11-01-2021 Historical and Cultural Activities Committee
Minutes for month of—November 1, 2021
Location—2nd Floor conference Room
Members present—Renae Walker, Frank'e Byma, Michelle Greer, Becky Giroux, Louise Lundstrum and Debra Thomas-
City Clerk
Members Absent—Mary Beth Correra
Guests—Christina Valdivia-Phelps
Called to order—6:01 pm
Secretary's Report: Renae left minutes at home
Treasurers Report: Frank'e read the treasurers report Renae motioned to accept, Michelle 2nd 4 yes 0 no 0 abstain
Historical Report:
Old Business: Louise is trying to get a hold of the Women's Club for the gift cards. Suggested to buy direct from Stater
Brothers.Thank you notes will be made by Frank'e.
New Business:
City anniversary—reviewed the list to include the former members.
Renae let them know that GTHS was honored and will be there.They will be sending me their video one week prior so
we can review.
Menu for 50$300 from Woody's
Lasagna,Veg Ziti, Parmesan Chicken,Salad and Bread
We will supply the plates and drinkware.
Going to match as best as we can the GTHS colors for decor.
City will supply cake.
Louise motions to approve the food cost, Michelle 2nd 4 yes 0 no 0 abstain
Meeting adjourned—6:50 pm