicant to address the Commission. Mr. Peter
Giardina, representing Mrs. Rose Marie Giardina, volunteered to answer any
questions the Planning Commission might have.
Commissioner Caouette asked if the existing sign would be removed. Mr.
'Giardina responded that he had no plans to remove the sign at this time.
Commissioner t1unson asked the applicant if he presently operated a body shop
or if this was a new venture. Mr. Giardina responded that the leasee presently
operates a body shop at 793 West Holt in Pomona and will discontinue operating
it if the conditional use permit is granted.
Commissioner Andress questioned how the liquid wastes would be disposed of.
Mr. Charles Rust, proposed leasee and owner of the body shop, responded
that all liquid wastes would be placed in 55 gallon drums, picked up by a
licensed operator, and disposed of in a manner prescribed by law.
Commissioner De Benedet inquired if any landscaping was proposed along La
Crosse Avenue. Mr. Giardina responded that no landscaping had been
Commissioner Cole inquired about the possibility of landscaping. Mr. Giardina
stated the entire area from the back of the curb was black topped.
Commissioner Munson questioned the control of air fumes. Mr. Rust responded
that a permit would be obtained from South Coast Air Quality Management
District and they they would periodically inspect the equipment.
The Commission asked Mr. Giardina if he had any special problems removing
the sign. Mr. Giardina responded that the City had sent him a letter giving
him until December 1984 to remove the sign.
Chairman Collins opened the public hearing. No one spoke in favor of the
proposed project.
Mr. Bill Darwin, 23712 Palm Avenue spoke against the proposed project.
Grand Terrace Planning Commission
Minutes, February 6, 1984
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Chairman Collins closed the hearing with no one else speaking for or against
the project.
The Planning Commission discussed the proposed project and various condi-
tions amonr., themselves.
PSNI 84-10 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by
Commissioner Cole, and passed by a 7-1 vote
to add the followina conditions to C.U.P. 84-1.
1) The existing sign shall be brought into conformance with Chapter 23 of
Ordinance 57.
2) A landscaping plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for
their approval.
Chairman Collins voted against the motion.
PCP.1 84-11 P1otion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by
Commissioner Hawkinson and passed by an 8-0
vote to adopt the negative declaration to approve
conditional use permit 84-1, including the findina_s
as written in the staff report and the conditions
recommended by staff and added this evening,
subject to ratification of the negative declaration
by the City Council.
Chairman Collins adjourned the meeting, at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
lanninq Director
C"hairmay-J, Planning Commission
Grand Terrace Planning Commission
Minutes, February 6, 1984
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