09/10/1984 Grand Terrace Planning Commission
Minutes of Regular Meeting
September 10, 1984
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order
at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace,
California 92324 on September 10, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Sanford L. Collins.
PRESENT: Sanford L. Collins, Chairman
John McDowell, Commissioner
William DeBenedet, Commissioner
Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner
Gerald Cole, Commissioner
Norman Caouette, Commissioner
Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff
ABSENT: Ray Munson, Vice Chairman
Vern Andress, Commissioner (Excused)
Winifred Bartel, Commissioner (Excused)
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE: Led by Commissioner Caouette
CHANGES: Chairman Collins, stated that the Commission would
add Item III(A)Revised Pad Elevation Tract 9773 and
IV(A)Discussion on Mass Zone Change.
PCM 84-71 Motion by Commissioner McDowell seconded by Commissioner
Caouette and passed by a 5-0 vote to approve the
minutes of July 2, 1984, as submitted.
Commissioner DeBenedet abstained.
A.) Conditional Use Permit 84-8; E-Z Service Convenience Store at 22087 Barton
Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, presented the Staff Report.
Commissioner Cole asked Staff, if the additional dedication was shown
on the Plan. Staff responded that the existing right of way was
shown, but the additional right of way was not.
Commissioner Caouette asked if the additional right of way would eliminate
some of the proposed parking.
Staff responded that two parking spaces would be lost.
Minutes of Regular Meeting
September 10, 1984
A.) Chairman Collins invited the Applicant to address the Commission.
Paul Westberg, Project Architect, responded that the Owner agreed to
all the conditions.
Commissioner Caouette asked if one pump bay could be eliminated to provide
additional parking.
Mr. Westberg reponded that gasoline sales were the major source of revenue.
Mr. Westberg asked the Commission if there was a possibility of eliminating
Condition No. 12 requiring a variance from the parking requirements.
Commissioner McDowell asked Staff if the 6 parking spaces for the gasoline
bays were counted. Staff responded that they were not counted.
Chairman Collins opened and closed the Public Hearing, with no one
speaking for or against the project.
The Planning Commission discussed the project and the parking problem
among themselves.
PCM 84-72 Motion by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by
Commissioner Cole, and passed by a 6-0 vote to
include the parking spaces for the gasoline pumps
as part of the required parking.
PCM 84-72 Motion by Commissioner Caouette, seconded by
Commissioner Cole, and passed by a 6-0 vote to
eliminate Condition No. 12 and add Condition No.
14 stating "Prior to the issuance of a Building
Permit, a revised parking and landscaping plan
shall be approved by the City Engineer".
PCM 84-73 Motion by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by
Commissioner DeBenedet, and passed by a 6-0
vote to approve Conditional Use Permit 84-8,
including the findings as written in the Staff
Report and the conditions recommended by Staff
as amended.
B.) Site and Architectural Review 84-7/Buffer Zone Variance; One-story modular
medical building at 22182 Barton Road.
Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, presented the Staff Report.
The Planning Commission questioned Staff about the variance.
Chairman Collins requested the Applicant to address the Commission.
Ron Davis, Executive Director of Loma Linda University Medical Groups,
gave a brief synopsis of the project
Minutes of Regular Meeting
September 10, 1984
B.) Commissioner Caouette questioned what type of medical facility this would
Mr. Davis responded that it would be a walk-in clinic.
Commissioner McDowell asked what the term modular meant.
Mr. Davis responded that the structure will be built in a factory and
assembled at the jobsite.
A general discussion between the Planning Commission and Mr. Davis's
Engineer, Tariq Shamma, concerning modular construction ensued.
Chairman Collins opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Barney Karger, 11680 Bernardo Way, spoke in favor of the project.
Mr. Bill Darwin, 23712 Palm Avenue, spoke in favor of the project.
Mr. Dale Griffin, Griffin Homes, commented that Ontario Savings and
Loan is a modular structure.
Chairman Collins closed the Public Hearing with no one else speaking
for or against the project.
Commissioner Caouette asked the opinion of the Engineering Department
on modular construction.
Staff responded that the Engineering Department would ensure compliance
of the structure with the Uniform Building Code.
Commissioner Hawkinson made a motion to continue this until detailed
landscaping and architectural plans are received. Commissioner DeBenedet
seconded the motion.
After further discussion, Commissioner Hawkinson withdrew the motion.
The Planning Commission discussed the variance and a perimeter wall.
PCM 84-74 Motion by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by
Commissioner Cole, and passed by a 6-0 vote to
grant the Buffer Zone Variance and require a 6'
perimeter wall along just the north property line
and 20' down each side from the north property line.
PCM 84-75 Motion by Commissioner Hawkinson, seconded by
Commissioner DeBenedet, and failed by a 3-3 vote
that Site and Architectural Review 84-7 be approved
subject to the Planning Commission reviewing the
landscape plan and exterior elevations.
Commissioner McDowell, Caouette, and Cole voted
against the motion.
Minutes of Regular Meeting
September 10, 1984
PCM 84-76 Motion by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by
Commissioner Caouette, and passed by a 5-1 vote
to continue this item until October 1, 1984, to
allow the Applicant to submit revised elevations
and detailed landscaping plans.
A.) Revised Pad Elevations and Road Grades, Tract 9773.
Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, presented the Staff Report.
Planning Commission questioned Staff concerning the revisions.
Chairman Collins requested the Applicant to address the Commission.
Carl Keller, Griffin Homes, and Bill Snell, Ultra Engineering, responded
to the Planning Commissions' questions.
PCM 84-77 Motion by Commissioner Hawkinson, seconded by
Commissioner Caouette, and passed by a 6-0 vote
to approve the revised pad and street grades of
Tract No. 9773 subject to the following
A.) The revised Pad Elevation be approved subject
to approval of the Final Grading Plan by the City
B. Any revisions to the maximum allowable street
grades as required by Condition 40 of the
approved tentative be approved by the County
Fire Warden and the City Engineer.
A.) Mass Zone Change
Minutes of Regular Meeting
September 10, 1984
A.) Mass Zone Change (Cont.)
PCM 84-78 Motion by Chairman Collins, seconded by
Commissioner McDowell and passed by a 5-1
vote, to inform the City Council and the
Mayor that the Planning Commission does not
make arbitrary decisions, does not make
emotional decisions and does not have a great
deal of uncertainty about what they are doing.
Commissioner Caouette voted against the motion.
Chairman Collins adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
JOS PH kkCAK, Planning Director
Chairm , Planning Commission