01/04/2007 - Public Scoping Session Blue Mountain Senior Villa's i
Community and Economic Development Department
January 4, 2007
PRESENT: Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc
Gary Koontz, Community Development Director
Jerina Cordova,Planning Secretary
Anne Wade Hornsby 22656 Brentwood Avenue, Grand Terrace, California 92313
Raymond Johnson 26785 Camino Seco, Temecula, California
Bill Timmons Senior Friendly Community of America
Patricia Farley 12513 Michigan Street, Grand Terrace, California 92313
Robert Stewart 11677 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Grand Terrace, California 92313
John Pate
J Barney Karger 11668 Bemado Way, Grand Terrace, California 92313
Evan Dahlke 22586 Brentwood Street, Grand Terrace, California 92313
Charles Hornsby 22656 Brentwood Avenue, Grand Terrace, California 92313
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: This is a Public Scoping meeting for the
Blue Mountain Senior Villa's Environmental Impact Report (EIR). My name is Carl Winter.
I am an environmental planner from LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. LSA has been contracted
by the City of Grand Terrace to prepare the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). for the
Blue Mountain Villa's project.
I would like to remind you that this is a Public Scoping Meeting, which is an informal
opportunity for the public to provide input, as far as the scope of the Environmental Impact
Report (EIR). I would like to remind you to sign in so you can receive notices and also that
there are speaker forms and comment forms for you to fill out and provide comments if you
chose to do so.
22795 Barton Road • Grand Terrace, California 92313-5295 • 909/ 824-6621
This is a Scoping Meeting it is not a venue to debate the project or to challenge the
development application. It is solely to solicit comments as to the extent of the
Environmental Impact Report (EIR). We are not voting on this project tonight, we are not
debating the merit of the project. This is just to collect information from the public as to
what needs to be included in the Environmental Impact Report(EIR)
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: Previously, the City of Grand Terrace
drafted and environmental document for the Blue Mountain Senior Villa's Project. The city
certified the document and approved the project. The document was report and the Court
ruled that Environmental Impact Report (EIR) needed to be prepared, and the Court
vacated the City's pass approval. Right now we are in the process of preparing the
Environmental Impact Report(EIR).
The focus project is a Senior Residential Project. It has 120 units, 103 of which are one
bedroom suites and 17 two-bedroom units. The project includes 7,000 sq. ft. senior center,
and approximately a 2.6 acre Park.
The General Plan destination for this project site is Low Density Residential and the zoning
is R1-7.2 Single Family Residential. To accommodate this project the City will have to
amend it in a plan and build it. The General Plan will propose for High Deniity residential
and the zoning R3 Multi Family.
To start the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) review process, LSA contracted with the
City of Grand Terrace to prepare the Initial Study. The Initial Study was distributed to the
State Clearing House, the adjacent jurisdiction and responsible Reviewing Agency's i.e.,
Police, Fire, Water Services, School Districts etc. Based on review study it was determined
that certain issues were not included in an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Some
examples would be issues of Geology,Transportation, Biological Resources and Recreation.
The initial study further determined that there were certain issues that did require further
assessment to the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). These issues were Aesthetics, Land
Use and Planning, Population and Housing and Noise. The next step in the process was
preparation of a Notice of Preparation, which announces that the City was preparing and
Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The Notice of Preparation (NOP) was distributed to
the State and local agencies for a 30 day public appease hearing that commenced on
December 15 and will end on January 15. Right now we are still in the review period for the
Notice of Preparation (NOP).
Comments received on the Notice of Preparation (NOP) will be considered and will be
appropriated into the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Once again this is a Scoping
meeting and the purpose is not to debate the merits of the project but to solicit input from
the public and other interested parties as to what the scope of the Environmental Impact
Report (EIR) should be. We are not going to vote on the project or challenge the
application. All the comments received during this scoping meeting will be reviewed by the
City and where appropriate, will be incorporated into the Environmental Impact Report
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(EIR). After the close of the public review period for the Initial Study of the Notice of
Preparation (NOP) the draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared.
