08/06/1984 Grand Terrace Planning Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting August 6, 1984 The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace, California 92324 on August 6, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Sanford L. Collins. PRESENT: Sanford L. Collins, Chairman John McDowell, Commissioner Vern Andress, Commissioner Winifred Bartel, Commissioner Gerald Cole, Commissioner Norman Caouette, Commissioner Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff ABSENT: Ray Munson, Vice Chairman (Excused) William DeBenedet, Commissioner (Excused) Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner (Excused) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE: Led by Commissioner Andress AGENDA ADDTIONS OR CHANGES: Chairman Collins, at the request of Staff, stated that the Commission would hear Item III B prior to III A. I. MINUTES OF July 2, 1984 PCM 84-54 Motion by Commissioner Andress seconded by Commissioner Caouette and passed by a 6-0 vote to approve the minutes of July 2, 1984, as submitted. II. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.) Site and Architectural Review 83-9, Garden Home Apartments at 22325 Barton Road. This item was continued from the July 2, 1984 meeting at the request of the Applicant. Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, presented the Staff Report. The Applicant could not attend the meeting, but sent a letter explaining his situation as it relates to the conditions imposed on his request. The Planning Commission briefly discussed the letter among themselves. -1- Minutes of Regular Meeting August 6, 1984 II. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Cont.) PCM 84-55 Motion by Commissioner Caouette, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, and passed by a 6-0 vote, to approve SA 83-9 including the findings as written in the Staff Report and the conditions recommended by Staff. III. PUBLIC HEARINGS A.) Mass Zone Change in conjunction with General Plan Update of April 26, 1984. Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, presented the Staff Report. Mr. Serlet reported that the City Council had directed Staff to proceed with a Mass Zone Change that will obtain consistency between the existing General Plan Land Use designations and the corresponding zoning. Chairman Collins stated that he had told several individuals that their existing zoning would not be changed until they requested it or until they sold the property. Chairman Collins opened the public hearing on an item-by-item basis. Virginia Fernandez, 11818 Maple Avenue, presented a petition and spoke against Area 1 being changed to M-2. Dr. Baum, 11823 Maple Avenue, spoke against Area 1 being changed to M-2. Ray Dahl, representing Eagle Plumbing @ 21718 Walnut, spoke in favor of the proposed M-2 zoning. Barney Karger stated that he felt M-2 property was more valuable than R-1 property. The Planning Commission discussed Area 1 among themselves. PCM 84-56 Motion by Commissioner Caouette, seconded by Commissioner Andress and failed by a 3-3 vote to change the property owned by Eagle Plumbing to M-2 and retain the rest as R-1. Commissioners Cole, Bartel, and Chairman Collins voted against the motion. -2- Minutes of Regular Meeting August 6, 1984 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont.) A.) PCM 84-57 Motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Caouette, and passed by a 5-1 vote to approve Area 1 as submitted. Chairman Collins voted against the motion. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to Areas 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Mr. Ken Gallardo, 21970 Grand Terrace Road, expressed his opinion that Area 7 be zoned R-2 or R-3. PCM 84-58 Motion by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner Caouette, and passed by a 4-2 vote to leave Area 7 as R-1. Chairman Collins and Commissioner Andress voted in opposition. No one spoke in favor of or opposition to Areas 8 and 9. Don Beckman, 11755 South Mt. Vernon, expressed opposition to Areas 10, 11, and 12. He was concerned with the potential for increased traffic on Mt. Vernon and the destruction of existing houses. Linda Isted, 11983 Mt. Vernon, expressed concern for possible traffic problems if an R-3 zoning is allowed in Areas 10, 11, and 12. The following individuals expressed concern with Areas 10, 11, & 12 being zoned R-3: Mrs. Goldwin, 11909 Mt. Vernon Mr. Jack Booker, 11785 Mt. Vernon Mr. Sanders, 12245 Victoria Street Mr. Phil Thawley, 11940 Canal Street Ms. Susan Grow, 11957 Pascal Mr. Gerald Renfro, 11845 Mt. Vernon Mr. Howell, 11821 Mt. Vernon Commissioner Andress