FEBRUARY 21, 1989
The regular meeting of the Grand Terrace Planning Commission was called to
order at the Grand Terrace Civic Center, 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace,
California, on February 21, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Stanley Hargrave.
PRESENT: Stanley, Hargrave, Chairman
Jerry Hawkinson, Vice-Chairman
Dan Buchanan, Commissioner
Herman Hilkey, Commissioner
Ray Munson, Commissioner (late)
Fran Van Gelder, Commissioner
ABSENT: Jim Sims, Commissioner
John Harper, City Attorney
* Information presented by staff to Commissioners.
* Information and discussion on zoning revision procedures.
* Staff requested that the Parking Revision be continued to
the March 6, 1989 Planning Commission Meeting. Also, the
Zoning Definition Section be continued indefinitely until
brought back by staff.
* Staff requested that SA-88-17 (California Spirits) be
moved up on the agenda and taken care of first.
* Commendation to Associate Planner/Jeri Ram in
appreciation for her two years as Planning Aide and
Associate. Planner with the City of Grand Terrace.
* Staff informed the Planning Commission that the City
Council has called a joint workshop between the Chamber
of Commerce, Planning Department and themselves to discuss
the Planning Department's role in the City.
Chairman Hargrave opened the Planning Commission Meeting
Public Participation - There were no comments from the public.
The Community Development Director presented the staff report
with the recommendations and conditions by staff, the City
Engineer, and the reviewing agencies.
The Community Development Director stated that he has spoken
with a representative of the applicant regarding the
recommendations this afternoon.
Discussion on recommendation #2, "...having the applicant work
with the consultant...". The Community Development Director
stated that in the design of the building it is suggested that
the applicant work with the consultant, after the completion of
the Barton Road Specific Plan, and staff so that the design will
be more in line with what the consultant would be considering
for Barton Road. The public will be able to have input
regarding architectural designs and other features on the
Specific Plan.
Discussion on the location of this property in regards to the
large groups of properties listed by Kathy Harmon, realtor.
1. Terry Haden
Haden Architects
506 N. Eureka
Redlands, CA_
Mr. Haden stated that they are in significant agreement with the
Community Development Director regarding the design. Based on
the last meeting, the issue of most concern to them is the
continuance issue. Obviously the Planning Commission is
concerned with future plans for Barton Road. They have no
problem . with the architectural and landscaping enhancement.
Their main concern are the time delays and wish to start with
the project. They have no desire to see this continued for a
year while staff and consultant find that they probably want to
say the same things that have been said in the General Plan.
Commissioner Munson asked the applicant if their suggestions
would be similar to the consultant's.
Mr. Haden responded that he did not see how the consultant could
dictate architectural style. However, in the case of their
project he would see it as a backdrop building. It would not
set the trend for anything being developed on Barton Road. They
are in complete agreement with the Community Development
Director's recommendation to pull the building 10 feet back
from the side property line to allow that to become heavily
landscaped so that the building would disappear if and when any
large development occurred there.
Discussion on any future tenants for this project.
Discussion on the purpose of the Barton Road Specific Plan.
Commissioner Van Gelder stated that she felt this project
should wait until the Barton Road Specific Plan is completed.
Chairman Hargrave made the motion to continue SA-88-17,
according to the preparation of the Barton Road Specific Plan
or for one year whichever is sooner and also for condition #2.
Commissioner Van Gelder second.
Commissioner Munson expressed his concern that past overlay
plans and Specific Plans have prevented development in various
areas of the City.
Commissioner Buchanan stated that he had empathy for the
applicant in this type of situation. He asked if it was
possible to have the consultant direct his attention at the
beginning of his process to situations like this.
The Community Development Director explained that could be
worked into the schedule for the Specific Plan. However, he
felt that would be detrimental to the overall Specific Plan.
He agrees with the applicant when he stated this building would
not be a landmark building. It will dictate how the property
around it will develop.
