2021-03 PC RESOLUTION NO. 2021-03
WHEREAS, the Applicant, Condor Energy Storage, LLC ("Applicant'), represented
by Keith Latham, Vice President of Development at Tenaska, has filed a Conditional Use
Permit ("CUP 20-03") and Site and Architectural Review ("SA 20-09"), proposing to
establish 200-Megawatt Battery Energy Storage System ("BESS") facility ("Project") on a
10-acre site. The Project will consist of lithium-ion energy batteries installed with racks,
inverters, switchgear, and other associated equipment to directly interconnect with the
Southern California Edison ("SCE") Highgrove Substation located directly north of the
proposed property. The improvements will include, but are not limited to perimeter wall
and fencing, landscaping, underground electrical cabling, concrete pad for the BESS
equipment, substation control enclosure, static mast, overhead interconnection tower,
undergrounding existing power poles, street dedication with sidewalk, curb and gutter,
water retention basins, security access gates, lighting, security cameras; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for a Variance ("V 21-01") to deviate from
the thirty-five (35) maximum height requirement, proposing a fifty-foot (50) tall static mast
for lighting and a forty-foot (40) tall overhead tower to support the interconnection
between the proposed BESS and existing Southern California Edison Highgrove
Substation infrastructure; and
WHEREAS, Variance ("V 21-01"), Conditional Use Permit ("CUP 20-03"), Site and
Architectural Review ("SA 20-09"), and Environmental ("E 20-09") are collectively referred
to as the ("Project"); and
WHEREAS, the Project site is zoned M2-Industrial in the Zoning Map and it is
designated Industrial on the General Plan Land Use Map, and
WHEREAS, the Project site is located at APN:1167-151-77-0000 near the
northwest corner of Main Street and Taylor Street, about 0.35 miles from Interstate 215,
and at the southerly city borderline with Riverside County; and
WHEREAS, the Project is proposing to demolished an existing abandoned metal
building of approximately 100-feet x 40-feet; and
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WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), an
Initial Study has been prepared for the above-described Project. Based on the Initial
Study and supporting information, the City intends to adopt a Mitigated Negative
Declaration ("E 20-09"). The Project will not have a significant effect on the environment
due to the incorporation of standard conditions and mitigation measure(s) related to:
Biological, Cultural, and Geology/Soils; and
WHEREAS, on December 2, 2021, the Planning Commission conducted a public
hearing on the Project at the Grand Terrace Council Chambers located at 22795 Barton
Road, Grand Terrace, California 92313; and
WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have
1. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and incorporated herein by this
2. The Planning Commission/Site and Architectural Review board hereby finds that
pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), an Initial Study has
been prepared for the above-described Project. Based on the Initial Study and
supporting information, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (Environmental 20-09)
has been prepared. Based upon the forgoing, all oral and written comments and
reports and presentations made by City staff and members of the public at the
December 2, 2021, public hearing, including any, attachments and exhibits, the
Project will not have a significant effect on the environment due to the incorporation
of standard project conditions and mitigation measure(s) under the Mitigated
Negative Declaration (Environmental 20-09) related to: Biological, Cultural, and
Geology/Soils. The proposed Project is consistent with the applicable General Plan
and Zoning Ordinance except for the maximum building height requirement for
which a Variance has been submitted. Therefore, approval of the Project would
not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, wildfire, greenhouse
emissions, hazardous and hazardous materials, hydrology, water quality, air
quality, mineral resources, land use planning, public services, recreation,
transportation, and the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and
public services. The Applicant will comply with mitigation measures contained in
the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program related to Biological, Cultural, and Geology/Soils.
3. Based upon the forgoing, all oral and written comments and reports and
presentations made by City staff and members of the public at the December 2,
2021, public hearing, including any, attachments and exhibits, the Planning
Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board finds as follows with respect to
Variance 21-01:
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a. A special circumstance regarding the size, shape, topography, location, or
surroundings of the subject property exists. The site is located on the M2-
Industrial zoning and a special circumstance exist regarding the location
and surroundings. The proposed Battery Energy Storage Facility ("BESS")
has been classified as a "Quasi-Public Utility and Facility" which is
conditionally permitted in the M2-Industrial zoning designation. The Project
parcel is located southerly of, and directly adjacent to the existing Southern
California Edison ("SCE") Highgrove Substation. This location makes the
property ideally suited to an energy project that requires an interconnection.
The proposed BESS facility is going to interconnect to the existing SCE
Highgrove substation with an overhead power line and supporting
appurtenant structures. These supporting structures include a fifty-foot (50)
in height static mast and a forty-foot (40) high overhead interconnection
tower, which will exceed the maximum zoning height requirement of thirty-
five (35) feet. However, the proposed heights are required to meet safety
clearance requirements as detailed in the California Public Utilities
Commission ("CPUC") General Order 95 (GO-95), Rule No.37, Table 1.
Overhead structures with less than thirty-five (35)feet height cannot support
wire sagging and clearances between energized conductors and static
wires; therefore, a Variance has been submitted. In addition, there are
existing overhead power lines exceeding the thirty-five (35) feet
requirement in the existing SCE Highgrove Substation; hence, a special
circumstance surrounding the Project location and surroundings, exist to
support the Variance for the proposed use.
b. Because of the special circumstance, the strict application of the zoning
ordinance deprives the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other
property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. The zoning,
location, and surroundings pose a special circumstance that supports the
Variance to exceed the maximum height requirement for the proposed
specific use ("Quasi-Public Utility and Facility"). The Project is proposing to
interconnect with the existing SCE Highgrove Substation located directly
adjacent to the north of the Project site. Overhead power lines and support
interconnection structures already exist in the zoning; therefore,
circumstances are similar to existing Public Utility and Facility (SCE
Highgrove Substation) under the same zoning classification. Furthermore,
supporting the height Variance is not going to deprive the Project of
privileges enjoyed by other properties under the same zoning classification.
C. The granting of the variance will not constitute the grant of special privileges
inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and
district in which the property is situated. The granting of the Variance to
exceed the maximum height requirement of thirty-five feet will not constitute
the grant of special privileges, because existing Public Utility and Facilities
within the same zoning classification have encounter similar circumstances
to support interconnection safety standards by the CPUC. Several
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overhead power lines and support structures exceeding thirty-five feet in
height exist in the vicinity and interconnect to the existing SCE Highgrove
Substation. Allowing the Project's interconnection structures would be
consistent with the allowance of these existing utilities and therefore will not
constitute the grant of special privileges.
d. The granting of the variance will not authorize a use or activity which is not
otherwise expressly authorized by the district governing the parcel of
property. The Project site is zoned M-2-Industrial, and it is designated
Industrial in the General Plan Land Use Plan. Public Utilities and Facilities
are supported in the zoning with a Conditional Use Permit. The BESS facility
is requesting a Variance for the height restrictions to support the
interconnection to the SCE Highgrove Substation. The proposed height is
necessary to meet the safety clearances as identified in the GO_95 of the
California Public Utilities Commission.
e. The granting of the Variance will not result in a situation inconsistent with
the latest adopted General Plan. The granting of the Variance will not be
inconsistent with the M2-Industrial Zoning district and will not be
inconsistent with the Industrial Designation of the General Plan.
f. Conditions necessary to secure the above findings are made a part of the
approval of the variance.