If you have any issues that you think should be addressed to the City. The draft of the
Environmental Impact Report (EIR)will be available to the public for a 45 day public review
hearing. It hasn't been completed yet, so we will not know when that review period will
start. If you would like to see that document you will need to provide us with your name
and address on the sign in sheet and we will be able to mail you a copy when it is completed.
There is a lot of opportunity to provide comment on the Environmental Impact Report
After the draft of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) goes through its 45 day Public
Review Hearing a final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared. The final
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will include any revisions that are necessary, all
comments and also the city's responses to all the comments. It is the final Environmental
Impact Report(EIR) that will be reviewed and certified by the Planning Commission.
Now I would like to invite comments or anybody who like to speak.
Unknown Women: Is it true that the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) study was not
done at that time?
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: An initial study was prepared but not an
Environmental Impact Report (EIR). A year ago they approved an Initial Study/Mitigated
Negative Declaration which stated that in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) would
not be required. It was that decision that was challenged in Court and the Judge ruled that
there were adequate reasons to include a preparation of an Environmental Impact Report
(EIR). That is why we are here right now; the Judge vacated that pass approval and decided
to include the Environmental Impact Report(EIR).
Patricia Farley
12513 Michigan Street
Grand Terrace, California
One of the things that have to be considered in an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is
the cumulative issues. Since we have this project in this city not following the General Plan,
where zoning has been changed, traffic circulation is being affected, you can't ignore the
other projects going on.
In my opinion, this property was illegally disturbed and the Senior Center, illegally moved,
before filing the needed report. It obviously needed the report and the city didn't do it. I
think one of the problems I have,is Mr. Schwab told the city that he was only increasing the
number of people per acre in this one spot. I have seen three spots and this is not a single
thing, all over the city they keep putting in heavier density. This is right next to a school and
a smaller road, where there will be a lot of safety issues for the children, transportation
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issues, back up of traffic,where circulation for the whole city and the whole City Plan has to
be accurate, approved and followed. This is not the case.
A resident should not have to have a two or three story building, built behind them with the
density that this is proposing,with all the security fencing and flood lights required. That is
not acceptable in a zone for residential with Five homes per acre. That is my concern.
There is a thing in the report that talks about air circulation. You have the view of the
mountains and you have got to flow through there were people can see. You are blocking
people's view, which isn't guaranteed, but you are putting a big building right by there
backyards. You are making it so that the flow of traffic on that street is a problem. I have an
issue with that.
On page three, of the Environmental form, I would also say that water, transportation,
circulation, air quality, public services, geological problems and hazards, should also be
marked as needing to be addressed.
One of the other issues I have is where it talks about the disrupting or dividing the physical
arrangement of an established community. The established community all around there is
single resident homes. Every time we have a meeting or receive a copy of things they
change. The Negative Declaration said that the park was a four acre park. I want to know
who is responsible for maintaining the park, irrigation, road front that will be seriously
affected. The new thing says that it is a 2.6 acre park and the parking has been significantly
decreased from the original proposal. It is really hard to say that I have everything. During
this meeting I will probably think of more things, so please do not feel that you have heard
all of my concerns.
I will have further comments on this. One other thing is noise from air conditioning and
interference with satellite dishes.
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: In regards to your comments
Anne Wade Hornsby
22656 Brentwood Street
Grand Terrace, California
My home is one of those directly affected by this development because the homes will be
literally on the other side of my fence. I am extremely concerned about the density. I am
not going to go into the legality of the changing of the zoning because that will not be in the
Environmental Impact Report (EIR), but the density will be; the density of the housing, the
height and the parking. This is what will have to be affected by the Environmental Impact
Report (EIR) as well. The parking spaces permitted now are simply not enough by any
mathematical formula used for parking for single dwellings. Whether in apartments or
homes and there is certain ratio of parking spaces to dwellings and it is not being met. Not
even in the dwelling area, forget the passive park part, where people with theoretically be
parking their cars. I am not concerned with the traffic issue. It is the parking space issue.