Commissioner Buchanan asked if a Conditional Use Permit would
be required for a liquor store.
The Community Development Director responded that a conditional
use permit was not required in the C-2 Zone, even with the close
proximity to the school. Presently the zoning is being revised
and if that is desired it could be rewritten in the C-2 Zone.
Discussion on the alternatives to the applicant. Either denial
of the project in which they could appeal to the City Council
or a continuance to come back to the Planning Commission. If
a continuance is not acceptable then it is recommended that the
Planning Commission deny this project based on the General
Discussion on the Specific Plan and the addressing of
Architectural Design Standards.
Commissioner Hilkey expressed his concern with the possibility
of a liquor store going in across the street from the school.
He has received input from the public wishing to express their
Discussion on C-2 Zoning use allowances.
Chairman Hargrave reiterated the alternatives available to the
Motion carried. Commissioner Munson voting noe and
Commissioner Sims absent. 5-1-1-0.
The Community Development Director suggested that Chairman
Hargrave asked for input from the applicant regarding the
Chairman Hargrave asked the applicant for his response.
Mr. Terry Haden
Haden Architectures
Mr. Haden stated that they had no desire for a continuance. It
denies the applicant the use of the property for approximately
one (1) year.
The Community Development Director suggested that if the
Planning Commission wishes to deny rather than continue to have
a motion to rescind the previous motion and make a new motion.
Chairman Hargrave made the motion to rescind motion, PCM-89-
19. Commissioner Van Gelder second.
Motion carried. Commissioner Hawkinson voting noe and
Commissioner Sims absent. 5-1-1-0.
The Community Development Director stated that a motion is need
to approve or deny.
Chairman Hargrave made the motion to approve the Planning
Department's denial of SA-88-17. Commissioner Hilkey second.
Discussion on the time schedule of the Barton Road Specific
Commissioner Munson asked if this is denied this evening,
appealed and denied before the City Council can they return to
the Planning Commission at a future date.
The Community Development Director explained that it would have
to be changed substantially. There is a one year resubmittal
period. The denial is based on -the General Plan and directed
Specific Plan. The continuance was offered to the applicant and
they have requested sometype of decision.
Motion carried, all ayes. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent.
Discussion on the minutes of November 7, 1988.
Community Development Director requested that the Planning
Commission continue the amendment of Chapter 18.60 relating to
off-street parking until March 6, 1989. Also, to continue the
amendment of Chapter 18.06 relating to definitions until
brought back by staff.
Chairman Hargrave made the motion to continue the amendment of
Chapter 18.60 relating to off-street parking until March 6,
1989. Also to continue the amendment of Chapter 18.06 relating
to definitions until brought back by staff. Commissioner
Buchanan second.
Motion carried, all ayes. 6-0-1-0. Commissioner Sims absent.
Community Development Director presented the staff report with
the conditions and recommendations of approval. He explained
that the remaining zoning revisions for the commercial,
manufacturing, site and architectural review and miscellaneous
chapters of Title 18 to bring Title 18 into conformance will be
presented later during the year.
Presentation of mark up boards indicating areas that are
proposed to be changed. Section #1, R-1 to C-2, per General
Plan revision. Section #2, C/2-CPD to MR, per General Plan
revision. Section #3, MR to C2, per General Plan revision.
Section #4, AP to C2, per General Plan revision. Section #5,
AP to R3, per General Plan revision. Section #6, AP to C2, per
General Plan revision. Section #7, A-1 to R1-7.2, proposed by
staff. Section #8, R1 to R1-20, proposed by staff. Section #9,
R1/part PUD to R1-40, proposed by staff. Section #10, Al to R1-
40, proposed by staff. Section #11, Al to R1-20, proposed by
staff. Section #12, R1 to R1-20, proposed by staff. Section
#13, R1 to R1-20, proposed by staff.
Commissioner Buchanan asked for an explanation of Section #1,
with the PUD Overlay.
