03/05/1984 Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting March 5, 1984 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731, Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California 92324, on March 5, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Sanford L. Collins. PRESENT: Sanford L. Collins, Chairman John McDowell, Vice Chairman (arrived @7:04) Gerald Cole, Commissioner Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner William De Benedet, Commissioner Vern Andress, Commissioner Winifred Bartel, Commissioner Norm Caouette, Commissioner Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff ABSENT: Ray Munson, Commissioner, (Excused) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Chairman Collins NEW BUSINESS Item No. 1 Minutes of February 6, 1984. PCM 84-12 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and passed by a 7-0 vote to approve the minutes of February 6, 1984 as submitted. Item No. 1-A General Plan Update This item was added to the agenda during the public workshop session held before the regular Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, read City Council motion 84-31; "Motion by Councilman Nix, second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to refer the General Plan Update back to the Planning Commission with the recommendation that the public hearing process be re-initiated. " PCM 84-13 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by Commis- sioner Caouette, and passed by a 6-1 vote to hold a public hearing on the General Plan Update at the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting on April 2, 1984. Chairman Collins voted against the motion. Commissioner McDowell arrived at 7:04 p.m. Item No. 2 Landscape Plan for Conditional Use Permit 84-1, 11900 La Crosse Avenue Mr. Tim Serlet presented the staff report. The Commission discussed the proposed landscaping and the possibility of removing the asphalt in the public right-of-way. Commissioner Caouette mentioned that at the previous Planning Commission meeting there was a discussion concerning the proposed landscape plan interfacing with the landscaping in front of the Girl Scout Offices. Chairman Collins requested the applicant to address the Commission. Grant Beckman, the applicant's engineer, informed the Commission that the asphalt in the right-of-way had been left in to provide a pedestrian way. The Commission discussed the merits of a landscaped strip in this area of the City as opposed to a sidewalk. Vice Chairman McDowell questioned Planning staff concerning the requirements of Ordinance 44 as it relates to this project. Staff responded that this project, from a building permit standpoint, was an alteration to an existing structure and would be conditioned differently than a new structure under Ordinance 44. PCM 84-14 Motion by Commissioner De Benedet, seconded by Vice Chairman McDowell, and passed by an 8-0 vote to approve the landscaping plan subject to the following conditions: 1. The asphalt pavement shall be removed between the back of curb and the existing right-of-way line along the entire frontage of the property with the exception of the driveway area. Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes, March 5, 1984 Page 2 of 6 2. The area of asphalt removal shall be planted with a ground cover approved by the Planning Director, and a suitable irrigation system shall be installed. 3. The proposed landscaping, shown on the submitted landscape plan, shall be installed as shown. Item No. 3 Variance for Sign Permit at 22365 Barton Road Mr. Tim Serlet presented the staff report. The Planning Commission had no questions for staff. Chairman Collins requested the applicant address the Commission. Mr. Bim Beckman, representing the owner of Grand Terrace Professional Plaza, stated the the present sign had been modeled after signs on E1 Toro Road in South Laguna Beach. The Planning Commission questioned the applicant as to the type of material, type of lettering, and the number of panels. Mr. Beckman responded that the sign would be made out of redwood and have gold lettering. The maximum number of panels would be 22, with panels being added as additional suites are leased. Chairman Collins opened the public hearing to any- one wishing to speak for or against the project. Ms. Anita Jensen, property manager for Grand Terrace Shopping Center, indicated that the current sign regulations were difficult to interpret. Mr. Beckman stated that the sign was also designed to integrate with a tree located behind the proposed sign. Chairman Collins closed the public hearing with no one else speaking in favor of or in opposition to the proposed project. The Planning Commission questioned the staff in regards to wind loads on the sign. Staff responded that the structural integrity of the sign would be investi- gated prior to issuance of a permit. Chairman Collins stated that he felt the City Council and the Planning Commission were putting many obstacles in the path of new businesses trying to start up in Grand Terrace. Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes, March 5, 1984 Page 3 of 6 Commissioner Hawkinson stated that he felt the present sign ordinance was overly restrictive and that the applicant had made a reasonable effort to scale his sign down. Commissioner Cole felt that the present sign ordinance should be enforced. Commissioner Caouette stated that the Planning Commis- sion should review the entire sign ordinance and not deal with individuals on a piecemeal basis. Commissioner McDowell suggested a possibility of rede- signing the sign for a maximum height of 4 feet with 10 panels underneath. PCM 84-15 Motion by Commissioner Hawkinson, seconded by Commis- sioner Andress, and defeated by a 1-7 vote to approve the sign as submitted. Chairman Collins, Vice Chairman McDowell, Commissioners Cole, Andress, Caouette, De Benedet and Bartel voted against the motion. PCM 84-16 Motion by Commissioner Andress that the Planning Commission review the sign ordinance and make a recommendation to the City Council. Motion died for lack of a second. The Planning Commission discussed the sign ordinance among themselves and indicated they would like to review it attheir May 7, 1984 meeting. The Planning Commission would like Mr. Tom Coyle of the City Manager's office and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce to attend the meeting. PCM 84-17 Motion by Vice Chairman McDowell, seconded by Commissioner De Benedet, and defeated by a 3-5 vote to allow the Grand Terrace Professional Plaza to construct a sign a maximum of 4 feet high and the lettering "Grand Terrace Professional Plaza" and room for ten panels arranged in two rows. Chairman Collins, Commissioners Cole, Caouette, Hawkinson and Andress voted against the motion. Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes of March 5, 1984 Page 4 of 6 PCM 84-18 Motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Caouette, and passed by a 6-2 vote to deny the variance. Vice Chairman McDowell and Commissioner De Benedet voted against the motion. Item No. 4 Waiver of General Plan requirement for specific plan, Tentative Tract 12553, 22400 Barton Road. Mr. Tim Serlet, Planning staff, presented the staff report. The Planning Commission questioned staff in regards to a specific plan. Staff responded that a specific plan was intended to illustrate how all the elements of the General Plan will be implemented in a specific project. Chairman Collins requested the applicant to address the Commission. Brian Esgate, representing the developer, stated, that in his opinion, specific plans should be used to regulate large projects. Mr. Esgate felt that the City has enough control over the project through the site and architectural review process. Chairman Collins questioned the amount of recreational area and the lack of a secondary access across Gage Canal. Mr. Esgate responded that he felt a secondary access could be conditioned later in the development process. The Planning Commission asked the staff to clarify the status of the project. Staff responded that Mr. Keeney had submitted a plan to construct 69 condominiums on ± 6.9 acres. The proposed project area had a General Plan designation of "office/commercial" with a corresponding zoning of "administrative professional." Mr. Keeney's proposed use was inconsistent with the General Plan designation. Subsequently, the Planning Commission changed the General Plan use designation of Mr. Keeney's property to "medium-density residential" prior to sending the General Plan Update to the City Council. This would make the proposed use consistent with the General Plan upon adoption by the City Council. Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes, March 5, 1984 Page 5 of 6 Mr. Keeney then requested staff to process his project under the new General Plan require- ments. One of the requirements of the new General Plan is that all multi-family projects greater than sixteen units submit a specific plan. Mr. Keeney would like that requirement waived. The land use element of the General Plan has not yet been adopted by the City Council. The Planning Commission discussed the situation among themselves. Barney Karger requested and was granted permission to speak from Chairman Collins. Mr. Karger indicated that he did not agree with the specific plan require- ment of the proposed General Plan. PCM 84-19 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by Commissioner Hawkinson, and passed by a 7-1 vote to continue this item until the April 2, 1984 meeting. Vice Chairman McDowell voted against this motion. Chairman Collins asked for any other items of discussion. Mr. Barney Karger indicated that he was concerned with the circulation element of the new General Plan. Chairman Collins adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. R spectf lly submitted: P anning Director I Chairman Tanning Commission Grand Terrace Plannning Commission Minutes, March 5, 1984 Page 6 of 6