4. Based upon the forgoing, all oral and written comments and reports and
presentations made by City staff and members of the public at the December 2,
2021, public hearing, including any, attachments and exhibits, the Planning
Commission/Site and Architectural Review Board finds as follows with respect
Conditional Use Permit 20-03:
a. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals,
comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed Project or within the city. The proposed
Battery Energy Storage Facility ("Project") is consistent with the M2-
Industrial zoning, which supports Public Utilities and Facilities. The
proposed development plan meets the purpose of the zoning, and it meets
the applicable development standards except for the maximum height
requirement. The interconnection structures will meet the safety height
interconnection requirement established by the California Public Utilities
Commission. The proposed Battery Energy Storage Facility will be remotely
operated and will be visited periodically for inspections, monitoring, testing,
and maintenance; therefore, the site will not produce any traffic. In addition,
the batteries will be compatible with the existing noise levels of the area and
will not exceed noise limits as specified in the Zoning Ordinance. The
batteries will be designed for aesthetic compatibility with the surrounding
area. The Project will include decorative block walls, perimeter landscaping,
security, lighting, a fire protection plan, a fire suppression plan, and
compliance with the National Fire Protection Association Standards for the
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installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems. The batteries will be UL
Certified and will include built-in fail safes and multi-layered redundant fire
protection features designed to prevent thermal runaway and the spread of
fire. The Alternating Current ("AC") power and collection system will meet
all applicable National Electrical Code and institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers codes and standards. The BESS will continuously
monitor the cell voltage and temperature and will shut down the system for
any abnormalities. The battery enclosures will include redundant off-gas
detectors and infrared monitors to provide early warning for thermal
runaway scenarios and will include deflagration vents and/or pressure
panels to relieve buildup of gases and prevent explosions. The Project will
also meet the International Fire Code and will conform with the San
Bernardino County Fire Conditions of Approval. In addition, the Project will
comply with mitigation measures contained in the Mitigated Negative
Declaration and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program related to
Biological, Cultural, and Geology/Soils. Based on the items above stated,
the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals,
comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working within the
neighborhood of the proposed Project or within the city.
b. The proposed use will not be injurious to property or improvements in the
neighborhood or within the city. The proposal will include street
improvements at Main Street and a dedication to the ultimate right of way
at Taylor Street. The street improvements will include a dedication,
underground utilities, streetscape, and the Project will comply with the
conditions of approval established by the Public Works Division. A regional
drainage evaluation prepared by Q3 identified the existing drainage
systems tributary to the Project site and identified the existing flood control
mitigations to prevent any impacts to the existing drainage. The BESS
systems will be located towards the northeast and south side of the property
to avoid disturbance of the existing wetland located to the northwestern side
of the property. Conditions have been included to mitigate potential impacts;
therefore, the Project will not be injurious to property or improvements.
C. The use is consistent with the M2-Industrial zoning designation and
compatible with other surrounding uses. The proposed Battery Energy
Storage Facility has been classified as a Public Utility and Facility and it is
supported by the M2-Industrial zoning designation. In addition, Southern
California Edison Highgrove Substation is an existing Public Utility and
Facility; therefore, the proposal is consistent and compatible with other uses
in the zoning.
d. Conditions necessary to secure the purposes of the Grand Terrace
Municipal Code and General Plan have been applied to the Project.
4. Based upon all oral and written comments and reports and presentations made by
City staff and members of the public at the December 2, 2021, public hearing,
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including any, attachments and exhibits, the Planning Commission/Site and
Architectural Review Board finds as follows with respect to Site and Architectural
Review 20-09:
a. The Project is consistent with the intent of the Grand Terrace Municipal
Code and General Plan. The proposed Public Utility and Facility is
consistent with the M2-Industrial zoning designation under the city's Zoning
Map. Regulations in the Industrial zoning allow uses to operate free of overly
excessive noise, dust, odor, or other nuisances. The proposed "Quasi-
Public Utility and Facility" is a supported use, and the proposal will meet the
development standards established in the zoning, except the maximum
height requirement proposing overhead interconnection, for which a
Variance has been submitted.
The Project is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element, Goal 2.4
which supports industrial land uses designed to generate employment
opportunities and support Policy 2.4.2, to promote the development of light
non-polluting industrial uses in the City. The proposed BESS will provide an
economically sound development to receive, store, and discharge electricity
from the SCE-controlled electric grid, including renewable energy produced
by existing solar and wind resources in the region. The Project will also
support Policy 2.4.4 to provide buffering to prevent potential land use
incompatibilities between industrial areas and other areas shall be given
special consideration. Specific features could include increased setbacks,
walls, berms, and landscaping. The BESS will be designed for aesthetic
compatibility within the surrounding area. In addition, the Project will include
a ten-foot landscape buffer along street frontages (Taylor Street and Main
Street) and decorative block walls to keep the use away from public visibility
and to create an aesthetically pleasing boundary.
The Project is consistent with the Circulation Element Goal 3.2 to provide
for a well-maintained roadway system, Policy 3.2.1 to dedicate ultimate
right-of-way at Taylor Street frontage and comply with the public
improvements included on the Conditions of Approval by the Public Works
Division, and Policy 3.3.3 to ensure that local street improvements are
designed with proper attention to community appearance and aesthetics as
well as the need to move traffic safely and efficiently. The Project will be
operated remotely, and periodic inspections and maintenance will be
performed as necessary; therefore, the Project will not cause any
commercial traffic. In addition, street improvements will be provided to align
with future development.