Community Development Director explained that the PUD did not
cover all of Section #1.
Chairman Hargrave referred to Section #7, Marmack Farms,
proposed by staff to be R1-7.2. He asked if it could qualify
for a lot split.
Community Development Director explained that it was a large
lot and without looking at any variances they could possibly get
two or three lots, but probably two at the most.
Commissioner Hilkey asked for the definition of an accessory
Community Development Director stated that staff would
recommend a modification of some of the definitions. He
referred to section 18.06.020 of the current code definition.
Commissioner Hilkey asked what the limit would be on a detached
Community Development Director explained that in the R1-7.2
zone it would be limited to 8 feet. Normally, in the R1-7.2
zone one does not have a detached garage built in the backyard.
Commissioner Hilkey stated that he was referring to specific
cases where he has seen structures in the city over 8 ft. tall.
Community Development Director explained that the intent of
that was the setback. He stated that would be restricted to 8
ft. tall in the R1-7.2 zone. He clarified that staff has had
complaints regarding people building playhouses or sheds that
are against the setback. Often there are properties with slopes
that are higher than others in the backyard and it is very easy
to have an accessory structure such as a playhouse where the
playhouse is above the fence. The windows look directly down
into the property next door to it.
Discussion on the present definition of an accessory structure,
not allowed in setbacks with height limits of 8'. Discussion
on restrictive areas in certain zones.
Commissioner Hilkey requested that there needs to be some
attention drawn to the definition of accessory structure.
Discussion on area #7, disallowing horses, those presently
there will be grandfathered in. The property can be sold as a
non-conforming use.
The Community Development Director explained that an individual
could buy that property and could operate it as a horse ranch
with a non-conforming use for the life of the facilities.
Discussion on the requirement of 1 unit per half acre if it was
the average for a development or is it a minimum per unit (R-
1/20 and R-1/40).
The Community Development Director explained it was a minimum.
Discussion on R-1/20 (minimum lot size 20,000 sq. feet).
Discussion on California Government Code, 4.2. Commissioner
Hilkey requested that it be addressed in a separate motion
because it deals with the 25% density issue.
Discussion on the "granny flat" or second family dwelling issue
which will be brought up at a later time.
The Community Development Director explained that areas #1
through #6 reflected the changes as brought about by the
approved General Plan. Items #7 through #13 are recommended
by staff. The Planning Commission will make recommendations
to the City Council since they will be the voting body.
Discussion on Table 18.12.030, Permitted Uses.
Discussion dealing with the chapter on second family units. It
will be brought back to the Planning Commission as part of the
revision of the overall title for their comments. However, they
are basically written already to meet the requirements of State
Discussion on Table 18.12.040 Footnotes. The Community
Development Director explained the larger the property the
larger the project, the more that property can handle the higher
density. Those ratios were worked on and approved in 1987.
The Community Development Director pointed out that the guest
house is a continous item for the R-1/40 and the R-1/20 zones.
The Community Development Director referred to Table 18.12.030
Section D (Temporary Uses). He pointed out that staff has
recommended a change since 1987. He was suggesting approval by
the Planning Director or removing a Conditional Use Permit
Definition of a Temporary Use. The Community Development
Director gave an example if property is vacant and a use wants
to come in and sell Christmas Trees.
Referring to Table 18.12.040 Site Development Standards.
"Distance Between Buildings (Minimum linear feet)" for R-1/40,
R-1/20 and R-1/7.2 should be changed to 5 ft. to meet the UBC
Discussion by the Planning Commissioners regarding the minimum
square footage of living area at 1350 square feet. The figures
represented ordinances adopted by the City Council in 1987 and
were incorporated in the residential zoning for the westside.
The Community Development Director welcomed any proposed
changes from the Planning Commissioners and indicated that
staff had not recommended any changes.
Discussion on Section 4.2 of the California State Code and the
lack of authority by the City to change the Code.