I taught math and I was trying to figure out how you are going to get a 2 '/z acre passive park
and 120 dwellings and a senior center. None of which I am against the idea, but on one 4
acre parcel with the parking. I am not sure how this is going to be handled. That is my basic
and main concern. Of course it would be nice not to have 120 dwellings behind my fence.
The parking and spacing aspect is EIR concern and it is also mine.
Carl Winter,Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc:As the site is presently configured it is 6.1
acre and it is a two-story structure (at this time). That is the project that will be addressed in
the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). As far as the height of the building and how it
affects your view from your home; that is aesthetics issue that will be discussed in the
Environmental Impact Report (EIR). As far as parking, it is up to code for multiple family
Raymond Johnson
26785 Camino Seco
Temecula, California
I represent Citizens for Responsible and Open Government. There are several comments I
would like to make on the initial study and the scope of the proposed Environmental Impact
Report (EIR).
The existing property was master planned for the Susan Petta Park, is identified in the
General Plan Park Plan and relied upon as the General Plan and Park Plan to satisfy the
needs of the City of Grand Terrace. The park needs of the City of Grand Terrace are under
served at the present time, the elimination of Five acres of that, and replacing it with 2.6
acres as a passive park oriented towards seniors,will further reduce the amount of available
parkland for the residents of Grand Terrace. Therefore that is a significant impact that must
be evaluated within the Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
Secondly, traffic impacts, there has been no traffic study done. The only thing that was
done,was,that the City Engineer said "It will only be 39 trips at peak hour therefore,it's not
a big deal". Except that there is an existing grade school and at "Peak Hour" times
currently,weights exceed those that will rise to a level of Service F. So you currently have a
level of Service F at the entrances from the two streets where they meet (Grand Terrace
Road). The addition of an additional 39 trips in "Peak Hour" will further exacerbate that
level of Service F, and that is a significant impact that needs to be evaluated in the
Environmental Impact Report(EIR). Traffic studies need to be done to address that issue.
Thirdly, air quality impacts,the analysis that was done in the initial study determines that it is
less than significant impact with regards to PM10 and ROG and Max and that is dependant
upon some assumptions that are made within that initial study. One of the assumptions is
that there is no off-site haul of material either import or export, but that is not what the
initial study says. It says that it will be "Generally Balanced". I also assumes a minor sort of
grading anticipated, where you minor sufficient grading of small area i.e. 5 acres. That
doesn't comport on what is going to happen there where the end of the site adjacent to the
grade school,my recollection is that there is approximately a Twelve Foot cut, that occurs in
that area. You are having major movement of earth from one end of the site to the other
which is of substantial distance. Once again it doesn't include and off-site haul. If any off-
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site haul was included in these calculations you would find that there are significant impacts
from PM10 and possibly ROG. Additionally, the analysis within the air quality section does
not equal to the construction of the facilities it only considers the impacts that occur during
the grading. You have 120 units, you have substantial asphalt areas that are going to be
paved,and you have buildings that are going to be painted. The VOC's of the asphalt of the
structures will be sufficient to exceed the threshold of significance for the ROG.
Additionally, the transit of workers to and from the site during the construction phase is not
considered Noise. The haul of any materials to the site considered within that air quality
analysis and if any of those items are included then clearly it will exceed the threshold of the
significance which are not exceeded by only a few percentage points (according to the initial
study). The air quality analysis needs to be included within that.
Speaking of Parking (which is a traffic impact), this proposal decreases the amount of
parking that was previously considered in the prior project and it does not meet city
standards. It can only be made acceptable in courts by adopting lesser standards within the
Specific Plan. The prior project and this project as well, will end up with less than half of
the amount of parking available for the Senior Center than is currently available for the
Senior Center. That parking has to serve not only for the Senior Center but for the Park and
must also serve as the visitor parking for the Senior Housing Project. You have doubled the
size of the Senior Center, put in a park and also have to provide the parking for the Senior
Housing Project, within it self, requires 32 spaces. We clearly do not have enough parking
available to meet all of the demands.
There really does not appear any discussion of the run off from the site other then that it is
going to be increased ...