The Project will comply with Open Space and Conservation Element which
preserves and protects natural resources, such as the protection of sensitive
habitat. The Project is consistent with Goal 4.9 which requires compliance
with state and federal regulations to ensure the protection of historical,
archaeological, and paleontological resources. The city has taken steps to
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ensure that cultural resources have been identified and evaluated to assure
that appropriate action is taken. In compliance with the Open Space and
Conservation Element, the Applicant has prepared a Water Quality
Management Plan and a Preliminary Soils Engineering Investigation Report
and a Regional Drainage Evaluation. The mitigated recommendation on the
Regional Drainage Evaluation have been included in the conditions of
The Project will comply with Public Health and Safety Element which primary
role is the protection of people who live and work within city limits and
appropriate measures have been identified to protect against natural/man-
made hazards and to minimize the social, economic, and environmental
disruption from hazardous events. The Project has identified ample
information within the Project description regarding the Project's safety
features, including continuous monitoring, shutdown system, built-in safes,
multi-layer fire protection, off-gas detectors, and infrared monitors. In
addition, the Project will require compliance with multiple agencies, such as
San Bernardino County Fire, National Fire Protection Association 855
standard, UL Certification, compliance with applicable National Electric
Code, and institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Codes.
The IS/MND identified "no impact" or "less than a significant impact" on the
following areas: aesthetics, agriculture and forest resources, air quality,
greenhouse emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and
water quality, mineral resources, noise, transportation, and wildfire due to
the incorporation of standard Project conditions and mitigation measure(s)
under the Mitigated Negative Declaration (Environmental 20-09) related to:
Biological, Cultural, and Geology/Soils. The Applicant will comply with
mitigation measures contained in the IS/MND related to Biological, Cultural,
and Geology/Soils.
The proposed Public Utility and Facility will be consistent with the intent of
the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan and will be compatible
with surrounding uses.
b. The location and configuration of the development plan associated with this
Project are visually harmonious with this site and surrounding sites and
structures, that they do not interfere with the neighbors' privacy, that they do
not unnecessarily block scenic views from other structures and/or public
areas and are in scale with the townscape and natural landscape of the
area. The Project site is surrounded by industrial uses to the north, west,
and south, and Colton Unified School District/High School is located to the
east. The Project will include a ten-foot densely landscape buffer at the
street frontages to create an aesthetically pleasing boundary. The proposed
use is supported in the Industrial zoning and some of the taller components
of the BESS facility will be visible from the street; however, the battery units
will not be visible from public streets. The proposed street improvements will
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enhance the area and be visually harmonious with the site and surrounding
C. The architectural design of structures, their materials, and colors are visually
harmonious with the surrounding development, natural landforms, are
functional for the Project and are consistent with the Grand Terrace
Municipal Code. The proposed Battery Energy Storage System ("BESS") at
the Project will include self-contained batteries that will be designed to be
aesthetically compatible with the surrounding area. The perimeter block wall
will enclose the site to screen the battery units from public view and the
proposed landscaping at the street frontage will provide a transitional buffer.
The proposed substation control enclosure, main power transformer,
overhead interconnection structures will be visible from the street; however,
similar overhead interconnection structures are already located within the
zoning in support Public Utility and Facilities. In relation to the existing
natural landforms, the existing basin located to the northwest side of the
Project will be preserved and will be managed in accordance with Regional
Water Quality Control Board, California Department of fish and Wildlife. The
Project will avoid the basin wetland area and minimize impacts as included
in the IS/MND and the Regional Drainage Evaluation. The project will
include three detention ponds. Overall, the proposal will be visually
harmonious with the surrounding development, natural forms will be
preserved, and the Project will be consistent with the Municipal Code.
d. The plan for landscaping and open spaces provides a functional and
visually pleasing setting for the structures on this site and is harmonious
with the natural landscape of the area and nearby developments. The
Project is proposing a ten-foot deep densely landscape planter and a nine-
foot-tall decorative block wall at Taylor Street and Main Street. The densely
landscape fronting public streets will include deciduous trees, evergreen
trees, palm trees, drought tolerant plans, and shrubs. The exiting vegetation
and trees located to the northwest side of the property, encompass about a
quarter of the site's size, and will be preserved. The Project will be
conditioned to include climbing vines to dress-up the decorative block wall.
The landscape and streetscape will be consistent with the zoning and
support future development. The proposed landscape will be visually
pleasing with the Industrial zoning, harmonious with the nearby
development, and create a boundary separation between existing uses.
e. There is no indiscriminate clearing of property, destruction of trees or
natural vegetation or the excessive and unsightly grading of hillsides, thus
the natural beauty of the City, its setting and natural landforms are
preserved. The BESS are proposed to be constructed on relatively level
areas located to the northeast and south sides of the property; these areas
will have minimum grading and clearing of property. Thirty-five (35) trees
located within the proposed BESS areas will be removed; however, one-
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hundred and seventy (170) existing trees and the existing vegetation
located mainly to the northwest side of the property will be preserved.
f. The design and location of all signs associated with this Project are
consistent with the scale and character of the building to which they are
attached or otherwise associated with and are consistent with the Grand
Terrace Municipal Code. The Project does not include a sign at this time;
however, a condition has been included requiring the submittal of a sign
application for review and approval prior to constructing any business signs.
g. Conditions of approval for this Project necessary to secure the purposes of
the Grand Terrace Municipal Code and General Plan have been applied to
the Project.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, based on the forgoing, upon all oral and written
comments and reports and presentations made by City staff and members of the public
at the public hearing on December 2, 2021, including any, attachments, and exhibits,
Environmental 20-09, Conditional Use Permit 20-03, Variance 21-01, and Site and
Architectural Review 20-09 are hereby adopted and approved subject to the following
1. This Project is approved to establish a 200-megawatt Battery Energy Storage
System ("BESS") facility on a 10-acre parcel generally located near the corner of
Main Street and Taylor Street (APN: 1167-151-77-0000), zoned M2-Industrial.
This approval is granted based on the application materials submitted by Condor
Energy Storage, LLC ("Applicant") represented by Keith Latham, Vice President of
Development at Tenaska on December 10, 2020, including multiple revised
documents and the latest Project plans received on October 4, 2021. The
proposed Project will consist of lithium-ion energy batteries installed with racks,
inverters, switchgear, an enclosed transformer substation area 34.5KV to 115kV
main power transformer, a substation control enclosure, a 50-foot-tall static mast
for lightning, and a 40-foot-tall overhead tower, and other associated equipment to
directly interconnect into the Southern California Edison ("SCE") Highgrove
Substation located directly north of the Project site. The proposed interconnection
will exceed the maximum zoning height requirement; therefore, a Variance
application has been submitted. The BESS structures will have battery storage
racks separated with relay and communications systems for automated monitoring
and managing of the batteries to ensure design performance. Batteries operate
with direct current ("DC") electricity that must be converted to alternating current
("AC") for compatibility with the existing electric grid. Power inverters to convert
between AC and DC will be located outside the purpose-built containers, along
with transformers to step up the voltage. The proposed facility will provide a service
by receiving energy (charging) from the transmission system via the Highgrove
Substation, storing energy, and then later delivering energy (discharging) back to
the point of interconnection. The Project has identified numerous fire protection
and fire suppression measures. The Project improvements will include, but are not
limited to perimeter wall and fencing, perimeter landscaping, underground
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electrical cabling, concrete pad for the electrical equipment, and street
improvements. An initial study/mitigated negative declaration has been prepared
for this proposal. The application materials are approved as submitted and
conditioned herein and shall not be further altered except as modified by these
conditions of approval and mitigation measures, and unless reviewed and
approved by the affected departments.
