10-04-2021 Historical and Cultural Activities Committee
Minutes for month of—October 4, 2021
Location—2nd Floor conference Room
Members present—Renae Walker, Frank'e Byma, Michelle Greer, Becky Giroux, Louise Lundstrum and Debra Clark-City
Members Absent—Mary Beth Correra
Called to order—6:01 pm
Secretary's Report: Renae motioned to approve the minutes from July meeting, Michelle 2"d and motion passed 4 yes 0
no 0 abstain.
Treasurers Report: Frank'e recapped the treasurers report from the July 19, 2021 meeting where she counted the funds
in the cash box.
Historical Report: Debra is unsure who is responsible for this, but to her memory it was often Ann Petta.
Old Business: n/a
New Business:
Honoring the former members—all the ladies have declined their public recognitions due to Covid. Discussed cards to
Staters from The Women's Club (it is their fundraiser) Renae motioned to purchase 5-$25 dollars each to total$150,
Louise to purchase. Motion passes 4 yes 0 no 0 abstain.
Frank'e to give the cash to Louise to purchase and will get the receipt from her.
Country Fair—Discussed possibilities for Country Fair as 6 weeks is not enough time to plan Debra does not have a list of
Vendors used, Becky is going to ask Ann Petta for that and for Arts Walk. Becky might have the list from 40th
City anniversary—We need to decide on the Community Box in the lobby, Frank'e suggested GTHS as they are
celebrating their 10 year anniversary as well. Renae offered to reach out to the school. Frank'e is going to donate her
time and talent and make the invitations for us with colors to match the GTHS school colors. Debra is going to send us
the email with all the invitees that are supposed to be there.
Anniversary dinner will be Dec 15th with 65-70 people, we will take care of the food (we are going to ask Woody's to
possibly cater), Mayor to speak and the GTHS to speak and give short presentation of their accomplishments. Debra is
going to look for past scripts for us.
Meeting adjourned—6:50 pm