04/26/1984 Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes of Special Joint Meeting April 26, 1984 The Special Joint meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission and City Council was called to order on April 26, 1984, at 7:35 p.m. PRESENT: Sanford L. Collins, Chairman Hugh J. Grant, Mayor John McDowell , Vice Chairman Jim Rigley, Mayor Pro Tempore Ray Munson, Commissioner Tony Petta, Councilman Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner Roy W. Nix, Councilman William De Benedet, Commissioner Barbara Pfennighausen, Councilwoman Gerald Cole, Commissioner Seth Armstead, City Manager Norm Caouette, Commissioner Ivan Hopkins, City Attorney Joe Kicak, Planning Director Myrna Erway, City Clerk ABSENT: Vern Andress, Commissioner Winifred Bartel , Commissioner GENERAL PLAN UPDATE/GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT - LAND USE ELEMENT Planning Director Kicak advised the Planning Commission, as directed by Council , held public hearings on the General Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element and the remaining elements of the General Plan Update, and recommended the following changes to the Land Use Element: (1 ) changing the designation of four parcels on Michigan between DeBerry & Van Buren from R-1 to Commercial ; and (2) changing the designation of a single parcel on Canal near Carhart from residential low density to residential medium density. The Planning Commission also recommended the following changes to the Circulation Element: (1 ) Downgrading Grand Terrace Road, between Barton Road & Mt. Vernon, from collector to local ; and (2) designating Main Street between Mt. Vernon & the westerly City Limits as a secondary highway. Indicated no input was received regarding Canal Street between Newport & Barton Road; a designation change for that street would require either widening the east side only, or the removal of existing improvements, since most properties in that area are presently developed. John Starner, CG Engineering, recommended Grand Terrace Road remain as a collector, based on the traffic volume, and the fact that it connects two major secondary streets and has local streets feeding into it; supported Canal Street, between Newport & Barton Road, as a collector, and upgrading Main Street to a secondary highway. Councilwoman Pfennighausen questioned upgrading DeBerry & Van Buren and whether Riverside County 's concurrence would be required on the designation of Main Street. Dale Beland, Beland/Assoc. , advised Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes - April 26, 1984 Page 1 of 8 State law requires referral/review of the general plan by the local county; Riverside County would be obligated to review and indicate concurrence/disagreement with the designation as established by the City; if there is disagreement, the decision can be based on the existing development pattern; the City has first option to designate. Mr. Starner recommended upgrading DeBerry & Van Buren to assist with future negotiations with potential development; indicated they can be downgraded later if appropriate. Dale Beland supported Mr. Starner's recommendations relative to the Circulation Element; voiced concern about the General Plan being parcel specific; recommended enlarging the commercial designation on Michigan to include the entire quadrant. Councilman Rigley questioned if anything would preclude designating the quadrant commercial , and whether the Planning Commission had considered and concurs; was advised the Planning Commission responded to public input on requested designation changes; nothing would preclude the proposal . Mayor Grant and Chairman Collins opened Joint Public Hearing on the General Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element and all elements of the General Plan Update. Land Use Element - Barney Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way, speaking in e a o rances Carter, with ee Swertfeger, 12438 Michigan concurring, recommended designating the west side of Michigan as either commercial , or preferably M-1-T. Dennis Evans, 22064 DeBerry, felt the City has been planning everything west of Michigan for large commercial or industrial development. Circulation Element - Bill McKeever, 12714 Blue Mountain Court, with John Starner concurring, recommended removing Blue Mountain Court, a cul -de-sac, from the Circulation Element, since it only consists of seven parcels, and was designated a private street, with maintenance responsibility not accepted by the City. Kathryn Capps, 23173 Vista Grande Way, supported downgrading Grand Terrace Road to local . Barney Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way, supported downgrading Grand Terrace oat�d; recommended constructing improvements on the east side of Canal and not disturbing the west side. Danny Schweir, 22843 DeSoto, felt the City should not require a lien to be recorded for future improvements. All other elements - there being no testimony on the other elements, Mayor Grant and Chairman Collins closed Public Hearing. Council Recessed at 8:23 p.m. CIRCULATION