2. The BESS facility will operate year-round and will be available to receive or deliver
energy 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The site will be remotely operated, and
periodic inspections and maintenance will be performed as necessary.
3. If not appealed, this approval shall become effective on the eleventh (11th) day
after the date of the Planning Commission's approval; or the next city business day
following such eleventh (11th) day when the eleventh (11th) day is not a city
business day. This approval shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of
adoption of this resolution unless building permits have been issued and a
substantial investment in reliance of those permits has occurred; all conditions of
approval have been met; or a time extension has been granted by the City, in
accordance with Chapter 18.83, Chapter 18.63, and Chapter 18.86 of the Zoning
Code. Time extensions shall be filed at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration
4. Minor modifications to this approval which are determined by the Planning and
Development Services Director to be in substantial conformance with the approved
site plan, and which do not intensify or change the use or require any deviations
from adopted standards, may be approved by the Planning and Development
Services Director upon submittal of an application and the required fee consistent
with the Grand Terrace Municipal Code.
5. Revisions or modifications requested by the Applicant, including but not limited to,
changes to the conditions, expansions, intensity, or hours of operation shall be
processed in the same manner as the original approval consistent with Municipal
Code Chapter 18.83 and Chapter 18.63.
6. The Applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Grand
Terrace and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim,
action, or proceeding against the City of Grand Terrace, its officers, employees,
or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval
of the City of Grand Terrace concerning this Project, including but not limited
to any approval or condition of approval of the Planning Commission, or
Planning and Development Services Director. The City shall promptly notify the
Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the Project and the
City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the
right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its
officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter.
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7. Upon approval of these conditions and prior to becoming final and binding, the
Applicant must sign and return an "Acceptance of Conditions" form. The form and
content shall be prepared by the Planning and Development Services Department.
8. If exhibits, and written conditions are inconsistent, the written conditions shall
9. Operational and construction activities associated with the Project shall comply
with the regulations of the City's Noise Ordinance, Chapter 8.108 of the Grand
Terrace Municipal Code.
10. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable law, including but not limited to all
Federal, State, County and Local laws, at all times.
11. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall provide a
final draft of the Emergency Operations Plan to be reviewed and approved by the
Planning and Development Services Division, San Bernardino County Fire, and
Colton Joint Unified School District (Grand Terrace High School). The Emergency
Operations Plan shall be consistent with the National Fire Protection Association
requirements and include a Fire Protection Plan and Fire Suppression Plan, as
identified in the letter of intent, including the following:
• Battery supplier selection and resulting detailed design in compliance with
California fire Code Section 1206 and National Fire Protection Association
("NFPA") Standard 855, for the Installation of Stationary Energy Storage
• UL Certification for the inverters
• Battery design, AC power, and collection system compliance with all
applicable National Electrical Code ("NED") and Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers ("IEEE") codes and standards.
• Battery cells/modules/ racks will be cooled with a circulating water/glycol
• The BESS will continuously monitor cell voltage and temperature and will
shut the system down for any abnormalities.
• Lithium-ion batteries will be UL 9540 A tested to demonstrate prevention of
fire propagation.
• Battery enclosure or facility will include off-gas detectors/infrared monitors
to provide early warning for thermal runaway scenarios.
• Battery enclosure designs will include deflagration vents and/or pressure
panels to relieve buildup of off gases and prevent explosions.
• Layout will be designed to comply with International Fire Code 2018, as
• First responder training will be developed in conjunction with the battery
original equipment manufacturer("OEM") and the engineering,
procurement, and construction ("EPC") contractor.
• Notification standard procedures.
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Emergency notification agencies list and phone numbers
12. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Colton Joint Unified
School District (Grand Terrace High School) shall be provided the opportunity to
review, comment on, and approve the Emergency Operations Plan ("EOP")
pursuant to Condition 11 to ensure immediate notification of Colton Joint Unified
School District personnel are provided in the event of an emergency situation that
could impact the Colton Joint Unified School District staff and its students.
Documentation shall be provided to the City prior to the Project being fully
energized that verifies Colton Joint Unified School District was provided an
opportunity to review and comment along with how potential comments were
addressed by the Applicant, Assignee, or a subsequent operator.
13. The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the City of Grand Terrace
Building and Safety Division, including the conditions of approval contained in the
Building Official's Memorandum dated October 20, 2021, attached hereto as
Exhibit 1.
14. The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the City of Grand Terrace
Public Works Director, including the conditions of approval contained in the
Director's Memorandum dated December 1, 2021, attached hereto as Exhibit 2.
15. The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the San Bernardino County
Fire Department, Office of the Fire Marshal Community Safety Division, including
the conditions of approval contained under Permit Number: FPLN-2020-00139,
dated March 01, 2021, attached hereto as Exhibit 3.
16. Prior to the issuance of a building permit by the Building and Safety Division, the
Applicant shall provide a will service letter and obtain all requisite permits and
clearances from Riverside Highland Water Company ("RHWCO"), including
addressing the RHWCO concerns regarding multiple wells located within the
general proximity of the Project.
17. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall comply with all the
requirements of the City of Colton Water and Wastewater Department, relating to
sewer service requirements.
18. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall obtain all clearances
from Burrtec for trash collection services.
19. The Applicant shall comply with all Mitigation Measures included on the Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program Checklist of the Initial Study dated October 21,
2021, attached hereto as Exhibit 4. This includes but is not limited to the following:
a. Biological Resources, BIO-1 & 2
b. Cultural Resources, CUL-1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
c. Geology and Soils, GEO-1, 2, 3, & 4
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20. The Applicant shall comply with all Mitigated Conditions include on the Q3,
Regional Drainage Evaluation, dated September 17, 2021. This includes but is not
limited to the following:
• Restrict the two outlets to maximize the existing detention basin storage
• Restrict the onsite culvert (36-inch CMP) and regrade the area around the
existing RC swale to promote and add more storage upstream of the
existing basins.
21. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit three (3) copies
of landscape and irrigation plan to the Planning and Development Services
Department for review and approval. The landscape and irrigation plans shall be
prepared in accordance with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance
(Chapter 15.56) Landscaping Standards contained in Chapter 18.60 of the Zoning
Code, in compliance with the most recent version of the State Model Ordinance.