questioned the City Attorney, if the Planning Commission could restrict the density. City Attorney responded that the Commission could recommend an overlay with a restriction on density. -3- Minutes of Regular Meeting August 6, 1984 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont.) A.) PCM 84-59 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, and passed by a 4-2 vote to recommend an R-3 zone on Areas 10, 11, and 12, but to restrict the maximum density to 12 dwelling units per acre. Chairman Collins and Commissioner Caouette voted against this motion. Areas 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, and 25 had no one express an opinion in favor of or against their proposed changes. Dennis Kidd, 22784 Pico Street, expressed opposition to Area 26 being zoned R-1-14000. Mr. Kidd felt that a 14,000 square foot minimum lot size was too restrictive. Mr. Barney Karger expressed his opinion that the minimum lot size should be at least 14,000 square feet in Area 26. PCM 84-60 Motion by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and defeated by a 3-3 vote to designate Area 26 as R-1-14000. Commissioners Andress, Bartel, and Caouette voted against the motion. PCM 84-61 Motion by Commissioner Andress to designate Area 26 as R-1-10000. Motion dies for lack of a second. PCM 84-62 Motion by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner Andress, and passed by a 4-2 vote to designate Area 26 as R-1. Chairman Collins and Commissioner Bartel voted against the motion. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to Areas 27, 28, and 29. Mr. Lynch, 22323 DeBerry, spoke in opposition to Area 30 being re-zoned R-3. The Planning Commission discussed Area 30, presently occupied by Garden Home Apartments, among themselves. PCM 84-63 Motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Caouette, and passed by a 5-1 vote to designate Area 30 as R-3 with a maximum density of 11 units per acre. Chairman Collins voted against the Motion. -4- Minutes of Regular Meeting August 6, 1984 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont.) A.) No one spoke in favor or opposition to Areas 31 and 32. Chairman Collins appointed John McDowell acting Chairman while Area 33 was being considered. No one spoke in favor of or opposition to Area 33. Commissioner Collins resumed Chairmanship of the Planning Commission. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to Areas 34, 35, 36, 37, and 38. Francis Carter, 11938 Arliss Drive, stated that Area 39 was private property and should not be zoned public. PCM 84-64 Motion by Commissioner Caouette, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and passed by a 6-0 vote to recommend Area 39 be zoned C-2. Lillian Smith requested that the Commission allow people to speak against the density overlay placed on Areas 10, 11, and 12. The Commission granted her request. Mr. Vince Michaels of USA Properties at 1801 Wilshire Blvd. , Santa Monica, felt that the General Plan and Ordinance 57 allowed for adequate control of any proposed density. Mr. Al Trevino, 1015 Madison Place, Laguna Beach, spoke in opposition to the density overlay on Areas 10, 11, and 12. Mr. Nick Khalan, USA Properties, spoke in opposition to the density overlay. Mr. Gerald Renfo, 11845 Mt. Vernon, expressed concern over the traffic situation on Mt. Vernon. Mr. Barney Karger, spoke in opposition to the density overlay. Mr. Byron Madision, 12175 Michigan, expressed his support of the people who desired a density restriction. Francis Carter stated that she felt the schools and street system would be severely impacted by high density projects. Mr. Howell expressed concern for traffic problems that might arise without a density overlay. Mrs. Lillian Smith spoke in opposition to the proposed density overlay. -5- Minutes of Regular Meeting August 6, 1984 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont.) A.) Mr. Jack Booker, 11785 Mt. Vernon, expressed support of the density overlay. PCM 84-65 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and defeated by a 3-3 vote that the attached resolution be adopted with Exhibit B being amended to indicate Areas 10, 11, and 12 have a maximum density of 12 units per acre; Area 30 have a maximum density of 11 units per acre; Area 32 be zoned R-2; and Area 39 be zoned C-2. Chairman Collins, Commissioners Caouette and McDowell voted against the motion. PCM 84-66 Motion by Commissioner Caouette, seconded by Commissioner McDowell, and defeated by a 2-4 vote to designate Areas 10, 11, and 12 as R-3. Chairman Collins, Commissioner Bartel, Commissioner Andress, and Commissioner Cole voted against the Motion. PCM 84-67 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and passed by a 5-1 vote to adopt the Planning Commission Resolution 84-02 with the following amend- ments: Areas 10, 11, and 12 have a maximum density of 12 units per acre; Area 30 have a maximum density of 11 units per acre; Area 32 be designated as R-2; Area 39 be designated as C-2. Chairman Collins voted against the motion. B.) Site and Architectural Review 84-6/Buffer Zone Variance, Mini-Storage Units at 21999 Van Buren Street. Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, presented the Staff Report. The Commission questioned Staff about the proposal. Mr. James Harbor, the Applicant, volunteered to answer any questions. Chairman Collins closed the public hearing with no one else speaking in favor of or in opposition to the project. PCM 84-68 Motion by Commissioner Caouette, seconded by Commissioner Cole, and passed by a 4-1 vote to grant the requested Buffer Zone Variance. Commissioner Bartel voted against the motion and Commissioner McDowell abstained. -6- Minutes of Regular Meeting August 6, 1984 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont.) PCM 84-69 Motion by Commissioner Cole, seconded by Commissioner Andress, and passed by a 4-1 vote to approve the Negative Declaration and approve Site and Architectural Plan 84-6, including the findings as written in the Staff Report and the Conditions recommended by Staff; subject to ratification of the Negative Declaration by the City Council. Commissioner Bartel voted against the motion and Commissioner McDowell abstained. C.) Specific Plan 84-2,, USA Properties, Inc. Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, presented the Staff Report. Mr. Serlet explained to the Commission that the Staff analysis was based on a zoning of R-3 and did not review the zoning with a density overlay of 12 units per acre. Chairman Collins asked the Applicant if they would like to continue this item until the zoning issue had been settled by the City Council. Vince Michaels, USA Properties, responded that they would like the Specific Plan considered tonite. The Planning Commission questioned the Staff in concerning the project conditions. Chairman Collins invited the Applicant to address the Commission. Max Williams, Project Architect, presented a colored rendering and gave a brief synopsis of the project. Mr. Williams also explained his reasoning for carports, instead of garages. Mr. Williams felt carports visually open the site and that garages would be used primarily for storage and not automobiles. Nick Khalan, USA Properties, stated that the project will not be financially feasible at 12 units per acre. Commissioner Caouette questioned the progress of negotiations with the Gage Canal Company. Mr. Khalan responded that to the best of his knowledge the City Engineer was proceeding with them. Commissioner McDowell excused himself at 10:00 p.m. Chairman Collins opened the public hearing. -7- Minutes of Regular Meeting August 6, 1984 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont.) C.) Mr. Howell, 11821 Mt. Vernon, questioned the price of the units. City Attorney Hopkins responded that price was not an issue. Francis Carter, 11938 Arliss Drive, inquired about the square foot price of the development. Chairman Collins closed the public hearing with no one else speaking for or against the project. Commissioner Andress expressed concern over classroom space and sewer capacity. Al Trevino, responded the property owners involved had agreed to follow the Master Plan. Mr. Trevino presented the "Master Plan" and informed the Commission that the City Council had reviewed it. Commissioner Caouette stated that there is no guarantee that the overall Master Plan for the area will be carried out. Commissioner Caouette asked the City Attorney if the Commission could approve a development with a density of 20 units per acre immediately after recommending that the density in the area be a maximum of 12 units per acre. City Attorney Hopkins advised that it is difficult to consider a Specific Plan that does not meet the Commission's recommended zoning. The Planning Commission discussed the relationship between the zoning and the Specific Plan among themselves. PCM 84-70 Motion by Commissioner Andress, seconded by Commissioner Caouette, and passed by a 5-0 vote to deny Specific Plan 84-2 because it does not meet the Planning Commission's recommended zoning for the Area. Chairman Collins adjourned the meeting at 11:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted OSEPH KICAK, Planning Director Cfiairmarj4 Planning Commission -8-