The Community Development Director clarified that section #2,
Wildan Pump, going from commercial to manufacturing. The
General Plan indicates that it should go to industrial and there
is the choice that it can either be heavier or lighter
industrial (M-R or M-2). Staff is recommending that it be the
lighter industrial, M-R. The blank spaces are being
recommended to go commercial which they are presently. The CPD
overlay zone has been removed and staffs recommendation is
that the C-2 remain. The direction from Council on the General
Plan was to come up with a new commercial zoning designation
that would be a mix of commercial and the light industrial uses.
The recommendation from staff would be to have a new zone not
with an overlay zone. Commercial zoning revisions will be
addressed at a later date.
1. Jerry Irby
22738 Pico Street
Grand Terrace, CA.
Mr. Irby questioned the non-conforming use issue. If a property
owner wanted to repair a structure of a non-conforming use the
property owner would not be able to obtain a permit. This would
possibly cause the property owners to discontinue using the
The Community Development Director referred to the non-
conforming building section of the code, "...ordinary
maintenance and repairs may be made on a non-conforming
building provided that no structure alterations or additions
are, provided further that such maintenance and repairs do not
exceed 15% of the fair market value of the building in any one
year period. Any repairs necessary to bring a non-conforming
building into compliance with the City Code regardless of
whether such repairs exceed 15% of the fair market value of the
building in any one year period, provided that the total floor
area of the building shall not be increased. Any structural
alterations or additions provided -that the total floor area of
the building shall not be increased by more than 20% or 120
square feet, whichever is greater." The City Attorney has also
indicated if any non-conforming structure was to burn by
natural phenomenon then they would be allowed to rebuild.
Mr. Irby expressed concerns that if he wanted to change any
structures that might benefit his farm, then it would involve
a great deal of problems. He referred to A-1 property and
restrictions placed on it for owners to have horses and desired
Discussion on the planning and building permitting procedures
on maintenance, repairs and additional buildings on non-
conforming use areas.
The Community Development Director presented examples of strict
non-conforming use city codes. He pointed out that the City of
Grand Terrace has a lenient non-conforming use policy.
Discussion on areas #1, Residential to Commercial Use, per the
request of the property owner. Areas #10 and #11, A-1 (with
existing horse facilities) to the R-1/40 (which does not allow
horse facilities). The agricultural overlay could be placed on
the latter two areas. The Community Development Director did
not recommend the agricultural overlay for area #7, due to the
area location.
Mr. Irby stated that he is in area #1. He has goats and horses
and would like to continue with those uses. He stressed that
the size of the parcel should be a factor.
The Community Development Director explained that if they are
legally non-conforming use then he can continue with those use.
He explained that the determination for a legally non-
conforming use would be whether or not the owner obtained the
use and had that use going when it was legal to have the use on
that property. If the property changed then it would be a non-
conforming use that was legal and could continue under the Code.
Chairman Hargrave suggested to Mr. Irby that he make an
appointment with the Community Development Director to discuss
whether or not he has a legal non-conforming use.
2. Barney Karger
11668 Bernardo Way
Grand Terrace, CA.
Mr. Karger stressed his opposition to the zoning area changes
on areas #1, #7, #8 and #10. He stated that the citizens of
Grand Terrace wished to maintain the rural and agricultural
atmosphere. He stated that he constantly has problems when he
is trying to work on his projects in the City. He constantly
has to go around and polish someones shoes. He will not pay off
to anyone no matter who they are. He disagreed with the
necessity to have a definition for Permitted Uses since it is
covered under the State mandate code. He asked that private
recreational facilities be defined. Mr. Karger expressed his
concern with the various uses under Table 18.12.040 Design
The Community Development Director referred to the early
explanation on non-conforming uses and agricultural uses. He
clarified that what is being addressed this evening is the
underlying zoning. He stated that the overlay zoning could be
applied to any area. The reason staff had not indicated
agricultural overlay on any of the properties in the hills was
the desire to have more public input. In regards to the
comments about area #8, that area has been residential for 5
years and the agricultural use has not been used. Staff will
work on proposing a definition for "private recreational
facilities." Lastly, he requested that Mr. Karger either back
up his comments or refrain from making comments implying
payoffs to City employees. If the tables are confusing staff
can revise for clarification.