The plans shall demonstrate the following:
a. The proposed landscape fronting the public streets (Taylor Street and Main
Street) shall be dense and include drought tolerant planting and ground
b. The proposed parkway trees shall comply with the streetscape identified on
the design guidelines provided by the city to match future development.
(Gateway Specific Plan).
c. The proposed tree palette shall be approved by the Planning and
Development Services Director.
d. Ensure that proposed plant material, at maturity, will maintain clear line
visibility at all intersections as determined by the City's Traffic Engineer.
e. Plant material adheres to spacing recommendations based on plant and
shrub species.
f. Include vines along the decorative block walls and wrought iron fencing and
provide proper irrigation. Vines planting material shall be a minimum 15-
g. The proposed landscape shall incorporate a drip irrigation system.
h. The landscaping plans shall include a legend: type of species, including
common and scientific name of the planting, size, landscape percentage.
i. All trees shall be a minimum size of 15-gallon, having a minimum height of
eight feet at the time of planting.
j. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 1-gallon size at the time of planting.
k. Ground cover shall be healthy, dense foliage, and well routed cuttings, or
one-gallon container plants.
I. The spacing of trees and shrubs shall be appropriate for the species used.
m. Twenty percent of planting material shall be pollinating plants.
n. Approval must be obtained for removal of all trees having a trunk diameter
of 10 inches or more measured 48 inches above existing grade.
PC Reso No. 2021-03 Page 13 of 16 December 2, 2021
o. The incorporation of mulch, decorative rock, shall be used in small
quantities as filler between plans, but shall not take be used in place of
planting material.
p. Submit an initial deposit of$2,000 deposit for landscape plan check review.
22. Construction activities, including traffic and material deliveries shall be prohibited
during the Grand Terrace High School peak hours, identified as 30 minutes prior
to start of school (7:20 a.m.) and 30-minutes after dismissal (2:25 p.m.) to avoid
traffic congestion. The Applicant or assignee shall provide a Project construction
delivery staging and operating schedule to the City for the purpose of avoiding
conflicts with Grand Terrace High School. The schedule shall be submitted for
review and approval by the Planning and Development Services Department.
23. Under no condition shall there be stockpiling of material prior to the issuance of
the first grading permit and related conditions of approval for the grading permit.
24. The Planning and Development Services Director shall periodically evaluate the
Project use to ensure it is operated in a manner consistent with the conditions of
approval, including the mitigation measures included in the initial study dated
October 11, 2021. If adverse impacts are identified, the Conditional Use Permit
shall be reviewed, pursuant to Section 18.83.032 (Revisions or modifications).
25. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall obtain a
City's Business License from the Finance Division and such license shall be
renewed annually for as long as the business remains in operation.
26. Proposed lighting shall not produce any glare onto adjoining properties and shall
be shielded as may be required. Lighting shall not exceed eighteen feet in height
from the finished grade and shall be designed to reflect away from residential
district and public roadways. A photometric plan shall be included in the
construction plans for review.
27. Prior to the construction of perimeter fencing on shared property lines, the
Applicant shall submit a Fence/Wall Agreement signed by the adjacent property
owners. As an alternative, the proposed wall and fences shall be constructed
inside the Project's property lines.
28. The Applicant shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System ("NPDES").
29. The Applicant shall include on the construction plans, the material for the proposed
interior access roads. The proposed access roads within the site shall meet the
requirements of San Bernardino County Fire and the City of Grand Terrace,
including road width, material, and compaction. Gravel shall not be used as an
acceptable access road material.
PC Reso No. 2021-03 Page 14 of 16 December 2, 2021
30. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall provide the
Planning and Development Services Division a copy of the legal easement access
documentation for the overhead interconnection with Southern California Edison.
31. Should the construction of a trash enclosure be needed in the future, a separate
administrative review and approval and building permit shall be obtained. The trash
enclosure shall be no less than six feet in height, constructed of decorative block
walls, with solid metal gates attached to posts, embedded in concrete.
32. The construction plan submittal shall include a detail of the interconnection
between the proposed BESS facility and SCE Highgrove Substation, a detail for
the detention basins, and a floor plan for the proposed substation control
33. Any future changes in on-site activities shall require submittal, review, and
approval of a modified conditional use permit.
34. Any future development on the site, including alterations, conversions, remodels,
and new structures shall require compliance with the Municipal Code.
35. All ground mounted equipment, including backflow devices and hydrants shall be
screened in a manner that does not impede traffic visibility.
36. The Applicant shall be responsible for regular and ongoing upkeep and
maintenance of the site.
37. All contractors shall acquire a valid City business license and be in compliance
with all City codes.
38. The Applicant shall obtain a sign approval by the Planning Division and a sign
building permit by the Building and Safety division prior to the installation of any
business signs.
39. The Applicant or assignee shall submit a lighting and security camera plan that
demonstrate onsite and offsite monitoring. The Security Plan shall be reviewed
and approved by the Planning and Development Director prior to the issuance of
a certificate of use and occupancy.
40. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Applicant shall prepare the
BESS decommissioning guidelines and requirement to be reviewed and approved
by the Planning and Development Services Division. The decommissioning
standards shall include requirements for collection and recycling of all equipment
in accordance with all applicable law, including but not limited to all applicable
Federal, State and City regulations, and it shall include timelines for complete
decommission and removal of equipment, and notification thereof to the City.
PC Reso No. 2021-03 Page 15 of 16 December 2, 2021
41. Should operational activities cease, the Applicant shall initiate decommission and
removal of all equipment within thirty days and the complete site restoration shall
be completed withing 120 days and decommission activities shall follow the
decommissioning guidelines.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Grand
Terrace, California, at a regular meeting and public hearing held on the 2"d day of
December 2021.
Debra L. Thomas Edward Giroux
City Clerk Planning Commission Chairman
PC Reso No. 2021-03 Page 16 of 16 December 2, 2021
° Building and Safety Conditions of Approval
Date: October 20, 2021
File No: CUP 20-03 — Condor Energy Storage, LLC ("Applicant")
Applicant: Condor Energy Group
Address of Applicant: 14302 FNB Pkwy, Omaha, NE 68154
Site Location: Corner of Main St. and Taylor St.
APN: 1167-151-77-0000
Subject: 200-Megawatt Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
Provide four (4) sets of construction plans and documentation for plan review of the
proposed project. Below you will find a list of the plans and documents Building and Safety
will need for plan review. The initial plan review will take approximately two weeks on most
Provide the following sets of plans and documents.
Buildin_g and Safety submittal required at first plan review.
