05/07/1984 Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting May 7, 1984 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California 92324 on May 7, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. by vice Chairman John McDowell. PRESENT: John McDowell, Vice Chairman Ray Munson, Commissioner Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner William De Benedet, Commissioner Winifred Bartel, Commissioner Gerald Cole, Commissioner Norm Caouette, Commissioner Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff ABSENT: Sanford L. Collins, Chairman Vern Andress, Commissioner PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Commissioner De Benedet AGENDA ADDITIONS: Vice-Chairman Mc Dowell added the following two items to the agenda under new business. E.) Beautification of Mt. Vernon/Barton Rd. F.) Gage Canal Frontage Road Item No. I Minutes of April 2, 1984 PCM 84-38 Motion by Commissioner Caouette, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, and passed by a 7-0 vote to approve the minutes of April 2, 1984 as submitted. II. PUBLIC HEARINGS A.) Tentative Parcel Map No, 8310, 22842 Grand Terrace Rd. Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, presented the Staff Report. The Planning Commission briefly questioned the Staff about the dept}; of the property. Page 1 of 6 Vice-Chairman McDowell opened the public hearing. ' Mike Bailey of Parkland Engineering, representing the applicant, volunteered to answer any questions. Mr. John D'Silva and Mr. Pascal D'Silva, the applicants, also volunteered to answer any questions. Vice-Chairman McDowell asked what size house was going to be built. Mr. John D'Silva stated that he had no plan to build at this time. Commissioner Caouette asked the applicant if he agreed with the conditions. Mr. John D'Silva responded that he agreed to the staff conditions. Vice-Chairman McDowell closed the public hearing with no one speaking in opposition to the project. PCM 84-39 Motion by Commissioner Caouette, seconded by Commissioner De Benedet, and approved by a 7-0 vote to recommend adoption of the negative enviromental declaration and approval of tentative parcel map 8310 to the City Council, including the findings as written in the staff report and subject to the conditions recommended by staff. B.) Conditional Use Permit 84-2; small animal clinic at 22474 Barton Rd. Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, presented the Staff Report. Vice-Chairman McDowell opened the public hearing and invited anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed project to address the commission. Dr. Dennis Wilds, the applicant, voulenteered to answer any questions the Commission might have. Commissioner Bartel questioned the type of service and the hours of operation. Dr. Wilds responded that the proposed facility would by a clinic not a hospital and that it would be in operation during daylight hours. Vice-Chairman McDowell asked if the applicant had a premise permit. Dr. Wilds responded that a permise permit would be applied for through the Department of Consumer Affairs after the other conditions of approval had been met. There was general discussion concerning the operation of the clinic between Dr. Wilds and the Planning Commission. Vice-Chairman Mc Dowell opened the hearing for anyone to speak in opposition to the project. Page 2 of 6 Dr. Leonard Sigestad, representing Dr. Mc Duffy spoke in opposition to the project. Dr. Mc Duffy operates the Animal Emergency Clinic at 12022 La Crosse Avenue. Dr. Sigestad, a practicing veterinarian felt that the proposed project would evolve into a larger operation than that of a small vaccination clinic and a corporate office. Dr. Sigestad also questioned how medical emergencies would be handeled and how any reamins would be disposed of. It was felt by Dr. Sigestad that various problems might cause animals to remain overnite. Dr. Sigestad informed the Commission that Dr. Wilds services several clinics and would not be able to be in Grand Terrace on a full time basis. Vice-Chairman McDowell invited Dr. Wilds to answer the questions raised by Dr. Sigestad. Dr. Wilds stated that he would be establishing a clinic not a hospital. If an emergency occured, Dr. Wilds indicated he would close his clinic and take the appropriate emergency action. Dr. Wilds, stated he was proposing to establish a clinic and operate it within the bounds of the California Practice Act. If Dr. Wilds could not handle the proposed hours of operation, daylight hours, he would hire an associate veterinarian. Commissioner Bartel asked if the proposed clinic would do grooming. Dr. Wilds responded that no grooming would be done. Dr. Wilds stated that he intended to run a small, low volume veterinary clinic within the confines of the State Practice Act, and did not intend on having animals waiting outside or staying overnight. Vice-Chairman Mc Dowell closed the public hearing with no one else speaking for or against the project. PCM 84-40 Motion by Commissioner Munson, seconded by Commissioner Hawkinson, and defeated by a 3-4 vote to approve Conditional Use Permit 84-2, including the findings as written in the staff report and the conditions recommended by staff. Vice-Chairman McDowell, Commissioner De Benedet, Commissioner Bartel, and Commissioner Cole voted against this motion. III. NEW BUSINESS A.) Time Extension, Tract No. 12218 Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, presented the staff report. The Planning Commission questioned the staff on the history of the project. Page 3 of 6 PCM 84-41 Motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Munson and passed by a 7-0 vote to recommend to the City Council that tentative tract map No. 12218 be granted a one year time extension. B.) Site and Architectural Review 84-4, Azure Hills Church. Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning St,sff, presented the Staff Report. The Planning Commission questioned if the building would by visible from Bu_-on Road or Center City Court. Staff responded that the building is only 14' feet in height. PCM 84-42 Motion by Commissioner De Benedet, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, and passed by a 7-0 vote, to approve site and architectural plan 84-4, inr-luding the findings as written in the staff report and the conditions recommended by staff. C.) Sign Ordinance Discussion Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff. .reported that the Planning Commission had requested at their regular meeting of March 5, 1984, that the sign ordinance be placed on the May agenda for discussion purposes. Mr. Tom Coyle of the City Manager's office and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce had been invited to address the commission. Mr. Tom Coyle briefly described the problems he has encountered with enforcement of Chapter 23 of the Ordinance 57. Mr. Bob Yeates, representing the Chamber of Commerce, suggested that the Planning Commission and Chamber of Commerce form a committee to study Chapter 23. Mr. Larry Halsted, representing the Chamber of Commerce, suggested adopting a uniform looking sign. Mr. Barney Karger and Mr. Bill Darwin also expressed their views on the current state of signing in Grand Terrace. Upon further discussion E.n AD HOC committee consisting of Planning Commissioners Hawkinson, Bartel, De Benet, Cole, and Caouette along with the Chamber of Commerce representatives Mr. Tetlet, Mr. Yeates, and Mr. Halsted. The AD HOC committee agreed to hold its first meeting at 6:00 p.m. on May 14, 1984, in the Chamber Office. Page 4 of 6 D.) Proposed Apartment Comples, Informal Presentation by USA properties Mr. Vince Michaels, representing USA Properties made a preliminary presentation on his companies proposal to construct approximately 188 apartment units on + 8.7 acres between Mount Vernon Avenue and the Gage Canal. Commissioner Bartel questioned if the developer intended to build garages and what mix of one and two bedroom apartments would be included. Mr. Vince Michaels responded that the mix of apartment units had not been determined and that carports were intended instead of garages. Commissioner Caouette indicated that he felt carports would cause a storage problem. Commissioner Caouette also inquired what the approximate rental range would be. Mr. Michaels responded that he anticipated rents to be in the 400-450 per month range. Commissioner De Benedet commented that he would like to see garages instead of carports and that he was not overly impressed with the aesthetics of the proposed elevations. The Planning Commission discussed an acess across Gage Canal along with the possibility of a frontage foad along the east side of the canal right-of-way. Mrs. Lillian Smith stated that a complete engineering study should be done to determine the best location to cross the canal. Mr. Barney Karger of 11668 Bernardo Way, also stated that he felt an engineering study was necessary to determine the most feasible location to cross the canal. Mr. Howell, of 11821 Mt. Vernon Avenue, expressed concern with the prososed density. The Planning Commission informed the applicant that they were concerned with the type of roof material, the proposed density garages, and a frontage road along the canal . E.) Beautification of MT. Vernon/ Barton Road Vice-Chairman Mc Dowell asked staff the status of the beautification project. Staff responded that the project had very low priority in the budget funding. The Planning Commission discussed the signifigance of the beautification project among themselves. Page 5 of 6 PCM 84-43 Motion by Commissioner Munson, seconded by Commissioner De Benedet, and passed by a 7-0 vote to recommend to the City Council that the Barton Road/ Mount Vernon Beautification project be considered during the budgetary process. F.) Gage Canal Frontage Road There was a brief discussion among the Commission concerning the City Engineer's memo of May 7, 1984, about the possibility of crossing Gage Canal. Vice-Chairman McDowell adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted oseph Kicak, Planning Director e-Chairman, Planning Commission Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes May 7, 1984 Page 6 of 6