04/02/1984 Grand Terrace Planning Commission
Minutes of Regular Meeting
April 2, 1984
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to
order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road,
Grand Terrace, California 92324 on April 2, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman
Sanford L. Collins.
PRESENT: Sanford L. Collins, Chairman
John McDowell, Vice Chairman
Ray Munson, Commissioner
Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner
William De Benedet, Commissioner
Vern Andress, Commissioner (arrived @ 7:23 p.m.)
Winifred Bartel, Commissioner
Norm Caouette, Commissioner
Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff
ABSENT: Gerald Cole, Commissioner (Excused)
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Vice Chairman McDowell
Item No. I Minutes of March 5, 1984.
PCM 84-20 Motion by Commissioner De Benedet, seconded by
Commissioner Cole, and passed by a 7-0 vote to
approve the minutes of March 5, 1984 as submitted.
II. Unfinished Business
A) Waiver of General Plan Requirements
for a Specific Plan 84-1, Tentative
Tract No. 12553.
This item had been continued from the March 5, 1984, Planning Commission meeting
pending the City Council's action on the Land Use Element at their March 27,
1984 meeting.
Planning staff reported that the City Council adopted the Land Use Element of
the General Plan on March 22, 1984.
PCM 84-21 Motion by Commissioner Caouette, seconded by Commissioner
Bartel, and passed by a 7-0 vote to establish May 7, 1984
as the Public Hearing date for Specific Plan 84-1, Tenta-
tive Tract No. 12553.
A) Time Extension, Tentative Tract 9773
Mr. Tim Serlet, Planning staff,presented the staff report.
Chairman Collins expressed a feeling that if the tentative approval has not been
used yet, the Developer should reapply to the City.
PCM 84-22 Motion by Vice Chairman McDowell, seconded by Commis-
sioner De Benedet, and passed by a 6-1 vote to recom-
mend approval of a three year time extension for
tentative tract 9773 to the City Council.
Chairman Collins voted against this motion.
B) Time Limits on Mini-warehouses in the C-2 (CPD) Zone.
This item was removed from the agenda as requested by the applicant.
A) Conditional Use Permit 84-3/Buffer Zone
Variance; miniwarehouses at 21900 Barton Rd.
Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning staff, presented the staff report. The applicant
was requesting a conditional use permit along with a variance from the buffer
zone requirements of Ordinance 57.
The Planning Commission questioned staff and discussed the project among them-
Chairman Collins opened the Public Hearing and invited the Applicant to address
the Commission.
Mr. Robert Keeney, applicant, volunteered to answer any questions.
Commissioners De Benedet, Caouette and Bartel questioned the applicant on the
drainage, landscaping and overhang.
Mr. Keeney responded that a grading plan will be submitted to the City Engineer's
office. He also responded that all landscaping requirements have been met.
Mr. Barney Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way spoke in favor of the project.
Mr. Bill Darwin and Mr. Danny Schwier also spoke in favor of the project.
Planning Commission Minutes
April 2, 1984
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Mr. Richard Selene, project architect, addressed the Commission on the land-
scaping and the perimeter wall.
Chairman Collins closed the Public Hearing with no one speaking against the
The Planning Commission discussed the project among themselves.
Commissioner Munson inquired if recreational vehicles parked in the rear of
the project would be visible.
The applicant responded that there might be a slight possibility for vehicles
exiting the freeway to view the RV's.
PCM 84-23 Motion by Vice Chairman McDowell, seconded by
Commissioner De Benedet and passed by an 8-0
vote to approve a variance from the required
25 foot landscaped buffer zone for conditional
use permit 84-3.
PCM 84-24 Motion by Commissioner Munson, seconded by
Commissioner Caouette, and passed by an 8-0
vote to adopt the Negative Declaration and
approve the Conditional Use Permit 84-3,
including the findings as written in the
staff report and the conditions recommended
by staff; subject to ratification of the Nega-
tive Declaration by the City Council.
Chairman Collins opened the public hearing by stating that the Commission would
consider each element individually and that the Commission would appreciate only
that element which is on the floor to be addressed.