ELEMENT PCM-84-29 Motion by Commissioner Cole, Second by Commissioner DeBenedet to recommend designating Canal Street as a collector street with widening/improvements to be added on the east side, and the west side to remain undisturbed. Commissioner hawkinson questioned complications regarding the canal . The Planning Director felt there Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes - April 26, 1984 Page 2 of 8 would be sufficient right-of-way on the easterly side, but not for the full , normal parkway as exists on the westerly side. Following discussion relative to proposed construction, Motion No. PCM-84-29 carried, ALL AYES by all present. Commissioner Collins recommended coordinating the designation of Main Street with Riverside County. Planning Director Kicak advised the area of Main Street being considered is probably developed to secondary standard, with only one parcel not having street improvements; recommended secondary designation, feeling the City could not require dedication from that one parcel unless it is designated secondary standard. PCM-84-30 Motion by Commissioner Cole, Second by Commissioner Hawkinson, ALL AYES by all present to recommend upgrading Main Street from a collector street to a secondary highway. PCM-84-31 Motion by Commissioner DeBenedet, Second by Commissioner McDowell , ALL AYES by all present to recommend removing Blue Mountain Court from the Circulation Element. LAND USE ELEMENT PCM-84-32 Motion by Commissioner McDowell , Second by Commissioner Hawkinson, to recommend designating the entire quadrant on the westerly side of Michigan, between DeBerry & Van Buren, as commercial . Commissioner Caouette questioned whether the property owners indicated a preference for commercial or light industrial . Chairman Collins re-opened Public Hearing on the Land Use Element. Lee Swertfeger and Ken Carter, property owners in that quadrant, indicated a preference for light industrial ; indicated they did not feel that area is conducive to residential . Chairman Collins voiced concern about changing the designation of the entire quadrant without hearing from the other property owners. Roy Nix questioned and received clarification that the quadrant ouundaries are the northwest, 40-acre corner opposite Mavis Street, southerly to Van Buren. Chairman Collins closed Public Hearing. Motion No. PCM-84-32 carried 6-1, with Chairman Collins voting NOE. RESOLUTION NO. PC-84-01 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF E CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE UPDATED GENERAL PLAN FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE & THE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF SAID GENERAL PLAN; CERTIFYING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT; & MAKING OTHER DETERMINATIONS. PCM-84-33 Motion by Commissioner Cole, Second by Commissioner McDowell , ALL AYES by all present to adopt Resolution No. PC-84-01. Recess of the Planning Commission was called at 8:40 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:40 p.m. , with all members present. Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes - April 26, 1984 Page 3 of 8 GPA - LAND USE ELEMENT CC-84-85 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Rigley, to concur with the Planning Commission recommendation to designate as commercial the quadrant located on the northwesterly corner of Van Buren & Michigan, the limits being the westerly extension of the centerline of Mavis to a depth to mid of that block, being all of Lot 28 of a portion of East Riverside Land Company as per Map Book 6, Page 44, records of San Bernardino County, consisting of approximately 9.27 acres. Councilman Nix felt designating that quadrant as light industrial would be spot-zoning and inconsistent with the surrounding land use designation. Councilwoman Pfennighausen stated various property owners have indicated this would be a compromise; indicated conditional use permits could be considered to allow the types of uses desired by the property owners. Following confirmation by the City Attorney that Councilman Petta would have no conflict of interest, Motion No. CC-84-85 carried, ALL AYES. CC-84-86 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilwoman Pfennighausen, ALL AYES, to concur with the Planning Commission recommendation to designate Assessor' s Parcel No. 275-241-23, located westerly of Canal and southerly of Carhart, as medium density. CIRCULATION ELEMENT Following Planning Director Kicak 's recommendation that the record reflect the proper designation, improvement plan and centerline of CC-84-87 Canal Street, Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES that Canal Street is to remain a collector street; that the centerline of the right-of-way and centerline of construction will not be coincidental , but will be offset, which will indicate dedication will not be required on the westerly side of Canal Street. CC-84-88 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES to upgrade Main Street, between Mt. Vernon and the westerly City limits, from collector to secondary status. CC-84-89 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Rigley, ALL AYES to remove Blue Mountain Court from the Circulation Element. CC-84-90 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES to downgrade Grand Terrace Road from a collector to a local street. Chairman Collins noted some residents requested changing the land use designation for the north side of Barton Road, between Canal and Vivienda, from AP to commercial during the Planning Commission Public Hearing of April 2; the designation remains AP. Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes - April 26, 1984 Page 4 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 84-11 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A E RACE, CA, ADOPTING THE UPDATED GENERAL PLAN FOR THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE; ADOPTING THE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF SAID GENERAL PLAN; CERTIFYING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT; AND MAKING OTHER DETERMINATIONS. CC-84-91 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES to adopt Resolution No. 84-11. Planning Commission reconvened at 8:53 p.m. TENTATIVE TRACT 12553 Planning Director Kicak advised an extensive Staff Report, Subject: Specific Plan 84-1, Tentative Tract 12553, had been provided which includes a copy of the Specific Plan; this proposed development is located westerly of Mt. Vernon, northerly of Barton Road and northerly of a development known as Town & Country Center; consisting of 69 units on approximately 6+ acres. Mayor Grant and Chairman Collins opened a Joint Public Hearing on the Specific Plan for Tentative Tract No. 12553. Brian Esgate, Esgate Engineering, representing the applicant, voiced concurrence with all conditions in the Specific Plan except No. 3, concerning parking spaces and setback; requested a waiver of the 10-foot setback perimeter requirement for parking spaces to allow them to be built as guest spaces in the northerly portion; felt the five-foot setback, as shown in the Specific Plan, could be increased as the project nears completion. Chairman Collins questioned the street widths, noting the 26-foot streets would be a variance to the ordinance; whether attempts were made to gain access across Gage Canal ; whether there were plans to increase the size of the private street, and who would maintain that street. Mr. Esgate indicated written approval has been received from the Fire Marshall , as conditioned in the ordinance, for the 26-foot streets; Staff did not condition the project to provide access to the north; felt the project was in close proximity to Barton Road and, since Gage Canal has indicated only one access will be allowed over the canal , felt the access would be wasted on this project; as the project develops, there will be a crash-gate type access to the north; there are no plans to increase the size of the private street; not aware of plans for its maintenance. Commissioner Caouette requested & received clarification that the road through the Town & Country Center will be 36 ft. curb to curb, with curbs & gutters, and will have curb cuts to allow vertical traffic through the Town & Country parking lot. Commissioner McDowell and Councilman Rigley indicated they would not support the project with no access to the north. Mrs. Ian Smith, 11914 Mt. Vernon, felt there is legal access north through the church property. Applicant Bob Keeney stated Gage Canal has repeatedly indicated the City will Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes - April 26, 1984 Page 5 of 8 only be allowed one access across the canal ; felt the access would enhance his project, but would eliminate access for the remainder of the area; has designed two roadways to the north which could connect with a street running east and west which could have access across the canal and to the remainder of the area; the development will be enclosed and gate-controlled, with one entrance and three exits. Councilman Nix felt it is the City's responsibility, rather than the developers, to conduct negotiations for access over the canal . Councilwoman Pfennighausen left Council Chambers at 9:22 p.m. Mayor Grant and Chairman Collins closed Public Hearing. Council recessed at 9:25 p.m. Chairman Collins requested a staff recommendation relative to Condition Nos. 3 and 6, relative to the setbacks and street widths, noting the zoning ordinance requirement for private street maintenance; also noted the proposal will require a zone change. The Planning Director indicated the applicant has a five-foot or more setback; Staff requested 30-foot streets, but the Forestry Department has indicated 26-foot streets are satisfactory; felt private street maintenance could be covered within the Covenants, Conveyances & Restrictions (CC&R's) and agreements with adjacent property owners having rights to that road; felt any easement would be a legal access; recommended including a condition whereby the homeowner's association would be responsible for maintenance of all access roads from Barton Road and Mt. Vernon. The City Attorney advised proper zoning should