3. Chauncey Eller
23100 Vista Grande Way
Grand Terrace, CA. 92324
Mr. Eller mentioned that they have been residents of Grand
Terrace since 1957. Most of - their property has fruit and nut
trees. With the 20,000 square foot minimum it is virtually
impossible to split their lot because of the 355 foot width
Southern California Edison easement on the northside of their
property. He stated they can do it with a 10,000 square foot
minimum. They are restricted on any type of development by the
SCE easement.
The Community Development Director explained that he had met
with Mr. Eller earlier. He stated that Mr. Eller could split
the property without any problems under the R-1/7.2 zoning. He
does not meet the requirements for the R-1/20 zone. The
Community Development Director explained that he could look at
a variance. In order to get a variance proof has to be shown
that there is something physically wrong with the property;
size, shape or topography. With the easement he could probably
show that a variance would be justified. It cannot be
guaranteed and it first has to be presented before the Planning
Commission and the map presented before the City Council.
4. Clifford Hood
Coast Construction Company
480 W. Capicorn
Brea, CA.
Mr. Hood objected to the rezoning of their property from R-1/72
to one acre. He did not feel the one week notification was
sufficient time to respond to this proposal. He stated that
they would be delighted to meet with staff and talk about the
development of their property. He responded to the requests and
gave written comments on the hillside overlay. He corrected the
previous minutes, that they have owned the property for 11 years
not 7 years. The one acre requirements do not work for them
dimensionally nor in yield. They would have to develop some
land at R-1/7200 but in return they could give the City 30-40%
of the hillside. They built custom homes in the Honey Hills
area and hope to build the same quality in area #9. He asked for
clarification from the Community Development Director that they
would have the opportunity to bring in a Specific Plan with
their suggestions to develop the property.
The Community Development Director referred to their meeting
last week in which they went over plans for their property. He
restated the fact that staff is proposing a change in the
zoning. The Coast Development plan shows 15 units over the
allowable limit with the zone change. He restated to Mr. Hood
that the Specific Plan would be a requirement and the Specific
Plan does take the place of the zoning. Staff would be looking
at the underlying zoning and any overlays as guidelines in - that
Specific Plan. The Specific Plan would be required.
Mr. Hood suggested that if a Specific Plan is required then most
of the dimensional requirements of the Zoning Code should be
thrown own. The Specific Plan should be looked at in its
infinite detail by both the staff and the Planning Commission.
The Community Development Director stated that would be a
Mr. Hood stated that if that is the case then the minimum lot
dimensions in effect, 5% maximum grades in the setback areas,
are flatland standards. Proposals on hillside lots are overly
restrictive particularly when the developer is trying to
develop the useable part of the property. He suggested that
they would like the flexibility to come in with a yield that
matches what they brought into the City before it was
incorporated. They feel the property will yield between R-1/20
and R-1/40. They are asking that it be no less than R-1/20 as
far as density is required but they do need the flexibility of
R-1/7.2 to cover the lot sizes with their development plans.
Discussion on the PUDs and the replacement concept of hillside
The Community Development Director explained that there are two
things which effect this piece of property. One, is the fact
that the PUD is being removed which did not cover the entire
property and did not cover the area which is being proposed for
development. The hillside overlay it is anticipated will
incorporate those elements of the PUD. Secondly, the Specific
Plan requirement is a requirement for any propety which has a
proposal of more than 20 units or more. The Specific Plan
replaces the zoning. As long as the Specific Plan is in
conformance with the General Plan it can replace the Zoning.
