10/01/1984 4
Grand Terrace Planning Commission
Minutes of Regular Meeting
October 1, 1984
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to order
at the Terrace View Elementary School, 22731 Grand Terrace Road, Grand Terrace,
California 92324 on October 1, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Sanford L. Collins.
PRESENT: Sanford L. Collins, Chairman
Ray Munson, Vice-Chairman
John McDowell, Commissioner
William DeBenedet, Commissioner
Jerry Hawkinson, Commissioner
Winifred Bartel, Commissioner
Norman Caouette, Commissioner
Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff
ABSENT: Vern Andress, Commissioner
Gerald Cole, Commissioner (Excused)
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE: Led by Commissioner Bartel
PCM 84-79 Motion by Commissioner DeBenedet seconded by
Commissioner Hawkinson and passed by a 6-0 vote
to approve the minutes of September 10, 1984,
as submitted.
Vice-Chairman Munson abstained.
A.) Site and Architectural Review 84-7/Buffer Zone Variance, one-story Modular
Medical Building at 22182 Barton Road.
Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, presented the Staff Report.
Commissioner DeBenedet questioned the Staff on the drainage. Staff
responded that the applicant's grading plan would address the drainage.
Chairman Collins invited the applicant to address the Planning Commission.
Ron Davis, Executive Director of Loma Linda University Medical Groups,
volunteered to answer any questions.
Commissioner DeBenedet asked the applicant if he would agree to a tile
roof and planting 3 street trees along Barton Road.
Minutes of Regular Meeting
October 1, 1984
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A.) Mr. Davis responded that they would comply with Commissioner DeBenedet's
Commissioner Caouette questioned the revisions of the building elevations
since last meeting.
Mr. Davis explained that the covered walk-way has been added since the
September meeting.
Commissioner McDowell stated that the Planning Commission should seriously
consider the ramifications of allowing a modular structure on Barton Road.
PCM 84-80 Motion by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by
Commissioner Bartel, and defeated by a 2-5 vote to
not allow the construction of modular structures
along Barton Road.
Chairman Collins, Vice-Chairman Munson, Commissioner
Hawkinson, Commissioner DeBenedet and Commissioner
Caouette voted against the motion.
Chairman Collins opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Don Minesinger, 23177 Palm Avenue, spoke in favor of the project.
Mr. Dave Terbest, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce, spoke in
favor of the project.
Chairman Collins closed the public hearing with no one else speaking in
favor of or in opposition to the project.
PCM 84-81 Motion by Vice-Chairman Munson, seconded by
Commissioner Hawkinson and defeated by a 3-4
vote to approve site and architectural development
Plan 84-7.
Commissioner's Bartel, Caouette, DeBenedet, and
Hawkinson voted against the motion.
PCM 84-82 Motion by Commissioner DeBenedet, seconded by
Commissioner Caouette, and passed by a 4-3 vote to
adopt the Negative Declaration and approve site and
architectural plan 84-7, including the findings
as written in the Staff Report and the conditions
recommended by Staff as amended to include the
following additional conditions:
12.) The roof shall be tile.
13.) There shall be 3 street trees provided along
the Barton Road frontage.
Minutes of Regular Meeting
October 1, 1984
Page 3
PCM 84-82 Cont.
Subject to ratification of the Negative Declaration
by the City Council.
Chairman Collins, Vice-Chairman Munson, and
Commissioner McDowell voted against the motion.
B. ) Sign Ordinance
Chairman Collins gave a brief history of the recent Planning Commission
actions involving Chapter 23 of Ordinance 57.
Chairman Collins opened the public hearing.
Rex Edmundson, 22111 Newport Street - #164, stated he was opposed to
limiting the amount of space on a sign.
Tony Smith, 1111 Hill Street, Devore; stated that she has a business at
22421 Barton Road. Ms. Smith stated that she felt the window sign
portion of Chapter 23 is too restrictive and should be looked at.
Betty Bangal, Owner of Kitty Carousel Pre-School, stated that she had
received a notice that her sign was non-conforming. She felt her sign
should be allowed to remain.
Tony Petta, 22759 Barton Road, recommended that the Planning Commission
carefully review Chapter 23 and allow for business signs.
Gene Carlson, 22456 Barton Road, did not feel the City should require the
removal of all non-conforming signs.
Rex Edmundson, 22111 Newport Avenue, stated that he had just realized
his sign was not on a list of non-conforming signs and would like to
withdraw his opposition.
Barney Karger, 11668 Bernardo Way, suggested that the City use a policy
instead of an Ordinance to control signs.
Mr. Dave Terbest, 22365 Barton Road, suggested holding more public hearings
on revisions to Chapter 23.
Chairman Collins closed the public hearing with no one else speaking for
or against Chapter 23.
The Planning Commission discussed Chapter 23 among themselves.
Chairman Collins re-opened the public hearing.
Ms. Toni Smith, reiterated that she disagreed with the restrictions on
window signs.
Minutes of Regular Meeting
October 1, " 1984
Page 4
B.) Mr. Bob Yeates, 12888 Fremontia, stated that each business should individually
approach the City and follow the variance procedure, if necessary.
Chairman Collins closed the public hearing.
PCM 84-83 Motion by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by
Commission DeBenedet, and passed by a 7-0 vote to
reaffirm Planning Commission Motion 84-46 of
June 2, 1984, to accept and forward to the City
Council the "Grand Terrace Chamber of Commerce
and Planning Commission Report - Suggested
Revision of Sign Ordinance".
A. ) Site and Architectural Review 84-10/Sideyard Setback Variance,
Tract No. 9773
Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Planning Staff, presented the Staff Report.
Chairman Collins requested the applicant to address the commission.
Carl Keller, Project Manager for Griffin Homes, explained that they felt
a lesser setback on the garage side creates a more aesthetically
pleasing home.
Commissioner Caouette commented that previous landscaping and setback
treatments that Griffin Homes had done were high quality.
Chairman Collins opened the Public Hearing.
Mrs. Lori Sawyer, 22947 Orangewood Court, commented that she is having
a difficult time with pool construction at her home, due to a sideyard
setback of 7' . Mrs. Sawyer also recommended that a landscape maintenance
district be created along Observation Drive.
Chairman Collins closed the public hearing with no one else speaking in
favor of or in opposition to the project.
The Planning Commission discussed the variance and site approval among
PCM 84-84 Motion by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by
Commissioner Hawkinson, and approved by a 4-3 vote
to approve a variance for SA 84-10 that will modify
the requirements of Section 5.080 of Ordinance
57 to allow a minimum 5' sideyard setback on the
driveway side.
Minutes of Regular Meeting
October 1, 1984
Page 5
PCM 84-84 Cont.
Chairman Collins, Commissioner DeBenedet, and
Commissioner Caouette voted against the motion.
PCM 84-85 Motion by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by
Commissioner Munson, and passed by a 4-3 vote
to approve site and architectural plan 84-10,
including the findings as written in the Staff
Report and the conditions recommended by Staff.
Chairman Collins, Commissioner DeBenedet, and
Commissioner Caouette voted against the motion.
Chairman Collins adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
J EPH ICAK, Planning Director
Chairman, ann n Commission