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: Sir, I hate to interrupt you but if you
have a laundry list of concerns, I would suggest that you put them in writing so that we may,
more accurately,respond.
Raymond Johnson: I want to make sure that we get in on the record this evening.
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: If you do put it in writing, it will be
reflected in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). I think it would be more appropriate,
if you have very detailed questions and concerns, to provide it in writing. It will be easier to
make sure that they are appropriated into the Environmental Impact Report(EIR).
Raymond Johnson: I am nearly finished. With regard to the Hydrology studies, there are
not any. It simply says that it is going to increase. There is nothing to indicate that the
existing storm facilities are adequate to handle the increased flow, nor is there anything to
indicate that detention is proposed on site to make sure that the flow does not increase from
current development levels. It is generally required in the count of San Bernardino.
The city has a number of Cumulative projects that must be considered. One project that is
out there is "High School" another is the "Power Plant" another is the "Outdoor Activity
Center"another is the`Barton Road Specific Plan"which is starting to develop at this point.
There are also a number of other smaller facilities that are presently under construction.
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Carl Winter,Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: Sir,Sir,you must limit your time. This is
a very extensive laundry list which will be more appropriate in writing. Please consider the
rest that need to speak.
Raymond Johnson: The other thing that needs to be considered is Land Use is one of the
significant impacts of this project. One of thing, that needs to be considered carefully in the
Environmental Impact Report (EIR), is an analysis of all of the city owned properties of 3
acres or more;in terms of an alternate site location for the project. I think that the primary
objection to this project itself but the fact that it is located within the middle of an existing
low density residential neighborhood. The City owns a number of parcels large enough to
house this project. The analysis should include ...
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: Sir, as I am sure that you are aware of,
CEQA requires that the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) consider alternatives to the
project, which it will. It must include the cumulative analysis. Regarding your other
comments of the scope of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), the City will consider
them and where appropriate they will make sure that the information required to assess the
impacts accurately reflect the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Once again, I request
that you make written comments with as much detail as possible that will allow the City to
focus on the Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
Raymond Johnson: I will do so but I wanted to simply but you on notice so there will
not be any complaint that we were trying to sandbag you.
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: Your participation will ensure that the
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is accurate as much as it can be.
Raymond Johnson: That is the end of my list for today.
Bill Timmons
Senior Friendly Communities of America
Riverside, California
I will make this short but sweet. I am Bill Timmons of Riverside; I am recently former
Chairman of the Mayor's Commission on Aging and President of Senior Friendly
Communities of America. There is another impact here to consider if we are going to be
looking at the comprehensive view of this whole thing. I have talked with people from City
Hall and from County and for the last couple of days when I found that this issue had come
up. There is an impact already happening, the seniors that live here now, are exiting in
droves because there are no senior housing facilities. They are taking with them their
monetary resources plus their contribution as human beings to our community. The city of
Riverside has Three Thousand people on waiting lists to get into senior housing. We are
probably going to go through the same battle next month and within the next year over
there. The bottom line is if you want to keep these people in the community, then this has
to be considered. I would make a side note that one of the residents on the perimeter of this
side told me to my face, "He doesn't want these kinds of people living next to him". If we
want to get rid of these kinds of people then let us defeat the issue. Otherwise,we will have
to consider the human and moral side of this as an impact as well. If we want 125 people to
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go somewhere else because they are "'These kinds of people" then we are heading that
direction. If we want to them to stay and contribute to this community to this economy,
then we have to consider that as a factor.
Charles Hornsby
22656 Brentwood Street
Grand Terrace, California
I am just going to clarify some of the exact numbers, I will be brief. First and foremost I
believe that the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) needs to take into account that is
zoned for low density single family homes. I think the community will put up with an
increase in density. However the increase in this is a factor of twelve. I am going to count to
1 and then I am going to count to 12 to demonstrate the difference. Listen how long it takes
to count to one. 1. Now listen how long it takes to count to 12. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12.
That is the difference in density that they are talking about.