(4) Architectural Plans
(2) Structural/Foundation Plans
(2) Structural Calculations
(4) Plot/Site Plans
(2) Electrical & Equipment Plans (for reference only if under CPUC jurisdiction)
(2) Demolition Plans
(2) Asbestos Reports
(2) Soils Reports
(4) Precise Grading Plans
(4) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
(4) Best Management Plan (BMP)
(4) Drainage Plans
(2) Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP)
Building and Safety Conditions of Approval
Building & Safety General Information
All structures shall be designed in accordance with the currently adopted building codes by
the State of California and City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code as adopted at time of plan
submittal. Note if a new code has been adopted prior to the submittal, then all structures
shall be designed to the current model code year.
The Developer/Owner is responsible for the coordination of the final occupancy. The
Developer/Owner shall obtain clearances from each department and division prior to
requesting a final building inspection from Building & Safety. Each agency shall sign the
bottom of the Job Card or Certificate of Occupancy Clearance Form.
Building & Safety inspection requests can be made twenty-four (24) hours in advance for
next day inspection. Please contact 909-825-3825. You may also request inspections at
the Building & Safety counter.
All construction sites must be protected by a security fence and screening. The fencing
and screening shall be maintained at all times to protect pedestrians.
Temporary toilet facilities shall be provided for construction workers. The toilet facilities
shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Construction toilet facilities of the non sewer
type shall conform to ANSI ZA.3.
Construction projects which require temporary electrical power shall obtain an Electrical
Permit from Building & Safety. No temporary electrical power will be granted to a project
unless one of the following items is in place and approved by Building & Safety and the
Planning Division.
(A) Installation of a construction trailer, or,
(B) Security fenced area where the electrical power will be located.
Installation of construction/sales trailers must be located on private property. No trailers
can be located in the public street right of way.
Separate plan submittals and permits are required for all accessory structures including but
not limited to patios, block walls, storage buildings, community playgrounds, etc.
Pursuant to the California Business and Professions Code Section 6735, most projects are
required to be designed by a California Licensed Architect or Engineer. The project owner
r-i T y
Building and Safety Conditions of Approval
or developer should review the section of the California Codes and comply with the
Building & Safety Conditions
1. A building permit shall be required for the placement of the proposed battery
energy storage systems. A separate permit shall be required for the perimeter
block wall and demolition of any existing buildings.
2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall obtain
clearances from all departments and external agencies involved in the review
of this project including San Bernardino County Fire, Public Works, Planning,
and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF) to access any railroad
3. Prior to issuance of building permits, site grading certification and pad
certifications shall be submitted to Building & Safety. Prior to concrete
placement, submit a certification for the finish floor elevation and setbacks of
the structures. The certification needs to reflect that the structure is in
conformance with the Precise Grading Plans. Compaction reports shall
accompany pad certifications. The certifications are required to be signed by
the engineer of record.
4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay all applicable
Development Improvement Fee's to the City; this also includes school fees,
Public Works fees, and outside agency fees including but not limited to Colton
Wastewater, Riverside-Highland Water Co. and utilities. Copies of receipts
shall be provided to Building & Safety prior to permit issuance.
5. All construction projects shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination Systems (NPDES), and the San Bernardino County MS-4 Storm
Water Permit.
6. Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant shall establish haul services
for construction waste material with Burrtec to facilitate the recycling of all
recoverable/recyclable material as required under the California Green Code
and City of Grand Terrace Municipal Code.
7. The applicant shall submit a completed Construction & Demolition (C&D)
Waste Diversion Program / Waste Management Plan (WMP) form along with
payment of the required C&D deposit.
t+Tr .
Building and Safety Conditions of Approval
8. All on site utilities shall be underground to the new proposed structure unless
prior approval has been obtained by the utility company of the City.
9. Prior to issuance of building permits, on site water service shall be installed
and approved by the responsible agency. On site fire hydrants shall be
approved by the Fire Department. No flammable materials will be allowed on
the site until the fire hydrants are established and approved.
10.Provide civil engineering drawings for dedication of 15 foot right of way and all
public right of way improvements including curb, gutter and half street width
improvements. Civil engineering drawings and dedications shall be submitted
to Public Works and be check by the City Engineer / Public Works Director
then recorded with the County Recorder's office before permits are issued.
11. Prior to issuance of any demolition permits, an asbestos abatement
certification shall be submitted to the Building Division along with proof of
notification of demolition to the South Coast Air Quality Management District
I Public Works Comments
Date: December 1, 2021
File No:
Applicant: CUP 20-03, Architectural Review 20-09, and Environmental 20-09
Applicant: Condor Energy Storage, LLC
Site Location: Near Corner of Main Street and Taylor Street
APN: 1167-151-77-0000
From the provided application,here are the comments for the proposed project. Should the proposed
use or scope change, a re-submittal will be required for review and applicable conditions of approval
will apply.
Thank you.
Below is a list of the plans and documents Public Works will need for plan review at the final
engineering stage.
Public Works submittal required at first plan review(Only if there are changes to existing)
• Street Improvement Plans for Main Street between Taylor Street to the westerly property line,
including the curb return at the intersection and any transitions.
• Street Improvement Plans for Taylor Street between Main Street to the northerly property line,
including the curb return at the intersection and any transitions.
• Water Utility Plans if new lateral or service required.
• Utility Plan Sheets
• Sewer Plan Sheets if new sewer lateral is required
• Water Quality Management Plan only if modifying 5000 sf area or more.
• Vehicle trip generation analysis showing exiting trips versus proposed trips
• Hydrology Study
• Geotechnical Study
Public Works General Information
All work performed in the public right of way shall comply with the San Bernardino County Public
Works Standards or standards approved by the Public Works Director or City Engineer.
car` .
Public Works Comments
Public Works inspection requests can be made forty-eight (48) hours in advance for next day
inspection. Please contact(909)825-3825. You may also request inspections at the Building&Safety
public counter.
All construction sites must be protected by a security fence and screening. The fencing and screening
shall always be maintained to protect pedestrians.
Public Works Comments
1. Prior to Permit,provide a revised site plan indicating the correct lay-out of the
project and site conditions.
2. Dedicate full right of way and construct half width roadway improvements for the
following streets below consisting of the following to the satisfaction of the City
Engineer in coordination with the master plan roadway design:
a. Taylor Street:
i. Demolish existing AC paving
ii. Construct 44' half width with 5"over 1' of Aggregate base,
confirmed with a geotechnical report provided to the City
iii. Construct 8"monolithic curb and gutter per County Standard
Number 115
iv. Construct 4"thick PCC sidewalk(3250 psi concrete)per County
Standard 109
v. Construct roadway drainage as required to pursuant to Hydrology
vi. Install LED street lights at a height of 24', and spaced every 200'
along property frontage
vii. Install parkway landscaping and street trees. Applicant to provide
landscaping and street tree plan for review and approval by City.
b. Main Street:
i. Construct 4"thick PCC sidewalk(3250 psi concrete)per County
Standard 109
ii. Construct roadway drainage as required to pursuant to hydrology
iii. Install LED street lights at a height of 24', and spaced every 200'
along property frontage
iv. Install parkway landscaping and street trees. Applicant to provide
landscaping and street tree plan for review and approval by City.
v. Grind 2"of Main Street,half width and overlay with asphalt
Public Works Comments
3. Provide water quality management plan (WQMP), including preliminary soils report
with percolation rate;hydrology and hydraulics; and required design elements.
