04/12/2022 CITY OFORANDJERRACE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • APRIL. 12, 2022 Couhcil'Chambdrs Regular Meeting 6200 PM drand.Terrace Civic.Center'e 22795 Barton Road CALL-TO-ORDER Mayor. Darcy McNaboe convened,the Regular-Meeting of the City ty Council.for Tuesday, April 12, 2022-, at,6:0.0 p.m. INVOCATION' The Invocation was given by Pastor Patrick Bower of The Brook Church, PLEDGE. OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led. by Lieutenant -Bryan Lane of the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department. Attendee Name Title. Status Arrived Darcy McNaboe Mayor Present Bill Hussey Mayor Pro Tern -Present Sylvia Robles Council Member. Present Doug Wilson Council-Member Present Jeff Allen Council:Member Present KonradBolowich City Wriager = Present Adrian.G,uerra City Attorney ',.'Present Debra Thomas city Clerk Present- Terry Shea hea Interim Finance.Director .[ Preseni A.. REORDERING OF, ADDITIONS.TO, OR REMOVAL.VAL. OF ITEMS FROM THE AGENDA- None. B. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS NONE C. CONSENT CALENDAR Debra Thomas, City Clerk stated, for the record, that Agenda -Item.C.7 ,had b typo and that the Notice of Vacancy was,'du'e to the resignation of Planning, Commissioner. Jeffrey McConnell, not former Planning Commissioner Jeremy Briggs. City of Grand Terrace Page 1 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council April 12, 2022 RESULT: AP.PROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jeff Allen; Council Member SECONDER ''Bill Hussey,-Mayor;Pro Tem ' AYES:. -McNaboe., Hussey,.Robles', Wilson,Allen 1.- Approval of Minutes— Regular Meeting— 03/22/2022 . APPROVE rREGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR MARCH-22, 2022 2. December .2, 2021- & February. 3; 2022; -Pla.nni.ng Commission,- January, 1'3,. 2022 &, February 10, 2022, Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee and January 10, 2022, February. 7, 2022 & March 7, 2022, Historical & Cultural Activities Committee Meeting Minutes Update RECEIVE AND.FILE; 3. Measure, I Fund Annual Financial & Compliance Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2021' RECEIVE• AND FILE. THE AUDITOR'S' ANNUAL :FINANCIAL & .COMPLIANCE REPORT' AND.RELATED.-DOCUMENT FOR THE CITY'S MEASURE I FUND.. 4.. Auditor's Annual. Financial Report and -Related: Documents for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021 'RECEIVE •AND FILE THE AUDITOR'S. ANNUAL. FINANCIAL REPORT AND RELATED DOCUMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021.. 5. -Planning:Commission'Notice of.Vacancy Advertisement.Extension DIRECT THE 'CITY CLERK TO .ADVERTISE'. FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING. COMMISSION, ACCEPT APPLICATIONS., EXTEND-.APPOINTMENT OF VACANCY LEFT BY FORMER 'PLANNING COMMISSIONER J.EFFREY MCCONNELL AND SCHEDULE INTERVIEWS. 6. Housing.Element.Annual-Progress Report for the 2021 Calendar Year. ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY -COUNCIL OF GRAND .TERRACE,. CALIFORNIA,. RECEIVING AND ACCEPTING THE CITY .OF GRAND TERRACE GENERAL PLAN AND HOUSIN_G. ELEMENT ANNUAL. PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE 2021 CALENDAR YEAR D. PUBLIC COMMENT None'. E. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE City of Grand Terrace Page 2 Minutes— Grand Terrace City Council April 112, 2022 F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. Award and Approve.of an Agreement Between the City of Grand.terrace and Sweeping Corporation of America LLC for Street Sweeping.Services 'Konrad- Bolowich, City Manager -gave.the staff report and PowerPoint presentation for this item. ' 1. AWARD TO AND APPROVE THE -STREET -SWEEPING AGREEMENT WITH SWEEPING CORPORATION OF AMERICA, LLC, (SCA) FORA 'TERM OF 1 YEAR FOR ROUTINE STREET SWEEPING SERVICES AND, ON- CALUSPECIAL EVENT/EMERGENCY'STREET*SWEEPING CALLOUTS IN 'THE AMOUNTOF$54,405.00; AND 2. AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE' AGREEMENT WITH. SCA, SUBJECT TO THE,CITY AtTORNEY'S APPROVAL AS TO FORM.. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER:. -Jeff Allen, Council,Member .SECONDER: Sylvia Robles, Council-'Member AYES: McNaboe, Hussey, R(iblesi Wilson, Allen. G: - NEW BUSINESS. ,8. -Direct Staff to Continue to Engage, in -Cooperative Actions with. Neighboring Communities and Stakeholders and to Not Form an Ad Hoc.Committee-to Add'res8 Wild Burro Relocation Konrad Bolowidh, City, Manager gave the staff report and PowerPoint presentation for this.item. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT'STAFF CONTINUE THEIR EFFORTS-WORKING WITH OTHER COMMUNITIES 'IN MANAGING THE WILD BURRO INCURSIONS INTO THE CITY. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jeff Allen, Council Member - .SECONDER- Bill Hussey, Mayor,Pro Tern AYES: McNabbe, Hussey, Robles, Wilson, Allen :H. REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA,ITEMS BY CITY COUNCIL - NONE City of Grand Terrace Page 3 Minutes Grand Terrace City Council April 12, 2022 I. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council.Member Jeff-Allen Council Member Jeff Allen commented on committee meetings and events that he attended. 'Cli.ck here to.view the report... Council Member-Doug,Wilson Council Member Doug Wilson commented, on committee :meetings and' events that he attended. Click here.to view the report. , Council Member Sylvia Robles :Council Member.Sylvia Robles commented on committee meetings and events:that she attended. Click here to view the report: Mayor Pro Tem Bill Hussey Mayor. Pro Tem Bill Hussey commented on committee meetings and events that he attended. Click hereto view the report. Mayor Darcy McNaboe Mayor Darcy McNaboe Hussey-:commented on committee meetings and events that.she. attended..Click here to view the report, .J. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS Konrad Bolowich; City Manager had no communications however introduced:Lieutenant Bryan Lane of the. San. Bernardino.County Sheriff's-Department to give the City Council an update_on'the.recent law enforcement activities in the.City. OFFICER'S REPORT: Lieutenant Bryan Lane, of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department announced that the department- used some crime suppression -monies offered by the- San Bernardino County Board- of Supervisors to conduct enhanced or increased law, enforcement activities throughout the region. This , was the department's second operation on Friday; ' April. 8, 2022, between 9am-7pm targeting direct traffic enforcement in, the City as follows: • 5 Units Conducting Traffic: 0 89 Vehicle Code Citations Written 0 5 Misdemeanor-Vehicle Code Arrests Were Made .0 3 Warrant Arrests Were Made 0 47 Citations Issued for.Failing to Stop at Stop Signs 0 14 Citations Issued.for Speed o Wrote a few Equipment'Violations.and Some Cell Phone Violations City of Grand Terrace Page 4 Minutes Gland Terrace City Council April 12, 2022 Lt. Lane assigned. one (1) deputy .to- operate independently to try to get. a glimpse -at what one (1) full time traffic-officer could.-do in the City and he-conducted:a total of: • -Deputy made 33 stops: 0 17 Caes-for Speed: o ' Wrote.14 Violations o Wrote 7 Violations.for-Fail i ng to Stop at Stop Signs o Wrote a Couple of Equipment Violations K. CLOSED. SESSION -.NONE L.. ADJOURN Mayor McN.aboe adjourned. the Regular Meeting of-the City Council at 6:45 p.m. The Next Regular, Meeting of the City Council. will -be held on Tuesday, .April-26; 2022, at 6:00 p.m-. Da , Mayor Debra Thomas, City Clerk. 0ity of Grand Terrace Page 5