Second,is the parking. I know that this has been talked about before but you see the big fat
book on my lap. These are the Municipal Codes. I have been carrying them around for a
couple of days. The City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code calls for two spaces for each
apartment residences and one additional space to be added to the total for every four
residential units. That means that they are required to plan for 270 spaces. They planned
for 146. That does not take into account the Passive Park and parking for the Senior Center.
They are Ninety Seven spaces short. There is a passage in the Municipal Code that allows
the Planning Commission to make minor changes to account for projects such as this.
Let us assume that a minor change at the top end would be 10% that would add 27 spaces
and they are still way short. The parking is so far out of line so that is another issue that the
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) needs to be concerned about. It is not even in the ball
Thirdly is traffic, Brentwood Street has a lot of traffic right now just as it is. It is used as a
feeder off Barton Road leading to Mt. Vernon to go to the freeway. That is only going to
increase because of a number of factors. The Senior Center is one but the cumulative affect
factor with the Two Thousand homes that are planned out in Highgrove is another. Traffic
is going to be a real problem and I don't think that they have taken that into account.
I am going to make some points that may hurt some feelings but this is my neighborhood.
The simple fact of the matter is that this is a project. This is subsidized government housing
it is also dense housing. Go to any neighborhood where it is crowded and where it is low
cost and you will undoubtedly find and increase in crime. The cumulative affect of this is
not just this project but down the street on Mt. Vernon the City is now working towards
continuing a relationship with The Highlands Apartments for 111 low cost units there. They
are currently there and right now the City is working towards that relationship. The City is
asking us to have low cost apartments directly to our West and directly behind us to the
North. All the in the world will not change the fact that when you have crowded,
poor neighborhoods you will have an increase in crime. I dare anyone in this room and
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dispute that. That is a simple fact and that is a problem too and I don't think they have
looked at that.
The other problem with the environment, and I have seen it before when I lived in Colton,
this will do the following things: low cost housing will cause our property value to
A. Drop
B. Stall
C. Clime at a slow rate
Hopefully C but that is doubtful. Most likely it will cause property values to drop. Go to
any neighborhood where property values drop see what happens. The whole environment
drops. It becomes a less pleasant environment.
I am also worried about the domino effect of this. I have a letter written to Gary L. Koontz
from the State,in my possession. By building this complex the City will be required to phase
out another section in town ... I'm looking for the letter. "However the City must also
permit to rezoning at least one additional side in action 1 in a size 6 or comparable size site
to R3 as well". This is a letter dated January 12, 2005 and is part of negotiations with the
Redevelopment Department. The city is committed,by rezoning this land,to rezoning other
land. In other words they have decided to go high density on this piece of property and
because it is done with the assistance of Redevelopment funds they have to do likewise
elsewhere in the City. It is going to be a big cumulative affect when that happens. You need
to ask yourself where the ax will fall then.
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: The Land Use issues will be discussed in
the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The parking issue will be revisited,if necessary;if
the City determines it to be included it will be included. As far as the effect of property
values, that is an economic issue and CEQA does not require that to be addressed unless a
physical impact will be derived from that. Thirdly, I would like to remind the audience that
city is mandated by the State to provide a certain level of housing for all segments of the
population. This is a Senior Facility and it will serve that need. We will have to consider
that too. In regards to the crime, I do not have any crime stats. Generally, from my
personal experience I don't view Senior Facilities as a magnet for crime.
Robert Stewart
11677 Mt. Vernon Avenue
Grand Terrace, California
The residence I live in is directly attached to this property. I am a concerned resident. The
main thing that I have seen is in the parking. The number of spaces vs. the parking on the
outside perimeter would not be available to the Senior Center which will have lunches and
other activities. The parking available to the general public both at the park and the Senior
Center should be increased. I know that every one of these units will not generate an
automobile because of the nature of the people that will be living there. I have a father in
law that is in a similar situation and they have probably about 1 automobile per every 2 units.
We defiantly need larger parking space because parking on Grand Terrace Road on the side
of the Senior Center and Villas and across the street would not be very effective.