Staff would be looking at the zoning to give guidance as to what
the City wishes to see in that area but it allows the
flexibility to mold that project to get away from the strict
rigid requirements of lot width and lot depth, street
frontages, lot sizes as well as the density.
Discussion on the underlying zoning which would not serve as a
maximum limit, but looking at the General Plan for the maximum
5. Mr. Bill Addington
12055 Westwood Lane
Grand Terrace, CA.
Mr. Addington complimented staff on the preparation for the
proposal. He stated that it is consistent with other hillside
ordinances from other cities. He is concerned with Coast
Development's proposal for development. He felt that the R-
1/40 and standards are very appropriate. In the R-1/40 he
suggested that the minimum single family residence should be
approximately 2500 square feet, -2,000 square feet on R-1/20
which would be consistent with the neighborhood. He referred
to area #8 which was all developed and averaged 3/4 of an acre.
He felt that was the way it should be developed.
6. Richard Sigmund
Sigland and Associates
364 Orange Show Lane
San Bernardino, CA.
Mr. Sigmund stated that they have submitted a tract 13834 on
Michigan, off of Mavis. He stated that at one time the
Community Development Director had indicated that this area was
going to be R-1/2000 and now it is slated for R-1/7.2. He asked
for clarification of this.
The Community Development Director explained that staffs
proposal is for R-1/7.2.
Mr. Sigmund referred to his participation with the Honey Hills
development. He suggested that R-1/40 lot width of 150 be
changed to 120, and on the R-1/20 lot width be changed to an 80
foot minimum. Otherwise, designing would have to be centered
on a square lot which could be difficult. He agreed with Mr.
Addington that the larger homes on the 20 and 40,000 lots are
logical. He questioned the density bonus and how low or
moderate income homes of 1350 square feet would be achieved.
He referred to R-3 at 12 units per acre and the density there
would be 3600 square feet per parcel. In R-2 the density would
be 8700 square feet per parcel. In R-1/7.2 the area per unit
would be smaller than in R-2, he questioned the computation.
He questioned the standard of slopes exceeding 5%. He stated
that under the FHA standards, grading plan, they are allowed to
have a 21% slope away from the home. In regards to this
proposal the 21% could not be used.
The Community Development Director explained that was an
attempt to clarify what exists in the present Code. The
setbacks begin at either the toe or base of the slope. The
intent is that the required yard be flat and not to be in slope.
Mr. Siegmund asked if a retaining wall could be placed on the
cut slope side. He suggested that the terminology read that the
5% be qualified as the slope from the lot line towards the
The Community Development Director replied to the affirmative.
He welcomed any suggestions in rewording that portion of the
7. John R. Taylor
22843 Vista Grande Way
Grand Terrace, CA.
Mr. Taylor complemented staff and the public on their efforts.
Mr. Taylor asked for clarification if the density bonus would
be addressed this evening.
The Community Development Director stated that the only item
which will be addressed at a later date will be the hillside
overlay and the definitions. This evening all discussion will
refer to the residential districts and the off street parking.
Mr. Taylor referred to the R-3 Zone and the density of 12 units
per acre. He asked if the State of California had approved
The Community Development Director explained in 1987 the
Housing and Residential requirements were revised for the
westside of the City. At that time the Planning Commission and
the City Council considered the living area requirements,
densities, ratios for the R-2 and R-3 properties for
development and site sizes. Then the remaining portion of the
General Plan was revised in accordance to those requirements
for density. Now the residential codes are being brought into
conformance for the General Plan for the rest of the City. They
do not have to go to the State regarding the changes that were
made with the exception of the Housing Element. The Housing
Element has to be reviewed by the State. At that time staff
contacted the Housing and Community Development Department of
the State last year with those densities and informed them of
the changes and those would be included in the Housing Element
during the review of the Housing Element this year/1989. They
stated fine it would be acceptable. Staff is preparing the
Housing Element for their review by June 1989.