be one of the conditions of approval . Applicant Keeney stated the homeowners 's association will maintain Britton Way, to which they own fee title. Chairman Collins re-opened Public Hearing. Kathy Harmon, 11834 Kingston, stated she purchased access to the private road, which was an easement prior to being paved by Mr. Britton, which is included in the CC&R's; indicated there is an agreement whereby all property owners are required to share the maintenance responsibility. Chairman Collins closed Public Hearing. PCM-84-34 Motion by Commissioner McDowell , Second by Commissioner Cole, ALL AYES by all present to add Condition No. 7 to Specific Plan 84-1, specifying that in future development, ingress and egress will be provided from the project to any adjacent development. PCM-84-35 Motion by Commissioner Cole, Second by Commissioner McDowell , ALL AYES to add Condition No. 8 to Specific Plan 84-1, specifying that a condition of approval of the project is changing the zoning. Commissioner Munson indicated no desire to delay the project, but requested an investigation by Staff to determine the number of possible accesses across the canal . Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes - April 26, 1984 Page 6 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. PC-84-02 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GRAND ACE, CA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 84-01 & MAKING OTHER DETERMINATIONS. (TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 12553) PCM-84-36 Motion by Commissioner Hawkinson, Second by Commissioner DeBenedet, ALL AYES to adopt Resolution No. PC-84-02, subject to the conditions as amended. PCM-84-37 Motion by Commissioner Hawkinson, Second by Commissioner Cole, that based on the material in the Staff presentation and the testimony received, to recommend approval by the City Council of Tentative Tract Map 12553, including the findings as written in the Staff Report, and subject to the Conditions recommended by Staff and outlined in Motion Nos. PCM-84-34 and PCM-84-35. Motion by Commissioner Caouette to amend the Motion to include adding a condition specifying that the 36-foot roadway going through the Town & Country Center is to be curbed with the exception of two 30-foot wide curb cuts to allow traffic flow within the center, died for lack of a second. Motion No. PCM-84-39 carried 6-1, with Commissioner Munson voting NOE. Planning Commission recessed and Council reconvened at 9:44 p.m. , with all members present. RESOLUTION NO. 84-12 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CA, APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 84-01 AND MAKING OTHER DETERMINATIONS. (Tentative Tract No. 12553) Councilman Nix questioned how a closed-gate access development can be proposed in the middle of a legal access road to the property to the north, if a legal easement exists; feels in that case, the proposed roadway would be inadequate. City Attorney Hopkins advised the adequacy of the roadway would be determined by the Planning Commission and Council ; noted several parties can have legal access, but there is a potential problem if the project is gated, without access; felt the road maintenance condition is a problem, since the City can only require maintenance pursuant to the CC&R's; concurred there is an access problem in that area. Kathy Harmon voiced concern the gated community could deny legal access to the commercial property, and for traffic congestion when it develops. A question was raised whether the church has an easement through the property. Applicant Keeney stated his development will not affect the easement referenced by Kathy Harmon, and that the title report does not reflect an easement going north. Councilmen Rigley and Nix felt additional investigation is required, since the church may have an easement. Council recessed at 9:55 p.m. and reconvened at 10:13 p.m. with all members present. Council questioned the City Attorney relative to conditionally approving the project, due to a possible easement through the proposed Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes - April 26, 1984 Page 7 of 8 development. City Attorney Hopkins advised an easement should be recognized if it exists; recommended either continuing the matter or approving the project with the condition that if an easement exists, it must be recognized and provided in the approval . CC-84-92 Motion by Councilman Rigley, Second by Councilman Nix, ALL AYES, to adopt Resolution No. 84-12, contingent upon recognition by the developer of the existing easement, if it exists, for the church property. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 12553 CC-84-93 Motion by Councilman Nix, Second by Councilman Petta, ALL AYES, to approve Tentative Tract No. 12553 as recommended by the Planning Commission. Planning Commission adjourned at 10:22 p.m. Joint Session adjourned at 10:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jo eph cak, Planning Director Zl,,'iA�J -4 airm , P anning Commission Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes - April 26, 1984 Page 8 of 8