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Carl Winter,Engineer for LSA Associates,Inc: As I said earlier the parking situation will
be addressed in the Environmental Impact Report(EIR).
This is a written comment from no name, so we will make sure it gets incorporated in the
Environmental Impact Report(EIR) as appropriate.
Bill Hayes
22114 De Berry Street
Grand Terrace, California
First, I would like to address what the man said about a waiting list in Riverside. In all the
humanity,I agree that these people need housing.
She said this will be the low to moderate income and after the deal is done it changed to low,
low income. The ground lease says Federal Section 8 and HUD Housing. I would like to
know how our seniors will qualify or not qualify for these apartments. She also said that
they will be put on a priority list which Mr. Schwab later changed to an interest list. The
Corporation for Better Housing has received some odd million dollars from the
Redevelopment Agency here and I would like to know where that money has gone and I
would like to address how our seniors will qualify for Section 8 Housing and who will
govern who gets in there. Will it be the Federal Government or the Corporation for Better
Carl Winter,Engineer for LSA Associates,Inc:The Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
will include an analysis of population and housing. However, the aspects that you are
discussing are not environmental issues and they will not be addressed in the Environmental
Impact Report (EIR).
John Pate
Senior Friendly Communities
Riverside, California
Just in response to a couple of issues that have been brought up, the park area reserved for
citizens of Grand Terrace. The last review of the Voter's Registration included seniors as
citizens of Grand Terrace. Are you negating their validity of being citizens?
Second, the city continually reevaluates and improves transportation in balance of their
reality of growth not the assumption of the increase or decrease of the residence.
Thirdly, low cost does not mean low quality. The ratio of 1 to 12 fold growth, I would
simply say learn to count faster.
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: Thank you for your response to those
comments, however those are not environmental issues and therefore, they will not be
addressed in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
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Evan Dahlke
22586 Brentwood Street
Grand Terrace, California 92313
From what I understand,is that this is for ideas on what you are going to do research on and
not for our personal opinions. I was thinking about the whole thing with the low income
housing compared to the senior low income housing and I think that there is a big
difference. There is a fear that probably if we can do a study that can compare and contrast
how a low income senior housing affects a community compared to general low income. I
believe that would ease a lot of peoples fear about low income housing for seniors. I don't
think that there are going to be low income seniors that are going out to do crimes. It is
meant for low income seniors that can't afford to live anywhere else. Then maybe doing a
survey of the community because not all Brentwood residents are upset or about the
development. There is probably about five or six houses that are very upset about it and the
rest of us are happy to see it come in.
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: The Land Use of issues and Population
issues associated with the projects will be addressed in the Environmental Impact Report
(EIR). When the draft is out for review, the public will have the opportunity to review the
document and provide comments on that. It will be considered at this time and then
Barney Barger
11668 Bernardo Way
Grand Terrace, California
I would be very blunt as I always am. This is the biggest bunch of bull pucky, that I have
ever heard of. Anybody that goes up and down Grand Terrace Road, when school is in
session or about to go in session, or during any function, knows that no fire equipment can
get in or out to the school during that time. There is parking from Bernado Way, which is
quite a way east of there, all the way down to the Senior Citizen Center right now. That is
how much parking there is on both sides of the street. There is no place for parking and
there is no way for a person to get through that street at over 5 miles per hour when the
parking is that way. The street was improperly designed and it has never been improved
properly. It is a traffic accident waiting to happen. The other thing that has not been
brought up is the City is planning Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars to put a traffic
signal at Grand Terrace Road and Mt. Vernon. Probably to take care of the increased traffic
that will generate from the seniors. There are some seniors that may get old and don't have
vehicles. I haven't reached that age I am only 78. My father finally sold his car when he was
93 and my aunt sold her car at 99. I go in and out on Grand Terrace Road pass the school,
pass the Senior Citizens Center is. I go out five times a day I go out five times a day. I
know the traffic situation's, I know that is all way over crowded right now. The City should
put in a parking lot, close to the school to get the traffic off the streets so that the children
will be safe. They are not safe right now. If you have a child going to that school and you
go on Grand Terrace Road,you know you are not safe. That is the main thing that I have to
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: Once again, the parking and traffic
issues will be revisited and if necessary addressed in the Environmental Impact Report(EIR)
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Anne Wade Hornsby
22656 Brentwood Street
Grand Terrace, California
I knew I had forgotten something important. That Senior Center was behind my house
when I first moved in and then they moved it. It used to be behind the fence along with
some horrible house that they knocked down. The Senior Center was great; the house
behind me was unreal. I have no problem with the Senior Center, I think it is great. I am a
senior by the way. The thing is that I will also need to use it. Having a park will be fabulous
and that is exactly what I was told was going to go back there when I moved in. Why can't
the Senior Center be closer to town?