No one wished to speak on open space, scenic highways, conservation, seismic
safety, noise, safety, and housing.
Mrs. Francis Carter, 11938 Arliss Drive, requested that the 2-1 acres she owns
west of Michigan Street between De Berry St. and Van Buren St. be changed to a
land use designation of "General Commercial" instead of "Low Density Residential. "
Mr. Danny Schwier, 22456 Barton Road, requested that his lot at 11982 Canal St.
be designated "medium density residential" instead of "low density residential."
Mr. Lee Swertferger, 12438 Michigan St. , requested that the land use designation
on his property be revised to "general commercial" from "Low density residential."
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April 2, 1984
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Dennis Evans requested the definition of a "reasonable time period" as it relates
to bringing the zoning into consistency with the General Plan.
Chairman Collins responded that a reasonable period of time, based on the informa-
tion received at the last City Council meeting, could be anytime up to approximately
30 years.
Mr. Barney Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way, expressed his opinion that eventually all
the property west of Michigan Street will be industrial or commercial.
Mr. Bob Keeney, 12139 Mt. Vernon Avenue, questioned the requirements for a
specific plan and indicated he would like them changed.
Mr. Fernando Bajarcas, 22238 Barton Road, questioned the office commercial designa-
tion on the north side of Barton Board and the general commercial designation on
the south side. Mr. Bajarcas was also concerned about the widening of Barton Rd.
Mr. Barney Karger questioned the zoning differences on the north and south sides
of Barton Road.
Mr. Bill Darwin, representing his son who owns property at 22284 Barton Rd. felt
that the north side of Barton Road between Vivienda St. and Canal St. should be
zoned commercial.
Mr. Dennis Evans indicated that he would like the specific plan requirements
amended for the benefit of Mr. Keeney.
Marylou Williams, 22270 Barton Road, requested that both sides of Barton Rd. be
designated the same.
Chairman Collins asked if anyone else wished to discuss the land use designations.
No one else wished to speak, so Chairman Collins opened the discussion of the
Circulation Element.
Mr. Barney Karger requested that Grand Terrace Road be designated a local
street instead of a collector.
Mrs. Francis Carter expressed concern for traffic safety on Arliss Drive and
Barton Road.
Mr. Bob Warner and his wife, 22959 Grand Terrace Road, expressed concern over the
designation of Grand Terrace Road.
Mr. Danny Schwier inquired about the traffic flow on Barton Road.
With no one else wishing to speak, Chairman Collins stated that the Commission
would now discuss the items of concern.
Mr. Paul Secord, Beland Associates, answered questions from the Commission con-
cerning land use designations.
Grand Terrace Planning Commission
Minutes, April 2, 1984
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Mr. Barney Karger question Mr. Secord about specific plan requirements.
Mr. Secord indicated that the number of 16 units originated in the State
Guidelines for the development of specific plans.
The Planning Commission discussed the land use element among themselves.
PCM 84-25 Motion by Commissioner Munson, seconded by Commis-
sioner Hawkinson, and passed by an 8-0 vote to
recommend to the City Council that the land use
designation on the Archer, Carter, and Swertfeger
parcels on Michigan Street be changed from "low
density residential" to "general commercial;" and
that the Schwier property on Canal St. be changed
from "low density residential" to "medium density
residential. "
PCM 84-26 Motion by Commissioner Hawkinson, seconded by
Commissioner Andress, and passed by an 8-0 vote
to recommend to the City Council that Grand
Terrace Road between Barton Road and Mt. Vernon
be designated a local street.
The Planning Commission discussed the Specific Plan requirements among themselves.
PCM 84-27 Motion by Vice Chairman McDowell, seconded by Commis-
sioner De Benedet and defeated by a 2-6 vote to
require a specific plan for multi-family projects of
100 or more units instead of 16 units.
PCM 84-28 Motion by Commissioner Hawkinson to require a
specific plan for multi-family projects over 25 units.
Motion died for lack of a second.
Chairman Collins adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.m.
pectf lly submitted:
cnning Director
Yirman, Planning Commission
Grand Terrace Planning Commission
Minutes April 2, 1984
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