4. Provide street improvement and lighting plans.
5. Provide storm drain or related improvement plans based on hydrology/hydraulics study.
6. Provide a precise grading plan for the facility including stormwater pollution prevention
plan(SWPPP)with best management practice(BMP).
7. Provide letter from engineer detailing the project trip generation.
8. Historical or existing storm water-flow from adjacent lots must be received and
directed by gravity to the street, a public drainage facility, or an approved drainage
9. Prior to the plan submission, a site and architectural review for any proposed use shall
be reviewed and approved by the City's Planning Commission.
10. Provide that all utilities shall be placed underground if not already provided as
required. All existing utilities on Taylor Street and Main Street shall be placed
underground along property frontages, and applicant shall coordinate with affected
utility companies.
11. Repair/replace any street improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalks, match up
paving and streetlights if not already provided as required above and as directed by
City Engineer. All paving fronting development shall be resurfaced or installed new up
to centerline of streets.
12. All plans shall be designed, and improvements constructed by person registered and
licensed to perform such work pursuant to the State of California Business and
Professions Code,which shall comply with the requirements of the Americans with
Disabilities Act. 1997 U.B.C. and the Grand Terrace Municipal Code.
13. Pay all required fees,obtain all permits, inspections and approval on all work to be
14. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay all Development
Improvement Fee's including Traffic Signal and Circulation to the City as established
by Ordinance 190 and pay school fees to Colton Joint Unified School District as
15. Encroachment permits are required before all work begins in the public right of way.
A street cut deposit will be collected for each street cut and held for two years. Streets
are newly paved and will require additional work to preserve their integrity such as"T"
cuts,grind and overlay and or slurry seal of the full width.
16. The Applicant shall submit proposed sewer plans to the City of Colton for plan review
if applicable. Applicant shall pay all plan review fees and permit fees for the sewer
review to the City of Colton and provide a written"Will Serve"letter and approved
sewer plans to the City of Grand Terrace before any permits are issued if applicable.
17. The applicant shall submit proposed water plans to the Riverside Highland Water
Company for plan review. Applicant shall pay all plan review fees and permit fees for
Public Works Comments
the water review to Riverside Highland Water Company. Please provide a written
"Will Serve" letter and approved plans to the City of Grand Terrace before any permits
are issued.
18. Monumentation: If any activity on this project will disturb any land survey
monuments,the disturbed monumentation shall be located and referenced by or under
the direction of a licensed land surveyor or a registered civil engineer authorized to
practice land surveying prior to commencement of any activity with the potential to
disturb the monumentation, and a corner record or record of survey of the references
shall be filled with the County.
19. All plan submittals to the City shall use the attached `Improvement Plan Checklist'
when preparing the improvement plans, including the Estimate of Quantities, as
detailed on Section D of the Improvement Plan Checklist.
1. Plan and profile cloth 24" x 36"
2. Drawings shall be in ink and all work must be clearly reproducible
3. Submit eight (8) sets of prints for F.A.S. Projects, and two (2) sets for all
other work.
4. Submit original for final approval
1. Shown on first sheet
2. Street names shown thereon
3. Flow diagram with drainage arrows
4. Show tie to nearest County Maintained Road System
5. Show location of drainage structures existing and proposed
6. Show "Q" for all drainage facilities on work sheet for County review
1. Use County Road Department Title Block
2. Show all sheet numbers
3. Tract Number, W.O. Number or File Number
4. Registered Engineer's signature and number
5. Date
1. Roadway excavation (clearing and grubbing) C.Y.
2. Ditch and channel excavation C.Y.
3. Base material TONS S.F.
4. Asphalt concrete (A,C.) TONS S.F.
5. Road mix surfacing TONS S.F.
6. Curb and gutter CU.YDS L.F.
7. Alley aprons CU.YDS S.F.
8. Sidewalks CU.YDS S.F.
9. Cross gutters CU.YDS S.F.
10. R.C.P. ("D" Strength) L.F.
11. C.M.P. (Gauge) L.F.
12. PCC or AC ditch lining TONS S.F.
13. Catch basins CU.YDS Ea.
14. Outlet structures CU.YDS Ea.
15. Street signs Ea.
16. Barricades Ea.---'-
(1) Con't:
17. Guard fence L.F.
18. Block wall L.F.
19. Chainlink fence L.F.
20. Headwalls Ea.
21. Removal items LUMP SUM
22. Maintaining traffic LUMP SUM
23. Finishing roadway LUMP SUM
24. Developing water LUMP SUM
25. Furnishing water LUMP SUM
26. Structural excavation C.Y.
27. Structural backfill C.Y.
28. Borrow material C.Y.
29. Miscellaneous structure LUMP SUM
1. North arrow (pointing up or to the right)
2. Stationing shall be from south to north or west to east
3. Centerline stationing shown on plan view
4. Stationing at all intersections with equations if applicable
5. Stationing of all BCR's and ECR's
6. Stationing of all BC's and EC's
7. Stationing of end of improvements
8. Stationing of end of curb and gutter
9. Scale (40 feet to inch)
10. Show names of all streets
11. Curb return data (delta, tangent, radius and length)
12. Show flow line at all BCR's and ECR's
13. Show flow line elevations on cross gutter at intersections
14. Centerline curve data
15. Lot lines and R/W lines
16. Lot numbers
17. Show connection to existing improvements with elevations and stationing
18. Stopping sight distance adequate for design speed. See design designation
19. Lengths and stationing of transitions or superelevations (if required); also
of transitional paved sections for drainage control. Show improvements to be
constructed with solid lines. Existing improvements shown with dashed lines
20. Limits of different type curb and gutter if applicable
21. Show details of all proposed streets if necessary
22. Show typical sections for all streets per County Standards
A. Dimensions of right-of-way pavement and parkway
B. Base material thickness
C. Asphalt concrete thickness or road mix surfacing thickness
D. Curb sections
E. Base material under curb sections if required
F. Slopes to adjacent property lines
G. Supplemental cross sections required for different design widths,
structural sections, half width streets etc.