Commissioner Buchanan referred to Section 18.12.020, definition
of the residential districts, "...R-3, minimum lot of 10,000
square feet, maximum density of 15+ dwelling units per gross
acre," and the Site Development Standard Table for density has
1-12. He asked for clarification of the difference.
The Community Development Director explained that the 1-12 is
the standard zoning. The 15+ includes the 20% bonus density
which is allowable if the developer does off site improvements.
They have to apply for a Conditional Use Permit or a Specific
Plan to obtain that.
8. Marian Anderson
22872 Main Street
Grand Terrace, CA.
Mrs. Anderson explained that she has the 52 acre parcel in area
#10 and area #11. There are areas on her property which better
lend themselves to smaller lots and some to larger lots. The
way this proposal is laid out and the upcoming hillside overlay,
out of 52 acres she has about 1/5 of the property which will be
utilized. She hoped to see a profit on any future development
of her property but with this proposal it would be questionable.
Hopefully the Specific Plan would address the issue at a later
date but would they have a guarantee of that, over 20 units per
The Community Development Director explained that main portion
of Mrs. Anderson's property is currently zoned A-1, which is
40,000 square foot minimum lot size. That would not change
anything for her on the upper portion of the slopes. The lower
portion, area #11, is also A-1 which is R-1/40 and is proposing
to change that to R-1/20. In the underlying zoning, without
looking at the Specific Plan or hillside overlay, she would be
getting an increased density which would be allowable on the
flatter portion of her property. The upper portion would remain
the same as far as density. The zoning is saying that it is no
longer agricultural not restricting any building. The density
for homes is not changing for what it is now.
The Community Development Director clarified that the issue of
density transfer still remains for her property and all of the
properties along there. The hillside overlay will be the
mechanism used to deal specifically with the density transfer.
Discussion on the R-2 zone, minimum parcel size of 10,000 square
feet, allowing only one dwelling unit. Discussion on the R-2
zone which allows for multiple residence.
The Community Development Director explained that the ratios
were a result of the Planning Commission's and the City
Council's actions in 1987. Staff was not recommending any
changes since the ratios were so recent.
Discussion on the public concerns regarding slopage,
restrictive building on 7200 square foot lots, expense of
retaining walls for sloped lots.
9. Nat Hardy, President
Coast Construction
Mr. Hardy presented an overall summary of the public input. He
stated that Mr. Addington has expressed support of the overlay
procedure. Mr. Karger, representatives from Mrs. Anderson's
property and himself are against the overlay. He has not heard
any new public input either for or against. He has heard very
little discussion from the public on areas #1 through #6. Area
#7 is unique with its own problems. Area #8 is virtually built
out. He has heard very little discussion from the public on
areas #9, #10, #11, #12 and #13. Those areas have the most
available developable properties. They have never said that
their parcel is unbuildable. Their tentative map was approved
by the County before Grand Terrace became a City. At that time
105 lots were approved and the majority of the property was
developed. He suggested that the similar density could be
achieved with smaller lots using the PUD. He was encouraged
that they can meet with the Community Development Director to
discuss a Specific Plan.
Commissioner made the recommendation that the Planning
Commission should approve areas #1 through #6 this evening.
Chairman Hargrave recommended that any action on areas #7
through #13 be continued to the next meeting.
Discussion on whether or not there was any benefit in dealing
with areas #1 through #6 this evening or continuing all action
to the next meeting. The concensus of the Planning Commission
was to handle all of the zoning areas at the next meeting.
Chairman Hargrave made the motion to continue Z-89-1 to the next
Planning Commission Meeting, March 6, 1989. Commissioner Van
Gelder second.
Motion carried, all ayes. Commissioner Sims absent. 6-0-1-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Commvelopment Director
Approved by,
Stanley H rgrave, v
Planning Commission
P.C. Meeting 2/21/89