You should see Brentwood when the school lets out. What Mr. Karger says,is 100%true.
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: The Environmental Impact Report
(EIR) will include alternates to the project. That may be one of the alternatives to the
Environmental Impact Report(EIR).
Raymond Johnson
26785 Camino Seco
Temecula, California
One of the issues that I thought of after the fact,it is my understanding that the Dial-A-Ride
has stopped is that correct?
Gary L. Koontz, Director. No, regular bus service for the city has stopped, but Dial-A-
Ride is still out in the entire city.
Raymond Johnson: One of the concerns that I would have is; if you are putting a Senior
Center in an area that is not close to shopping and you are putting a lot of seniors there and
you are saying that not going to have cars. It would make more sense to put the Senior
Center in an area where it is closer to shopping so that the seniors can get to shopping with
out having to drive or depend on Dial-A-Ride. The concern is that the seniors should be in
an area where they can get to shopping without having to drive.
Is the Specific Plan available for review at this time?
Gary L. Koontz, Director. We are going through a screen check right now and it will be
available shortly.
Raymond Johnson: It is impossible to provide environment comments on a project which
the document and the plans are not available for review. You have to continue the NOP
process for 30 days beyond the availability of the Specific Plan so that people can make
intelligent comments, based upon the plans. You are asking us to make comments on a
project where no one knows what it is.
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Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: The project description is provided in
the initial study and as you are well aware CEQA requires the analysis of alternatives and the
location of the Senior Residential Project in an area closer to shopping.
Raymond Johnson: CEQA also requires that the proposal, the Specific Plan, be available
for review during the time that the Environmental Review is going forward. Until that
document is available you cannot do an intelligent review of the project and comment on the
Environmental aspects of the project because you don't know what the project is other than
120 units on 6 acres. Other than that, that is all you know. You don't know where the
parking is located, if it's controlled, if it's available to the public. You don't know anything.
This really should be postponed until that Specific Plan is available for public review. So
people can look at the plan and make intelligent comments on the plan to evaluate the
Environmental aspects of it.
Patricia Farley
12513 Michigan Street
Grand Terrace, California
The concern in and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is supposed to be that whether or
not you are meeting the needs of the seniors in Grand Terrace, not for Riverside. You are
not serving most of the needs in Grand Terrace of the population.
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: The purpose of the Environmental
Impact Report (EIR) is to disclose the Environmental Impact with development.
Barney Karger
11668 Bernardo Way
Grand Terrace, California
I have watched the convalescent home on Mt. Vernon, close to Barton Road. The police,
fire department and ambulance are there almost on a daily basis. If the fire department has
to go to the Senior Citizens area,they will block that road and then no one will be able to get
in or out of the school. This is another traffic hazard another hazard to our children in that
Charles Hornsby
22656 Brentwood Street
I know that I speak for everyone on Brentwood Street, this is the God's truth, and we have
never considered a senior issue. The City did a good job of painting that way because it
works in their favor to do it that way. This a zoning issue. A lot of people on Brentwood
Street kept quiet because they didn't want to look like the bad guys. We are not the bad
guys; this is not a senior issue. This is a building issue and that is how it should be judged in
the Environmental Impact Report(EIR).
Carl Winter, Engineer for LSA Associates, Inc: The Land Use impacts of the project
will be addressed in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). That concludes out Scoping
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