R. Note if in Select System
(2) Con't:
E. PLAN VIEW (Con't)
23. Note size, length, and gauge of CMP
24. Note size, length and "D" strength of RCP
25. Show construction notes wherever necessary to clarify construction details
26. Show existing pipe lines, weir boxes, irrigation systems, power poles, traffic
control devices, etc. , in or adjacent to right-of-way and include note as to
their disposition
27. Refer to County Road Department Standard No. if applicable to structure or
28. Specifications note, if different from County Standard
29. Improved drainage easements shall provide either pipe or concrete lined ditch
sections. Lined ditches shall have the soil sterilized prior to placement of
30. Slope easements, delineated
31. All easements to show on plan view
32. Feather over a minimum of two feet when meeting existing pavement
33. Details of drainage facilities
34. Check bench mark location & elevation & survey control data
1. Scale (vertical) four (4) feet to the inch or eight (8) feet to the inch (on
prior approval)
2. Existing and future centerline
3. Existing ground at right-of-way line both right and left of centerline
4. Edge of existing pavement both right and left
5. Existing and future top of curb both right and left of centerline with BCR;
MOCR; ECR notations, and 1/4 points on curb returns
6. Show datum elevations on each end of sheet at the centerline ground line and
the right-of-way ground lines
7. If curbs are variable height, show with elevations and stationing at break
8. Label all grade lines and profiles; show percent of grade on each
9. Stationing and elevations at beginning and end of improvement
10. Stationing and elevations
11. Stationing and elevations at P.I.
12. Elevations every 25 feet on vertical curves
13. Elevations and stationing at all grade breaks
14. Elevations and stationing with equations if the street is curved
15. Extend profiles beyond end of improvement for 300 feet; if new road intersects
existing street show profile on existing street for 100 feet each way
16. At drainage easements show profile for grading and daylight to natural ground
17. Indicate lengths of curb returns
18. Stationing at bottom of profile sheet
19. Names and stationing at intersecting street points
20. Structures to scale, note critical flow line elevations (capacity of structure
in relation to "Q" shown on flow chart)
21. Use straight grades for cross gutters without flattening; grade of cross gutters
shall be in relation to street centerline grade
(3) Con't;
San Bernardino County Fire Department
Community Safety Division
FIRE Plan Review Comments
Date Reviewed: 03/01/2021
Reviewed By: Mike Havens
Project Type: Fire Planning/DRC
Permit Number: FPLN-2020-00139
Project Name: Condor Energy Storage Project
Project Description: The proposed project consists of a 200-megawatt battery energy storage
system (BESS)located on an approximately 10-acre parcel of land located at
21660 Main Street in Grand Terrace, CA. The proposed project will consist of
lithium-ion energy batteries installed in racks, inverters, switchgear, and other
associated equipment to directly interconnect into the Southern California
Edison (SCE) Highgrove Substation (point of interconnection)located
immediately adjacent to the northern property limits.
Location: 21750 MAIN ST
APN: 1167151770000
Dear Applicant,
San Bernardino County Fire Department has completed review of the proposed project. Please see the
FIRE COMMENTS attachment below.
Redline Plans can be downloaded from the San Bernardino County EZ Online Permitting (EZOP) system at
http://av-ezop.sbcountygov. Guidance on how to access and navigate the EZOP portal can be found at
If you have any questions please contact County Fire at (909) 386-8400.
The Office of the Fire Marshal
Community Safety Division
San Bernardino County Fire Department
v.19.02.0 Page 1 of 3
Review Date: 03/01/2021 oG
Permit Number: FPLN-2020-00139
Location: 21750 MAIN ST
APN: 1167151770000 FIRE
Haz-Mat Approval
The applicant shall contact the San Bernardino County Fire Department/Hazardous Materials Division(909)386-
8401 for review and approval of building plans, where the planned use of such buildings will or may use hazardous
materials or generate hazardous waste materials.
Water System
Prior to any land disturbance, the water systems shall be designed to meet the required fire flow for this
development and shall be approved by the Fire Department. The required fire flow shall be determined by using
California Fire Code. The Fire Flow for this project shall be:_1500_GPM for a_2_hour duration at 20 psi
residual operating pressure.
Water System Certification
The applicant shall provide the Fire Department with a letter from the serving water company, certifying that the
required water improvements have been made or that the existing fire hydrants and water system will meet distance
and fire flow requirements. Fire flow water supply shall be in place prior to placing combustible materials on the job
Commercial Addressing
Commercial and industrial developments of 100,000 sq. ft or less shall have the street address installed on the
building with numbers that are a minimum six(6)inches in height and with a three quarter(3/4)inch stroke. The
street address shall be visible from the street. During the hours of darkness, the numbers shall be electrically
illuminated (internal or external). Where the building is two hundred (200)feet or more from the roadway, additional
non-illuminated contrasting six(6)inch numbers shall be displayed at the property access entrances.
Key Box
An approved Fire Department key box is required. In commercial, industrial and multi-family complexes, all swing
gates shall have an approved fire department Knox Lock.
This standard shall apply to the design, construction and maintenance of all new fire apparatus access roads within
the jurisdiction, as well as fire apparatus access roads at existing facilities when applied at the discretion of the fire
code official.
This standard shall apply to all obstructions, access control devices, traffic calming devices, or other similar systems
within any roadways that serve as fire access in all new or existing residential, commercial, and industrial
development. This standard does not apply to obstructions within parking aisles that do not serve as fire apparatus
access roads.
This standard applies to the marking of all buildings with address numbers for identification.
v.19.02.0 Page 2 of 3
This standard establishes minimum requirements for installation and maintenance of all private fire hydrants and
appliances related to an onsite fire protection system.
Additional Requirements
In addition to the Fire requirements stated herein, other onsite and offsite improvements may be required which
cannot be determined from tentative plans at this time and would have to be reviewed after more complete
improvement plans and profiles have been submitted to this office.
1. One way Direction required to show the flow of access on site
2. Show on Plans the gate width per Standard A-3
3. Indicate the Turning Radius on the plans per Standard A-1
v.19.02.0 Page 3 of 3
I Debra L. Thomas, City Clerk of the CITY OF GRAND TERRACE, CALIFORNIA,
DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution, being PC Resolution No. 2021-03
was duly passed, approved and adopted by the Planning Commission/Site and
Architectural Review Board, approved and signed by the Chair, and attested by the City
Clerk, at the regular meeting of said Planning Commission/Site and Architectural
Review Board held on the 2"d day of December, and that the same was passed and
adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Commissioners Alaniz, McConnell, Cesena; Vice-Chair Briggs;
Chairman Giroux
NOES: None.
Executed this 3rd day of December 2021, at Grand Terrace, California.
ebra L. Thomas
City Clerk